Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 327 Sichuan Mahjong and the Battle of Bashu

Yunxiu refers to the peaks and mountains shrouded in clouds and mist.

When Dong Huang heard this name, he subconsciously wanted to change Yunxiu Palace to Yunxiu Tower, but he felt that the latter had too many advantages and could easily be overturned, so he still used the name Yunxiu Palace.

After learning that Bashang had demolished his home to build this palace, Dong Huang was deeply moved. In order to commend Bashang, he promoted Bashang's official position with great fanfare, and finally remembered Bashang's daughter Widow Qing.

After learning that Widow Qing was actually three sisters, Dong Huang deliberately left the three of them to play mahjong together in the palace.

When the three sisters played mahjong before, they were always missing one or the other. This time, the three are no longer missing.

Dong Huang has always been a clear-minded monarch.

Playing mahjong is not just for the sake of playing mahjong, but to make Ba people feel at ease.

Under Xi Zhicai's plan, most of the leaders and nobles of the large-scale Ba people tribe were killed by the Ba people themselves and Wang Jian. Among the rest, some smart people have already reacted, and those who have not reacted are also panic-stricken, so In order for the Ba people to return home, it was time for Dong Huang to come forward and send a clear signal.

I, Dayu, am very friendly to the Ba people.

Therefore, Dong Huang is not playing beauty mahjong, but playing political mahjong. ( #  ̄▽ ̄ # )

Dong Huang made two Ba girls his concubines. As soon as the news came out, the hearts of the Ba people were immediately stabilized.

Many small and medium-sized Ba tribes who had escaped disaster in the mountains also expressed their surrender to Dong Huang and regarded Dayu as one of their own.

Fa Xiaozhi is actually right. Marriage is really the simplest, fastest and most effective way to enhance mutual trust.

Fa Xiaozhi's infinite marriage technique still has merit.

With the arrival of Dong Huang and his army, the time has come for the Battle of Bashu.

Dong Huang decided to divide his troops into three groups and launch an attack on the Bashu Qin army.

On the first route, Xiang Yan is the chief general, and Fu Wei, Zhang Yi, Ma Zhong, and Xiang Liang are the deputy generals. They command the headquarters of 20,000 "Fenglinhuoshan" troops, 10,000 tiger soldiers, 10,000 Wudang flying troops, and 20,000 water troops. The army, 80,000 soldiers and horses composed of Ba people and natural Chudi soldiers who could initially form a legion, and 40,008-level space soldiers, went north to capture Danqu.

The strategic goal of Xiang Yan's troops is very clear. There is no need to defeat Wang Jian, and there is no need to attack Bazhong. It only needs to block Wang Jian's troops in Bazhong.

Dong Huang felt that with Xiang Yan's current military strength and general ability, as long as he could capture Danqu, block Danshi, and cover his head, it wouldn't be a big problem to block Wang Jian's troops.

Even if Wang Jian has new reinforcements, he can still wait for Dong Huang's army to come to the rescue with this lineup.

After receiving the mission, Xiang Yan did not feel that he had been slighted, because he had participated in military meetings as a senior general many times, so he naturally knew that Yu's superiors were afraid of Wang Jian.

He also wanted to have a good contest with Wang Jian when the national strength and military strength of both sides were similar.

However, to Xiang Yan's dismay, Wang Jian was too decisive in his retreat. He was so decisive that he not only stopped attacking the ditch, but also did not even defend the area where the rocks and the hooded head were, and directly withdrew his troops back to Bazhong.

At this time, Bazhong was not only a fortified city, but also surrounded by more than a dozen military fortresses of various sizes. If you wanted to attack, you would have to sacrifice your life.

Xiang Yan was speechless.

How to fight this?

Xiang Yan tried to attack several times, but to no avail, he simply imitated Wang Jian's example and built a fortress to block Wang Jian's army's southward path.

Isn’t it just more consumption?

Who is afraid of whom!

Xiang Yan has a supply of grain and grass from Jiangnan and Yingzhou, so he can persist. Although the grain road is far away, there are waterways along the way, which is very convenient. On the other hand, Wang Jian's army will have difficulty in supplying grain and grass in Hanzhong for one or two years. When transporting grain in Guanzhong, the logistics of large mountain roads can also drag the Qin army to death.

Xiang Yan is very patient, and plans to take this opportunity to truly integrate the general formation into Dayu's system, de-Xiang-style it as much as possible, and strive to train those 80,000 people into strong soldiers. Because many of the 80,000 people were from Chu or even surrendered their troops, Xiang Yan was very familiar with the Chu army and naturally knew how to make these troops adapt to Dayu's military formation as quickly as possible.

