Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 315 As steady as an old dog

"General, please make a decision quickly!"

Zhang Yi, Liu Yin, Du Feng and other generals all looked at Wang Ping.

They had received news that the Qin army had made a surprise attack on Langzhong and captured Danqu.

That's it for Langzhong. Danqu was the retreat route for the army. The retreat was cut off. This made the Yu army's army confused. Bawang Du Feng even had the idea of ​​​​surrender.

Wang Ping closed his eyes, tapping the hilt of the King's Sword with his hand, and said nothing.

Wang Ping was one of the first generals to possess one hundred and eight swords of kings. Even after coming to this world and upgrading weapons, he did not change the appearance of the sword of kings, because it represented status, qualifications and honor. .

After a long time, Wang Ping suddenly opened his eyes and said, "This is an opportunity to defeat the enemy!"


Everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Wang Ping in disbelief: We have no way out, you still want to defeat the enemy? Do you know how many days our military rations can last?

Wang Ping did not show off, and explained directly: "Wang Jian unexpectedly invaded Brazil. The Qin generals opposite us definitely know about it. I'm afraid they are also waiting for Wang Jian's troops to come!"

"General, what do you mean, pretend that we are attacked from behind by Wang Jian's troops, lure the Qin army on the opposite side to attack, and then ambush them?"

Zhang Yi immediately understood what Wang Ping was thinking.

All I can say is that this idea is bold, but extremely feasible.

"We only have one day at most."

Zhang Yi estimated the time, and it was obvious that he was not optimistic about Jufu.

Who wouldn't be afraid of the shadow of a famous tree, a famous general like Wang Jian who suppressed an era?

"We will take action this evening. Regardless of success or failure, we will all evacuate at dawn tomorrow."

Wang Ping said decisively.

In the evening of the same day, loud shouts of killing rang out from the rear camp of the Yu army, and fire appeared. The front camp of Dayu also showed obvious wavering.

Qin Jun was very excited when he got the news.

[My brother must have come to kill me! 】

Wang Heng was overjoyed.

He has been trapped here for too long, and the long days of fighting have almost broken him. Yu Jun's mountain combat is really disgusting and cannot be said to be very strong, but in a one-on-one battle in the mountains, his elite are no match for Yu Jun's elite.

[Making great achievements is now! 】

Wang Heng immediately ordered the army to attack.

To be cautious, Wang Heng ordered the Ba people to conduct a test first. As a result, the Ba people easily captured two of the Yu army's camps, and only encountered stubborn resistance at the third one.

When Wang Heng saw this, he immediately no longer had any doubts and ordered the main force to press forward. He wanted to attack from both sides with Wang Jian and defeat the Yu army as soon as possible.

However, this order plunged the Qin army into dire straits.

After seeing the main force of the Qin army in action, Wang Ping no longer hesitated and moved out of the ambush.

There are no Qin Rui soldiers under Wang Heng's command, but only 20,000 normal military elites from the Qin State.

In terms of level, these elites have no superiority over Wang Ping's elite Wudang Flying Army, but they are just about the same strength.

The advantage of the Qin Army is that the legions' military formations are very mature and skilled. With the bonus of the military formations, the basic combat effectiveness can basically be doubled; the advantage of the Yu Army is that it is very good at mountain combat, and the flying army can walk as fast as flying in the mountains as if it were on the plains. , and everyone is brave and not afraid of death. Wang Ping has basically figured out a set of military formation tactics suitable for Wudang Feijun, but it is not mature enough.

In this case, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides was actually not that big. However, the Qin army was ambushed by the Yu army from a high position, and the generals of the Yu army generally had acceleration and slowing spells, the main one being disgusting.

Facing the Yu army's attack, the Qin army initially wanted to use a large shield to form a tortoise shell for defense, but there was no military formation that could not be solved by falling rocks. If there was, it was because the falling rocks were not big enough.

Wang Ping's troops first used various falling rocks to divide and destroy the Qin army's military formation that was originally divided by the terrain, and then rained down arrows, forming a cross-coverage of firepower. At the same time, many flags and torches were lit up on the mountain, and many Yu troops They began to shout: "Wang Jian is dead, you have fallen into a trap!"

