Infinite weird games

Chapter 138 Grand Performance (9)

"Wolf dogs are loyal ministers and foxes are traitorous ministers. Who will be the fox?"

"Whoever you click will be the fox!"

"Ziss, Ziss, Ziss!"

There was a reverberation of children's voices at the bottom of my mind, making me dizzy.

Qiss played with the identity card, turned it over casually, and placed it upside down on the table, leaving only an inconspicuous pattern on the back facing up.

The rules of the "catching the fox" game that Charlie mentioned are obviously inconsistent with the principle of fairness in the game.

Wolf dogs, tigers and rabbits all have the ability to take initiative and can identify or judge foxes.

Among them, the actions of wolf dogs and rabbits are accompanied by risks, and if they are mistakenly identified, they will die. Compared with the tiger, the identity is more dangerous.

Compared to rabbits, wolfdogs are more dangerous. He had to act, there was no option to abstain.

The identity of the fox is different from the above identities. It has no ability to move. All it can do is disguise and muddy the waters, and then passively wait for other players to identify it.

Players who are tigers, wolfdogs, and rabbits can even take the initiative to announce their identities and determine the candidate for the fox through elimination, and the fox has no countermeasures.

The only chance is to pretend to be a "rabbit", and after the wolf-dog identifies the mistake, the real "rabbit" points out the truth, achieving an ending in which the wolf-dog dies and the "rabbit" wins.

Taken together, the tiger has the right to decide and judge, and has an absolute advantage; the rabbit can abstain, but it may not be unable to protect itself wisely; while the fox and the wolf-dog have no retreat, and who lives or dies depends on the actor's speaking skills.

The voting in the first act has already proved to a certain extent the fairness of the rules of the game in the play. Will luck really suddenly take over in the second act and determine everyone's probability of victory at the stage of assigning identities?

Chiss picked up the three chips in front of him, rubbed them between his fingers, and looked up at Charlie who was standing at the table: "Mr. Charlie, do you think the rules of this game are fair?"

Charlie held the mask and said loudly: "Fair, of course fair, I can guarantee that the game I designed will satisfy the audience!"

This game is actually "fair"...

The risks and benefits of each identity are different. To achieve absolute fairness, unless everyone is a "fox" like the first round.

But obviously, such a lazy design cannot satisfy the audience; and if Charlie verbally deceives the audience, it will also make people dissatisfied...

Qiss had a guess, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I have another question. After 'Rabbit' achieves a draw or victory, what will happen to the others? Will they all be killed, or will they pay another price?"

Charlie said: "After the rabbit draws, the number of times will be accumulated and nothing will happen. After the rabbit wins, everyone else gives a chip to the player playing the rabbit. If the 'rabbit' draws or wins three times in a row, the game will also end."

Qisi understood and asked again: "Do the chips have any special function?"

"It depends on how you understand it." Charlie laughed "ho ho", "This is the ticket to the game, the winner's crown, of course it can also be your life... Do you think it is special or not?"

"I understand." Qisi put the chips under the white paper and said no more.

Hehui raised her hand timidly: "Mr. Charlie, can we communicate with each other?"

"Of course, Miss No. 3!" Charlie turned to Hehui and gave an elegant gentlemanly courtesy, "A little reminder, the gameplay of this game is to determine the identity of each player through verbal probing and communication, and to catch The 'fox' hiding among you!"

Hehui put down his hand and said in an uncertain tone: "I feel that this game may have a way to end without dying. Just let the 'Rabbit' draw three times..."

Seeing no one to refute, she spoke louder and continued: "Each of us announces our identity. The wolf dog and rabbit identify the fox together. If the tiger chooses to let the fox go, the rabbit will reach a tie and the fox will not die. Continuous Do this three times and the game is over... By the way, I am the 'rabbit' in this round."

Cynthia smiled bitterly: "If this method is to be established, it must be based on mutual trust between everyone. There is no objection to the identity of the tiger and the wolf-dog, but the fox will most likely lie about being a 'rabbit' and let the wolf-dog suffer from misidentification." And die."

"If a certain identity wins three consecutive rounds, the possible variables are huge. The safest way is to choose a victim in the first round of the game and end the game as soon as possible. The identity of the fox is the most vulnerable and insecure. He can’t easily believe that Tiger will let him go, so naturally he won’t be willing to admit his identity.”

Hehui heard Cynthia's subtext and turned pale: "I am really a 'rabbit'... If I am not a 'rabbit', the real 'rabbit' will definitely jump out and oppose me."

"Not necessarily." Cynthia shook her head slightly, "Maybe the real 'rabbit' also thinks that it would be a good choice to let the wolfdog die in the first round of the game and end the game as soon as possible."

"I'm really 'Rabbit', I can show you my identity card..." He Hui said, raising the card in front of him and showing it to Cynthia.

Unexpectedly, the card seemed to be stuck on the table and could not be opened.

Charlie explained in a cheerful tone: "In order to ensure the gameplay, players are not allowed to show their identity cards to others, and stealing cards is not allowed!"

"I am a fox." Qisi said suddenly.

For a moment, all the players' eyes were focused on him.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the identity of the fox is absolutely weak. When the chain of suspicion objectively exists, the identity holder will most likely not dare to expose himself.

And Zis is obviously a dark man who pursues self-interest. In other words, anyone can expose himself, but he is the least likely.

Cynthia had already revealed the secret behind the two identities of "Rabbit" and "Fox". At this moment, Qisi's self-exposure became even more suspicious.

Is he a real "fox" or... a "rabbit" who is happy to harm "wolf dogs"?

Dong Xiwen looked at the portrait of the majestic and high-spirited wolf dog on his card and felt like crying.

