Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 84 Blind Box (please subscribe)

Dong Huang was in a good mood. He never thought that entering Sichuan would be so smooth, so smooth that it was no different from an armed parade.

The good news that came one after another today made Dong Huang couldn't help but hold a banquet and celebrate with Jia Xu and other civil and military officials.

The first good news was sent by Gao Shun. Under the banner of the emperor, Gao Shun's troops went down the river with great momentum. They hardly encountered any resistance and captured Qu Ren, Yu Fu and Weng Guan. The vanguard had already Wuxian County in Jingzhou was captured.

However, Gao Shun suggested that Dong Huang not continue to march to Jingzhou for the time being, because according to the intelligence obtained by Gao Shun, Jingzhou was in civil strife at this time. Changsha Governor Zhang Xian raised four counties of Changsha, Wuling, Guiyang, and Lingling to rebel. Jingzhou Governor Wang Ruizheng and Jingzhou Governor The battle between the four southern counties.

In fact, in history, the four counties in Jingnan rebelled against Liu Biao, the pastor of Jingzhou, probably later, but who made Wang Rui and Wang Lun kill the clan traitors too hard to seize power?

This made Zhang Xian and other local wealthy people extremely dissatisfied. In addition, Zhang Xian's son Zhang Yi was also replaced by the agent of war. After many back and forth, he turned against his mother!

Now the situation in Jingzhou has become that Dong Zhuo controls Nanyang, Jiangxia governor Liu Xiang relies on Yuan Shu to stand on his own, and the four counties in Jingnan rebel collectively with Zhang Xian as the leader. Wang Rui actually only has a complete Nanjun in his hands.

Such an incident once again refreshed Dong Huang's outlook on life.

He didn't expect that just one Jingzhou could make it into the Romance of the Four Kingdoms. However, considering that the military was exhausted, had no navy, and did not want to overly stimulate Dong Zhuo, Dong Huang decided to follow Gao Shun's suggestion. Wang Rui would let him conquer Jiangxia, unless Jingnan The four counties can't support it anymore, otherwise they won't send troops. Focus on a balance.

The second good news is the Mianzhu Incident. Although Dong Huang felt that Liu Yan could be captured in a battle, it would not be a bad thing if he could surrender without a fight. However, Dong Huang was not allowed to go to the Western Regions to taste the white and large cantaloupe. , pink and tender pink grapes, but they all occupy Yizhou, why aren't he allowed to taste the grapes, snow pears and clams from the hometowns of Zhuo Wenjun, Mrs. Huarui, Xue Tao and other beauties?

Dong Huang believed that the wealthy families in Shu would not be so stingy!

But, who were the local beauties in Yizhou during the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period? Dong Huang fell into deep thought.

But even as Dong Huang scratched his head and thought about it, he only thought of Zhang Lu's mother, the black-skinned Mrs. Zhu Rong and her daughter, and the unknown sisters Bao Sanniang, Wang Tao and Wang Yue who were born or not!

This is not to say that there are no beautiful women in Yizhou, but because Yizhou is far away from the war in the Central Plains, naturally there are not many names of beauties from the troubled times!

"Wen He, why did Zhao Song, Chen Tiao brothers and Wu Lan go to Chengdu?"

Dong Huang glanced at Jia Xu in confusion. He remembered that Zhao Song and Chen Tiao were handed over to Jia Xu for his use, while Wu Lan was supposed to be under Fazheng's command to fight against the invaders.

"I originally asked them to protect Fa Xiaozhi. It should all be Fa Xiaozhi's arrangement!"

Jia Xu did not take the credit and said calmly.

"I see!"

Dong Huang understood immediately.

It's just that the young man Fazheng showed too much sharpness and was not good at cultivating energy. Jia Xu saw through his idea, and even though he was beaten and pushed, he was forced to complete this task.

If it fails, Fazheng will be a waste; if it succeeds, Fazheng will bear the blame for being unjust; and whether it succeeds or not, Fazheng will owe Jia Xu a favor.

In short, Fazheng was carefully plotted by Jia Xu.

Dong Huang even felt that even the fact that "I knew all this through Zhao Song and Chen Diao, and Jia Xu was secretly promoting it" was also part of Jia Xu's calculations, and it was Jia Xu who deliberately let him know...