Strategies to attack the heart have always been tried and true.

Ordinary soldiers didn't know Wang Jian's plan, but Wang Heng did.

In this situation, Wang Heng found it difficult not to feel conflicted.

As for the soldiers, the current situation has frightened them.

When an army is surrounded by a surprise attack, they often fall into fear and chaos. What's more, it's almost night, and there are torches all over the mountains and fields. They don't know how many people are coming. They only know that various flying stones and arrows are flying from time to time. Come; from time to time, comrades around me fall down.

Everyone is worried that they will be the next to die.

The Qin army was greatly weakened and was on the verge of collapse.

"Breakout to the north!"

Wang Heng, who was in a state of chaos, instinctively issued the order to break out.

At this moment, Qin's military formation collapsed without attack.

However, Wang Heng was not too stupid and asked his subordinates to shout: "Don't surrender, the Yu army will kill the prisoners!"

In this way, the ferocity of the old Qin people was stimulated to a certain extent, but it was only the ferocity that should not be curbed after returning to the master.

But no matter how fierce they are, it can't change the fact that they are a group of deserters.

In this battle, the Ba people under Wang Heng were basically killed and scattered. Wang Heng's soldiers were killed in the battle and more than 10,000 people were captured. Wang Heng retreated to the rear camp to stop the decline. The Qin army counted its losses, and including the 5,000 people in the rear camp and the Ba people, they only gathered a total of more than 12,000 people.

You know, before Wang Heng's troops were Ba people with 20,000 Qin troops and 20,000 Qin army equipment!

However, after this defeat, Wang Heng, who had a good family background, basically recovered at this time and realized that the Yu people might be lying to him, because judging from the combat effectiveness of the Yu army, his army was not at all May be Wang Jian's elite opponent.

Moreover, Wang Jian has always been the most outstanding disciple of the Wang family, and has participated in many wars. He is not a person who talks about war on paper.

Wang Heng has great confidence in this clan brother, of course, he can only have confidence.

If he just withdraws like this, if Wang Jian was not defeated before, but his defeat led to the failure of the grand strategy, he would also be dead after returning.

Wang Heng had no choice.

Wang Ping's troops attacked Wang Heng's rear camp for a while. Seeing that Wang Heng's troops were really well defended, they ordered their troops to withdraw.

"General, I see that the enemy is wavering. If they persist for a while, they will capture it! I am willing to lead my troops as the vanguard."

Bawang Du Feng, who was convinced by Wang Ping, couldn't help but persuade him.

"I'm worried about the Qin army under Wang Jian's command."

Wang Ping sighed.

There is one thing he did not say: You are a bunch of trash, what use are you except wasting food?

After these battles, Wang Ping found that facing the Qin army, he only had more than 10,000 unworthy flying troops under his command to fight. The indigenous soldiers of these worlds, especially Du Feng's army, were completely untrained. He got up and faced the Qin army. Not to mention that he was defeated at the first touch, but basically he was delivering food, but he ate more!

They are simply a bunch of idiots.

Before, the Yu army did not expect that the Qin army could make a surprise attack all the way from Baishui to Danqu, but in this way, Wang Ping's retreat was indeed cut off, and more importantly, the road to supply food and grass was also cut off.

The more than 40,000 men under Wang Ping's command can now survive for about ten days. If Wang Jian's command cannot be defeated within ten days, his army will collapse first.

"Maybe we can use today's plan to ambush Wang Jian again?"

Liu Yin suggested: "If we ambush Wang Jian again, I'm afraid Wang Heng's troops on the opposite side will not dare to send troops."

"Before in Haojing, I heard His Majesty comment that Wang Jian's use of troops is as stable as an old dog. Wang Jian has always been safe in his use of troops. This surprise attack was a last resort, but now he has taken the strategic initiative. You Do you think that after defeating Jufu, he will come directly to fight us and attack our fortress, or will he camp at the intersection of Daxing Road and trap us directly?"

Wang Ping asked rhetorically.


Liu Yin fell silent.

"I even suspect that Wang Jian will take the time to dig down the canal and obtain a large amount of supplies before besieging us."

