Infinite weird games

Chapter 229 Frog Hospital (Twenty-eight) Sinful Ritual

Green Frog Hospital, Qisi followed the procession of female corpses through the corridor, walked to the flat floor at the end of the corridor, and opened the door to the morgue.

Dozens of iron beds are arranged on both sides, all covered with the same white cloth, but it can still be seen from the outline that the corpses on the right are all female corpses, while the corpses on the left are both male and female.

Qisi glanced at the bracelet on the wrist of the corpse closest to the door, which read [S999, Lin Haiyan].

He walked towards a certain bed in his memory and glanced down without leaving any trace. There was a strange number and a strange name written on the familiar location.

[S951, Jiang Xue]'s body disappeared. In just a few days, there was a new batch of corpses here.

The previous corpses were undoubtedly taken away by the dean.

Lin Chen's side mission is to make people eat a thousand tadpoles, so Qisi inevitably pays more attention to the number "one thousand".

And nine hundred and ninety-nine can be said to be very close to one thousand. We cannot rule out the possibility that there is the thousandth corpse at the Green Frog Hospital.

There is a high probability that the dean has collected a sufficient number of corpses.

Qisi suddenly thought of a problem. Last night, players on both sides of the Green Frog Hospital and the Blue Frog Hospital used some means to induce the female ghost and the frog to fight, causing both sides to suffer losses.

At six o'clock in the evening, everything in the entire dungeon world except frogs and props is refreshed; at six o'clock in the morning, the frogs and the pond where they are located are refreshed.

Then those female ghosts killed by the frogs should have completely disappeared. Even if there are only a few dozen, it is still a big loss compared to the total number of "one thousand"...

"Should there be two different forces? Taking the transaction between the dean and a certain being as the node, one group will die in front, and the other group will die in the back?"

Qisi speculated endlessly and silently found a place to stand out of the way.

The leading female ghost, Xu Qing, patrolled among the iron beds, picking up the right hands of the corpses one by one and checking the bracelets on them.

After reading it once to make sure it was correct, she uttered a few unintelligible syllables with trembling lips.

As if they had been summoned, the corpses on the iron bed sat up straight, twisted their limbs and necks and crawled out of the bed, forming a stiff and awkward queue.

They were wearing white burial clothes, and their pale faces were inlaid with dull eyes, the surface of which was covered with a layer of milky white shadow.

They joined the team of female ghosts like puppets on strings. A few of them passed by Qiss, but their eyes did not shift in the slightest.

Xu Qing turned around and walked out of the iron door. A queue as long as a water snake circled in the morgue and emerged from the door hole.

The female corpses followed staggeringly, with Qiss at the end of the team as usual.

I thought that the team would return to the dark room behind the dean's office after inspecting the ward area like the previous two nights, but this time Xu Qing walked straight to the thick fog-filled door at the bottom of the flat floor.

Unlike last night when the players used bloody dead babies to lure them there, this time these ghosts went out completely spontaneously.

They move neatly and have calm expressions. They are not as angry and crazy as last night. Their faces without exception have a kind of solemn piety, as if they were inspired by someone to rush to the altar to perform a show. A long-planned pilgrimage.

Qisi followed the team, walking down the stairs step by step. His joints were still stiff, and he made a "squeaking" friction sound with every step he took.

This seems to be a negative effect of the [Book of the Dead], which will cause muscle stiffness and slow movement, but it has little effect on Ziss who is not good at using force.

Anyway, he either doesn't move, even if he has to do it himself, he will mostly use the [Cursed Pendulum] to carry out long-range attacks.

The temperature inside me continued to drop, perhaps because the surroundings were crowded with ghosts and ghosts. If the gloomy atmosphere had substantively settled, it would not dissipate. The gray mist clung to the wall, condensing a thin layer of white frost and outlining the cracks in the wall.

There was blood stain as long as a thin line on the edge of the stairs, as if something had been dragged across and buried in the cement.

The wall on one side of the staircase slowly deformed, creating a shallow human-shaped pit under the depression. More and more corpses appeared out of thin air and inserted into the queue one after another.

Finally, the entire long line went down to the first floor and walked out of the hospital door.

The cold white moonlight poured down on his head, giving all the corpses a cold shell. Qiss felt that the light was a bit dazzling for no reason, and he raised his hand to cover his forehead.

Xu Qingruo was unaware and led the way calmly and dignifiedly, leading the team towards the pond slowly and quickly, making the sound of a snake dragging an umbilical cord across the mud along the way.

The sleeping frogs in the pond seemed to feel something and became restless. They floated from the bottom of the pond to the surface and started chirping.

There were a few green frogs mixed in among the large number of blue frogs. Their yellow and red eyes stared at the ghosts on the shore with undisguised resentment and malice.

The frogs croaked louder and louder like babies crying, as if they were calling the female corpses connected to them by blood, and also seemed to be accusing them of their death.

Xu Qing suddenly changed direction and walked to the forest leaves far away from the pond. She stood quietly like a sculpture and looked coldly at the boiling pond.

The corpses behind her seemed not to notice her departure and were still marching along the established route.

One after another, the female corpses stepped on the marbles built on the edge of the pond, fell forward, and threw themselves into the water.

The frogs immediately swarmed up and surrounded the female corpse like locusts, tearing apart the white burial clothes, biting off the pale and rotten flesh, and breaking apart the rotten bones.

The complete corpse was divided into fragments of flesh and bones in a few seconds. The blood rippled in the pool with the water, like a gauze washed in the flowing stream, showing a light pink to thin red color. color.

