Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 38 Surprise (please read more)

Jia Xu was not in a hurry to engage in a decisive battle with the coalition forces of Sun, Cao, and Liu.

In his opinion, that was meaningless.

Instead of forcing the other party to fight hard and get bitten back, it is better to wait for the other party to completely despair and collapse on its own!

However, Jia Xu did not wait until the coalition forces were completely desperate. That night, Sun Cao Liu, unwilling to sit still and wait for death, decided to cross the river overnight.

They have outstanding strategic literacy and have realized that this is their last chance! Once tonight is over and the main force of Dong Huangjun arrives at dawn, it will be too late to leave by then!

At the same time, there is another advantage to crossing the river at night. Dong Huangjun's navy cannot effectively block them.

As for the tools to cross the river...

If you can find wood, planks, large vats, etc., let each of you cross the river with the tools you can use. If you can't find it, just accept your fate!

At this time, Sun Cao Liu would not blame him even if he surrendered to the Dong thieves.

Everyone knows very well that the big river is not a gentle river. Without a boat, even a good swimmer may not be able to cross it. No one is sure how many people can survive this time!

Zhang Liao and Tai Shici were keenly aware of the changes in the Sun Cao and Liu coalition forces. They also knew very well that this could never be a trick by the enemy to lure the enemy, because the Sun Cao Liu coalition forces at the end of their rope were obviously no longer capable of deploying them. It's a trick to lure the enemy.

Zhang Liao's eight hundred cavalry were the first to attack, like a black god of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the enemy.

The first person he attacked was Sun Jian's troops. Sun Jian had no intention of fighting Dong Huang's army. He just rushed towards the river with his horses. His troops lost command and collapsed at the first touch.

The other soldiers and horses were not much better than Sun Jian's troops, and they all collapsed at the first touch.

Liu Hu originally wanted to rely on his 10,000 elite archers to fight back, but he obviously regarded the world as a game. In the game, the last organized unit might be able to stabilize and fight back. , but in this world, they have long been frightened and have no intention of fighting.

From the appearance of the first deserter to the collapse of most of them, it took less than a stick of incense.

Angry and frightened, Liu Hu drew his sword and slashed wildly, trying to stop the decline, but in vain, and could only flee with the large army. Unexpectedly, Taishi Ci, who arrived late, had noticed him already and almost took him away with a single arrow.

By daybreak, tens of thousands of corpses were lying beside the river, and tens of thousands of enemy troops were swallowed up by the river. Still, more than ten thousand people knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this point, Dong Huang finally received the prompt from the infinite war space.

[A miraculous victory (battle)! 】

[Reward 1: War Points X110000]

[Reward 2: Free Points

[Reward Three: General Guard +10]

Reward four:

Level 5 equipment:

Zhangba Snake Spear (inactive) - Skill·Dragon Ghost and Snake God, there is a 15% chance of causing shock and stiffness to the enemy when attacking; characteristics: solid, armor-piercing, bravery.

Songwen Ancient Ingot Knife (inactive) - Skill: Bloodletting, wounds caused by attacks are difficult to heal and bleed profusely; characteristics: strong, armor-piercing, lightweight.

Male and female double-pronged swords (inactive) - Skill·Mandarin Duck, the male sword hits the female hero and causes a bursting effect, the female sword hits the male hero and causes a continuous bleeding effect; characteristics: armor-piercing, bleeding, solid, lightweight

Yitian Sword (inactive) - Skill·Suppression, Life +3 after wearing it; Characteristics: Strong, armor-piercing, broken blade, light.

Qingzhi Sword (inactive) - Skill·Qingzhi, ignores the effects of armor below level 6, has a chance to cut off weapons with non-sturdiness properties below level 6; characteristics: solid, armor-piercing, blade-breaking, lightweight

Dragon scale armor (inactive) - Skill·Dragon scale, defense against weapons with five armor-piercing effects of the same level, special defense against long range; characteristics: solid, tough, gorgeous

Bright Light Armor (inactive) - Skill: Bright Light, reflecting strong light; characteristics: solid, tough, gorgeous

Fourth level equipment:…………

Third-level equipment:...

