Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 420 Yang Guangdong and the Justice for Heaven

Sui Emperor Yang Guang was very confused.

He was originally with Empress Xiao, Concubine Zhu, Concubine Xiao, Mrs. Xuanhua, Mrs. Xue, Mrs. Qin, Yaniang, Concubine Hou, Mrs. Sha, Yuan Ziyan, Mrs. Yang, Yuan Baoer, Han Jun'e, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Xia, Xue Ye'er, etc. All the imperial concubines were having fun and talking loudly. As a result, news came successively that Goryeo was attacked by the Japanese state and that Goryeo was destroyed by the Japanese state.

The Japanese country was the identity given to Dayu by Yeon Gaesumun and others, because in their understanding, apart from the Sui Dynasty, there seemed to be only one Japanese country among the larger countries near Goryeo.

It is said that there are eight million gods in Japan, and hundreds of ghosts walk at night.

Therefore, who else could the enemy be if it were not the Japanese?

Those strange armors must have been transformed into monsters and monsters.

Yang Guang maintained a cautious attitude towards this statement which had no other supporting evidence and was just the words of Yeon Gaesumun and others. He waited until Yuan Hongsi, the general manager of Youzhou, received the investigation information, which confirmed the statement of Yeon Gaesumun and others. Then the ministers were summoned for discussion.

At this time, Pei Shiju, the minister of Huangmen, Yu Wenshu, the general of Youyiwei, Yu Shiji, the minister of internal history, Pei Yun, the imperial censor, and Guo Yan, the official of Guanglu, all flattered You Chong and were Yang Guang's most trusted ministers.

However, a flatterer cannot just flatter someone, he must first be capable before he can flatter him, otherwise, even flattery will not be effective.

Pei Shiju, for example, had outstanding abilities. He pacified Lingnan, conquered the Turks, and conquered the Western Regions...especially the Western Regions, which expanded the territory of the Sui Dynasty thousands of miles. The countries from the Western Regions came to court, which greatly satisfied the vanity of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. At the same time, it was also a rare grand occasion for the Central Plains Dynasty since the Han Dynasty.

Not only that, in history, Pei Shiju survived the Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, Sui, Yu Wenji, Dou Jiande and many other dynasties and survived. In the Tang Dynasty, he still became prime minister and died a good death.

This is strength.

Shi Xiu Jiang Biao is weak compared to this.

Yu Wenshu was also remarkable. His surname was Poyantou, and he came from a noble family with military merit in Xianbei. He was good at riding and shooting, and defeated Tuyuhun many times. His son Yu Wenhuaji even ended Yang Guang's life.

Others are by no means good.

They also have a common characteristic, that is, they are good at figuring out what is going on.

"My dear friends, what should happen in Liaodong?"

Yang Guang got straight to the point and looked at Pei Shiju first.

Pei Shiju is also known as Pei Ju in later generations. However, in history, Pei Shiju was removed from the throne to avoid being tabooed by Li Shimin, who became the emperor. Now he is still called Pei Shiju.

"Whether it is a Japanese country or not, as long as they are willing to accept the imperial seal, I, the Sui Dynasty, will naturally give them a reward. However, Goryeo's soldiers and horses are not weak. The opponent can capture Goryeo in such a short period of time, even though there is a surprise attack on Wangxian City. "

Pei Shiju offered advice.

He knew Yang Guang's character very well.

In some respects, Yang Guang's achievements are comparable to those of Qin Shihuang, but he is more impatient and eager to achieve great results. He endured for several years and once he gained power, he completely let himself go. His forbearance was just a means, not a character;

Qin Shihuang was different. His childhood experience made Qin Shihuang's character forbearing and calmness. Qin Shihuang would not go on a personal expedition, but he could still lower his face and seek help from Wang Jian after being disgraced by Wang Jian and Li Xin's defeat in the attack on Chu; what Wang Jian did Because, if it had been in Yang Guang's time, he would have been killed by Yang Guang long ago.

Different mental states and too much face-saving eventually led to the tragic death of Yang Guang and the death of the second generation of the Sui Dynasty.

The so-called "Although there are achievements in the outer wilderness, there is no way to save the defeat in the domain".

Pei Shiju knew that Yang Guang, who had a good reputation, could not change the edict to conquer Korea not long after he issued it.

He will not disgrace this man.

What's more, the conquest of Goryeo this time was not just a battle of wills, but a deeper strategic reason.

Even without tracing back to Xia, Shang and Jizi Korea, from the Yan State during the Warring States Period to the establishment of the Qin Empire, the territory has always covered the Liaodong Peninsula and the northwestern region of the Korean Peninsula. In the Han Dynasty, in order to cut off the left arm of the Xiongnu, the Liaodong Four was directly established. County, captured most of the Korean Peninsula.

