Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 404: What a great chapter title, it can’t be blocked anymore

The chaos in the ninja world is not just in the Land of Water.

The Land of Wind is actually the more chaotic part of the ninja world.

Before Nagato invaded the Land of Water, the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning had received news of the tragic defeat and death of Shimura Danzo of Konoha and Fugaku Uchiha, as well as the destruction of the Sand Village Ninja Clan of the Land of Wind.

However, the Cloud Village Ninja Clan of the Land of Lightning, which has greatly increased in strength, is now busy looking for news about Obito Uchiha, trying to take back the Eight-Tails and a certain blond wavy girl, so it has no time to care about others for a while.

But the Land of Earth couldn't help it.

The Third Tsuchikage, the Ninja of the Tenten, Ohnoki, is a guy who values ​​small profits over great justice. At the same time, he is also a traitor with a strong desire for power. He can be called the Sarutobi Hiruzen of the Land of Earth.

Under his leadership, there are almost no top-notch powerful ninjas in Iwagakure.

Of course, the total number of ninjas in Iwagakure is still considerable, and the total number is not inferior to that of Konoha.

At the beginning, the two-day scale Ohnoki coveted the Samsara Eye, but all the people he sent to seize the Samsara Eye died without a burial place.

Later, the news of the death of Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Fugaku and others came, and the two-day scale Ohnoki did not dare to act rashly.

He just wanted to wait for others to fight with Nagato and then take advantage of it, and never wanted to fight head-on.

However, when the news came that Nagato destroyed the Sand Village and fought against the One-tailed Shukaku, and then the whole country went on an expedition, the mind of the two-day scale Ohnoki became active again.

He first sent people into the Rain Country and found that it was like entering an empty land. After most of the remaining people who were unwilling to follow Nagato surrendered, his mind became more active.

He was so greedy that he sent people to attack the Wind Country.

Of course, the statement to the outside world was to aid the Wind Country and the Sand Village Ninja Sect.

Of course, this kind of assistance is similar to the assistance of aid communication. If you want to get assistance, you either give your body or your body and soul.

If you refuse to help, you will lose your body and soul.

Tian Tian Shuo Ohnoki even proposed a plan to help Wind Country rebuild the Mist Country, but the ninjas of Wind Country need to go to Earth Country to receive ninja education.

His intention is obvious to everyone.

People who cherish their bodies when doing great things and forget their principles when seeing small profits are people like Tian Tian Shuo Ohnoki.

He actually wanted to annex Rain Country and Wind Country in one fell swoop.

Of course, he is not really stupid. His series of policies and the fact that Earth Country is strong have allowed him to gather many scattered ninjas from Rain Country and Wind Country.

There are fewer ninjas in Rain Country, but the ninjas who survived by chance and those who are doing missions outside in Wind Country have a total of nearly 50,000.

Tian Tian Shuo Ohnoki also knows that these people are unreliable, but he thinks that at least they can be used as cannon fodder to deal with Nagato in the future.

Let him send the Iwagakure ninja to use the human wave tactics to fight Nagato. The two days of the day are a little reluctant to send Ohnoki, but these Sand Ninjas who have a deep hatred for Nagato are definitely happy to be cannon fodder.

Konoha certainly sees the ambition of Iwagakure, but Dong Huang is not in a hurry.

In Dayu's view, it doesn't matter how happy the Land of Earth is now, it just prolongs the battle line in vain. The threat of the entire Land of Earth is not as good as a one-eyed Nagato. Not to mention the hidden Black Zetsu.

In order to further integrate Konoha's strength, Tsunade even ordered the Konoha ninja to shrink the defense line and further reorganize the army to form a stronger combat power as soon as possible and prepare for the war.

In this context, Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Itachi, Ye Cang, Uchiha Kotori, Hinata Ayari, Sarutobi Aiko, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, Uzuki Yugao and others have returned to Konoha.

The strength of these people has made a qualitative leap compared to before, especially Uchiha Itachi's strength, which has improved rapidly.

There is no way, there are too many benefits for Dong Huang to return.

The imprint of the totem has improved their strength to the first level, and then the exchange of various spells and skills has made their strength and potential leap again.

These guys who are considered to be the people of Amaterasu have a very high affinity for various exchanges in the temple of their mother goddess Amaterasu. The skills exchanged are not only not discounted but also improved to a certain extent.