Military formation is not just a unified method and formation, but also related to faith or spiritual identity. It not only requires the recognition of the monarch and the country, but also the recognition of the generals. Only with a high degree of recognition can you be good at it. Using his fingers, it was like Li Mu's military formation that Zhao Guo had just made great achievements. Li Mu personally led it, which was a top-notch army that could compete with Wang Jian at his peak. If someone else led it, it would collapse in minutes and be violently beaten by Wang Jian.

Therefore, even if they are prisoners of the established military formation who were previously in the military formation, they may not be able to use the previous military formation after changing the court. After all, it was impossible for Dong Huang to let the Chu people surrender their troops and shout for the great Chu, and then go fight, right?

Dayu had captured many Qin Rui soldiers before, but those Qin Rui soldiers, at least so far, have not been able to integrate into Dayu's military formation.

Practicing military formation well is actually a hard work.

Xiang Yan began to train troops, and Wang Jian was not in a hurry. Wang Jian's purpose seemed to be to hold the bridgehead into Pakistan. As long as Xiang Yan did not attack, he would not take action.

Wang Jian saw the situation very accurately. As long as he didn't move, as long as this army was here, it was a dagger in Dayu's ribs and could be stabbed out at any time, and the threat would always exist.

Since Wang Jian was unable to survive, Dayu's senior officials had no good solution. The terrain occupied by Wang Jian was also incapable of deploying the army. In the end, Dong Huang could only leave Xiang Yan there to keep an eye on Wang Jian and train his troops, while his main hopes were placed on the other two routes.

Dayu's second army to attack Qin was headed by Zhang Ren, commanding Yang Huai, Gao Pei, Pan Zhang, Yang Feng and other troops. It started from Dianjiang, also advanced by waterway, went up the Fu River, attacked Guanghan, and made A posture that threatens Fujian and Zitong.

Because it is a partial division, and the road is indeed difficult to travel, the main force is only 20,000 Zhang Ren's army headquarters, 10,000 Yang Huai and Gao Pei's troops, 10,000 naval troops, 10,000 Yang Feng's barbarians, and the main force for land warfare is only four Ten thousand people, in addition to 30,000 natural soldiers who can barely form a legion and 30,000 space soldiers.

The real strategic goal along this route is to reach the intersection of Chen Bingchishui and Fulishui after capturing Guanghan, putting pressure on Zitong and Fulixian, so that the Qin army dare not take it lightly in the two places, and then disperse the Changping Lord's forces again.

Currently, Lord Changping's troops have considerable garrisons near Jiameng Pass, Jiangyang and other places. If the troops are further divided here, Lord Changping's available troops will be severely weakened again.

Of course, the above two groups are partial armies, and Dayu's third group, which is also the main force, is personally commanded by Dong Huang. It is known as a million troops, advancing by land and water, and its troops are directed towards Jiangyang (Lujiang).

This time, Dong Huangjun still used his old tricks, which was to bully the Qin army's weak naval force.

However, Lord Changping actually learned the lesson and came out to show his weakness to the enemy.

After defending the city for ten days, Baijie and Qiangwei's troops broke out and retreated northward along the Tuojiang River to Zizhong and Niuchang (bei sounds).

Historically, Zizhong and Niuchang were the first counties to be established in the Han Dynasty. During this era, Bashu settlements should be the main ones. However, in this time and space, due to the expansion of the map, the Qin State had already established many densely populated areas in order to strengthen its control over the Bashu area. Build a city in an important place. And these cities are all big cities.

Through the performance of Bai Jie and Qiang Xian, the Dayu army realized that the Qin army seemed to want to lure the enemy deeper, but the Dayu army, which was well-equipped and well-prepared, was not afraid.

Dong Huang launched this battle with the intention of capturing the entire Bashu region, and naturally the Tuojiang River Basin also had to be captured.

Dong Huang appointed Zhao Yun as the chief general, Bu Zhao, Xiahou Lan, Hua Rong, Meng Yan and others as deputy generals, commanding 30,000 troops, 15,000 navy, 5,000 flying troops, and 40,000 soldiers recruited in this world. Natural soldiers and horses, as well as 48,000-level space soldiers, moved forward by land and water in pursuit.

Zhao Yun can lead troops to rush into battle, but he can also be very calm.

Zhao Yun's troops moved up the Tuojiang River and fought steadily all the way.

(Situation map of the Battle of Bashu. Blue is the current boundary of the actual control areas of both sides, and the black box is the key points of the Qin Army’s defense line)

This made Bai Jie and Qiang Xian a little anxious.

