Infinite weird games

Chapter 154 Qingming Festival

On the day of Qingming Festival, Liu Pu got up early and drove a taxi for about an hour and a half. Just after finishing one trip, he was assigned a long-distance order by the order-taking APP.

The starting point was in Jinjiang Community, Xiacheng District, and the destination was Qijia Village, Jincheng.

When he saw this familiar address, Liu Pu remembered the weird experience of the last order, and his eyelids twitched.

It seemed that he was also in this area at that time. He picked up a young man and sent him to Jincheng. As a result, after the order was completed, he not only had no impression of what happened during the period, but also couldn't utter a word when he wanted to talk about this strange thing with others.

Thinking about it now, he still feels evil.

"It can't be such a coincidence? There are 8 billion people in the world, and it's normal for the routes to overlap; and the phone numbers are different..."

Liu Pu comforted himself, adjusted the steering wheel, and drove all the way to the location indicated by the navigation.

After stopping for a while, he saw a young man in a white shirt and black trousers walking loosely from a distance, with a gloomy and pale face that was particularly familiar.

"No way? No way? He should just be passing by?" Liu Pu muttered in his heart, but he watched the young man dragging a suitcase and carrying a rectangular box like a coffin, getting closer and closer. The young man opened the car door and stuffed all the bags into the back seat. Then he sat in and held the coffin box horizontally in his arms. Liu Pu observed the young man's every move through the rearview mirror, and his eyes finally fell on the coffin box. In an instant, countless strange thoughts came to his mind, and he even doubted whether there was really a body in it. Qi Si noticed Liu Pu's scrutinizing eyes, raised his eyes and smiled at him: "Good morning, have I seen you before?" "Good morning... little brother." Liu Pu quickly retracted his gaze, "You have so many things, do you want to put them in the trunk?" "No." Qi Si was still laughing, "How can you put your parents in the trunk." Liu Pu: "..." ... It was already 1:30 in the afternoon when he arrived at Qijia Village. Qi Si only ate a piece of bread when he got up in the morning, but he didn't feel hungry at this time. He got off the car with his bags on his back and walked straight into the rolling fog. When he looked back, he could no longer see the people and objects in the direction he came from.

Clusters of white fog blocked the road, turning into cold water droplets condensing on the body, wrapping people up as if they were real.

A faint smell of blood was brought by the flowing mist. Looking along the source, you can see several black shadows lying on the ground not far away, probably the bodies that died on the roadside.

Everything in front of him was no different from the scene in Shuangxi Town, and the faint sense of familiarity made Qi Si feel at ease. He raised the corners of his lips and asked softly: "Xu Yao, are you there?"

The wind blew and whimpered, but it seemed to be just the sound of airflow moving the branches. The white fog dissipated a little, and a road appeared faintly in front.

Qi Si walked on the road that had been cleaned of fog, moving step by step towards his destination. Suddenly, a smiling female voice sounded in his ears: "You walk so slowly."

"The things are heavy." Qi Si's tone was natural, "Why don't you take them to my house for me?"

Xu Yao: "..."

Two seconds later, two red-clothed paper figures came swaying in the wind, standing on Qi Si's left and right, holding up the coffin box he was carrying.

The weight on his back was much lighter, Qi Si quickened his pace, and soon passed through a crooked old house and stood in front of the two-story building left by his uncle and aunt after their death.

The door opened without wind, and the sticky blood like jam crossed the threshold and flowed slowly at the door.

Smelling the strong smell of blood, Qi Si's breathing became much faster, and as a result, he saw a male corpse that died in an extremely ugly way.

This man seemed to have experienced a terrifying scene before his death, and his eyes were wide open in horror, as if they were about to jump out of his eye sockets. His arm joints were strangely bent, and his lower body was almost shattered, as if he had fallen from a height.

Qi Si approached and smelled the fishy smell of water from the bottom of the damp well, so he knew that this person had fallen into the well and died.

He stepped over the corpse lying across the door and continued to walk in. He saw eleven corpses neatly arranged in the middle of the living room. The oldest had completely white hair and wrinkled skin like a paper ball, and the youngest was only as long as an adult's arm and looked like he had not yet entered elementary school.

"What does this mean? You killed people and piled them together, are you trying to take credit for it?" Qi Si looked at the statue of the God of Joy placed in the corner, with a half-smile on his face.

The statue of the God of Joy said nothing, as if he had not heard anything.

Qi Si sighed: "Clean up this place, if you pile it up any more, it will rot and stink."

Twenty or so paper figures lined up in two teams and filed in from the door. Some raised their hands, and some raised their feet, dragging the corpse out.