The Korean Peninsula and the Liaodong Peninsula have always been important barriers for the Central Plains Dynasty to defend against nomadic peoples in the north, especially in the northeast. These places have mountains and water suitable for defense, as well as iron mines and plains, which can be used for military training, farming and grain storage, and they also have strong folk customs and rich production. Soldiers are a battleground for military strategists and an important barrier in the North China Plain.

However, the Yan State, the weakest among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period in history, was able to crush all the way to the Korean Peninsula. However, this era gave rise to separatist forces such as Goryeo. The reason was not only the chaos of the Five Flowers, but also the expansion of Liaoze. related.

(Distribution map of alien races in the northeastern Sui Dynasty)

Liaoze directly affected land transportation, so that the Central Plains' roads to Liaodong and North Korea were not smooth. Coupled with the war in the Central Plains, it eventually led to the expansion of Goryeo.

Liaoze in this world still has elements of demons causing chaos, and it is said that demons from the sea are also involved.

Yang Guang not only wanted to pacify Goryeo this time, but he might also take the opportunity to completely surrender the Mohe, Khitan, Shiwei, Xi and other foreign tribes, thereby achieving the goal of threatening the Turks from the south, east, and west.

When Yang Guang heard Pei Shiju's words, he felt secretly happy.

He knew that Pei Shiju would not let him down.

He looked at the others again.

Yuwen Shu clearly stated that the wise emperor's edict had already been issued, and the army, food, and civilians had begun to gather. How could he stop easily? Moreover, the strategic location of the northeast was important. Since the enemy was stronger than Goryeo, it was natural to kill it in the bud. Moreover, the enemy had just fought a war with Goryeo, and it must have suffered heavy losses. There must have been constant rebellion in Goryeo. It was a good time to bring the former Goryeo under the rule of the Sui Dynasty in one fell swoop!

Others also said yes and yes, and even went off topic while talking. One by one, they began to sing praises for Yang Guang. In their mouths, Yang Guang's domestic affairs were better than Emperor Wu of Han, and his territory was better than Qin Shihuang. He was simply an emperor of the ages.

Therefore, the strategy of the Sui Dynasty's eastward expedition continued to be implemented unswervingly, even though a large number of rebellions had already occurred within the Sui Dynasty.

The Sui Dynasty was obviously a prosperous era, but there were signs of the end of the dynasty. Many places were hit by natural disasters and man-made disasters, especially Shandong and Henan.

The floods in Shandong and Henan submerged more than 30 counties.

While the heavy rain continued to fall, a fleet took advantage of the cover of wind and rain and went upstream along the Jishui River to Juye Lake.

"Jishui" records: "Juye Lake is vast, connecting Zhusi in the south and Qingji in the north. The old county and the old city are in the lake."

Juye Lake on Blue Star was not integrated with Liangshan Lake until the Yellow River burst its dike in the Five Dynasties, becoming part of the 800-li water lake. Eventually, due to climate and other reasons, it gradually disappeared with the 800-li water lake.

Juye Lake in this world has expanded somewhat due to the rise of spiritual energy. In addition, due to the continuous heavy rain and the relationship with the world map, it has expanded to 3,000 miles from north to south and more than 1,000 miles from east to west. It can hide soldiers and transport water, and is a treasure land for military strategists.

In the Song, Liao, Jin and Xia worlds, Cheng Yu, who had experience in managing Liangshan Lake, once again personally took to the battlefield and became "Brother Chao Gai", raising the banner of justice for heaven.

Wang Lei, Zhang Lu, and the three brothers of the Cai family, who once called themselves Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, and the three heroes of the Ruan family in the Song, Liao, Jin, and Xia dynasties, all came out. Cheng Yu also borrowed Wu Song, Hua Xiong, Hu Cheng, the five tigers of the Zeng family, Shi Wengong, Luan Tingyu, Zhang Qing, Gong Wang, Ding Desun, Shan Tinggui, Wei Dingguo and others from Zhao Yun, as if he was going to make a Liangshan small gathering of heroes.

Cheng Yu and his concubine Sun Erniang also maintained a group of excellent corpse soldiers including Zhang Qing, Chao Gai, Song Jiang, Gongsun Sheng, Wu Yong, Lin Chong, Zhu Tong, Lei Heng, the three heroes of the Ruan family, Du Qian, Song Wan, Bai Sheng, Wang Lun, Suo Chao, Zhou Jin, Wu Yanguang, the ten stars, the twenty-eight stars, Zhu Gui, the three brothers of the Zhu family, Li Zhong, Zhou Tong, Yu Baosi, Kong Ming, Kong Liang, Dong Ping, Xu Ning, and Fan Rui.

These corpse soldiers are actually a bit behind the times. Now they are only at the third level of myth. The best-maintained Zhang Qing is only at the fourth level of myth...

