Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 29: Entrusting Wife and Sacrificing Son

"Wen He, please get up."

Dong Huang quickly helped Jia Xu up and continued to ask: "I want to recruit a strong army, but I have no money, no food, no high-quality soldiers, no equipment and horses, what should I do?"

The army was the foundation for Dong Huang's livelihood. He really wanted to train an army of hundreds of thousands and sweep across the world, but he was too poor to raise an army.

After all, Dong Huang's foundation is still too shallow. His current headquarters of 50,000 troops was established by relying on Dong Zhuo. Most of the people inside are not really loyal to him. In addition, Dong Huang himself has no The land, food and wages are used to raise troops, so naturally there is no way to recruit troops independently!

However, the problem that Dong Huang was worried about was only downplayed by Jia Xu: "Recently, rebel troops took advantage of the Lord's fighting outside, waiting for an opportunity to cause trouble, and dug up the tombs of emperors and dignitaries in Beimang Mountain, and the corpses of the emperors were exposed in the wild! Fortunately, My lord, return to your army and kill the rebels, so that the emperors can return to their graves and rest in peace!"

"Another rebel army joined forces with the Kwantung princes and fled to Henan Yin, Hedong County, Hongnong and other places near Luoyang. They slaughtered the people, robbed gold, silver, women, food and grass, and burned down the city. The lord was furious and led the army himself. He suppressed the rebellion, saved many women, and recruited homeless young men into the army, so that they could have enough to eat..."

Well, he is worthy of being a poisonous person who brings chaos to the country.

As soon as Jia Xu opened his mouth, he solved Dong Huang's most troublesome problems of money, food, grass and soldiers. The price was just that the tombs of the Eastern Han emperors and some emperors and dignitaries of the past dynasties were dug up, and the sacred places such as Henan Yin, Hedong County, Hongnong and other places were reduced to ruins, and dozens or even millions of people were killed and injured. Just a last name.

Moreover, because all of this was done under the guise of the rebel army and the Kwantung princes’ army, the impact on Dong Huang’s reputation could be minimized, and it could also beguile some ignorant people to be grateful to Dong Huang and hate the Kwantung princes, thereby gaining a group of Loyal and brave soldiers.

As for the fact that these counties were reduced to a wasteland and many innocent people were killed or injured, Jia Xu didn't care at all.

From Jia Xu's point of view, Dong Huang would leave Luoyang for Yizhou soon anyway. What kind of chaos in the Sili School and Wei Department and how many people died had anything to do with Dong Huang and him? Enhancing strength is the right thing to do!

People are just a resource! Although Jia Xu didn't know the word "human mine", he never regarded unrelated people as human beings!

That is to say, Dong Huangjun's food supply has not reached that level yet, otherwise Jia Xu might even be able to come up with the strategy of human rations.

However, although Jia Xu's strategy was rationally the most beneficial to Dong Huang, as a time traveler, Dong Huang could not accept this kind of indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

If Dong Huang went to massacre Fusang, or massacre everyone on the battlefield, or even stay in Beijing to watch, Dong Huang thought he could do it, but when it came to massacring defenseless old, weak, women and children, Dong Huang couldn't do it! Even if this world is just a mission world.

Although Dong Huang's bottom line is very flexible, it is much higher than that of Poison Master and most ancient people.

Dong Huang has secretly decided that the military operations in the sacred places such as You Fufeng, Zuo Fengyi, Jingzhao Yin, and Hongnong will only target the powerful families and those who are rich and unkind, and try not to affect ordinary people.

However, Dong Huang did not directly raise objections, but continued to listen carefully to Jia Xu's suggestions.

Just listen to Jia Xu continue to say: "As for the equipment issue, Nanyang has always been the smelting base of the Han Dynasty. It has iron ore and a large number of skilled blacksmiths who can make weapons and armor. My lord can plan to get it! If he goes to Yizhou in the future , you can also go with the craftsmen!”

"As for the war horses, the three rivers of Hedong, Henan and Hanoi are rich in knights of the Three Rivers. Moreover, Hanoi was originally a place for princes to station troops and a place for transit of grain and grass. If the Lord wants to eliminate the threat of Luoyang, Hanoi must be captured! In addition, Liangzhou itself It is rich in horses and cavalry, so when my lord goes to Yizhou, he can also recruit troops and buy horses along the way, and bury nails in the land of Yongliang!"

"As for how to capture Hanoi and Nanyang, we might as well start by defeating the jujube princes..."

Jia Xu Fu'er offered another plan for Dong Huang: "This plan may have a slight impact on the lord's reputation, but after it is completed..."

After hearing Jia Xu's plan, Dong Huang was stunned.