[Reward five:

Level 5 mount:

Jueying (inactive) - The only skill·Jueying: Ignoring injuries for three hours, Jueying can move quickly. After use, the speed will definitely be better than that of mounts below level 6. The horse will die after the effect ends. Characteristics: Protector, speed, strength

Claw Yellow Flying Lightning (inactive) - Skill: Noble species, destiny +3 when riding; characteristics: majestic, noble, extremely fast

Quick Navigation (inactive) - Skill · Leap Stream, can jump over thirty meters of rivers and streams (note: the jumping distance is doubled when being chased by Zhang Liao); characteristics: extreme speed, strength, burst

Tier 4 mount: Dayuan horse X16]

[Reward 6: Domain Skill·Roar: It can only be used once every twelve hours after binding. When using it, you must shout "I am Dong Baijie, the thief of Dong! Who dares to fight to the death with me!".

After use, the enemy's morale will be greatly reduced (2-3 points), and there is a chance of scaring the enemy general to death. There is a chance of triggering a one-on-one duel with the enemy. The side that fails in the duel will have its morale dropped again by 1 on top of suffering the roar effect. point.

Note: Only one domain skill can be awakened. Repeated awakening will automatically overwrite the previous domain skill. Repeated awakening multiple times will seriously affect the qualifications of the awakener. 】

[Reward seven:

Fixed skills

Cavalry Commander·Five Stars: When the number of cavalry under his command exceeds one-half, the commander will be promoted to five stars, and the individual will gain excellent riding ability. Note: I am a cavalryman and I have a horse!

Archer General·Three Stars: When the number of bows (crossbows) under his command exceeds one-half, the commander will be promoted to three stars, and the individual will gain excellent archery skills. Note: The ejaculation was too fast!

Recruitment·Three Stars: Recruitment efficiency is improved and the cost is reduced by 5%. 】

[Reward eight:

personal skills

Internal Affairs·Level 4: Have good ability to handle government affairs!

Party Struggle·Level 3: Have certain party fighting ability. Note: How could a dynasty fall to party strife?

Fearless·Level 3: Fearless. Note: I am the general, Lu Bu must die!

Arm Escape·Level 2: Escape speed increases after a broken arm!

Literature·Level 4: Have good written expression skills.

Argument·Level 5: Possess powerful verbal skills. Note: Do you know how many ways your tongue can be used? 】

[Reward 9: The levels of participating troops and general guards are improved]

[Reward 10: Star rating plus one]

The rewards of this battle were so rich that it was simply beyond Dong Huang's imagination.

Dong Huang dared to guarantee that with the current war point, even if he did nothing and just had fun there, he would be in the top ten when the mission was over! Even the top three or even first!

In addition, the rewarded weapons, equipment and various skills allowed Dong Huang to switch from guns to guns and become a wealthy businessman!

Weapons and equipment can only be dropped when the original owner dies or is taken away; skills can only be dropped after killing the enemy general and killing the enemy general in a glorious or higher level of victory!

Dong Huang obtained so much equipment at once, which is enough to prove the misery of the princes; and so many skills, from the side, confirm the death of many generals of the princes.

Liu Dai, Qiao Mao, Zhang Chao, Zhang Yang, Zhang Fei, Cao Chun, Sun Bi, Wu Anguo, Fang Yue, Mu Shun, Zhao Fu, Jian Yong...many princes and generals dedicated their lives to Dong Huang. Numerous skills.

After the rewards of the miraculous victory, the rewards of [Defending Luoyang] and [Defeating Sun Cao Liu] also followed.

[Side mission: Defend Luoyang, completed! 】

[The trainee war agent deceived his uncle who loved him deeply through cunning tricks, and followed all Jia Xu's suggestions without any idea by "listening to others and eating enough", and finally succeeded in defeating a large number of Kanto princes, and finally completed Complete the mission of defending Luoyang! 】

[Task reward: Luoyang City. After the war agent unlocks the personal exclusive war space, the personal exclusive war space will become the seventh-level capital Luoyang City, and the palace buildings, pleasure buildings, residential buildings, city walls, school grounds, etc. of Luoyang City will be retained! Functional buildings such as military buildings, blacksmith shops, agriculture, and commerce will not be retained!

