Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 300 Qin Ce (asking for monthly votes)

What the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty didn't know was that in order to allow Dong Huang to travel safely, to further delay the Qin State, and to build Dong Huang's confidence in looking down on the world and get rid of the fear of historical figures and legendary figures, Jia Xu also He reluctantly exchanged one million eighth-level space soldiers and one million seventh-level space soldiers.

This is already the limit of the troops that Dayu can summon now. If there are more troops, there will not be enough food and grass supply.

The army can be sped up and quickly produced by spending money on military buildings. If you give enough money, one million eighth-level soldiers can be produced in a month, and they come with a full set of military equipment. However, you cannot buy food, you can only grow it yourself.

There are quite a lot of spiritual fields in Dayu, but if they are not brought out in the personal war space, then there will be no way to transport the output. If they are brought out, it will be very difficult to maintain the salaries of the generals and the natural army, but It is almost impossible to support space soldiers who are unable to break through and achieve self-upgrade.

Although Dong Huang has done something in Yingzhou, which greatly increased Dayu's output, it is not easy to transport the spiritual rice, spiritual food, spiritual materials, etc. produced in more than 3,000 cities to Jiuzhou. After it is naturally matured and harvested, it must undergo certain processing to ensure that it will not spoil for a long time, and then be escorted by Himihu.

Himiko is a clone of Amaterasu, and now he has become the captain of the transportation brigade.

But there is nothing that can be done. Without the blessing of the divine wind and other skills derived from Amaterasu, it would be difficult for the Dayu navy to cross the vast ocean full of unknown dangers and achieve cross-ocean transportation.

Even people like Zhu Huan and Zhu Ju who are good at cross-sea combat or have special abilities can't do it.

The ocean in the extraordinary world is really too dangerous.

Many giant and ferocious beasts such as whales and sharks can grow to the first and second levels of mythology based on their talent. There are many unknown ferocious beasts in the depths of the sea, which are too risky.

Under such circumstances, it is not an easy task to maintain food and fodder for the extra six million people. The seventh-level soldiers of Dong Huang's army not only need to be auxiliary soldiers, but also need to farm, and the navy army is even more important. Having to work part-time as a fisherman is a hardship for the aquatic people in the river.

All in all, the high-ranking seventh-level soldiers in the past have become slaves in this world.

In fact, when countries in this world count their armies, they do not count seventh-level soldiers, but only eighth-level and above soldiers. Seventh-level auxiliary soldiers are cannon fodder, and only eighth-level soldiers are considered real armies. Moreover, more than 70% of the main eighth-level soldiers of major countries have military formations, and the remaining 30% are in training.

For example, the king's soldiers and the main army of the Chu Kingdom all had military formations. This was also the fundamental reason why Dong Huang's army did not dare to leave the city even though there were about 200,000 eighth-level soldiers in the early stages of the Jiangdu Defense War.

Space soldiers cannot form military formations and cannot be defeated in frontal combat.

However, although the eighth-level soldiers in space cannot form a military formation, they can receive certain bonuses from the general's own domain. They are more powerful than the superiors and more than the inferiors. Their strength is definitely stronger than the county soldiers of the Chu State or the county soldiers of the Qin State. Absolutely He is an excellent candidate for senior cannon fodder and local garrison troops.

And with sufficient numbers and high morale, relying on the right time and place, the eighth-level soldiers can still fight against ordinary military formations.

For example, Dayu's navy was invincible in the Jianghuai waters;

Another example is the Zhuge Company Crossbowmen who have reached the eighth level under the training of Zhuge Liang. These eighth-level Zhuge Company Crossbowmen also performed very well in the battle to defend Jiangdu. The only problem is that the cost is too high. With the current treasury of Dayu, they dare not let them go to war. You know, each of their crossbows costs money!

All in all, after Jia Xu made another wild move, the number of eighth-level system soldiers and natural soldiers on the Western Front of Yu Yu totaled 2 million. Putting aside the naval army and the soldiers and horses used to frighten the southern barbarians, it was possible to use There are one million troops fighting against Qin.

These armies, with General Gao Shun as the frontline commander, Zhuge Liang as the western front commander, and Zhou Tai as the navy commander, worked closely together and caught Qin off guard.

The defenders of Qin were actually mentally prepared for Dayu's possible attack on Qin's water stronghold. But everyone in the Qin State felt that if the Yu army wanted to attack, they would have to wait until the outcome was decided with the Chu State, right? Besides, Qin’s navy now consists of dilapidated warships, many of which are items from the Bai Qi era. The new ships are still in the stage of drying wood!