Qi Si sat on the sofa and watched the paper people enter the utility room with ease, take out mops, brooms and rags, and clumsily deal with the blood on the ground, standing or squatting.

He thought for no reason that this old house could be called a haunted house now. The two families who had lived here all died tragically. If it were to spread, this place would definitely be a great place for supernatural enthusiasts to check in a hundred years later.

In just ten minutes, the paper people finished cleaning the ground and dissipated in the silky white mist.

Qi Si felt a little hungry and looked at the statue of the God of Joy again: "Xu Yao, can your paper people cook?"

Xu Yao: "..."

Half an hour later, a figure who looked like Mrs. Xu appeared from the thick fog and placed a bowl of white rice with pickles in front of Qi Si.

Qi Si was never picky about food. After finishing his lunch in a hurry, he returned the bowl to Mrs. Xu who was waiting next to him and climbed up to the second floor that had been blocked for a long time.

Because his uncle's family all died on the second floor, the villagers who occupied this house only dared to move around on the first floor. They installed an iron gate at the stairwell of the second floor and posted several yellow talismans to deceive themselves. .

Qisi tore off the talisman paper on the door and used a thin wire to pry open the lock of the iron door. As soon as he opened the door, his face was covered with dust.

So he shouted again: "Xu Yao——"

The paper people appeared again, and after a lot of trouble, they finally cleaned the second floor.

Zisi walked into the small room where he once lived, took out the bedding and mattress from the suitcase, and spread them on the single bed. He then went to the next door to the room, opened the coffin box, took out the two skeletons, and laid them flat on the bed.

On April 2, the statue of the God of Joy was mailed to Qijia Village on time.

After sensing that the express delivery had been opened, Qisi immediately activated the effect remotely, turning the entire Qijia Village into a ghostland.

All day long on April 3, the villagers, organized by the village chief, ran around in disbelief, and most of them died.

The death of companions arouses the feeling that things harm their own kind, and fear and despair quickly marinate the crowd. Everyone will be an excellent condiment for evil, waiting for the culprit to pick it up.

On April 4th, which is today, Qisi estimated that Qijia Village was almost transformed by ghosts, so he slowly moved in.

From now on, this is his home court. Hundreds of terrifying ghosts are wreaking havoc here, turning this place into a strange place exactly like Double Happiness Town in reality.

The danger level of regional weird events is at least level B, and the gain outweighs the loss in solving it. Shuangxi Town still has to wait for public opinion to ferment before it can be dealt with, let alone Qijia Village, which is located in the corner of the corner.

Even if there are some unsighted investigators who want to come over and cause trouble, they still have to see if they can break through the ghost blockade.

Qisi recalled the corpses he saw along the way. He expected that there must be a lot of evil in childbirth, and he couldn't help but feel hopeful.

He lay down on the bed, letting his consciousness sink into darkness, and returned to the game space.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw countless streaks of black smoke rushing through the void. The originally dim and old temple seemed to be nourished by sin, and the murals on the walls and ceiling were brightly colored and radiant.

Qis watched the lively sin with great interest for a while, then took out the Poseidon Scepter from the toolbar and held it in his hand.

The black smoke seemed to have finally found its home, rushing towards the scepter one after another, carving a crescent-shaped pattern on the white trident. If you look closely, it looks like the tentacles of an evil god, twisted and weird.

When the sins are scattered in the form of black smoke, they seem to be numerous, but when they touch the scepter, they only outline a single stroke and then disappear.

The temple became clean and spacious in a few breaths. Qisi's pupils dilated and narrowed, and broken words were reflected in his eyes like a dream.

[Sin... Poseidon's scepter has absorbed sin... plenty of sin...]

The prompt text does not belong to a weird game, but it has the same origin and similarities. It is more like an abandoned case that was once smashed and was dug out of the sea of ​​redundant information when the system failed.

Countless knowledge surged in my mind, and it turned out that there were incomplete identity cards, [Forbidden Scholar] [Utopian Orator] [Dictator with Closed Eyes]...

No details can be seen clearly on all the cards, only nouns with meaningless meanings flying in front of my eyes.

A cold voice pronounced condescendingly: "This is a fate that does not belong to you."

Zeiss seemed to see the shadow of a huge golden eye, staring at him calmly through the yellow clouds and the gilded ocean.

Miscellaneous thoughts flowed uncontrollably into his consciousness, filling up the palace of his thoughts and overflowing from the gaps in his soul.

Thousands of different voices symphony in unison, telling the same meaning:

“Rules feed on sin.”

Rules feed on sin, and gods collect the sins of all living beings, so rules feed on gods...

