Infinite weird games

Chapter 135 Grand Performance (6)

Sin has always existed, and with indulgence and indulgence it grows into a devouring beast.

The claws of the beast stabbed the passing crowds, and there was no real silence until the moment of death.

There are five ghosts transformed from the sins of five players in the six rooms. Among them, Hansen is dead and his sins are cancelled. This means that only four ghosts can hurt people.

If players want to spend these three days safely, they must either select the room where their corresponding ghost is entrenched, or select the empty room or the room corresponding to Hansen.

The success rate is one-half, which is not low.

Even if you make the wrong choice, it doesn't matter. No one will die tonight. You just need to determine which player the ghost in your room corresponds to, and then kill that player the next day.

Just Hansen to death today.

Qiss pondered for a moment and looked at Charlie: "Are there strong and weak ghosts produced by sin?"

After the player dies, the corresponding sin will also lose the ability to hurt people. In a sense, the evil and the player's interests are aligned.

I wonder if I can come to terms with my own sin and let it help deal with other players?

"What are the differences between strong and weak? Of course there is. The greater the evil on your body, the stronger the ghosts you breed will be." Charlie paused and changed the subject, "Of course, ghosts cannot attack each other, so the strength may be the same as the weak. Make a difference when choosing where to occupy."

Dong Xiwen's ears moved slightly.

The strength of the evil will affect the room they choose. Does this mean that the stronger evil will occupy the room farther forward?

But is there really any rule in choosing a room?

Staring at the six doors in front of him that were identical except for the numbers, Dong Xiwen thought for no reason about the wooden door he pushed open after entering the dungeon.

He asked tentatively: "Do you have any more information? These doors look the same."

"Leave everything to fate!" Charlie opened his arms and said provocatively, "Drama, I want to see drama!"

The players listened to his almost crazy shouting and knew that they would not be able to get the result.

The direction of this copy is very clear, "randomness" and "drama". All choices are left to the players to make at will. If you make the wrong choice, you will be unlucky.

At least the main NPC Charlie doesn't mind players dying casually at all.

Cynthia walked to Qisi gracefully: "Mr. Zhou Ke, I would like to hear your opinion. You said before that you are good at this type of game and can analyze the situation rationally and contribute to the team."

"There are too few clues, and any judgment I make may interfere with solving the puzzle." Qisi raised his eyes to the ceiling and stared at the golden tassels, "We will have a whole scene to discuss strategies tomorrow, right? "

Living in the same room with evil does not necessarily lead to death. As long as you kill the player corresponding to evil; or even kill a player randomly to fill the belly of evil, you can exchange for a day of peace.

The two of them are the first to reach an alliance, that is, they have two votes. If they encounter a similar voting session again, it will be easier to gather votes and vote for an unlucky person as a sacrifice.

Cynthia understood the subtext of Qiss and nodded gracefully: "Then see you tomorrow. I wish you a pleasant night."

Qiss gave a soft "hmm" and watched Cynthia slowly walk into the first door on the far left, gradually fading the smile on her face.

Cynthia probably thinks that she has the greatest evil, and the corresponding ghost is the strongest and will occupy the first room.

But Qiss remembered that in the copy of "Carnivorous", Qi personally commented that he was "heavily sinful".

Whose fault is living in the first room is up for debate, and I'm afraid it will lead to variables...

Of course, Zis never puts his eggs in one basket. Even if there is a problem on Cynthia's side, he may not be able to find allies.

On the other side, He Hui clenched his clothes tightly and his eyes nervously moved around the doors of the remaining five rooms.

Dong Xiwen leaned over and said in a low voice: "I guess the stronger the evil, the closer to the front of the room it will occupy. We can choose as far back as possible."

He Hui thanked her hurriedly, walked quickly to the room in front of her, pushed the door open and entered.

That room was No. 3, and there was no reason for her choice at all. It seemed like she made a blind choice to cater to Charlie's ideas.

