Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 34 Close the door and beat the dog

"no problem!"

Yuan Shao readily agreed to Zhao Cen's request.

Even though his woman was insulted by Thief Dong, he was not very interested in the woman who insulted Thief Dong.

He is the heir of the Runan Yuan family, the fourth generation and the third prince. He will not blatantly insult other people's wives and daughters, let alone snatch trophies from a surrendered general!

He also needs to pay attention to his image! The image of the Four Generations and Three Dukes cannot be tarnished!

"My lord, no!"

As soon as Yuan Shao finished speaking, Zhang Da, Yuan Shao's war agent, almost screamed!

That's Diao Chan! Do you know what Diao Chan means? That is the closed moon that sinks the fish and the wild goose closes the moon and shames the flowers. You don’t want me to want it!

When he thought that Dong Huang had not only obtained Diao Chan's body, but also possibly a stunning attendant, Zhang Da became so jealous that he wanted to kill someone.

But Zhang Da still held back after all.

Zhang Da is a smart man and knows when to say what to say! But at this time, Zhang Da had already begun to think about how to kill Zhao Cen and monopolize Diao Chan and the imperial seal after the incident was completed!

No matter how many people Diao Chan passed, Zhang Da didn't care! On the contrary, I was a little excited!

People's XP is different. Zhang Da's XP is the thief and the thief.

The princes unified their opinions and decided to send troops immediately.

The political significance of conquering Luoyang and returning it to the old capital is so great that it feels like the first to enter Guanzhong is the king. Not only Yuan Shao couldn't refuse, but also the other princes who were about to prepare for war.

The jujube princes selected a hundred thousand elites and marched directly to Sishui Pass.

On the way, Cao Cao got the news. For some unknown reason, Liu Bei, who did not follow Gongsun Zan but instead got together with Cao Cao, and Liu Biao's confidant Liu Hu, joined with their armies respectively; Yuan Shu also sent his subordinate Sun Jian with a few troops. The cavalry rushed to their aid.

Finally, when the princes arrived at Hulao Pass, there were already 160,000 people.

Yang Ding, the guard of Hulao Pass, and Zhao Cen, the guard of Sishui Pass, showed their loyalty and personally followed Yuan Shao and other princes to the top of Hulao Pass.

Looking towards Luoyang from Hulao Pass, the princes saw flames rising into the sky and black smoke covering the ground, a doomsday scene after a military disaster.

At this time, the princes no longer had any doubts about the defection of Yang Ding and Zhao Cen. While they deeply hated Dong Zhuo for the destruction around Luoyang, the princes were gearing up one by one, refusing to give in, and ordered their subordinates to work faster, striving to be the first. The man who regained Luoyang!

Liu Hu, who acted as the agent of the war and led the independent army on behalf of Liu Biao, even led 30,000 elite troops to run wildly under Liu Biao's banner.

In order to get a chance to capture Luoyang, Liu Hu not only brought the most elite 10,000 strong archers, but also brought 10,000 poorer version of the Euphorbia warriors, 5,000 heavy armor soldiers and 5,000 cavalry.

However, no matter how fast Liu Biao's troops were, they could not be faster than the pure cavalry troops of Sun Jian and Liu Bei. Although they did not have many men and horses, they were really very fast and left the large troops far behind.

In order to attack by force, the remaining war agents also asked the lords to serve as vanguards and go to Luoyang.

Not only the war agents were invited to fight, other generals and even princes were eager to seize the power of greed.

As a result, a strange situation occurred. When the princes and armies refused to give in to each other and only wanted to achieve unparalleled achievements, no one was willing to lead troops or divide their troops to guard Houluhu Laoguan. The important task of guarding Hulao Pass finally fell on Yang Ding, who was a surrendered general.

There is no doubt that Yang Ding really wanted to surrender because he was really forced by Dong Huang.

After Dong Huang got drunk at a banquet, he not only insulted him, but also showed his intention to annex the troops of various ministries and replace their generals with his confidants. This made Yang Ding both angry and frightened. So, he really wanted to surrender.

As a newcomer, Yang Ding had no objections to Yuan Shao's arrangements.

He knew very well that whether it was regaining Luoyang or defeating Dong Huang and seizing the property Dong Huang had robbed, he had no share in these good things. It just so happened that he had not yet recovered from the injuries suffered by Dong Huang. Yang Ding, who was filled with the pleasure of revenge, was happy and free at the moment. He just wanted to visit his own mansion, drink some wine and lie in the woman's arms for a while.

However, on his way back to the mansion, several strong sergeants suddenly walked towards him.

"Which battalion are you from? Get out of here. Didn't you see General Yang's carriage?"

Yang Ding's guards raised their whips and started beating him.

However, the leading sergeant not only did not dodge, but suddenly accelerated, jumped up high, and chopped off Yang Ding's head with a knife, who had no time to react.

The flying blood splashed all over the sergeant, making him look like a ghost.

"General Xu Chu, the major general, is here. The traitor Yang Ding has been beheaded. Those who kneel down and surrender will avoid death!"

Xu Chu roared and looked at Yang Ding's guards around him angrily.

Behind Xu Chu, his men roared at the same time.

"Repay for General Yang..."