In addition to exchanging the skills of the Amaterasu Temple, the three people of the Uchiha family also exchanged wood-attributed skills, and Hinata Ayari also broke through the shackles of the bird in the cage.

Not only that, the experiment on Uchiha Itachi was also a complete success.

The geniuses of Dayu and Orochimaru Shikigami cooperated, based on Uchiha Obito's energetic body, relying on experienced human body transformation technology, successfully transplanted the White Zetsu cells and the cells of the first generation of Hokage into Uchiha Itachi.

These combined with the wood-attribute spells exchanged by Uchiha Itachi have brought Uchiha Itachi's strength to a new level.

Of course, there are dangers in this process, but Hua Tuo and Guo Jia can guarantee that he will not die, so just do it!

To this day, the silent Uchiha Itachi can already use his Mangekyō Sharingan ability at a high intensity like Uchiha Obito in the plot, without worrying about blindness.

Although the other women of Uchiha did not undergo transplants, they also benefited a lot because of Dong Huang's enthusiastic irrigation.

Theoretically, the combat effectiveness that Uchiha Mikoto can exert will not be much worse than Uchiha Itachi. Ye Cang, who has a high affinity for fire attributes, has also become the strongest group of people at the Kage level. Uchiha Kotori and Hinata Ayari also have the strength of quasi-Kage level, and others have also improved.

The transformation of the few rare members who returned to the Senju clan was also successful.

The members of the Senju clan generally have strong vitality, extremely high wood attribute talents, and strong vitality. The success rate of fusing the "White Zetsu Cells + First Generation Hokage Cells" improved by Dayu is extremely high, and the effect is excellent. Combined with the wood attribute spells exchanged from the temple and learning some of the ancestral wood escape, it is simply like adding wings to a tiger.

Even if the wood attribute spells of the temple and the wood escape of this world are not exactly the same thing, just like Dong Huang's double pupils absorbing the Mangekyō Sharingan, it is not really absorbed and merged, but as a primer and key to stimulate the ability of his own double pupils, the wood attribute spells of the temple are a primer, coupled with the dual influence of White Zetsu and Hashirama's cells, it can make their wood escape easily form Yamato-level combat power.

The Yamato here refers to the Yamato in the plot "The first generation of wood escape conquers the world, and Yamato wood escape is greening".

Although it is not realistic to produce a large number of Kage-level strongmen in a short period of time by relying on human body modification, it is not difficult to produce a large number of jonin or even elite jonin even without the Sharingan.

Their Wood Release affinity and modification technology are better than the Yamato of the root, and they can be equipped with Sharingan.

The Senju clan equipped with Sharingan will naturally cause a backlash from the Uchiha clan, and even be suspected of the origin of the eyes.

However, after the suppression of Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Itachi showed Wood Release, and told the Uchiha clan that these eyes were left by the dead clan members of the past generations, and he gave them to the Senju clan in order to let all the clan members get Wood Release, and they were not taken by the Senju clan. As long as the Uchiha clan members are loyal enough, everyone can transplant Wood Release, and Wood Release helps to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, the Uchiha clan immediately had no objection.

Even if the Mangekyō Sharingan cannot be awakened, the two words "Wood Release" alone are enough.

Even though this Wood Release is not the same as the Wood Release of the first Hokage, but others have Porsche, I at least have Hoshimi, after all, it is better than taking the eleventh road, right?

Seeing the enthusiasm of the clan members, Uchiha Itachi simply omitted how crazy Hua Tuo, Guo Jia, Yun Zhongjun, Shikigami Orochimaru and others were.

Transformation is never a dinner party, it is very painful and terrifying, but at least the result is wonderful, isn't it?

As for the loyalty of the Uchiha clan ninjas?

Even if they can't be loyal to Konoha, can't they be loyal to Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Itachi who led the Uchiha clan to the peak?

You know, not long ago, Tsunade had announced that Uchiha Itachi would be her successor.

The Uchiha clan now has an assistant to the Hokage and a vice-captain of the Anbu and the successor to the Hokage. It is an unprecedented glory. Most of the fanatics of the Uchiha clan naturally don't mind offering loyalty.

Therefore, the more vigorous Uchiha clan transformation plan came on stage.

