Infinite weird games

Chapter 151 Xu Ning

Guessing that Lin Chen would not survive, Qisi deducted a [6] as hospice care, just enough to round up the points amount again.

He exited the game space and opened his eyes on the bed.

The orange sunshine in the afternoon slanted into the house, casting a warm diamond shape, which reflected diagonally on the white shirt, as if cutting a person in half.

Qisi glanced at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, still early for dinner, which was not a big deal.

——At least it means that he doesn't need to drag himself out of bed for the time being to prepare survival materials for himself.

After paralyzing motionlessly for a while, staring at the light and shadow on the wall shifted by a palm's distance, Ziss finally moved his fingers, moved his elbow joint, and grabbed the mobile phone on the pillow.

Considering that playing with a mobile phone consumes more energy, he reluctantly turned over, lying on his side to unlock the screen of the mobile phone, directly entered the game forum, and searched for the name [Dong Ziwen].

Qisi had many speculations about Dong Zixi's ability to enter the official pool as a newcomer, one of which was... related to his younger brother who died early.

To determine what the specific connection is, we need to collect more information. Of course, this does not prevent Qisi from looking for clues in the forum first. Although most people deliberately hide their real names, maybe they can find some clues?

The search results are loaded, and there are only a few posts that appear to be relatively relevant.

Qisi’s eyes fell on a post marked in red:

# 【人】A beast named Dong Ziwen killed all of us! #

The post specifically described a young man who called himself "Dong Ziwen". He was not very gregarious as soon as he entered the dungeon, and then he disappeared for unknown reasons.

At first, the players didn't pay much attention to it. It wasn't until they discovered that key props in many places had disappeared inexplicably, the NPC's hatred value had increased inexplicably, and the difficulty of the dungeon had soared inexplicably, that they realized that "Dong Ziwen" had opened the TE clearance route for the dungeon.

Players can only go to "Dong Ziwen" and propose to cooperate with him. As a result, "Dong Ziwen" not only refused to agree, but also designed to target the NPC's hatred on them, causing them to be chased in a panic.

They finally got rid of the ghosts and accidentally reached the exit, only to find that the door was locked from the outside. Needless to say, it was "Dong Ziwen" who left first. It is conceivable that they were trapped in the dungeon in despair and resentment, and invariably spent the last half hour of their lives hanging people.

The post was from two years ago, so the timing is right. However, the name "Dong Ziwen" is really common, and the possibility of others using it as a pseudonym cannot be ruled out.

Qisi clicked on the collection, but a prompt asking him to register his real name popped up. He could only use the most primitive method, screenshot the content of the post and save it in the photo album.

As usual, the forum is full of fake posts, trading posts, strategy posts, and "gossip" posts that can't be distinguished as true or false. A group of people are shouting about the name "God Fu", foolishly hoping to get rid of the weird game as soon as they wake up. .

[I can feel the game's preference for Fu Jue more and more. No, more accurately, Fu Jue is too suitable for this game. There was no puzzle that was too difficult for him to solve along the way. He had all the knowledge required for the dungeon, just like a humanoid computer! 】

[The words God Fu said at the end of the dungeon shocked me: "Human beings can choose themselves without the interference of the old gods; anyone who attempts to become a god should be killed on the throne of gods, including me." So courageous. , worthy of being the chief! 】

[Make a wish before going to bed, hoping to wake up tomorrow and hear the news of clearing the final dungeon. I am Fu Shen’s dog, woof woof woof! 】

Qiss: "..."

He really wanted to block all posts containing keywords such as "Fu Jue", "Fu Shen", and "Chief", but the game forum seemed to deliberately fill his eyes with garbage and did not provide a blocking option.

He could only spontaneously ignore the large amount of anti-intellectual rubbish on the homepage and search for "Grand Performance" clearance strategies and experiences.

There are thirty-nine items in total, all about the "bloody tragicomedy" of NE's ending. The way to achieve this is to strictly abide by the game rules set by Charlie, survive to the end in the battle royale, and become the only survivor.

Some theoretical players analyzed it conclusively:

[From this copy of "Grand Performance", it is not difficult for us to get a glimpse of the malicious nature of the weird game. It tries every possible means to promote sin in players, seduce us to abandon our morality and alienate our personality. 】

[If you don’t want to die miserably in each round of the game, you must find a way to get other players out and suffer the painful death process on your behalf. In addition, it is not enough. Players must further harm others outside the rules of the game (that is, use props to kill other players), otherwise they will only fall into an endless cycle. 】

【Survive or die? Should you stick to your morals and die, or should you abandon your morals and live? Weird Games unabashedly puts this question in front of everyone, forcing us to make a choice. 】

[The dead may not be good people, but everyone who survives is guilty. In fact, I have always had a question, even if we clear the final copy and end the weird game, can we people really go back? Will he really be accepted by the world? 】

Qiss looked down with interest and found that many players also expressed a pessimistic attitude.

Some people say that they have become neither humans nor ghosts, and they rely on the wish-fulfillment mechanism of the weird game to stay alive; some people say that if all the weirdness disappears and the federation knows that they were once "players", there may be something wrong. In order to maintain social stability, they should be closely supervised; some even suggested that since everyone has suffered so much and there is still the risk of being targeted and excluded, it is better to bring more people into the game...

This post unknowingly became a forum for massacre of streaming players. It has still not been blocked. It may have some tinges of phishing and law enforcement.

Qisi gloated for a second to all the idiots who left messages with their real names, then searched the forum for the keyword "33rd Medium", and still found a bunch of NE clearance strategies.

He took a quick glance and determined that in this copy, he would not be able to survive entering the teacher's office, and then left with satisfaction.