Such a level has no advantage over the ordinary army of Dayu, not to mention the corpse soldiers of Dayu equipped with armor.

In addition to these people, Cheng Yu also received assistance from Xiang Yan, Han Xin, Peng Yue, Chen Ping, Lv Ze, Lv Shizhi, Fan Kuai, Xiahou Ying, Cao Shen, Long Qi, Ji Bu, Zhongli Mo, Ying Bu and others from the Qin world, as well as the navy generals Xu Sheng, Dong Xi, Ding Feng, Pan Zhang, Ma Zhong and others from Dayu, and the son-in-law of the navy general Dong Jiao, Hoshigaki Kisame.

After all, Hoshigaki Kisame failed to escape the clutches of Dong Jiao, married his shark daughter, married into the shark clan, and became an important general of the shark clan.

This time, Hoshigaki Kisame has another important task, which is to lead the ninja troops to perform the Mist Hidden Technique continuously during the day to help the army hide further.

After all, it is a 100,000-man army with more than a thousand ships.

If these people appear blatantly in the hinterland of the Sui Dynasty, they will definitely die without a burial place, but if they enter the Juye Lake, they will really have a lot of opportunities.

The main focus of the Sui Dynasty now cannot be placed on the Juye Lake, not to mention that there are many rebellions in Shandong, and they can completely hide their identities and pretend to be several rebellions, without being noticed by gods or ghosts.

In order to further incite the rebellion, Dayu also sent a large number of experienced Bai Ze and Di Ting personnel to Shandong, Henan, Guanzhong and other places.

From these arrangements, it is not difficult to see Dayu's strategic deployment.

Liaodong and Shandong are mutually complementary, like a pair of pliers, tightly clamping the entire North China.

Dayu wants to defeat Yang Guang, and once the time is right, Dayu can easily take over the entire North China Plain.

At that time, as long as the taxes are light and the granaries are opened to release grain, Hebei can be settled.

(Shandong rebellion situation map, the purple circles are places with large-scale rebellions in Shandong)

After Cheng Yu led the army to Juye Lake, he attacked Yuncheng unexpectedly.

Yuncheng was not a strategic location in history, but because it was backed by Juye Lake, it was the best place to stay nearby.

After all, the army could not always drift on the water.

The army attacked the city in heavy rain and fog, and the defenders of Yuncheng were unprepared, and Yuncheng was easily captured.

Cheng Yu then released Xidu, which was authorized in advance by Dong Huang.

With Xidu, Cheng Yu's troops had an important logistical fulcrum. The grain and other supplies in Xidu were enough for the army to use for hundreds of years, and Xidu itself had a million garrisons, although these garrisons were basically only mythical first and second levels.

When entering the myth mission stage, there are restrictions on the heroes, cities, and armies that enter the mission world each time. The only thing that is not restricted is the number of city garrisons.

This is actually a bug left deliberately. After all, the Infinite War space is for cultivating Gu, not for cultivating flowers in the greenhouse. Therefore, while restricting the super powerful to a certain extent, it also leaves a backdoor.

Dong Huang, who was good at exploiting backdoors, decisively exploited this one. Haojing had tens of millions of troops stationed, countless famous generals, and mountains of grain, grass, and military supplies. The other four capitals also had millions of troops stationed, huge material reserves, and docks were set up. Wait for all the facilities that can be redeemed, and build a large number of practical facilities.

In addition, the garrison commander of Xidu is Hao Zhao, who is known for his expertise in defense and ordnance.

Xidu devoured Yuncheng and was released, Cheng Yuxuan's heart finally calmed down.

Next, Cheng Yu will not directly jump to the rebels, but will send troops to pretend to be bandits to block the roads, creating the illusion that Yuncheng has lost contact; at the same time, he will send a large number of troops to pretend to be rebels, attack counties and counties, contact other rebels, and create chaos .

If you find a nearby city with agents of war, focus on annihilating them.

So, is there a city with agents of war nearby?

The answer is yes.

Because someone sang "The Stone Man Has One Eye" in advance, he actually dug out the stone man.

Obviously, the agent of war couldn't bear it anymore.

War agents are best at taking advantage of the situation and winning in chaos. I am afraid there are people who are waiting to take advantage of Emperor Sui Yang's Eastern Expedition to cause big things!

The floods in Shandong and Henan this year have provided these war agents with a golden opportunity. As long as they have a little bit of food and a dark heart, they can cause quite a storm.

However, the big turmoil caused may not be a good thing. Just like Wang Bo, who initiated the rebellion, his strength greatly increased under the instigation of the war agent.

Wang Bo was born as a blacksmith and had previously gathered a crowd to revolt in Diaowo Valley in Changbai Mountain.