Once the Uchiha and Senju clan ninja transformation plan is completed, Konoha can at least increase tens of thousands of special jonin, jonin and elite jonin.

This huge number of elites is scary enough in the current ninja world.

If they are given enough time, it is not impossible for a large number of shadow-level strongmen to appear.

After the transformation, there is no problem in the amount of chakra, recovery ability, and physical strength exceeding that of ordinary shadow-level strongmen. Using the three-magatama Sharingan can also quickly improve the level of physical skills and ninjutsu. The emergence of a large number of shadow-level strongmen is something to be expected in the future.

The only question is whether a super shadow-level strongman can appear.

At present, Dayu has not mastered the human embryo cloning technology, but in the future, it may not be certain.

It is worth mentioning that some crazy scientists in Dayu also wanted to look for active tadpoles on the energetic corpse of the first Hokage. It can only be said that the madness of scientists is too terrible...

The deep integration of the two founding families of Konoha, Uchiha and Senju, of course, could not be hidden from the eyes of those who were interested in Konoha. The most horrified one was undoubtedly Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hiashi found that the strength of the Hyuga clan was getting worse and worse than that of the Uchiha clan, and the trust between the two major families of Uchiha and Senju, especially Tsunade and Uchiha Mikoto, was incredibly high. Every time he held a three-person group meeting, he was helpless like an outsider.

Many times, there were decisions that were just for him to execute!

He realized that something was wrong: How could two women be so close? was because of a man!

[Could it be that the bridge between Uchiha Mikoto and Tsunade be the licentious and unrighteous emperor? 】

Hyuga Hiashi was worried.

Thinking of the failure of the caged bird curse seal on Hinata Ayari, Hinata Hiashi panicked even more.

Fortunately, Hinata was favored by Tsunade. He could clearly feel that Tsunade was raising Hinata as her daughter, which made him more or less relieved.

[Do we need to send a few more beauties to the emperor to test his opinion? Speaking of which, Sarutobi Asuma used to be his bodyguard! But in the blink of an eye, he killed his father and brother...]

[Wait...killed his father and brother?]


[Will Hinata Ayari assassinate me and then defect? ​​Or will Hinata kill her father and defect? ​​Eventually, the Hyuga clan will be leaderless and annexed by Konoha?]

Hinata Hiashi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He was scared.

He didn't want to die yet!

Thinking of his beautiful wife, lovely daughter, and unparalleled power in the Hyuga clan, he didn't want to die even more!

【What should we do? 】

[Is it possible for the Hyuga clan to also join the human body modification plan? 】

[Forget it, let’s give His Majesty the Emperor a few more women... His Majesty the Emperor doesn’t seem to be satisfied with the previous Hyuga Ayari? Could it be that the rumors are true? Your Majesty the Emperor is still a good wife? 】

Thinking of this, Hinata and Hinata were even more panicked, because the most plump and attractive wife of the Hinata clan was his wife.

【What should I do? 】

Hinata was extremely panicked.

While Hinata and Hinata were thinking hard about life-saving strategies, the filial son Uchiha Itachi was going door to door visiting those Uchiha clan members who had not yet fully returned to their hearts.

Uchiha Itachi came to Uchiha Izumi's house.

Uchiha Izumi is Uchiha Itachi's childhood sweetheart. She is a girl with long, straight black hair and a lively personality.

Although in the plot, Itachi Uchiha had no reaction to her death.

"Itachi-kun? Come in quickly!"

Uchiha Izumi shyly invited Uchiha Itachi into the house.

Uchiha Izumi's mother, Uchiha Chuan, happened to be at home as well.

Uchiha Chuan is a beautiful woman with a mature and gentle appearance. Her whole body exudes the charm of Yamato Nadeshiko. She is about the same age as Uchiha Itachi's mother Uchiha Mikoto.

It smells like the neighbor's wife.

"Itachi is here, please sit down, Izumi, go get some tea!"

Uchiha Chuan still liked Uchiha Itachi, the son of the former and current clan leader.

To be honest, among the current Uchiha clan, who among the family members would not want Uchiha Itachi to be their son-in-law?

Strong, handsome, and powerful, he is like the son-in-law riding a dragon in a dream!

Uchiha Izumi immediately served tea to Uchiha Itachi, and then sat down next to his mother very reservedly, subconsciously pulling up the hem of his skirt.