According to the Qin army's plan, after the two men merged with the Qin army at the local area, if there was a separate force of the Yu army, they would ambush; if there was no separate force of the Yu army, they would wait for an opportunity to go around and harass them.

As a result, Zhao Yun's subordinates did not fall for the trick, and focused on stability. Whenever they arrived at a place, they would first appease the local people and announce that ordinary people in the area would be exempted from taxes for one year. Those who actively helped Yu's army could be exempted from taxes for two to three years depending on the situation. taxes. This move immediately made the local Shu people very happy.

Taxes in ancient times were very heavy, so heavy that they could ruin a person's family. The tax exemption for up to three years was enough to drive the Shu people crazy. Especially this year, when the Qin army was squeezing the Shu people because of the destruction of summer grain, the people's hearts were Naturally, they all came to Dayu's side.

As we all know, people's hearts may be useful, but they may not be as useful as swords, and they can be easily deceived. The more people there are, the easier it is to be deceived.

Therefore, Dayu still needs people to help them confuse.

Yu Jun ordered that the heads of the big clans and chiefs of various tribes from all over the country should accompany the army on the expedition. He also encouraged anyone who had concrete evidence to report that the head of the family/chief had contacts with the Qin Army or had evil intentions, and the Yu Army would help them get rid of it. Remove the family leader/chief and support them to rise to power.

This is a heart-breaking strategy. This strategy was naturally thought up by Xi Zhicai, but in the context of the Qin army's full shrinkage and Dayu's full march, the effect is extraordinary.

Coupled with Dayu's original affinity for the Shu people and the many Ba people's personal testimonies, the Shu people naturally began to have other thoughts.

After all, there are always people who want to improve.

The families in the city are better off and have a bit of dignity, but the Shu tribes outside the city are much more bloody.

The Yu army uncovered many Qin lackeys without spending a single soldier, and some even kidnapped Qin spies. At the same time, because a large number of people submitted petitions and the popularity of the people increased, the local wealthy families and the three elders all accused the Qin army of evil and promoted the goodness of the Yu army, inciting fanaticism among the people.

At this moment, all Bai Jie and Qiang Xian's plans for a sneak attack were in vain, because the Yu army was even more familiar with where to ambush than they were, and Zhao Yun even launched a counter-ambush, causing the Qin army to suffer heavy losses.

The two had no choice but to divide their forces. Bai Jie went to Zizhong to set up defenses first, while Qiang Xin's troops hid far away from Tuojiang River and waited for opportunities.

However, after the Yu army arrived, the Shu people in Zizhong City attacked and opened the city gate, and Bai Jie could only retreat to Niutang. But Bai Jie was not sure whether Niu Jiang could hold on.

Bai Jie knew very well that Zhao Yun's troops were not in a hurry to attack, purely to completely stabilize Zizhong first. After Zizhong was stabilized, they would attack Niu Tao.

This steady and steady style made Bai Jie feel helpless.

Although generals such as Bai Jie and Qiang Xian were not well-known in later generations, as fierce men who left their names in the Qin army, their gold content is definitely not lower than that of most of the five-son generals of Cao and Wei in the Three Kingdoms. Even if there is only a few words in the history books about Duke Lu, his achievements It is enough to crush any one of Jiang Biao's twelve tiger ministers.

But the problem is, Zhao Yun uses troops just like Wang Jian. I just follow the king's path in an upright and steady manner. If your soldiers are not as good as mine, your power is not as good as mine, your logistics is not as good as mine, and your people's support is not as good as mine, how can you win?

While making arrangements for the Tuojiang front line, the main force of Dong Huang's army continued to advance. The forward Yue Fei, his three adopted brothers, and E Huan's troops easily captured Bo (bo second sound) Dao (Yibin).

Bodao is located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Minjiang River. However, people in this era believed that the Minjiang River was the mainstream of the Yangtze River. It was also a strategic location on the way north to the Chengdu Plain. Because it was inhabited by the Bo people, it was named Bodao.

Bo people, also known as Pu people, Shanduzhang, Duzhangman, and Wudou Yi, are one of the collective names of the southwest ethnic minorities in the Central Plains.

However, although it is a general term, the Bo people of this generation are actually different from the Pu people.

Pu people are also called Bai Pu. They may not be Zhu Xia, but real indigenous residents. In the third generation, they were mixed with other Xia nations in Jingnan, Bashu and other places. By the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Jing Nan Bai Pu were basically assimilated by the Chu State. Or driven away, now a large number of Baipu are on the territory roughly equivalent to Yunnan and Guizhou, especially Guizhou.

The Bo people of Bo Dao may have been part of the barbarians who took the initiative to move closer to the Xia. They also participated in King Wu's defeat of Zhou, and their leader was named a Bohou.