Seeing that Hehui didn't listen to his suggestion, Dong Xiwen rubbed his nose in disappointment, but stopped being polite and walked directly into Room 6 at the end.

When he turned around to close the door, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Qiss was still frozen in place, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

This "perverted murderer Zhou Ke" seems to be a very crazy person, why is he a mother-in-law?

Qiss calmly wrote down the room numbers of the three players and smiled at Charlie: "Mr. Charlie, you don't seem to have said that each room can only accommodate one person."

Charlie was silent for two seconds, and his voice was a little dry: "I did forget to say it. Of course two people can live in a room, but the room will only protect the first person who enters."

"Protection?" Qisi's voice rose. "Is there danger in the room itself, or is there something outside that will get in?"

Charlie said "ho ho" twice: "This is what you need to consider tomorrow."

Qisi rubbed his chin and asked again: "Then can I choose a room by myself first and then visit?"

"The rules are not prohibited. You can do anything - of course if something happens, you will be responsible for the consequences." Charlie's tone was impatient. "Sir, I suggest you choose a room to live in as soon as possible. Night is coming soon."

Ziss walked straight to Room 4. When he was about to open the door, he turned and looked back: "Mr. Charlie, one last question, where do you live?"

"I live on the stage," Charlie said viciously.

Qisi intuitively asked the key, but he didn't intend to risk his life by saying a few more words or causing trouble for the NPC.

He reached out and pushed the door of Room No. 4, and found that the door seemed to have no bolt and opened as soon as he pushed it.

So he moved a few steps to the right and tried to push the wooden door of Room 5, and found that it could be pushed open easily.

He pushed the door of Room 6 again, but didn't push it this time. I don’t know if it was locked from the inside or because of the mechanism of the copy itself.

"The door of a room that has been selected by other players cannot be opened, but the door of an empty room can be opened at will?" Qisi narrowed his eyes.

The stage lights behind him were still colorful, and Charlie's figure was submerged in the light and shadow, jumping and flickering as if it had poor contact.

Twisted black shadows loomed in the void, extending their claws towards the center of the stage like a wave, but their bodies were stuck together like melted mucus, slowing down their progress.

Several clusters of black shadows seemed to have discovered Qiss who was still on the stage, and turned around and squirmed towards him.

Qisi didn't want to know what would happen after being touched, so he immediately got into room No. 4 and closed the door behind his back.

The room had no windows, which effectively allowed him to relax. He leaned against the door panel and looked at the scene in front of him with interest.

In the center of the field of vision was a large, regular bed, with abstract pictures painted on the sheets with brightly colored paints. With Ziss' level of appreciation, he couldn't tell what special meaning it meant.

The surrounding decoration is not too complicated, with red, yellow and blue wallpapers plastered everywhere, and stage props such as costumes and puppets piled high in a corner away from the door.

Qisi walked over leisurely, lifted up the blue skirt covering the top, and smelled a faint smell of blood on the tip of his nose.

With the anticipation of a child unpacking a blind box, he patiently removed the messy puppet limbs and rag dolls from the pile of props, revealing the huge corpse buried underneath.

This corpse was obviously not human to the naked eye. There was a huge wolf head on the hairy body, and it was densely covered with abscesses, and there were white and tender maggots burrowing between the skin and flesh.

There were no wounds on the important parts of the corpse's trunk. Human hands and feet were artificially sewn on where the limbs should have grown, and blood was still dripping down at this moment.

[Name of ghost: human beast (dead)]

[Corresponding player: Hansen]

[Description: A huge bad wolf has grown human limbs, or a sinful human has grown a bad wolf's torso. Is he a man or a beast? This is a problem】

[Trigger method: Attack all those weaker than him indiscriminately]

[Attack method: bite, gnaw]

[Note: Everyone is free to choose whether to be a human or a beast. But there are always people who like to drive their companions into the category of beasts, or persuade others to be human while they themselves become beasts]

Qisi raised his eyebrows slightly: "So this is a ghost transformed from sin? It looks so ugly..."