She felt that this must be Uchiha Itachi who came to find her.

【Are you looking for a date with me? Do you still want to propose marriage to me? 】

The young girl of the Uchiha clan has unexplainable thoughts in her mind.

In fact, for a ninja, she is really old enough to get married at this age.

Her mother was already pregnant when she was her age.

However, to her disappointment, Uchiha Itachi had been staring at her mother Uchiha Chuan since he came in.

Not only did Uchiha Chuan blush a little, but Uchiha Izumi was even more uneasy: Could it be that Itachi-kun likes this kind of plump figure?


Uchiha Izumi, who was a little unhappy, couldn't help but speak.

"Quan, please go out for a moment. I have something I want to talk to Aunt Chuan!"

Uchiha Itachi said while maintaining a cold expression.

The moment he saw Uchiha Kawa, Uchiha Itachi felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart: Aunt Kawa is so beautiful and has such a maternal temperament... So, he must also be the type of woman his father likes. ?

Uchiha Itachi, who aspired to become his father's most loyal dog, couldn't help but have other thoughts about Uchiha River.

"Quan, please go out first."

Uchiha River held the tea cup, hiding his inner uneasiness.

Mature women have a much keener eye for men than young girls.

She had discovered the abnormality in Uchiha Itachi's gaze, which made her a little scared, but Uchiha Itachi's identity was here after all, and she did not want to anger Uchiha Itachi.

"I do not want!"

Izumi Uchiha got a little tempered.

After finishing speaking, he may have felt that his tone was a bit harsh, so he couldn't help but soften his tone and act coquettishly: "Itachi-kun, is there something you can't say in front of me?"

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, but looked at Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Izumi respectively.

Yue Du, activate!

Since you don't want to talk properly, I have many ways to make you talk properly.

As the 10086th prince ranked by His Majesty the Great Wilderness, Dong Weasel is determined to become the most loyal and outstanding son of his father, the Emperor.

In the strengthened Yuedu space, Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Izumi enjoyed the baptism of love for 720 hours in their own independent spaces.

Inside, Uchiha Chuan's lover became Dong Huang, and he was brainwashed over and over again by the image of Dong Huang who loved Dong Huang extremely and obeyed Dong Huang absolutely. He was brainwashed tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times...

Inside, Uchiha Izumi's most respected father also became Dong Huang...

"Itachi-kun, I want to see Your Majesty..."

After the matter was over, Uchiha Chuan, who couldn't tell whether it was fantasy or reality, lay down on his seat and begged.

When he heard the word "Your Majesty", Izumi Uchiha, who was about to collapse, also stared.

Now they also want Picasso.

This is both an action and a special costume.

Hearing their words, Uchiha Itachi smiled.

He knew that he had successfully brought two Uchiha people home again!

"Just wait patiently for Father's call!"

Uchiha Itachi arranged.

Afterwards, Uchiha Itachi, who had gained an unparalleled sense of satisfaction, stood up and left with a smile.

[Next, there are still many people who need to change their ideas! 】

[In short, the Uchiha clan does not need useless people who are not loyal to their father! 】

[If you have experienced the baptism of Yuedu and cannot be loyal to you, then kill them all! 】

[There is no need for Uchiha who are not loyal to his father to exist. 】

[Even the Uchiha clan does not need to exist. They are just father's loyal dogs. They should forget their names, forget the past, and live only for father! 】

【Father is their root! 】

As more and more lost lambs of the Uchiha clan were saved, Dong Weasel's will became stronger and stronger.

[The only problem is Sako, her belief is not strong enough, that’s all, let’s do it ten times a day from now on! I believe that no matter how poorly qualified Sako is, she should change her mind, right? 】

For Zuo Zi's future, Dong Weasel decided to give Zuo Zi more care.


While all the major ninja sects were busy with their own affairs, and even the remaining war agents were going crazy, the other two people who had been missing in the ninja world for a long time finally completed their preliminary cooperation. .

"How is it? This body is pretty good, isn't it?"

Hei Jue Jie Jie spoke.

"There's nothing wrong with it, right? For example, will you suddenly control me or something?"

Orochimaru felt the surging power in his new body, a cold smile appeared on his lips, and a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes flashed with a heart-stopping red light.

Black Zetsu has disappeared from the ninja world since his intelligence was leaked and he was hunted down by Nagato, Uchiha Obito and even the entire ninja world.