When entering other mission worlds, war agents can choose to release the city and use it as the main city. Once released, it cannot be taken back before the mission ends!

Each mission world of the Seven Star City can provide 50,000 war points in tax revenue.

The Seven-Star City can provide free maintenance for seven teams.

Note: Do you still remember the Guoyong Pavilion that you miss so much? It's coming, it's coming...]

[Side mission: Defeat Sun Cao Liu, completed! 】

[The trainee war agent defeated Sun Cao Liu in a hearty battle by hanging up the whole process! 】

[Mission Reward 1: After this mission is over, you can extract a domain skill from one of the three Sun, Cao and Liu! 】

[Mission Reward 2: After this mission, you can draw a fourth-level barracks from one of Sun Cao and Liu's three parties! 】

[Task Reward Three: After the end of this task, you can draw a core general from one of Sun Cao and Liu's three parties! 】

The rewards of the two major side missions are generous. The configuration of Luoyang City + Luck Child skills + fourth-level barracks + core generals is enough to turn a weak chicken into a fighting cock.

In particular, the main city of Luoyang City is a fortified city with seven levels of city defense. If it were in this cold weapon world with low combat effectiveness in ancient times, it would definitely be a terrifying monster.

Just imagine, after all the troops and horses are sent out, a strong city suddenly appears in the rear blocking the grain road. The shock is enough to scare the ancients.

It can be said that after this battle, Dong Huang not only secured the victory in advance, but also established a considerable advantage over most of his peers.

The good news continues.

In the next few days, a large number of Dong Huang's generals recognized Dong Huang one after another.

Zhang Liao, who first showed his prowess in Xiaopingjin, was inspired by this hearty victory or for some other reason. He finally recognized Dong Huang and became another tiger general under Dong Huang.

General Taishi Ci asked Dong Huang to spare Kong Rong's life in return for Kong Rong's kindness in supporting his mother. Dong Huang not only agreed to him, but also decided to use Kong Rong as a pledge to ensure that Beihai would send Taishi Ci's mother to Luoyang to support him. Later, he burst into tears of gratitude to Dong Huang and became another general who truly recognized Dong Huang after Zhang Liao.

In addition, Jiang Qin, Huo Du, Huo Jun, Fu Wei, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Hu Cheer, Zhang Bao, Niu Gai, Xu Ding, Li Tong and others finally returned to Dong Huang.

Among the above people, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Hu Che'er, Zhang Bao, Niu Gai and others are all relatively simple warriors from the Liangzhou or Bingzhou clan. Dong Huang's miraculous victory created great fame and rich beauties. The huge rewards from official positions finally made these military leaders return home.

Huo Du, Xu Ding, Li Tong and others were all powerful, and they looked down upon beautiful women and money. However, Dong Huang treated them with sincerity, and the high-ranking officials were generous and generous, so they naturally gradually recognized Dong Huang. Huo Du even contributed two young fans to Dong Huang-Huo Jun and Fu Wei.

The two of them were originally in Huo Du's army. When they were young, they worshiped heroes. Dong Huang's miraculous victory made the two of them admire them extremely. It also made Dong Huang realize that there were still people under Huo Du's command. These two teenagers.

Historically, Huo Jun defended Jiameng City with hundreds of men against Liu Zhang's army of more than 10,000 men. He defended the city for more than a year without losing the city, and finally saw the opportunity to seize the opportunity to defeat Liu Zhang's army. His son Huo Yi was also a famous general in the late Shu Han Dynasty.

Fu Xu, on the other hand, led his troops to cut off Liu Bei when he defeated Yiling, and then fought until his death. Before he died, he angrily shouted: Wu Gou! How could a Han general surrender? His son Fu Qian was an important general in the late Shu Han Dynasty. In the battle to destroy Shu, he was deceived by traitors and died in the battle.