It was only then that the guard who was about to hit Xu Chu realized what he was doing. He quickly drew his knife and wanted to kill Xu Chu, but he didn't expect that Xu Chu would hit him with another knife and cut the guard and his horse in half!

The powerful visual impact and Xu Chu's ghostly image completely defeated the psychological defense of the remaining guards. They all dismounted and knelt down, but no one dared to look at Xu Chu.

As a result, Xu Chu successfully surrendered Dong Zhuo's troops at Hulao Pass and brought Gao Shun's troops to Hulao Pass.

The princes' army never thought that as soon as they left Hulao Pass, Dong Zhuo's army would recapture Hulao Pass.

They would never have thought that all this was Jia Xu's plan from beginning to end, and they had fallen into Jia Xu's trap.

It turned out that the strategy that Jia Xu presented to Dong Huang that day was to kill two birds with one stone.

Jia Xu asked Dong Huang to deliberately annex the troops of Yang Ding, Zhao Cen and other Dong Zhuo generals who had elite troops, humiliate them wantonly, and force them to surrender to Yuan Shao's army. As long as they surrender, they can naturally take their elite soldiers as their own!

After Yang Ding, Zhao Cen and others surrender, they will definitely give up Hulao Pass and let the princes' armies march westward.

At this time, Dong Huang's army's previous destruction and looting of surrounding counties came in handy.

As long as the princes' army is sure that Yang and Zhao are sincerely surrendering, and that there is a scorched earth near Luoyang, they will most likely be fooled by the false information that Dong Huang's army is scattered, looting, and preparing to evacuate to Chang'an, and will decide whether to choose the best soldiers. With great speed, he took back Luoyang before Dong Huang's army gathered, and even captured the thief before he captured the king.

Since the princes' army was rushing all the way, they would not be able to bring much baggage. Since the surrounding counties and counties had been fortified and cleared, it was impossible for the princes' army to receive supplies. At that time, as long as Hulao Pass is recaptured, the princes' armies will be trapped between Luoyang and Hulao Pass, lacking food and clothing, and will collapse without a fight.

By then, Dong Huang will not only reasonably recruit the elite of Dong Zhuo's clan, but will also complete a great victory and eliminate the threat from the jujube direction in one fell swoop.

Without the jujube troops, Dong Huang's army would have no obstacles whether they wanted to capture Nanyang or march into Hebei.

Even if Hulao Pass cannot be recaptured, it doesn't matter. The main force of Dong Huang's army has already been assembled. Dong Zhuo's army, which has an absolute advantage in cavalry, will definitely be devastating in the field against a group of princes' troops who are exhausted and trapped under Luoyang City after a long-distance attack!

The only shortcoming of this strategy was that several of Dong Zhuo's generals were forced to death, and the people in the counties near Luoyang would suffer heavy losses.

But in Jia Xu's opinion, such losses are not worth mentioning at all. To Jia Xu, life is really just a number!

Under the temptation of taking the main force of the Guandong princes in one pot, Dong Huang, who was originally soft-hearted, also became cruel. Although there was no wanton killing, the surrounding people were forced to move to several fortified cities in the surroundings, and the fortified walls cleared the fields without leaving a grain of food or a citizen behind!

Under the premeditated plan, all the movements of Yang Ding, Zhao Cen and Hulao Pass were under the surveillance of Dong Huangjun. Dong Huang had already successfully hid 500 heavily disguised Huben troops in Hulao Pass through a series of military maneuvers.

These five hundred elites were led by the tiger fool Xu Chu. Their mission was to wait for the princes' army to pass by, and cooperate with Gao Shun's troops hidden in the mountains and forests to seize Hulao Pass and block the princes' army's retreat.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

The princes' army was so careless that they sent the surrendered general Yang Ding to continue guarding the pass with the original Dong Zhuo army.

You know, these soldiers have no loyalty to the Kwantung princes!

Xu Chu keenly seized this opportunity, directly assassinated Yang Ding, forced the soldiers guarding the pass to surrender, assisted Gao Shun's army to enter the pass in advance, and ignited three waves of wolf smoke!

This was the agreement between Xu Chu and Dong Huang. Lighting the three smokes meant that Hulao Pass was successfully recaptured.

"Wenhe's brilliant idea!"

Dong Huang, who stood on the tower and had a good time looking at the besieging army, took Jia Xu's hand and laughed.

This kind of interlocking calculation and arrangement of human nature is something Dong Huang cannot do.

As for the strategy, which was a little too sinister, it not only harmed the innocent generals but also killed many innocent people and destroyed their homes. Dong Huang could only cry crocodile tears.

"It all depends on the Lord's decision!"

Jia Xu, who was very good at doing things, gave the main credit to Dong Huang. He was one position behind Dong Huang and looked at the vassal troops standing still under the huge city of Luoyang with a smile. He knew that this battle was safe!

Thank you book friend Wo Ting Peach Blossom Rain for your February ticket! Thanks to book friends Naive Priest, Poison Master of the Three Kingdoms Jia Xu 2, and mistake00 for your monthly tickets!

There is only one update today. I've been on a business trip this week, so I'm going to relax today. Don’t worry, this time it’s a serious relaxation session and it won’t affect tomorrow’s update. You must trust me! ! !

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