If you attack our water stronghold in Da Qin at this time, apart from making us more vigilant, does it have any other purpose?

Is it possible to use this to whitewash military exploits?

Great Qin Junchen really guessed it right.

The Yu army's attack on Qin's water stronghold was done by the emperor and his ministers to prove that their emperor's decision was wise.

To put it bluntly, this is a war.

It was to let Dong Huang see the mobility and combat effectiveness of Dayu's army, so that Dong Huang could build up sufficient confidence.

Of course Da Qin Chaotang would not know about the affairs of Da Yu Chaotang, nor would they guess it.

Because the power structure of the Yu court was different from any other dynasty known to Da Qin.

The Emperor of Dayu was a mascot with absolute power, and if he looked at it from the perspective of people of this era, all of his subordinates would look like rebellious ministers who wanted to undermine the monarch.

The king of a country does not know how many soldiers the country has, where the war is fought, or even what his ministers and generals are doing. This is something that the entire Qin Dynasty cannot imagine.

Dayu's performance gave the Qin State the feeling that a time traveler became emperor, only to find that the civil and military officials were actually Sima Yi, Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, Yu Wenhuaji, Zhao Gao, Liang Ji, Zhao Kuangyin...

The monarchs and ministers of Great Qin could not understand the internal logic of the actions of the monarchs and ministers of Dayu, and they were also blocked by space from the awareness of war agents summoning troops through military structures. This led to Great Qin's misjudgment.

However, this error in judgment is understandable, because before Dong Huang proposed to assassinate Qin and Jia Xu was keenly aware of Dong Huang's lack of confidence, Jia Xu had no intention of confronting Da Qin now.

Jia Xu originally wanted to focus on destroying Chu State first.

Jia Xu spent a huge amount of money this time, even at the expense of affecting the construction and development of more than 3,000 cities in Dayu, and summoned so many troops that could not keep up with the version, just to establish Dong Huang's defense against the Qin Dynasty and against the First Emperor. Just confidence.

In Jia Xu's view, this was much more important than destroying Chu.

The pragmatic monarchs and ministers of Great Qin would not have thought that Dayu's reason for launching the war was so irrational, nor would they have thought that the emperor was kept in the dark about the mobilization of millions of troops.

When Jia Xu decided to summon another million troops and asked Zhuge Liang, Gao Shun, Zhou Tai, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao and others to complete the mission at all costs, even if they had to kill all one million space soldiers, Dong Huang was following the surprise. Salamanders are communicating intimately.

There is a saying, the giant salamander is indeed a giant salamander, and everyone understands it.

In fact, in this contest between Da Qin and Da Yu, one of the monarchs on both sides ignored political affairs, and the other ignored political affairs. All major national affairs were left to the prime minister. This battle was actually a battle between the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty Lu Buwei and the Prime Minister of Yu Dynasty Jia Wenhe.

The difference is that Jia Wenhe can mobilize all the power of Dayu to the maximum extent, but Lu Buwei is subject to various constraints.

Jia Wenhe wants to recruit troops. Emperor Dayu only talks about such things. Why do you ask me? The emperor and ministers of Dayu would only say, "Conquer more, we will fight;"

If Lu Buwei wants to recruit troops, the Chu clan will ask, do you want to rebel? The noble will say, your intentions are not pure! There is also a Queen Mother there who doesn’t know why. In short, it’s very difficult.

Back to business.

Although they could not understand the logic of the Dayu Empire's behavior, the monarchs and ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty could still tell at a glance that Qianzhong County was definitely undefeated.

Without sufficient naval cover, Da Qin's main force would not be able to enter Qianzhong County, which is isolated to the east of the Sichuan Basin and south of the Dajiang River by Wu Mountain, Xuefeng Mountain, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and Dajiang.

(Location map of Qianzhong County, roughly equivalent to today’s Xiangxi area)

When Sima Cuo captured Qianzhong County, he led the main force of the Qin army from Guanzhong into Bashu, and then took a boat down the river from Ba (Jiangzhou), and then captured Qianzhong County.

After capturing Qianzhong County, the Qin State occupied the strategic location on the upper reaches of the river and formed a strategic encirclement of Yingdu (Jiangling) from three directions: north, south, and west. This was the Battle of Yanying where Bai Qi attacked Chu.

"Gentlemen, from a purely military perspective, what do you think the Yu people want to do?"