Wang Ping added another sentence.

However, Zhang Yi couldn't help but retort: ​​"But if we give up this place and let Wang Jian open the main road, the Qin army will be able to enter Brazil continuously!"

What Zhang Yi said is also the biggest concern of the generals.

"His Majesty once said, 'If you save the land and lose the people, you will lose both the people and the land.' He has repeatedly told us to use troops to preserve our own lives first..."

Wang Ping was just about to take out a copy of "Quotations of His Majesty Emperor Dayu".

"Your Majesty loves us, and we should repay your Majesty with death!"

When mentioning Dong Huang, Zhang Yi became even more impassioned, and Liu Yin clenched his fists.

Dong Huang indeed mentioned this argument that seemed to be greedy for life and fear of death to his generals more than once. Dong Huang's main statement was: There are still many mission worlds, and there are many places that can be used by you. If you just casually If he has to fight to the death in one battle, he will become a bare emperor in just a few battles.

Dong Huang's words came from the bottom of his heart, but after hearing this, the civil and military men under his command wanted to die even more, especially Yu Jin and other people with stains in history. Although the boundaries have been broken and completed, some things will eventually end. It's a thorn in the side, and he wants to die on the battlefield to show his loyalty.

"I have made a decision!"

Wang Ping interrupted Zhang Yi's words and directly ordered: "Please ask King Du to escort the prisoners of the Qin army back to the stronghold for defense. The enemy is coming fiercely in this battle. I have made up my mind. The main force of the army will immediately detour back to Danqu to wait for reinforcements. As long as we hold on After reaching the front lines of Mengtou, Danshi and Danqu, the Qin army still can't do anything to Brazil. Please also ask King Du to prepare more food and grass to support Danqu!"

"As you command!"

Du Feng was overjoyed. This good thing of getting a large number of prisoners without having to fight could actually happen to him! It's like pie in the sky. As for the Qin army, let the Yu people fight with them first.

"Also, please ask King Du to bring only three days of rations. The army has to deal with the Qin army, and I'm afraid there won't be enough rations."

Wang Ping demanded.

"no problem!"

Du Feng answered simply.

Lack of military rations?


Didn’t you already give me military rations? It’s still fishy!

Du Feng didn't care at all.

Du Feng happily returned to his hometown with tens of thousands of Qin and Ba prisoners.

Du Feng knew very well that with so many prisoners, especially those from the Qin army, his prestige among the Ba people would reach a higher level.

As for Wang Ping's request for military rations, the worst case scenario is that most of the tribe's grain reserves should be given to the Yu people. Anyway, the Ba people of the tribe rely on the mountains to live on, so they won't really starve to death, right? Even if they starve to death, they are just a bunch of dead slaves, and they can just be robbed from other tribes!

After Du Feng left, Wang Pingping withdrew, leaving only Zhang Yi and Liu Yin: "Two of you, are you willing to die for His Majesty with me?"

"It's what you wish for!"

The two of them bowed their heads without hesitation.

Then, Zhang Yi looked at Wang Ping: "The general definitely doesn't want to guard Danqu, so the general wants to..."

Zhang Yi looked towards the north, with excitement, excitement, nervousness, and eagerness in his eyes, but no fear.

"I want the three unscrupulous men who are accompanying the three of us to use our banner to lead Jingman and Baman to avoid Wang Jian and return to Danqu over the mountains, while we..."

Wang Ping's voice dropped.


Just as Wang Ping expected, Wang Jian did not take risks again this time, but was as steady as an old dog.

Wang Jian has mastered the essence of "the soldiers are impermanent, the power is impermanent, and the water is impermanent" in his military use. He likes to use absolute strength to crush the enemy as steadily as an old dog. Of course, this does not mean that Wang Jian's ability is limited to this.