The Bo people here are very good at climbing over eaves and walls, and have a tradition of placing hanging coffins on cliffs.

These Bo people did not have a strong sense of belonging to the Qin State, and they reluctantly surrendered only due to the intimidation of the Qin State. Historically, the Bo people sometimes rebelled against the Central Plains dynasty and sometimes surrendered. The Bo people near Yibin committed many evil deeds and were finally completely wiped out by the Ming Dynasty who mobilized an army of 140,000.

The Bo people's aggressive and unruly character made them show great hostility when facing the Yu army. And this seems to be Lord Changping's plan. Lord Changping's idea was to drag Dayu's army into the quagmire of barbarian warfare and guerrilla warfare.

The coach Yue Fei realized the sinister intentions of Lord Changping. He knew very well that to deal with these barbarians, he had to "attack the city first and attack the heart first."

After gaining an in-depth understanding of the customs of this ethnic group, Yue Fei led only 500 people on horseback to the front of the battle. He took off his armor, shirtless, and only held a weapon to challenge the Bo people.

General E Huan sent by Yue Fei scolded the formation in the most vulgar barbarian slang, to the effect of: You bunch of eggless cowards, do you dare to send as many people as we do for a fair fight? If you don't dare, just go home and nurse. Don't block the road here. Shame on Jill! I have never seen such a shameless person!

The Bo people value warriors, are aggressive by nature, and despise cowards.

Five hundred people gave up the advantage of their armors and came to the challenge bare-chested. If they didn't dare to challenge, then they would be considered cowards.

What's more, the scolding was so unpleasant!

The King of Bo could not bear to be provoked, and the people of Bo could not afford to throw this person away.

So King Bo sent an equal number of warriors to fight, but how could these people be the elite opponents led by Yue Fei, Gao Chong, Yang Zaixing, Yue Yun, Niu Gao, the three Yizi brothers, E Huan, etc.

Among these fierce generals, even though Yue Fei is famous as a commander, he is also an enemy of thousands of people. Gao Chong and Yang Zaixing are even more famous for their bravery. They usually fight in groups, and there are many fierce generals in Dayu, so they don't have many opportunities to stand out, but this kind of thousands of In a battle on a human scale, the role of the individual is brought into full play.

What's even more disgusting is that the people behind them are still their generals and guards, and their combat prowess is off the charts.

The Bo people lost three games in a row and killed thousands of people in vain. Five hundred people were injured and lost their combat effectiveness. As a result, they were immediately treated by Yu Jun's military doctors.

This immediately made the wounded feel ashamed, moved, and even more admired, wishing they could die for Yue Fei.

At this point, Yue Fei, who felt that the time was ripe, stepped forward and scolded the formation: "I can't bear to continue hurting the good man's life. If King Bo has the guts, come out of the city and fight me one on one. If King Bo wins, just cut off my arm." Head, my army of Dayu will definitely leave immediately. When I see the Bo king in the future, I will stay away and never invade the Bo people's territory. If the Bo king has no talent, he will abdicate immediately. It is better for the Bo people to find a bitch to be the king than to find a coward. powerful!"

After saying that, Yue Fei laughed loudly.

Yu Jun laughed loudly, and the three adopted brothers and other barbarians even cursed in the most unpleasant language.

If King Bo were Sima Yi, he might say at this time: "I am a woman. If you are a man, come and face me!"

But King Bo is not Sima Yi! It is impossible for the Bo people to tolerate such a coward.

So the angry King Bo couldn't help but go to war himself.

He splayed his arms, wearing only an ancestral tiger skin around his waist, jumped down from the city with a roar, and rushed towards Yue Fei waving the caltrops.

Yue Fei remained motionless until King Bo's iron caltrops hit him, and then he suddenly took out his spear. He raised the tip of the spear and flew away the caltrops. Then the spear came out like a dragon, and before King Bo could react, it had already pierced through the metal caltrops. King Bo's neck.

Instant kill!

But it makes sense.

Yue Fei was already extremely talented. After being adopted as an adopted son by Dong Huang, he received all the teachings from generals such as Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Zhao Yun. His martial arts had been honed to the point of perfection, and he was still unable to deal with a barbarian tribe chief. If it kills instantly, it would be a joke.

After this battle, the Bo people regarded Yue Fei as a god descended from heaven and asked Yue Fei to become the King of Bo. Even the wife and daughter of the killed King Bo recommended themselves to Yue Fei and wished to marry Yue Fei.

It is the custom of the Bo people that the winner takes all.

This is similar to nomads.

This kind of thing is commonplace in remote areas where the influence of matrilineal clans has not been completely eliminated and the mortality rate of men is too high.