What grudge does this copy have against him? As soon as he comes up, he has to choose one of the two, or he will be disappointed if he chooses the wrong one...

Qisi looked around at everyone with a smile and added slowly: "You can believe that I absolutely hope that everyone survives. After all, if you want to decipher the world view, it will be very troublesome if there are no clues in any room."

Dong Xiwen looked up and saw Qisi's sincere eyes, and complained with empty eyes: "It's okay if you don't say it. But when you say this, I don't believe it even more!"

Qisi's eyebrows were crooked, with a "believe it or not" look on his face.

Cynthia stopped smiling the moment Qis announced her identity. At this time, she stared at the white paper in front of her: "I am Tiger."

Dong Xiwen covered his face: "Okay, I am an unlucky wolfdog."

There is no suspense about who the tiger and the wolf-dog are. The question is, who is the "fox" and who is the "rabbit", Hehui and Qisi.

Charlie snapped his fingers at the right time and urged in a hoarse voice: "The time for discussion is over! Next, ask the players who play the wolfdog and rabbit to write down on the white paper who you think the fox will be!"

He Hui quickly finished writing the name.

Dong Xiwen raised his hand: "What will happen if I write tiger on it?"

Charlie: "Death."

"Then what if I don't write anything?"


"Co-authoring is always a dead end, right?"

Dong Xiwen picked up the pen with a sad face, pondered for two seconds, and finally wrote a name on the paper. When he raised his head again, his expression became more solemn.

The matter has come to this, there is no point in hesitating.

In the face of doubt, he prefers to trust.

If it's correct, it's the best; if it's wrong, admit defeat.

Charlie bent down, reached out and took away the white paper in front of Dong Xiwen, and announced loudly: "The name written by player No. 5 is 'Zhou Ke'! Player No. 5 thinks player No. 1 is the fox in this round! Let's see the correct answer - —”

Dong Xiwen stared at him with sharp eyes. Even though he was mentally prepared, he still held his breath involuntarily, just like the last second before the college entrance examination, waiting for the results to be announced.

In the silence that could almost crush people to death, Charlie laughed exaggeratedly: "Congratulations on your correct answer! The fox in this round is 'Zhou Ke'!"

As if the sword of Damocles that had been hanging above his head for a long time finally fell, making a hole in front of his toes, Dong Xiwen breathed a long sigh of relief.

He made the right bet, He Hui did not lie, and "Zhou Ke" also gave up harming others at the critical moment and chose to tell the truth.

Everything is going well, and it’s up to Cynthia next...

"As a 'tiger', can I just write down on paper how to deal with the 'fox'?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes," Charlie turned his back to the player like a host and faced the audience in the void, "Congratulations to the animals for finding the fox hiding in the forest. He is the No. 1 player 'Zhou Ke'! Let Tiger decide what to do next. Deal with this unpopular guy - kill or spare?"

Cynthia picked up the pen and quickly wrote a word on the paper.

After encountering the human skin collector who was transformed into the sin of "Zhou Ke", she wanted the masked young man to die.

The props cannot be brought into the dream, and she has no room to resist when faced with the ghosts who want to kill her.

In last night's dream, the ghost in red controlled the hideous corpse and restrained her. The nails with blades slowly and gracefully scratched her cheek, murmuring: "I just lack a hypocritical face." You will be the most perfect raw material for the mask of the hunter..."

That sense of despair still lingers with Cynthia. She is a very controlling person and cannot tolerate being in the same room with danger.

Of course she can kill any player and survive for a day, but what about tomorrow?

Since there is a great opportunity in front of us, it is better to take the opportunity to kill Qis and solve the problem from the root.

Cynthia handed the written paper to Charlie, feeling as if a big stone fell to the ground in her heart, and she felt much more relaxed.

The word "Kill" on the paper penetrates the back of the paper. Even if the back is facing everyone, you can still see the ferocious strokes clearly.

Dong Xiwen's expression changed, and he looked at Cynthia with wide eyes: "What are you making a fuss about? It's obvious that no one will die!"

Cynthia smiled noncommittally.

In fact, she had murderous intentions as early as the first time she saw Qiss.

Wearing a mask, he doesn't look aboveboard at first glance; in a few words, Hansen is pushed into the spotlight. He is ruthless and vicious enough, and has the ability to carry out cruel plans.

Such a dangerous self-interested person made Cynthia suddenly see herself many years ago.

She was well aware of the dangers of such people and felt the threat that young men could pose to her.

It is difficult for self-interested people to form a group. Even if there is temporary cooperation, they will soon go in opposite directions. It is common for them to stab each other when parting.

When choosing a room last night, she really took the initiative to ask Qisi to cooperate with her sincerity, but her plan had always been: to get through the second act first, and then wait for the third act to act on her own to see if she could eliminate this dangerous person.

In a zero-sum game, when rationalists meet on a narrow road, one of them will die.

Charlie held up the page and read aloud with satisfaction: "The tiger's choice is to kill the fox."

"The result of the first round of the game is - kill player No. 1, Zhou Ke!"


[Note] "Animal Farm" is a novella written by the British writer George Orwell. It tells the story of a group of animals on the farm who successfully carried out a "revolution" and drove their exploitative human masters out of the farm to establish an equal society. animal society. However, the animal leaders, those smart pigs, eventually usurped the fruits of the revolution and became more dictatorial and totalitarian rulers than their human counterparts.

Thanks to Tail Maoer Agui for the reward of 1,500 points, and thanks to the boss for your support and encouragement! Thank you for the reward of 500 points from Shi Shiren Shen Mu, thank you! (Cumulative reward progress: 5000/10000, help, more updates will probably happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, trembling.jpg)

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