Jia Xu's few words not only provided a solution to Dong Huang's problem, but also provided Dong Huang's next tactical principles and strategic priorities. It can be called Jia Xu's version of Longzhong Pair.

If Jia Xu's plan goes smoothly, the princes of Guandong will no longer be a threat in a short time.

Dong Huang, who didn't care about the public opinion at all, almost completely copied Jia Xu's strategy.

As soon as Dong Zhuo moved the capital to Chang'an, Dong Huang appointed Hu Che'er as the commander-in-chief of Faqiu and the newly discovered Qin Yilu as the captain of Mojin. They were directly responsible to Jia Xu and carried the Luoyang shovel, the cave-finding artifact "invented" by Dong Huang. , went to Mang Mountain to loosen the soil.

At the same time, Dong Huang also ordered Dian Wei and Gao Shun to lead troops recognized by the war space such as Banner Guards Huben to disguise themselves as rebels and princes' armies and commit crimes in Hedong County, Hongnong County, Henan Yin County and other counties.

As soon as the first appointment came out, Hu Cheer was filled with joy. Hu Che'er was originally a Qiang barbarian, and he had no respect for the Han Emperor's mausoleum. Instead, he regarded it as a shortcut to promotion and wealth. After all, his immediate boss was Jia Xu!

Who doesn't know that Jia Xu is Dong Huang's number one adviser, and Dong Huang obeys his advice. If he serves Jia Xu well, he won't be promoted! As for getting rich, during the digging process, occasionally some gold, silver and jewelry were mixed in the soil and got into his crotch with the soil. This is not too much!

What's more, he himself has been promoted! Faqiu Zhonglangjiang is also Zhonglangjiang! How many lieutenant generals did Dong Huang have under his command?

Hu Cheer was satisfied.

But Hu Cheer's deputy general Qin Yilu had a sad face, tossed and turned, and couldn't sleep at night!

Qin Yilu also came from a wealthy family. He had read books for several years and knew some allusions. Naturally, he knew what it meant to dig a tomb, and he even knew what it meant to dig the tomb of the Han Emperor!

This will definitely be criticized by thousands of people and will be infamy for thousands of years!

If Dong Zhuo loses power, he might immediately be cut to pieces by the pro-Han forces, implicating the nine tribes!

He is afraid!

So, after tossing and turning, Qin Yilu took the gift and secretly went to find Jia Xu.

"Military Advisor, I want to follow the Major General to the front line to kill the enemy. I would like to ask the Military Advisor to give you a kind word!"

Qin Yilu respectfully presented the gift list.

Unexpectedly, Jia Xu didn't even look at him, just sipping tea and looking at him leisurely.

"military adviser……"

Qin Yilu was furious at Jia Xu.

Under Jia Xu's deep gaze, Qin Yilu felt like a little white rabbit being stared at by an evil dragon, naked and without any sense of security.

"You are from Bingzhou, right? My lord promoted you from the trapped camp? Since you are determined to go to the front line to kill the enemy, that's great! It just so happens that my lord is preparing for a war and is recruiting soldiers who will die first, so why don't you go and be the first to die? !”

Jia Xu said quietly.

"First...come first?"

Qin Yilu was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed.

"Army...strategist, I'm here...I'm here..."

Qin Yilu's tongue was tangled.

What is the difference between the so-called landing first and dying? He just cherishes his feathers and doesn't want to be criticized, but he doesn't want to die!

However, Jia Xu had no intention of talking nonsense with him and just brought the tea.

"Since you cherish your own feathers more than serving the Lord, then go to the front line and die for the Lord!"

Jia Xu served tea to the guests.


Qin Yilu knelt on the ground and begged with tears in his eyes: "It's the villain who has been deceived by lard. I am willing to work as a military advisor. Please spare my life, my lord!"

After saying that, Qin Yilu started kowtowing loudly.

He was really scared.

Qin Yilu in history was originally a cowardly cuckold, the kind of person who could serve as an official under Cao Cao even though Cao Cao took possession of his wife.

Being manipulated by Jia Xu, his cowardly and cowardly nature was immediately exposed.

Jia Xu just shook the teacup slightly and looked at him leisurely. It wasn't until he kowtowed more than a dozen times that he slowly said, "I heard that your wife Du Shi is very beautiful?"


Qin Yilu was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly felt a sense of relief and passionate excitement: "I am willing to dedicate Du family to the army!"

"I wonder if the military advisor is going to the villain's home, or if the villain will send Du to the military advisor's room?"

At the end, Qin Yilu added another sentence!

At this time, even Jia Xu, who had always been unfazed by the collapse of Mount Tai, couldn't help but look sideways.


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