In the court, Lu Buwei, the leader of the Great Qin Dynasty, frowned: "Fighting on both sides, where did Yu State get so many soldiers? Can they afford the rations and equipment? The barren land in the south does not have so much rations, right? They Where did the warship come from?"

Lu Buwei is a businessman and is very sensitive to logistical figures.

Dayu's explosion made him feel extremely abnormal.

For a moment, the court was silent.

The Chu family and the noble family remained silent, waiting to see Lu Buwei's joke.

The prime minister is not that easy to be. When the king is young, although the prime minister theoretically holds great power, if anything goes wrong, the responsibility will be placed on the prime minister.

This time Jinyang rebelled, Yingdu was besieged, and the situation in Qianzhong County was unknown and news was cut off. Whenever there was a problem on either side, Lu Buwei had to take the blame.

Lu Buwei obviously also knew that these people were definitely waiting to see his joke, so he asked to tell the story from a military perspective, thereby silencing these people.

Before, Lu Buwei gave Meng Ao the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, but now he also needs his approval to send troops, so the military meritorious factions must reciprocate the favor.

As expected, Meng Ao, the number one military officer in the Qin Dynasty at this time, took the initiative to speak: "Xiangguo, Yingdu is surrounded by water on three sides and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city is also well-equipped with soldiers and food. It is absolutely impossible for the Yu people to capture it easily. However, now, The Yu people have the advantage of a naval force, but they have to guard against the Yu army building embankments and attacking with water after they besiege the city."

"Ying cannot be lost."

Lu Buwei looked at the map sharply.

What Lu Buwei calculated was not military accounts, but honest accounts.

Ying was the greatest achievement of the war against Chu, and it was also the first capital of the Six Kingdoms captured by Qin. It was also the most important strategic fulcrum of Qin in the middle reaches of the river, and it absolutely could not be lost.

"Then we can only send reinforcements to fight the Yu army in Nanjun. However, there are not many troops in Ba and Shu, so we can only mobilize them from Guanzhong. When the time comes, we will fight on two fronts. In case the princes of Guandong..."

Meng Ao expressed his concerns.

In fact, rather than worrying about the princes of Guandong, it is better to say that he is worried about Lord Xinling.

The previous defeat had left a deep impression on him, Lord Xinling, and of course South Korea's Ji Wuye had also left a deep impression on him.

"Han and Wei are nothing to worry about."

Lu Buwei said confidently.

He already had a strategy to deal with Han and Wei.

He decided to unite Han, Wei and even Qi to send troops to carve up Chu State, and then secretly told Chu State the information that the coalition forces of several countries were going to attack Chu State, so that Chu State and these countries could fight dogs. He then sent a large army into Nanjun to fight back After Dayu, the main force also joined the team to attack Chu.

He even planned to secretly make peace with Dayu and agreed to attack Chu together.

Lu Buwei is a qualified businessman and politician. He will not conclude that Yu State is an unrelenting enemy just because Yu State attacked Qin Dynasty. He only has interests in his eyes.

With enough interests, enemies can also cooperate.

In other words, as long as there are enough interests, the enemy is also a friend; if it hinders one's own interests, the friend is also an enemy!

If you can take this opportunity to destroy Chu State and carve up a large area of ​​Chu State's territory, you will make a profit.

Compared with the sacred land of Jiangbei, Lu Buwei really didn't think much of Jiangnan in this era. If the Qianzhong County was lost, just lose it. The worst he could do was to encourage the barbarians and let them and Dayu consume it.

At this stage, the battle in the Central Plains is the top priority. It is not too late for the Yu State in the south to make plans after Zhao, Wei and Han are destroyed.

Of course, he would not tell the real strategy in court, because he could not trust the Chu clan and traditional nobles.

Some people will do anything for power.

Seeing that Lu Buwei didn't say much, Meng Ao didn't ask too much. He just pointed at the map and emphasized: "I think that the Yu people might want to attack the east and west. While the main force of our army was at a loss, they took advantage of the navy to quickly maneuver to the enemy. here."

Meng Ao pointed at the map.


Lu Buwei suddenly understood.

Xiling is the Yiling of later generations.

Capturing this place will cut off the connection between Qin's Nanjun, Wujun, and Bashu. With Dayu's powerful navy, it will be enough to block Qin's road out of Bashu.

Dayu's army was even able to penetrate deep into Wu County and threaten Ba and Shu.

"We still have to organize and train the navy."

Lu Buwei sighed leisurely.

