Infinite weird games

Chapter 194 Want it all

["Red Maple Leaf Boarding School" evaluation level S, reward points 5000]

[Complete the True End line of "Red Maple Leaf Boarding School" and get 5,000 bonus points]

["Red Maple Leaf Boarding School" dual world line unlocked, reward points 5,000]

[World view cracking degree 100%, reward points 5000]

[Complete low-difficulty side tasks, reward points 3000]

[Complete the medium-difficulty side mission and get 5,000 reward points]

[Unlock the achievement "Outsider" (in a double world line copy, exert influence on the other world line), reward points 1000]

[Unlock the achievement "Sacrifice yourself for others" (sacrifice part of your own interests to help other players complete tasks), reward points 1000]

[The total reward points are 30,000, which have been deposited into the points account]

The balance of the points account has increased to [150400], which is enough to buy many powerful items.

Qisi leaned on the high-backed chair, his eyes half closed.

The moment he left the dungeon, the high fever subsided, the lost limbs returned, and after the sleepless symptoms disappeared, fatigue set in completely.

He forced himself to wake up, his eyes fell on the achievement of "sacrifice oneself for others", and the corners of his lips raised sarcastically: "Can a game whose goal is to extract sins also promote virtues? What is this? Risk hedging?"

The settlement text continues to refresh.

[Your skill "Soul Contract" has been baptized by the copy, and the success rate has changed]

[Success rate: 26% (the throwing results of the two ten-sided dice are regarded as tens and ones respectively, and the number greater than 74 is judged as success)]

Even after the success rate was increased, it was still not high, and it was of little use to Qiss.

However, he discovered that it seemed that after clearing the dungeon related to the contract, the soul contract skills would change slightly...

It always feels like Qi is controlling everything behind the scenes.

[Congratulations on successfully completing the copy of "Red Maple Leaf Boarding School". You can choose one of the reward props: 1. Insomnia Germs; 2. Cursed Pendulum]

"Do you even have a choice?"

Qiss yawned and looked at the icon of [Insomnia Germ], which was a glass tube rolling with blue-black liquid. The mucus inside occasionally spit out ominous bubbles like a toad.

The moment the sight touched it, the details of the prop popped up.

[Name: Insomnia Germs]


[Effect: Infecting people with "insomnia", which can be transmitted to anyone through contact in the "real world" and lurks in the body. The owner decides the time and intensity of the attack]

This is undoubtedly an item similar to the [God of Joy] that can be extradited to reality and create strange events, and is more useful and convenient than the [Statue of the God of Joy].

It is not restricted by region or time. It can spread from person to person simply through contact, and is carried north and south with the flow of the population.

It is not a mass or instantaneous attack. It can be remotely controlled by the holder and is accurate to the individual, deciding whether, when and how the infected person will attack.

The holder only needs to sit on a high platform and wait, waiting for the germs to lurk in everyone's body after repeated contact, and then he can influence the life or death of anyone, and even control the "degree" to threaten and torture specific people. .

Compared with the delineated [Statue of the God of Joy], the [Insomnia Germs] are invisible and traceless, coming and going freely. As time goes by, people from all races around the world will get sick at unexpected times, and no root cause or evidence can be found.

No one will know who spread this disease and where it started. No matter how hard the official forces try to break through the iron shoes, it will be difficult to pinpoint the source of the evil. It is even possible that because of the irregularity of "insomnia" attacks, it will be regarded as a disease. "Accidental" - that's what some people like to claim.

Qisi had just tasted the benefits of turning Qijia Village into a ghost land, so he was inevitably full of interest when faced with similar items.

Zhang Yiyu's experience is enough to prove that the Weird Investigation Bureau's ability to check water meters offline is strong. He has done a lot of things that are harmful to society in the past, and he will do more in the future. He must be prepared for a rainy day and accumulate more chips in reality to prevent the incident from happening. He was physically wiped out by a gun that day.

The effect of [Insomnia Germs] is simply tailor-made for negotiation. At that time, he only needs to hold the lives of countless people in his hands, and the Weird Investigation Bureau will inevitably take action.

The other party was using Jin Yusheng as a bargaining chip, and he threatened him with a strange invasion, which was fair, just, and reasonable.

Chiss looked at the [Cursed Pendulum] again.

The thin black chain is tied with a bloody crystal, and the sharpened pendulum reflects a strange red light.

[Name: Cursed Pendulum]

[Type: props]

[Effects: ① After seeing blood, the injured person will randomly obtain one of the following states: amnesia, hallucination, high fever, etc.; ② The holder’s physical strength, force, reaction, speed, and sensitivity will be slightly improved; ③ Holder The person can carry out long-range attacks controlled by thoughts (the strength of the attack power depends on the strength of the soul)]

[Note: While the evil god blesses believers, he also curses paganism. The witchcraft from ancient times cannot be broken or eliminated】

Zeiss stared at the thumb-sized crystal pendulum, lost in thought.

Is this how the pendulum is used? If he remembered correctly, this thing was used for divination, not directly used to hammer people, right?

As if aware of Qisi's doubts, Weird Game posted a line on the system interface: [The function and usage of props are subject to the game settings, and the final right of interpretation belongs to the world rules. 】

…That’s okay.

Zeiss stretched out his finger and touched the icon of the cursed pendulum. His fingertips slipped through the shadow, as if they were nothing.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "Can I try out the effect?"

【Can't. 】

Qisi thought for a while and asked, "Can I have both?"

【Can't. 】


For Ziss, the [Insomnia Germ] is inevitable. After all, the Weird Investigation Bureau has already targeted him, and he urgently needs something that can provide him with security in reality.