Although these two people were not very famous in the Three Kingdoms era when the generals were shining brightly, their integrity and abilities were outstanding.

Dong Huang liked these two young generals very much and transferred them to his side for training.

This victory, which could be regarded as a powerful victory in China, naturally made Dong Zhuo pay attention. Under Dong Zhuo's control, the imperial court's reward was also quickly reduced.

Dong Huang was made a general, his title could not be improved, and his residence was raised to 30,000 households.

Other generals with meritorious service were promoted and made marquises on a large scale.

These include Jia Xu, Hua Tuo, Zhen Yan, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Xu Huang, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong, Le Jin, Xu Chu, Zhang He, Zhou Tai, Hua Xiong, Zhang Ji, Tai Shi Ci and others.

After the decree of the feudal lord arrived, Hua Tuo, Zhen Yan, Huang Zhong, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang He and others finally fully recognized Dong Huang.

Obviously, the official fans Hua Tuo and Zhen Yan have got what they want, while Huang Zhong, Le Jin, Xu Huang, Zhang He and others have also realized their ambitions of becoming marquises, generals, wives and sons, and leaving their names in history.

At this point, Dong Huang's main subordinates, except for Jia Xu, Zhang Ji, Du Ji, Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu, Wu Ban, Wu Lan and Jiang Yujin, have all become Dong Huang's people in the true sense.

As for these characters who have not yet completed the strategy, Jia Xu and Dong Huang will of course be coaxed. It can be said unceremoniously that without Jia Xu, there would be no such great victory. Such a great talent is pure and pure in Dong Huang's eyes. , all kinds of beautiful first love, even if you can't catch it, it is still a kind of beauty as long as you can be by your side! What's more, now we have entered the love stage!

But for others, that's not the case.

Dong Huang, the two civil servants Zhang Ji and Du Ji, had to make do with it to see if they could be completely conquered, but what happened to Zhang Ji and Zhang Xiu's uncle and nephew? Are you loyal to Dong Zhuo or have other ambitions? Are the Wu brothers tired of living too?

Even Huang Zhong, whose son has not yet been cured, was moved. You second-rate and third-rate guys still have so many problems? Is it harmful to cheat on my sword?

The straight-backed Dong Huang has no shortage of these four people!

Among the many military generals, Zhang Liao's star level reached the seventh level and sixth level, Huang Zhong, Taishi Ci, Xu Huang, Zhang He, and Le Jin were all six-star and sixth level, and most of the rest were passable.

It is worth mentioning that Hua Tuo is actually a rare one-star seventh level. His level is mainly due to his miraculous medical skills. At the same time, he possesses the extremely precious field skill of Miracle Doctor.

[Field Skills: Miracle Doctor: As long as you are in the army, the healing rate and healing speed of wounded soldiers after combat will increase by 60%]

This suddenly greatly improved the army's endurance after a war.

At the same time, he also contributed a treasure to Dong Huang-"The Green Bag Sutra"

[Level 6 treasure·"Green Bag Sutra": After equipping it, you will not be affected by diseases below level 6, and your body's recovery will be increased; the healing rate of wounded soldiers after battle will be increased by 30%]

In addition to the surprises brought by Hua Tuo, the field skills of other generals also brought quite a surprise to Dong Huang.

Zhang Liao possesses the domain skill Summon Tiger and the exclusive training skill Liangzhou Iron Cavalry, and brings Dong Huang a battalion of 800 people of the fifth-level limited unit Xiaoyaojin Death Soldiers and a battalion of 200 people of the fourth-level unit Bingzhou Iron Cavalry.