“Berkshire must be allowed to increase its shipbuilding efforts.”

Lu Buwei arranged.

"In this case, Nanjun still has to fight. I wonder which general is willing to go?"

Lu Buwei asked proactively.

Meng Ao was regarded as the top general of the Qin State at this time, but he had been sent to Jinyang before. He could not change generals before going to Nanjun. What's more, compared to the south, the hometown of Zhao State in the north was the top priority.

"The general will go where he wishes!"

The people of Qin were delighted when they heard about the battle, and a large group of generals immediately stood up.

Among the generals, Lu Buwei set his sights on a veteran.

Wang Hao.

Wang Lu experienced three generations of Qin kings and was a veteran general of the Qin State. In the Battle of Changping, Bai Qi was the general, and Wang Lu was an important general in the army. He also led the army independently and performed well. At the beginning of this year, he also captured the cities of Shangdang.

With such a veteran here, Lu Buwei is relatively reassured.

However, in line with the principle of showing leniency to the enemy and the need to carve up Chu State in the next step, Lu Buwei had to give Wang Lu a reliable lieutenant.

"It's a pity that Sima Jin is also dead."

Lu Buwei sighed in his heart.

Sima Jin was the grandson of the famous general Sima Cuo and Bai Qi's real lieutenant. He was sentenced to death in Duyou together with Bai Qi. If he is not dead, he has the experience of following Bai Qi and is familiar with the hydrology and geography of Bashu. He is the best candidate for this time's deputy general and even chief general.

but now……

The Qin State has no shortage of generals who can command hundreds of thousands of troops, but there is still a shortage of generals who can command hundreds of thousands of troops at this stage.

Lu Buwei thought for a moment and assigned two assistants to Wang Lu, one was General Hegong and the other was Meng Ao's son Meng Wu.

Among them, Duke Heng, who had experience in the Battle of Changping, directly served as Wang Lu's deputy general. He followed Meng Ao and Meng Wuze, who had also experienced many years of war, and entered Ba and Shu. He commanded the reinforcements of Ba and Shu to advance by land and water, enter Wujun, and support Yiling.

The general combat strategy was thus decided.

The generals didn't have many opinions.

The Queen Mother Zhao Ji, who was the mascot, and the First Emperor, who was in the active learning stage, had no objections, so Lu Buwei decided to break up the meeting.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the leader of the Chu clan, Chang Wenjun, suddenly spoke: "Prime Minister, I don't know how to rescue Qianzhong County?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the generals changed.

Queen Mother Zhao Ji, who had not spoken much before, glanced at the Chu man with dissatisfaction and couldn't help but said: "The army has gone, so Qianzhong County will naturally be rescued. There is no need for Lord Changwen to say anything."

(Zhao Ji)

At this moment, Lu Buwei, who had remained calm in response to Lord Changping's attack, felt overwhelmed.

Stupid woman, if you don’t speak, no one will think you are mute!

Lu Buwei had always mentioned Nanjun before, and rescue also meant rescuing Nanjun. The generals only mentioned Nanjun because everyone knew that with Qin’s current navy, it was impossible to defeat Yu’s navy. It was impossible to defeat Yu’s navy. It is impossible to talk about rescuing Qianzhong County.

Therefore, Lu Buwei and the military generals actually acquiesced in the loss of Qianzhong County.

Chang Wenjun obviously discovered this keenly, and only then took action at the last moment.

Lu Buwei had actually expected that Lord Chang Wen would launch an attack at this time, and had already made plans.

The reason why he arranged for Meng Wu to go to Ba was to prevent this, because in history, Sima mistakenly went to Qianzhong County and launched a surprise attack by boat from Ba. If Chang Wenjun dared to go too far and forced Meng Wu to regain Qianzhong County, he would actually be letting Meng Wu go. Roasted on the fire, Meng Wu was the only son of Meng Ao, the number one man in the army. If Meng Wu was forced to attack Qianzhong County, no matter whether he won or not, the military meritorious faction would hate Lord Changwen and become mortal enemies with the Chu clan.

Zhao Ji's sudden words at that time destroyed half of Lu Buwei's trap and even offended Wang Lu and others.

Because Zhao Ji meant that the army was going to rescue Qianzhong County, which meant that Wang Lu and others not only had to fight Dayu in Nanjun, but also went south across the river to rescue Qianzhong County, in order to complete the strategy Target.

Isn’t this a lie?