However, Dong Huang didn't mind these things.

For Dong Huang, it is enough as long as his subordinates are loyal and capable. It is human nature to be a little petty and even have factional ties. As long as they can help Dong Huang move from victory to victory, his career can prosper in winter and can be shaded in summer. That's enough!

Stewed: steamed sauna, and three rods.

Heavy shade can block the sun: Even in the summer when you are wearing cool clothes, the shade can even block the sun.

In short, Dong Huang has very low requirements for his subordinates.

He only has high requirements for beautiful women!

The third good news is that Fa Zheng has arrived: the pirates have been pacified.

Fazheng, who had been taught a lesson by Jia Xu, completely went berserk this time and vented his anger on the fool.

Fa Zheng first took advantage of the greed of the Jin leader to lure the enemy into battle, and killed Du Yi, the leader of the Jin who came to steal the camp. Then, under the leadership of the newly defected He Ping (Wang Ping), he marched overnight and entered another area. Ren Yue, a leader of the Zhi people, came to the camp and killed Ren Yue.

In just one night, Pu Hu was the only one left among the three giants.

When Pu Hu saw this posture, he was almost frightened to death. The next day, he took his tribe out of the mountain and surrendered. He was willing to live in Jiangzhou with his family and assist Fazheng in taking over other tribesmen.

Fa Zheng told Dong Huang that he planned to organize a 20,000-man army, and asked Dong Huang for his name. He also sent Pu Hu's gift to Dong Huang.

"Let's call it Wudang Feijun. Fazheng will be the chief general, and Wu Ban, Wu Lan, Pu Hu, and Wang Ping will be the deputy generals!"

Dong Huang directly handed over the army to Fazheng, and then looked at the gift from Pu Hu, which consisted of four boxes, two large and two small. Fazheng emphasized in the letter that the two large boxes must be in the unattended place. time to open.

The female generals of Huang Diewu, the deputy general on duty today, opened four boxes in sequence. The first two were gold and silver treasures. There was nothing to talk about. Dong Huang was not interested in them, so he immediately gave them to Huang Diewu and the other generals. .

When the third box was opened, it was finally no longer a dead object, but a living person.

This is a pretty-looking girl, whose appearance is superior to that of the barbarian girls in the Five-Nation Allied Forces. She has a pair of big, lively eyes, a vibrant and wild wheat-colored skin, and a body that is as muscular and smooth as a leopard's. , wearing gold and silver jewelry unique to the barbarians, with a string of gold bells hanging on her neck, waist, wrists, and ankles, which made a crisp sound as the girl moved.

"This slave has met the master!"

A bell rang, and the seductress girl walked out of the box, knelt down in front of Dong Huang, and spoke in Chinese with a somewhat Taijun accent.

"Pu Hu is interested!"

Looking at this unique and charming woman kneeling at his feet, a smile appeared on Dong Huang's lips.

"In that case, the next box..."

Dong Huang, who had already guessed what the next box was, looked at the last blind box expectantly.

Sure enough, the girl who came out of the last box was still a girl, and she looked and dressed exactly the same as the girl in the box before.

"It's actually twins!"

Dong Huang subconsciously compared the pair of lotus flowers with Big and Little Qiao.

Big and small Qiao's main focus is the contrast between national beauty, heavenly fragrance and pure love, while the twins in front of them are unrestrained and as hot as dark skin!

Naturally, Xiao Qiao was more beautiful, but the novelty also made Dong Huang's index finger tickle.

"Are you good at dancing?"

Dong Huang took the two girls into his arms and asked softly in their ears.

Facing the twins dressed up like this, it would be the biggest sin if we could not appreciate their dancing and just rush to the topic in such a hurry.


The two girls blushed and nodded inaudibly.

People are good at dancing. Men can dance on the battlefield, let alone women, especially these twins who have been carefully cultivated. Their dancing skills are the two most outstanding among Puhu's tribe. They just dress like this. It was the first time for the two girls to dance like this.

At first it was ringing step by step, but gradually the ringing became chaotic, one after another, sometimes fierce, sometimes high, as if a strong wind was blowing leaves, and like the waves of the sea...

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