Although he is quite satisfied with Lin Chen as a tool man, in the copy of "Rose Manor", there are many flaws left due to lack of experience. God knows if someone will suddenly have an enlightenment and think about it...

No matter what, the dead are always the most reassuring.

After exiting the game forum, Qis suddenly wanted to read a book.

In "The Grand Performance", he read a lot of drama-related texts, and he couldn't help but recall his hobby of reading banned books when he was young.

Thinking about it now, he just needed a strong psychological stimulation, but because he was too young, he was unable to put some ideas into practice, so he could only settle for the next best thing and get nutrition from books.

But it is undeniable that books can indeed bring many experiences that are different from actual practice, such as multi-angle imagination and more detailed depictions.

Qisi turned over again, calculated the distance from his bedroom to the bookcase in the living room, and finally gave up the idea of ​​looking for a book to read.

He took out his phone and searched for several book titles in his memory, but as expected, found nothing.

Too many things are "forbidden". Paper books may still be circulated on a small scale, but some e-books have long been erased from the database.

Fortunately, Ziss has no obsession with revisiting old books.

He exited the browser, clicked on Happy Match, and then started playing level 1,098.

At five o'clock in the evening, Zis finally got up.

He glanced at the gloomy sky outside the window, shuffled into the kitchen, selected a pack of instant noodles and opened it.

Unfortunately, after he picked up the thermos and poured out half a bowl of water, he realized that the water in it was no longer hot.

He had two options, either reheat a pot of boiling water or turn on the stove and cook a bowl of noodles using instant noodle ingredients.

Qisi thought about it for two seconds and felt that he was not very hungry, so he put down the instant noodles, returned to the bedroom, and lay down on the bed again.

The twilight is gradually getting thicker, and the dim yellow street lights on both sides of the road are shining to the horizon, dyeing the black sky with a few wisps of earthy color.

The phone suddenly rang, and Qisi saw that a new message popped up.

[Jin Yusheng]: Lao Qi, we agreed to get together tomorrow, do you still remember? If you have no other arrangements, then we'll see each other.

Qisi narrowed his eyes slightly and finally retrieved a small piece of information that was almost fading from his mind.

Jin Yusheng fell in love with a girl and made an appointment to play script killing with her, hoping to lure her into the scene...

This would be considered normal for anyone else, but for Jin Yusheng, it was indescribably weird.

At that time, Qisi thought that Jin Yusheng had not owed a new favor for a long time, so he agreed casually, and did not pay much attention to it later; now that he was specifically reminded of it, with a deliberately hidden solemnity, he couldn't help but Care.

From Jin Yusheng's words, the girl he likes should be a "normal person"; if she is, Jin Yusheng will probably gradually fade out of the gray area and live a normal life.

Once people relax, it is easy to reveal their flaws in details, and countless evidence pointing to illegal activities may be revealed in such situations as joking or drunkenness...

What's more important is that Qisi discovered that many of his affairs were handed over to Jin Yusheng. If he leaves this circle, he will really not be able to find a replacement in a short time...

"It's troublesome..." Qisi sat up and read through the exchanged messages. His calm mood once again felt faintly irritable.

He had always been suspicious, and only the people he knew barely trusted Jin Yusheng, so he dragged him into the gray area and was responsible for some odd jobs. This also means that once something goes wrong in Jin Yusheng's circle, he will not be far away from the Dongchuang incident.

He did consider that eggs should not be put in one basket, and he also planned to find a few more people as substitutes, but he never had time to implement it. Now it seems that many things have to be put on the agenda.

"Sure enough, at the beginning, I shouldn't have hoped that a mediocre person could stay with me for a long time. I should have thought that there are always a few fools who yearn for the so-called peaceful life and are keen on the drama of 'exiting the rapids' …”

Zeiss threw himself backwards onto the bed, the accent swallowing the last few words.

He suddenly noticed a slight violation. Jin Yusheng had known him for many years and should have a clear understanding of his behavior. Why would he want to ask him to go there with him?

Qisi looked at the calendar and saw that tomorrow happened to be "April 1st".

In the early morning of April 1, Qisi got up at eight o'clock sharp, went downstairs and bought an egg-filled pancake, and then got on the bus.

At 8:51, one hour and nine minutes away from the agreed time, he arrived at the station and called up the navigation on his mobile phone.

He wandered around for half an hour amid the notification that "you have arrived near your destination", but still could not find the legendary script-killing shop, so he could only find a bench in the square to sit down.

This area is not old, but it is not new either. The restaurant has not opened yet, and only a few clothing stores are open. They drive away the beggars blocking the door and turn on the lights in the stores.

The beggars dragged their bedding and moved to another place. Some of them stood up with their hands thrown away, looking randomly at Qisi, like the skinny rats in the sewer coveting a piece of stinky cheese.

They quickly made a decision, and staggered toward Qiss with expressionless faces.

As he walked, he took out the blue and green payment code from his pocket and stared at Qiss with his cloudy and dull eyes.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Qiss had to stand up and wander around further away.

At nine forty-six, Qis finally saw a familiar figure in the hazy morning light.

The young man in his early twenties wore a brown braid, took off his sunglasses, and changed into a different blue T-shirt.

It's Jin Yusheng.

A few steps behind him followed a long-haired woman wearing a gray coat and black jeans. She looked like she was in her twenties, and her appearance could only be described as delicate.

Jin Yusheng also saw Qisi, walked over quickly, and introduced with some restraint: "Qisi, this is...I told you."

"Hi, my name is Xu Ning." The woman stepped forward and greeted with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

Thank you to Mr. Chen Daguan for your 500-point reward! (Current cumulative progress: 2547/10000) There is another chapter in the early morning.

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