He didn't expect that he was lucky enough to choose the room where the dead Hansen's sin was entrenched.

This means that in the next two scenes, his primary goal will no longer be to find a way to kill someone, but to find a way not to be killed.

Zeiss hates protective tasks, including protecting himself.

It is really difficult not to be regarded as a target. In comparison, it is more realistic to kill someone quickly. Anyway, only one person is killed in each scene, and others cannot kill more than one person.

As if realizing that he had completed his mission, the giant beast's body melted quickly like a snowdrift with hot water poured on it. In a few seconds, it turned into a pool of bloody liquid and seeped into the floor, disappearing without a trace.

Black smoke curled up where the corpse disappeared, and slowly condensed into a black playing card.

[Character Card-Cannon Fodder (Expired)]

[Description: He is out of place, he is disgusting, he is mediocre, he goes unnoticed. So, he was brutally killed by the playwright. As a warning of a crisis, a prelude to a carnival, a plot twist, and a need for excitement, his death was hasty and absurd, and no one remembered or mourned it. The audience's attention was taken away by the protagonist, and no one cared that a little character died in the corner. 】

Qisi stretched out his two fingers to hold the card, and after seeing the words on it, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

In Room 6, Dong Xiwen stood by the desk, turning over the pages with fragments of the script written on them.

There was nothing in the room except a bed and a desk, and there were thick stacks of papyrus on the desk, which contained important clues at first glance.

As soon as Dong Xiwen entered the room, he went straight to the desk.

Considering that people had died today and the ghosts would not show up, he directly picked up the page and started reading.

[Charlie: My newly written play has been banned by the king again. I must write a new play and rehearse it as soon as possible. I promise this will be a great story and people will love it! How wonderful it will be when all the theaters perform it and everyone can hear my voice! 】

[Puppet: Sir, you said the same thing before writing the last script. But even if it wasn't banned, it still wouldn't have much of an audience. Every performance is a loss. In order to perform more performances, you have been eating black buns for a month! 】

[Charlie (grabbing hair): Why? Is it because the story I wrote is bad? In order to write the most realistic scenes, I visited thirty-nine villages; in order to give the audience a beautiful experience, I used the most beautiful words to embellish the story; I put in all the effort I could give, but why don't they like to watch it? ? 】

[Puppet: Sir, with all due respect, your story is really boring. The audience doesn't want to see how farmers work in the countryside or how workers live in factories. They want to see princesses and princes falling in love, and they want to see how kings defeat enemy monarchs - but you can never write these, and any interesting stories come to you. They will all become lifeless! 】

Dong Xiwen looked at the boring conversation and yawned: "I think I have no talent, but in fact I have no talent. If I write boring things, some people will be confused... I have to say that Charlie is really talented in sleeping aids. Ah, I have insomnia in real life, but I actually fell asleep after reading four paragraphs in the copy..."

He lowered his head and complained, naturally not noticing that there were more than a dozen pairs of scarlet eyes opening gaps on the ceiling, staring at him with malice.

With the almost inaudible rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper, the words on the papyrus twisted and soaked into the system interface as if they were alive.

[Charlie: So what do you think I should do? I don’t want to write about princes and princesses, and I don’t want to pay attention to the king’s political achievements. Is there no way out for me? 】

[Puppet: My dear sir, why don’t you give me your pen, and I’ll try to help you write a story that will make the audience cheer and revel for you! 】

[Charlie hands the quill and scribble paper to his puppet, and the puppet puts on Charlie's clothes and steps onto the stage. 】


[Note] "The Blind Side" is Maurice Maeterlinck's representative work of the Symbolist drama. It tells the story of 12 blind men trapped in a vast primeval forest. After the priest who once guided them died, they are still waiting for the priest's rescue. The story shows the impermanence of death and fate.

Thanks to Xidian for the 100-point reward!

(I'm back, updating continuously during the winter vacation)

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