Even in remote areas of this era, matriarchal clan tribes can be seen everywhere.

They worship the strong as a whole and believe that only the strong can protect them and give birth to stronger offspring.

Yue Fei had strict military discipline and was Dong Huang's son-in-law. He didn't want to do these taboo things at all, so he couldn't help but leave the problem to his three brothers who were Dong Huang's adopted sons.

Dong Jin, the eldest of the three adopted brothers, got the template of the Eight Tigers Cavalry and became a lot smarter. He was about to persuade Yue Fei to just give it up. As a man, it is normal to have three wives and four concubines. Just treat it as keeping with His Majesty. They had the same hobby, but the second and third children couldn't help but speak.

The second eldest brother, Dong Tu, said: "Dear brother, don't worry, we are familiar with this brother!"

Dong Hui, the third child, also immediately followed: "Just give it to Your Majesty. My dear brother, you can just learn the art of infinite marriage from Fa Xiaozhi. The barbarians in this world are similar to those in our world. Give them a woman to give to Your Majesty." Opportunity, they immediately came back!”

"Third brother is right!"

"They will still thank us!"

The second child, Dong Tu, nodded immediately.

Then the two of them looked at Dong Jin together: "Brother, do you think so?"

"Ah, yes, yes!"

What else could Dong Jin say? He could only grit his teeth and say: "The wisdom of law, filial piety and straightness is feasible! To the south of Bo Road, there are many barbarians, and many of them are in the mountains. If they attack one by one, they can't be defeated. We have to use kindness and power to make them take refuge on their own initiative. Bo People just have a lot of money to buy bones."

"Fa Xiaozhi is truly a great talent!"

Yue Fei nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

At this moment, Fa Xiaozhi, who was far away in the tunnel, couldn't help but wrapped himself in a blanket, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so cold in the tunnel... Ah Qiu..."

After the senior leaders of Yue Fei's department reached a consensus, they started taking action.

As a result, a legend began to circulate in Bo Dao that the God of the Bo people would come to Bo Dao on a sun bird and send his adopted son to destroy the Bo king who disrespected the God. The God would personally rule the land.

The three adopted brothers, E Huan and others also took advantage of their own barbarian status and led the barbarian subordinates with various personal experiences and various blows. They also demonstrated witchcraft such as controlling beasts and setting fire, and found several ferocious monsters. The shark is paraded around the streets as a mascot, claiming that these monsters are the protectors of the gods. Those who do not believe in the gods will be eaten by monsters and their souls will never be reincarnated.

In this era, not to mention the barbarians, even the people of the Xia Dynasty believed in the theory of ghosts and gods, otherwise Chun Shenjun's rebellion would not have gone so smoothly.

The Bo people witnessed with their own eyes the powerful fighting power of Yue Fei and others, as well as the mysterious witchcraft and terrifying evil spirits. Naturally, they were convinced that Dong Huang was a god.

Dong Huang's chariot has not yet arrived, so the Bo people have taken charge of the battle by themselves.

When Dong Huang appeared on the Sun Bird, with the bonus of his extremely high affinity for the barbarians, almost all the Bo people completed their own strategy.

The return of the Bo people not only meant that the main force of Dayu's army could safely enter the Min River and the Qingyi River north into the Chengdu Plain, but it also meant that the Five-foot Road to Nanzhong was under Dayu's control.

Via Wuchi Road, you can directly lead to Zhuti (shū shí) and Erhai Lake.

In the world of the Three Kingdoms, this road was also Zhang Ren's way south. Zhang Ren allied with the Southern Barbarians at Erhai Lake and built the Erhai Palace for Dong Huang. In that world, Zhang Ren also captured a dog-like war agent who lived in the Menghuo tribe and pretended to be a mythical beast.

However, the top priority was not to pacify the Southern Barbarians, but to seize the Chengdu Plain.

As for the southern barbarians, it is enough to first pacify a few barbarian tribes near Bodao that have been bribed by the Qin army.

According to King Bo's information, Dong Huangjun naturally had information about the surrounding tribes close to the Qin people and the ambushing Qin army.

With the help of the Bo kings, Dong Huangjun easily wiped out these troops.

After easily wiping out the rear, Dong Huang's army used Bodao as its rear base and moved northward. Yue Fei served as the vanguard and marched to Nan'an.

Nan'an is the intersection of Qingyi River and Jiangshui (Minjiang River), and it is also the last strategic point on the way north to the Chengdu Plain.

Even if Lord Changping wanted to lure the enemy deeper and lengthen Dong Huang's army's supply line, it was impossible not to deploy troops and horses here.

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