[Domain Skill·Calling Tiger·One Star: All attributes of the troops within the domain are increased by 10%, and the morale of the enemy troops is reduced by 1; all attributes of the general's guards and his Bingzhou cavalry are increased, with an initial increase of 60%. 】

[Xiaoyaojin Dead Soldiers·Fifth level limited unit. Zhang Liao is directly under the heavy cavalry general's guard. The number cannot be increased. The morale is locked to the highest. When fighting against Sun Wu (Jiangnan) forces, all attributes are doubled. There is no cavalry penalty when fighting in areas with dense water networks. 】

[Bingzhou Iron Cavalry: Bingzhou Heavy Cavalry, famous for its good endurance]

The biggest surprise Zhang Liao gave Dong Huang was undoubtedly the fifth-level soldier Xiaoyaojin Death Soldier. This was also the only fifth-level soldier Dong Huang had ever seen.

In this world of war missions, the fourth level is already the top level of arms. Only some special training arms and top-level forces can reach the fourth level. The fifth level is already the level of a third-rate general. Its combat effectiveness can be imagined, not to mention The morale of this army is always locked at the highest level.

As for the special attack on Sun Wu, Dong Huang said that Emperor Sun Quan was so good at it.

Huang Zhong possesses the domain skill of Penetrating Yang with a Hundred Steps and the exclusive training skill of Shooting Sound Camp.

[Field Skills·Penetrating Yang with a Hundred Steps·One Star: The shooting distance, penetration, hit rate, and endurance of long-range troops within the domain are each increased by 20%; individuals gain powerful archery skills]

[Exclusive training skill - Sound Battalion: Each mission world can train/produce one battalion of the third-level military type Sound Battalion (1,500 people) for free]

Taishi Ci has the domain skill Yonglie, which increases the attack power of the troops within the domain by 30% for one hour after using it. Moreover, I am proficient in bow and horse, familiar with water warfare, and is a general talent.

Le Jin has the domain skill Xiaoguo. Within an hour after using it, the attack power, defense power, and dodge rate of the troops within the domain will each increase by 10%, the pain will be reduced by 50%, and the morale lock will not decrease.

This skill of Le Jin can be called a violent magic skill, which is very suitable for being used first when trapped in a battle.

Xu Huang has strict domain skills, and the troops within the domain can be immune to chaos-type skills, and can make the minimum morale of his troops not less than 1; Xu Huang also has an exclusive training skill Xiliu Camp, which can be trained/produced for free in each mission world The first battalion is a third-level comprehensive military unit with a complete range of spears, shields, bows, and cavalry. Xiliu Battalion (2,000 people)

Zhang He has the skill of changing the domain, which increases the defense of the troops within the domain by 20% and reduces the terrain debuff by 50%. Zhang He also has the exclusive training skill Euphorbia, which can be trained/produced for free in each mission world. A battalion of Tier 4 troops, Euphorbia cavalry (150 people) and Euphorbia lance and shield infantry (750).

Jiang Qin has the domain skill Treading Waves, which increases the speed, dodge, and attack of the navy within the water combat domain by 10% each.

Huo Jun has the field skill Guard, which can increase the combat effectiveness of the city and soldiers he defends by 10%, and the morale of the defending troops will not collapse.

Li Tong has field skill encouragement, and the morale of the team within the field increases by 1.

Fu Wei possesses the domain skill Brave Defeat. After using it, the troops within the domain will fight to the death and their defense and physical strength will increase by 10%.

Hu Che'er has a very special field skill - plunder, which allows him to seize the enemy's equipment after defeating or rendering the opponent's generals/heroes incompetent.

Apart from these generals, the remaining generals such as Huo Du, Cheng Lian, Wei Yue, Zhang Bao, Niu Gai, Xu Ding and others have no domain skills, only some fixed skills and personal skills, which are better than nothing.

For Dong Huang, who has strong soldiers and horses, he can use them as super soldiers, or he can gather these people with their heavy cavalry generals and guards to act as heavy cavalry to charge into the battle.

Two in one today!

I have a fever and cough recently. I will post regularly these days. If you have anything, you can leave a message or send it to the group. If there’s anyone I’d like to thank you for, please bear with me!

Thanks to book friends Feiniao is my wife, Hollow Baiyang, and book friends 20190722094645785 for their February votes!

Thank you to the white-haired internet scammer who breathes through gills and book friend 20190527004251932 for your monthly votes!

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