This time, he used troops to take Langzhong by surprise;

Then it was as fast as the wind. Before Jufu was ready, he marched all the way to Danqu and took advantage of the opportunity to seize the Danqu for repairs, replenish supplies and build up his physical strength. During this process, Wang Jian did not move the military strategy, but directly took it with him. The exhausted soldiers launched an attack on Jufu's headquarters, but instead captured Danqu, thereby further shaking the morale of Jufu's troops;

After that, Wang Jian's troops, who had eaten and drank enough to recharge their batteries, invaded like fire and defeated Jufu's troops in one fell swoop. Three of Jufu's fingers were cut off by the Qin army and he almost died there;

In the end, Wang Jian's troops no longer pursued rapid advancement, but moved forward slowly and steadily, without disarming their troops. They also sent scouts and a few Yi Cong with special powers to conduct investigations, leaving no flaws in the entire process.

Even though the scouts claimed that the Yu army's camp was empty, Wang Jian was not in a hurry to move in. He first sent 500 people to carefully inspect and found Wang Heng's troops who were hidden in the camp along the way, and ordered Wang Heng's troops to move in.

At this time, Wang Jian had already received the news of the tragic defeat of Wang Heng's troops, but Wang Jian didn't care.

In Wang Jian's opinion, just hold on to the main road and wait for the main force to come.

If he was given 100,000 men, he could easily defeat Brazil and besiege the city of Baccarat.

"The top priorities are, firstly, to pass the intelligence back to Hanzhong, and secondly, to search for the whereabouts of the enemy army that defeated you. The enemy general is still very capable in using troops. If the enemy army takes a detour into the mountains and harasses our army's food route, it will also be a troublesome matter."

Wang Jian arranged.

Wang Heng could only accept the order. After being defeated once, he kept his posture very low, hoping that this clan brother could lead him to win the battle.

The Qin army calculated merit based on heads. If the Qin army killed in battle did not kill as many enemies, then not only would there be no merit, but the general might also lose rank.

So Wang Heng is very nervous now.

Wang Jian noticed Wang Heng's mentality.

Wang Jian didn't mind giving Wang Heng a chance to make meritorious deeds, but Wang Heng's mentality was not the way to be a general.

In order to be a general, you must first treat your heart. Mount Tai collapses in front but remains unchanged; elk thrives on the left but does not blink; then you can control your interests and wait for the enemy.

Wang Heng obviously cannot do this.

He was impatient and frightened.

In Wang Jian's opinion, Wang Heng's mentality is not even comparable to that of his son Wang Bi. The peak in this life is the level of Wang Hao and Hao Gong. Not even Meng Ao can compare.

But Wang Jian obviously would not tell the truth.

In the days that followed, Wang Jian trained his troops and built the city step by step here. He named the newly built city Bazhong, and those who flattered him called it Wang Jian City.

Wang Jian even ordered the recently gathered Ba people and Wang Heng's troops to farm nearby, as if they wanted to stay there permanently.

His posture undoubtedly troubled the remnants of the Yu army in Danqu and confused Du Feng, the king of Ba.

Jufu, who had rebuilt the defensive line in Mengtou and Danshiyidai, was extremely uneasy. He was afraid of being beaten by Wang Jian. He also wanted to build defensive military fortresses in Mengtou and Danshiyiyi, but he was worried that Wang Jian's troops would be upstream in the rainy season. Build embankments to block water and launch a water attack.

But when attacking, he also didn't dare to attack because his men were too weak, and he couldn't even guarantee whether he could defend the head covering and the stone.

What's more terrible is that because Wang Jian's army has a large number of talents in various fields, including counter-reconnaissance and animal taming talents, Yu Jun's monitoring of the Qin army through animal taming and other means has also been subject to certain restrictions. Not only is it impossible to Establishing an absolute intelligence advantage over the Chu army also exposed the secret of the Yu army's ability to tame animals.

Unlike Chu State, which barbarously indulged war agents, Qin State, or Wang Jian, exploited the potential of war agents to the extreme.

Wang Jian looked down upon the combat effectiveness of the war agents, but he was full of interest in the strange people and strangers under their command.

In fact, not only was he interested in them, but Wang Jian was also very interested in the Yin Yang family and other schools of thought.

He has been thinking about how to use the abilities of these people to serve the military formation.

Jufu was too weak to effectively monitor Wang Jian's troops. Over there, Wang Jian's men had followed the traces of the army's march in the mountains, especially the clues deliberately left by some clever Qin prisoners, and figured out the Yu army. direction of travel.