Even if Lu Buwei had no intention of defeating Chu with Yu, it would be impossible for the army to go to Qianzhong County without a superior naval force.

Chang Wenjun was also happy after hearing Zhao Ji's words, and immediately wanted to take advantage of the victory, but was pulled by Changping Jun's sleeve.

Changping Jun is the son of Chu State, the current king of Chu State, the son of King Chu Kaolie.

King Kaolie of Chu went to Qin as a hostage in the 27th year of King Qingxiang of Chu, and gave birth to Lord Changping in Qin the next year. Eleven years later, King Kaolie of Chu fled back to Chu with the help of Lord Chunshen to inherit the throne, but he failed Take away Chang Pingjun.

To a certain extent, Changping Jun's situation is similar to that of Ying Zheng. Both were born in an enemy country when his father was a hostage, and his father did not take him with him when he fled. However, Ying Zheng eventually returned to Qin and inherited the throne. , but Lord Changping failed to return to Chu State, and instead became an official in Qin State.

Because Mrs. Huayang was from Chu, the two Chu nobles, Changping Jun and Changwen Jun, were very favored and had a very high status. Especially as the prince of Chu State, and being watched by Mrs. Huayang when he was growing up, Lord Changping was no worse in style than the princes of Qin State.

(Mrs. Huayang)

Chang Wenjun knew that Mr. Chu always made plans before making any moves, so he stopped talking.

Lord Changping, who was aware of Lu Buwei's trap, did not follow Lu Buwei's train of thought. Instead, he bowed respectfully to the King of Qin, Queen Mother Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei, and then said impassionedly to Lu Buwei: "I have been in the Qin Dynasty for decades. The land has never been occupied by an enemy country. Now the bones of the late king are still cold. The king has just succeeded. The barbarians of the Yu Kingdom have ignored etiquette and launched a sneak attack on the occasion of the mourning of our country, the Qin Dynasty. This is simply too much bullying. This is intolerable! Please ask the Prime Minister to take charge of state affairs. For the most important thing, avenge this great vengeance for our great Qin!"

Lord Changping didn't talk about military affairs or Qianzhong County, he just talked about the death of his ministers in humiliation.

Ritual does not defeat mourning.

According to ancient rituals, you should not take advantage of the death of a country to use troops. Dayu's behavior is obviously a great disrespect to the ancestors of Qin, a contempt for the new King Qin, and an insult to the entire Qin State. Therefore, as the prime minister, you, Lu Buwei, have to do this. Should the country do something?

A big hat of integrity crashed onto Lu Buwei's head.

Lu Buwei's eyelids twitched, he looked at this young man in his mid-twenties calmly, and finally couldn't help but want to speak.

However, as soon as his words came to his lips, Zhao Ji rushed to answer again.

As a widow, Zhao Ji felt that she should maintain the dignity of her deceased husband, so she said angrily: "It is indeed unbearable. Prime Minister and generals, you must avenge this great revenge for the Qin Dynasty!"

Lu Buwei felt an arrow hit his chest.

But at this time, he could only make an impassioned oath like everyone else: "I will avenge this great revenge for the Qin Dynasty!"

Damn right!

Stupid old woman!

Only today did Lu Buwei understand that his real enemy in controlling the court was not the Chu family and the traditional nobles, but this stupid woman.

With this incident, Lu Buwei must win a beautiful victory, and even have to think of a way in Qianzhong County.

[It seems that we must speed up the contact with Yu, Han, Wei, and Qi to attack Chu. It is best to include all the territory of Chu south of South Korea into the scope of Da Qin. In this way, we can surround Korea on three sides and then destroy Korea. 】

[The State of Yu can negotiate a business deal with them and use the State of Chu as a reward in exchange for the nominal return of Qianzhong County. The Chu people are not so easy to deal with. It is best to let both the State of Yu and the State of Chu suffer! 】

[However, everything is based on the premise that Nanjun can fight a good battle. 】

[Then there’s Zhao Ji, how can we stop her mouth? I have to find something for her to do, and let her have a good fight with Mrs. Huayang! 】

[Finally, there is the information about Dayu Chaotang. There has been no news from Jing Salamander for a long time. Is it a failure? I heard that the Prime Minister of the Yu State is respected, it seems that we have to start with the Prime Minister of the Yu State... What kind of beauties are there in the net... I really want to have a beautiful dancer with the code name Dance, let her lurk in the big Come to Prime Minister Yu’s side...]

(Li Wu)

In the blink of an eye, Lu Buwei had come up with multiple action plans.

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