He has been dead for a long time, and even his divine body was swallowed by a higher being. He still did not die, but felt hungry because he had not eaten for a long time, and his consciousness fell asleep in endless waiting.

Until he tasted the taste of sin again, he finally woke up, and his incomplete consciousness began to scream eternal greed. He wanted more...

The Poseidon's scepter trembled violently, and Ziss felt that his soul was being torn apart and reorganized, peeling off layer by layer and scattered to all angles. From all directions, far or near, he looked at his body sitting stiffly on a high-backed chair. On top, the black tentacles extending from the scepter were wrapped around his arms and neck.

The phantom of the tentacles extended into the blood vessels from the hand holding the handle of the staff, crawling and spreading unimpeded among the meridians and cavities. The suction cup extended new tentacles and rooted into the skin, occupying every new territory.

"Seize the body."

Qisi suddenly thought of a word.

He seemed to naturally know what he should do, and the way to escape from the crisis became increasingly clear at the bottom of his mind as his soul withdrew, like ancient memories engraved in genetic coding.

He walked over, held his physical hand from the other side, and led it to touch the golden vines hanging down his side.

In an instant, like a person falling into the water having a fulcrum, his consciousness returned to his body again. The pressure and suffocation on his body disappeared, and the tentacles and words were almost invisible.

The body returned to the control of the soul, and Poseidon's tentacles were forced back to the scepter. Qisi breathed rapidly, watching the strangeness in front of him fade away little by little, and his vision slowly settled over time.

The temple was calm again, as if nothing had happened. In the silence, you could even hear your heart beating wildly, once, once...

Weighing the benefits of pretending to be a god against the risk of being killed by the Poseidon, which one is greater is a question.

After a long silence, Qiss chuckled: "Didn't the contract say that other than Him, other beings cannot enter here without permission? What's the situation with Poseidon? Because I took His scepter?"

He threw the scepter back into the toolbar and looked sideways at the golden vine that had just saved his life.

Among the clusters of four leaves, a golden apple is looming. Because it has just grown, it is only half the size of a hand. It sways shyly as the eyes touch it, which is really cute.

[Fruit of the World (corresponding coordinates: Qijia Village)]

"Is it because I turned Qijia Village into a ghost land and essentially controlled this land?"

Qisi felt the fruit of the world pulling him vaguely, relaxed and allowed his consciousness to sink in.

Heavy golden light spots swam on both sides of the field of vision, bursts of mist condensed and dispersed, and in front of them was the floor plan of Qijia Village.

Ziss gained a bird's-eye view and was able to zoom in and out with his thoughts.

Paper figures patrolling the road, corpses on both sides of the fields, birds and animals, even maggots and flies, he learned countless pieces of information within his field of vision.

It can no longer be said to be "seeing", it should be felt or "understood".

Each frame contains tens of thousands of elements, and those elements are composed of thousands of tiny branches and vines. High-precision details and a wide range of global cognition simultaneously turn into tides flowing through the mind, anytime and anywhere. All available.

Qisi's thoughts moved, and then he saw hundreds of faces that were either familiar or unfamiliar.

The woman whose husband died was sitting in the corner, huddled, with tears on her face, but she gritted her teeth and waved her kitchen knife at the laughing paper figures outside the window.

The child trapped among the graves was surrounded by the corpses of his parents. While tightly holding on to the stiff hands of his parents, he stared at the statue of the bride and faced it.

The elderly man closed the doors and windows tightly, took out all the red cloths he could find in the house, pasted them on the windows, sprinkled a handful of glutinous rice at the door, and muttered something...

Qisi seems to be sometimes the master of the ghost realm, and sometimes the ghost realm itself, able to know the people who pass by and what happens in every corner of this place.

Including...the past, the present, and...the future.

The golden vines swayed on the side of the face, letting him know the information beyond the stage of telling.

He suddenly realized what he could do to these people, and even extend the tentacles of weird games to them.

What interesting things will happen to people who have survived two days in the ghost realm and entered the weird game?

Zeiss smiled happily.

He lowered his eyes and declared word by word: "My name is Qi, and I am the main god of weird games..."

In Qijia Village, all the remaining villagers heard a solemn voice ringing in their ears. At the same time, all the ghosts' actions are frozen at that moment.

They subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw golden vines hanging from the sky, accompanied by the instructive oracle:

"Now, you have two choices."

"Be troubled by ghosts forever and die in reality; or, as a player, enter a weird game."

Thanks for the 1,100 points reward for inspiring newbies to become Dalao! The boss is mighty! Thanks to Qi Zhining for the 500-point reward! Thank you Taohua for the reward of over 100 points! (Current reward progress: 4347/10000)

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