"So the main force of the enemy army went in two directions. One was to escort our prisoners and went to the mountains. It is suspected to be the tribe of King Ba with the surname Du? The other force went to the direction of Danqu?"

Wang Jian analyzed the information reported by Ba scouts, Qin scouts and Yi Cong who was good at investigation.

"Yes, General!"

Zhu Youwen, who personally served as a scout as Yi Cong, responded.

Zhu Youwen was also one of the generals accompanying the war agent. His initial identity was the adopted son of Zhu Wen in the late Tang Dynasty. Historically, he had a beautiful wife named Wang, who was often called to the palace by his adoptive father Zhu Wen to have sex with her. Because she was very beautiful, she was favored by Zhu Wen.

In the end, I don’t know if it was because he felt comfortable after removing the ashes, but Zhu Wen actually wanted to let his adopted son Zhu Youwen succeed. As a result, Zhang, another daughter-in-law played by Zhu Wen, told her husband Zhu Yougui about the situation, and then Zhu Yougui killed Zhu Wen and stabbed him to death. Zhu Youwen succeeded to the throne.

Closer to home, Zhu Youwen's ability in history was still very good, and his master's temple was dedicated to Marshal Tianpeng, so Zhu Youwen could also tame animals, and his level of taming animals was very good, especially good at taming wild boars. He brought He and his pig babies searched for traces of Wang Ping's troops in the high mountains and found two important clues.

[These two directions...]

Wang Jian raised his eyebrows. Before the main force arrived, he didn't want to cause trouble, but since there was news about the prisoners, it seemed that he couldn't take the risk once.

[It is not very likely that the enemy's main force will go to the Ba people's camp. The location there does not pose any threat to our army, so going there is not in line with the bold style of the enemy generals. The danger there is not great. 】

Thinking of this, Wang Jian looked at Wang Heng and directly ordered: "Take You as the commander-in-chief and Youwen as the deputy-general. Lead five thousand troops to find the Ba people's stronghold and rescue our soldiers!"


Wang Heng is eager to try.

He knew that this was an opportunity for him to avenge his shame.


Zhu Youwen also looked happy.

The greater the contribution he makes, the greater the benefits his master will get, the better his wife will live with his master, and the more worthy he will be as the heir - Zhu Youwen's master is through Zhu Youwen's wife became an attendant, and Zhu Youwen's characteristics made him the heir of his master. He was the kind who could inherit the infinite war space, but his master was deceived by his wife's characteristics. , so I don’t know this hidden characteristic of Zhu Youwen.

The two men immediately led the troops and set off. With Zhu Youwen and Ba as scout guides, they led the army for five days and five nights in the mountains. Along the way, they even found many Qin people's belongings and cooked and uncooked human bones.

Wang Heng and other Qin soldiers became increasingly angry. They were worried that these human bones were their companions who had been eaten. Zhu Youwen actually didn't think so, but he could only act like he shared the same hatred with the enemy.

On the sixth day, they finally reached the vicinity of Du Feng's main city wall.

That night, Wang Heng and Zhu Youwen launched a surprise attack.

Zhu Youwen just barely touched the threshold of the first level of mythology. In fantasy terms, he is half-step to the first level of mythology. But Wang Heng is a real second-level mythical person, and with the addition of the military formation, his strength has been improved.

Under the leadership of Wang Heng, the angry Du Feng's troops were caught off guard. When Du Feng, who was drunk and hungover, finally woke up, Wang Heng had already killed him. The panicked Du Feng fled in panic. However, he was entangled by the Qin army and was finally killed by Wang Heng himself.

"Slaughter the city and build a temple in Beijing!"

Looking at the only three thousand Qin prisoners who were rescued and treated as slaves, Wang Heng was furious.

The main tribe of Bawang Du Feng disappeared under the massacre of the Qin people. Except for the young women who were used as playthings, all men, women and children were killed.

When the Qin army left, many remnants of the Ba tribe with the surname Du who had escaped before cried loudly and vowed to fight the Qin people until death.

The news that the Ba tribe surnamed Du was massacred also spread quickly among the Ba people. This made other Ba people feel more in danger and share the same hatred with the enemy. They all knew that only by uniting under the banner of Dayu could they succeed. There will be a way to survive.