At that time, his biggest trump card was only the dead body of Madara Uchiha and a few White Zetsu.

This gave him the idea of ​​dying down and waiting for thousands of years.

However, as the ninja world became more and more chaotic, especially when Nagato and Obito formed a hidden alliance to collect tailed beasts for other purposes, Black Zetsu really couldn't sit still.

He is afraid!

Apart from anything else, if Uchiha Obito gets crazy and banishes all the tailed beasts to his Kamui Space, and then destroys his eyes before dying, then his Kamui Space will be completely separated from this world. If we lose contact, how will we find those tailed beasts again?

Without those tailed beasts, he would no longer be able to create the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Wouldn't his plan of splitting the moon to save his mother be completely over?

For the sake of his mother, Hei Jue could only take risks.

But his strength is very insufficient, and he can only keep looking for new collaborators.

At this time, Orochimaru, whose hands were sealed by Nagato's Six Paths, appeared in his field of vision.

Black Zetsu knows very well that if Orochimaru wants to make his soul truly complete, he must kill Nagato, and with Orochimaru's ambition, it is impossible to give up the Rinnegan.

Not only that, after observation, Black Zetsu also discovered that Orochimaru knew a not-so-perfect reincarnation technique, which allowed him to change his body by reincarnating his soul and chakra together.

And in this process, the soul in the body that was devoured by him will also be devoured by him and become part of his power, thus completing his soul to a certain extent, so that even if he loses the soul of his hands, Even after reincarnation, he can continue to use his hands.

Orochimaru has such ability, so he is naturally qualified to cooperate with him.

What's more, he also discovered that Orochimaru was secretly studying the art of reincarnation.


As long as Orochimaru can help him reincarnate Uchiha Madara, then everything is still promising!

So Black Zetsu officially showed up to negotiate with Orochimaru.

At that time, Orochimaru was in a period of weakness, so he naturally would not refuse the Black Zetsu he sent to his door.

Hence the current transaction.

Black Zetsu helped Orochimaru reincarnate undead at the cost of providing a White Zetsu body equipped with three Magatama Sharingan. Afterwards, Orochimaru helped Black Zetsu reincarnate into a human being.

Orochimaru could naturally guess that the person Black Zetsu wanted to reincarnate in the dirty land was Uchiha Madara, but he didn't care.

Is Madara Uchiha strong?

Believe it or not, he took out the first, second, third, and fourth generation Hokage and all the powerful Kage-level masters from all major ninja sects?

"I mean credit!"

Black Jue vowed.

"hope so!"

Orochimaru turned the three Magatama Sharingan noncommittally, and casually used the Wood Release and Cutting Technique.

"what are you doing?"

Hei Zetsu was startled by the sudden attack.

"I just tried Wood Escape, but my hand slipped."

Orochimaru smiled indifferently.

He was very satisfied with this body. The only thing he was dissatisfied with was that the Sharingan only had three magatama.

[It would be great if I could evolve into the Mangekyō Sharingan! 】

Orochimaru also already knew the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Help me resurrect him first!"

With long nights and many dreams, Black Zetsu just wanted to resurrect Uchiha Madara first.

"It's no problem to resurrect him, but I can't guarantee the strength of the person who can be reincarnated from the dirty earth now."

Orochimaru shrugged: "The Nidaime Hokage's Earth Reincarnation Technique originally allowed the Earth Ninjas to use the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans. It was based on the immortality of the Earth Ninjas, not their strength."


Black was very dissatisfied with Orochimaru's answer. That was not what Orochimaru said before.

"Don't be anxious~"

Orochimaru stretched out his long snake and licked his lips: "Give me some time, I'm also looking forward to Uchiha Madara's power!"

"how long!"

Fortunately, Black Zetsu also expected this situation, so he did not fall out with Orochimaru, but his tone was not very happy.


Orochimaru's eyes flashed with naked murderous intent: "After I kill the Emperor of the Land of Fire, I will come back to study the reincarnation of the Earth."

"Kill the Fire Nation Emperor? You want to kill Asuma Sarutobi, who used to be the Fire Nation Emperor's bodyguard, right? You want to avenge your teacher?"

Black Zetsu bluntly exposed Orochimaru's idea.

"Well, maybe..."

Orochimaru did not comment.

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