But he was not very willing to let him give up the [Cursed Pendulum].

If they can be put together for people to choose from, the two props should not be said to be equivalent, but they should at least have their own advantages.

[Curse Pendulum] is a weapon prop that Zis has been lacking.

Although the randomness of the first effect is very confusing, the function of debuffing players, ghosts, NPCs, etc. is rare enough, and it may have miraculous effects if used properly.

The second effect will improve the holder's individual strength in all aspects. Although the expression of "small improvement" is unclear, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are. Qisi knows that his own strength is weak, and there is someone who can make up for it. The props couldn't be better.

What Chiss is most interested in is the third effect, which is to control the pendulum with his mind to carry out long-range attacks. It is very friendly to a useless person like him who has no combat experience. It is simple, flexible and easy to use.

As for determining the strength of attack power based on the strength of his soul, Qisi believed that since he had contract authority, controlled the souls of Qijia Village and several players, and was mistaken for an evil god by Zhang Yiyu, his soul strength would not be too weak.

As the difficulty of the dungeon becomes higher and higher, the players you encounter become more and more powerful. Deception and resourcefulness may be able to deal with many situations, but when faced with a reckless man who can defeat ten levels at once, even a wise man with no tricks can only be defeated. .

Zeiss urgently needs weapons that can improve his strength, and he needs to strengthen the force that he has always paid little attention to.

"So, can't I really have both?" He asked again sincerely.

The newly unlocked [Scarlet Priest] card was held between him. The red-clothed god on the card and he on the throne lowered their scarlet eyes at the same time, showing a strange smile.

The system interface flashed twice and finally let go:

[You can choose one of the props and spend points to buy another one]

Zeiss asked: "How many points are needed?"

[After you make your choice, the game system will calculate the points required for your purchase]

This should be the final bottom line in bargaining with Weird Games.

Qisi accepted the offer and said, "I'll choose one."

[Congratulations on getting the reward prop "Insomnia Germs", we are calculating the points required to redeem the "Cursed Pendulum" for you]

[Calculation result: 200,000 points]

[Please complete the purchase within 1 hour, otherwise the item purchase agreement will be permanently invalid]

The glass tube filled with blue-black liquid solidified in front of Qisi. Qisi reached out to grab it and placed it on the bronze table. Then he reached out to touch Zhang Yiyu's soul blade and brought up the settlement interface.

["Red Maple Leaf Boarding School" evaluation grade A, reward points 3000]

[Complete the True End line of "Red Maple Leaf Boarding School" and get 5,000 bonus points]

[World view cracking degree 80%, reward points 3000]

[Unlock the achievement "Lie and Win" (clear the copy with TE with low participation), reward points 1000]

[Unlock the achievement "Death and Life" (come back to life in the copy), reward points 1000]

[Total reward points 13,000]

Qisi yawned and directly transferred all thirteen thousand points into his account.

If his judgment of the situation is correct, Zhang Yiyu may never have the chance to see the light of day again and use these points.

There are fragments of images circulated from Red Maple Leaf Boarding School, and anyone with a discerning eye will suspect that she has become Qisi's eyes; naturally, the Investigation Bureau will not rest assured that she will be allowed to enter the copy again, as there is a possibility of leaking important information.

There were still more than 30,000 points short of 200,000, so Qisi harvested some from each soul blade and made up the whole.

"Confirm purchase."

The moment the command was issued, the entire figure of 200,000 in the account disappeared instantly and was replaced by a round zero.

Dots of light fragments meet in the void and condense into a blood-colored pendulum, suspended glitteringly and swaying slightly.

Qisi stretched out his hand to hold the pendulum. The cold pendulum softened its edge in the palm of the holder, but the chill it emitted was still biting and vicious.

The black chain wrapped around the pale wrist like a living poisonous snake, and a cold force entered the blood vessels and flowed through the meridians. Qisi lost all sleep for a moment.

He stood up from the high-backed chair, his movements stirred up the wind created by the surge of air, and with light steps, he passed through the temple and arrived in front of the bronze door in less than ten seconds.

He turned around again, turned sideways, bent over, and leaned back. He performed several actions in this way and made a rough judgment.

"The speed has indeed improved, and the specific values ​​have been measured in reality. The sensitivity of movements has also been enhanced, and some movements that are usually awkward can be performed more easily. The reaction and force need to be further tested, but they should also be improved. Specific tests will be done most Let’s wait until we get back to reality.”

The time for a single stay in the game space is limited. Considering that he can usually bring the props to reality, Qiss decisively gave up on continuing to test the effect of the cursed pendulum and sat back on the high-backed chair again.

He stretched out his hand towards the golden World Fruit and looked down at the soul leaves of the villagers.

After the baptism of the first copy, most of the more than a hundred people died, and only forty-one soul leaves were hanging on the branches. The condition was not optimistic.

A total of 71,000 points obtained by those who survived were held in Qisi's hands and played with, and he would be the god who dominated everything, distributing and rewarding them.

Since the villagers had not become official players yet and had no place to spend the points they had, Qisi deposited all 71,000 points into his own account and happily watched as the points he had just spent returned to less than half of his health.

There was still a little time left in the stay, and Qisi clicked into the live broadcast hall again.

Colorful window panes spread out on the blue-grey bottom, and lines of silver-white text flew in front of the eyes, accompanied by the sound of fireworks celebrating:

[The anchor you are optimistic about has cleared the copy of "The 33rd Middle". Congratulations on completing a successful live broadcast investment]

[You have invested a total of 80 points, and the 800 points returned according to the proportion have been deposited into your account. I wish you a happy viewing of the live broadcast]

Zeiss:? ? ?

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