Especially those Ba people who claimed the title of king, their distrust of the Qin people reached its peak.

They originally had a sense of luck and didn't want to fight with the Qin people. They thought it was a big deal and surrendered, but now they see that they have no choice but to fight hard.

The massacre of the city by the Qin people was good news for Jufu. At least he no longer had to worry about the rebellion of the Ba people.

What made him even more relieved was that Gan Ning's reinforcements finally arrived.

Only 50,000 people from Gan Ning's army arrived, and another 50,000 people were clearing the fields along the Dangqu River (Western Han River).

Obviously, Yu Jun was ready to give up the front line of Dangqushui in Brazil.

The adjusted strategic frontier of the Bashu Army of the Yu Army is Dianjiang. Dianjiang is located at the intersection of Baishui (Jialing River) and Danqushui. Danqushui is actually the stream of Jialing River. After the two rivers meet, it will soon be in Bacheng. It merges into Dajiang, and Zhang Ren's troops have already headed to Dianjiang.

"I want to rob the camp."

As soon as he settled down, Gan Ning came up with an exciting idea: he was going to rob Wang Jian's army's camp.

"It can't be robbed."

Jufu smiled bitterly.

"what happened?"

Gan Ning was puzzled.

Is there any camp in the world that he can't rob?

The special type of troops he can train is the robber riding horse, which gallops silently and jumps two feet high. It can jump into any large camp and rob it.

"Wang Jian built a three-foot-tall stone fortress with sentries surrounding it. The guards were well guarded and there was no chance of a sneak attack!"

Jufu recounted the information he knew.

"How long does it take? Does he have the manpower and material resources to build it? Even if it's just building a city wall, it's not that simple, right?"

Gan Ning was really shocked this time.

"But that's what it is."

Jufu spread his hands: "According to my observation, Wang Jian personally led half of the army's military formation troops. After forming the military formation bonus, they went to lay foundations, move stones, watch felling trees, and mix mud. The Qin army also had several institutions. With the help of beasts, the fortress is now in full shape, at least the four walls are very strong. And outside the city walls, there are a large number of deer villages and other fortifications, which are extremely well-deployed."

"This guy!"

Gan Ning was also speechless.

Wang Jian was too stable, and Gan Ning was helpless in his defensive posture.

Gan Ning would not dare to attack by force.

"Does he want to defend until the main force of the Qin army arrives?"

Gan Ning scratched his head a little.

In fact, what Gan Ning said was exactly what Wang Jian was thinking.

Once the road into Pakistan was opened, it was strategically viable. Wang Jian did not need to take risks anymore. He also hopes to spend time training soldiers, enhancing the military compatibility between the soldiers and himself, and at the same time stepping up training on the mountain warfare capabilities of his troops.

Entering Bashu, after all, mountain fighting is inevitable.

Of course, what he hopes most is to be able to kill a large number of Yu troops in serious field battles. He doesn't like mountain fighting, nor does he like sieges.

However, this does not mean that he will not prepare.

The Qin army is strong in all aspects, and their physical fitness is sufficient. As long as they train more, they will not be too bad in mountain warfare.

This is like a top academic. For a top academic, his weakness may mean that he only got 95 out of 100 points in a certain subject, but this does not mean that he is really weak in this subject. , if you are serious about it, even if you can't get 100 points, 99 points is still not a big problem.

[Since the Yu army is willing to rely on it, then let’s rely on it. I don’t believe that Yu State’s transportation of grain will be more convenient than that of Da Qin! 】

Wang Jian had already made up his mind to fight a war of attrition.

He first wanted to see how long the Yu army could hold on if it did not receive food supplements from Brazil.

[Counting the time, the battle over Meng Ao should be over, right? When the time comes when Great Qin frees up its hands, can the Yu army really be able to stop it at the front line of Yingdu? 】

[If people's hearts are not enough, then the snake swallows the elephant. Isn't Yu State really afraid that it cannot take care of both the beginning and the end? 】

Wang Jian was puzzled by the Yu army's greedy behavior of attacking cities and territories.

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