The Changbai Mountain here is in Shandong. It is called Huixian Mountain and is called the deputy peak of Mount Tai by Ge Hong.

Because it is located between Licheng of Qi County, Zibo, the capital of Qi, and Yidu of Beihai (Qingzhou, Weifang), and at the junction of the North China Plain and the mountains and hills of central and southern Shandong, its strategic position is very important.

Occupying this place can threaten Qi County to the west and Qingzhou to the east. Because of the dangerous terrain, strong men have occupied Changbai Mountain in the past dynasties. "Because Changbai Mountain is connected to the land of Sanqi, there are many thieves based here."

This time, Wang Bo received city support from the war agent and directly released a mountain city on Changbai Mountain.

Wang Bo was also turned into a puppet by the war agent's men.

Helpless, Wang Bo could only spend most of his energy on song creation.

Strictly speaking, Wang Bo is still a country songwriter. During the uprising, he composed a song and said: "If you want to resist the army, resist the election, every family must collect iron tools, collect the iron and make it into a gun, and kill all the ignorant kings and officials."

Recently, I am composing the masterpiece "The Song of Death in Wuxiang Liaodong": "The governor in front of Changbai Mountain, wearing a pure red brocade back crotch, with a spear reaching half the sky, a wheel knife shining in the sun, going up the mountain to eat deer, coming down the mountain to eat cattle and sheep, suddenly Hearing the arrival of the army, he raised his sword and swung forward. For example, if Liaodong died, there would be no harm in beheading him. "

By establishing a broader mass base through ballads and gaining support from war agents, Wang Bo's strength greatly increased and he had more than 100,000 men under his command.

The strong man here refers to a person whose evaluation can reach the third level of mythology.

If we include all the people who relied on him, there would be at least 3.5 million people. The government troops were defeated in many encirclement and suppression campaigns.

This angered one person - Zhang Xutuo, who was the Prime Minister of Qijun at that time.

Zhang Xutuo was furious and led his troops to conquer. Wang Bo, who was inflated, took the initiative to lead his troops to fight under the instigation of the generals assigned to him by the war agent.

In this battle, Zhang Xutuo had more than 20,000 soldiers and Wang Bo's army had more than 100,000 soldiers. The two sides lined up for a duel, and Wang Bo's army was defeated. Several of the fierce generals under Zhang Xutuo's command were directly killed by Luo Shixin and Qin Shubao, the fierce generals under Zhang Xutuo.

Even if Dayu crushes and wins every mission world, the qualifications of the soldiers are constantly improving, the supply of spiritual rice, spiritual food, spiritual medicine, and spiritual wine has been opened up, and the spiritual energy density of the personal war space has always been at the forefront of the version. In this case , the genius Zhao Yun came to this world and was able to break through to the sixth level of myth.

It would be good for other War Agents to reach the peak of Myth Level 4 before coming to this world. It is almost impossible to break through to Myth Level 6 after coming to this world for more than half a year.

But Zhang Xutuo, Luo Shixin, and Qin Shubao were all mythical sixth-level figures, and with the blessing of a powerful military formation, 20,000 elite soldiers easily defeated Wang Bo's 100,000 rabble.

Wang Bo could only escape in embarrassment.

However, Wang Bo did not escape back to Changbai Mountain City, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack. Instead, he led his troops to fight in Lu County to get rid of the control of the war agent.

This made the war agent's subordinates furious.

This war agent is actually a cunning rabbit. His official identity is a general under Zhang Xutuo. The reason why he supports Wang Bo is actually to save the opportunity to kill Zhang Xutuo, and then subdue Luo Shixin and Qin Shubao, and then use it to defeat the king. Bo Yangkou respected himself and conquered Shandong, and at the same time conquered Shandong heroes Shan Xiongxin, Cheng Yaojin and others. Finally, he destroyed Wang Bo and unified Shandong, and then moved west to capture Henan or north to capture Hebei.

However, in this operation, Zhang Xutuo despised his army as being too weak and did not bring anyone with him. He was almost alone. Naturally, he did not dare to rebel or set up traps in front of the battle. In the end, he could only watch Wang Bo's defeat. , but Zhang Xutuo was unscathed.

Not only was he unscathed, Zhang Xutuo also took the opportunity to command the army to attack Changbai Mountain City, which was guarded by few people, and captured it in one go.

When Wang Bo was defeated, Cheng Yu's army also took action. Xiang Yan's troops marched along the Heshui River to Jiyin, where there was a general in the opposition, Shan Xiongxin.

As a result, Xiang Yan's army's action was discovered in advance by the war agent.

War agents always have all kinds of strange abilities.

Fortunately, Dayu's reconnaissance ability is stronger, and it also discovered the ambush launched by the war agents to mobilize the court county soldiers. They directly used the same trick to defeat the county soldiers and approached Jiyin.

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