The vengeful spirits transformed from the dead babies retaliate against their supposed culprits with their accumulated resentment day after day, year after year, tearing apart all the living creatures that enter the pond, and devouring the creatures and ghosts that arrive late.

——Why are we going to die before we even have a chance to take a look at this world?

——Why can other babies be born after we die?

Anger and unwillingness need a channel to vent, and the ignorant majority are destined to be unable to see the truth after twists and turns.

Finding the right target for revenge is not allowed by public order and good customs. They can only be coerced by self-righteous emotions and incitement to point their claws and fangs at the nearby beings who are also victimized.

At least it can be touched, at least there won't be too serious consequences, at least... everyone agrees with this way of handling it.

The resistance of the female corpses in the past two days was just to protect what they considered their "children", even if it was just a bloody frog pretending to be a dead baby that had nothing to do with them.

The fate of the consumables destined to be used to complete the ritual has long been determined. Without the stimulation of new conditions, they were as quiet as real corpses, motionless and allowed the frogs to tear them into pieces.

Zeiss now realized that the original use of the body was to throw it into the pond and let the frogs dispose of it.

It seems that in the past two days, the players deliberately led the frog and the female corpse to fight, but inadvertently helped the dean reduce the workload.

The white Madonna statue in the center of the pond lowered its silver-white eyes, looking at a pool of chaos and death through its empty arms, with no expression on its empty face.

The vibrant frog is transformed from the resentful spirit of the dead baby, and the lifeless female corpse will die even more completely in the pond.

The moonlight mixes with the pool water to cook a feast of life and death, adding sin and blood as seasonings. Black smoke steamed up from the blood-colored water, billowing toward Xu Qing on the shore.

A few wisps of black smoke flew towards Qisi, disappeared after disappearing into his body.

The icon of [Poseidon's Scepter] in the toolbar suddenly trembled violently. The tool grid was filled with black smoke for a second and then cleared away. A new black line appeared on the white surface of the scepter.

At this point, Ziss was convinced that Weird Games did not have a high level of control over this copy. He could not even collect all the sins, but he could still get some of them.

He shook his head to himself and said softly: "What is this? The players complete part of the ritual and share some of the sins?"

Combining the information received so far, Ziss made a rough psychological profile of the dean.

He is a villain in universal values. He will do anything against humanity by any means necessary to achieve his goals.

He also lacks the courage to take responsibility and will cause his wife to have a miscarriage in order to cater to policies.

If it was just to collect a thousand corpses for a ceremony, all the killings and murders could be put in the same place.

Separating the Blue Frog Hospital and the Green Frog Hospital into two separate spaces that perform their own duties will definitely not be unnecessary...

In the pond in front of him, as the last body fell into the water, countless green translucent spirits flew out from under the water, and rushed toward Xu Qing with black smoke. The latter's figure flashed twice and disappeared.

The black smoke lost its direction of condensation and hovered in the mid-air above the pond. The baby-like green spirit body mixed with the black smoke and collided with each other.

"If the evil in this copy is not dealt with in time, it will attract attacks from ghosts, right?"

If Qisi realized something, he narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, a void sank into the red pond, as if a piece of blood had suddenly been drained away.

The surrounding pool water rushed towards the gap, and the vortex formed continued to rotate, and the twisted ripples wrapped around the hole in the middle——

The channel appears.

The passage connecting the two hospitals is indeed at the bottom of the pool, but it will not be opened until the ritual of sacrificing the corpse is completed.

There are less than a thousand female corpses at the Blue Frog Hospital. It is conceivable that a similar sacrificial ceremony is being carried out at the Green Frog Hospital, and the same swirling passage will be opened after the end.

The main tasks on both sides are to find the statues of the Son and the Virgin respectively. When combined, they are to merge the two scattered statues into one.

As long as Lin Chen brings the statue of the Holy Son to the Blue Frog Hospital, the tasks of both players can be completed at the same time...

But the reality is far more complex than ideal.

Qisi put his hands in his pockets, turned around and walked towards the hospital door.

Green Frog Hospital, late at night.

The female teacher reached out and pushed open the door, walked to the corridor and stood against the wall.

A long procession of ghosts and ghosts walked in the damp corridor. A female corpse in white had a dull look on her face, dragging her heavy steps forward slowly.

Lin Chen's whole body was entangled with invisible threads, and his limbs were manipulated like a puppet. He followed out uncontrollably and stood next to the female teacher.

I don’t know what method the female teacher used, but the two living people didn’t attract the attention of the corpses.

At this moment, Lin Chen already had a rough idea of ​​the female teacher's identity.

"Puppet Master", the legendary president of the Silas Guild... Although what comes here is not the real body, but just a puppet, it is also not easy to deal with...

If the information in the forum is correct, the puppets are considered dead and will not be pulled into the dungeon by the weird game after the countdown ends. The puppets that appear in any dungeon will only be entered through active matching.

So having said that, why did the puppet master send puppets into this instance? Is there anything special about this copy?

Lin Chen's mind was spinning rapidly, searching for known clues one by one, but he couldn't find any clues.

He still knew so little that he couldn't even figure out the other party's purpose; he failed to collect enough information, so he was stretched thin at this time.

After leaving the dungeon, he must work harder to read strategy posts and watch clearance videos... But, can he really leave alive?

"I don't plan to kill you at the moment. In many cases, the benefits brought by the living are far greater than those of the dead." The female teacher seemed to have seen Lin Chen's thoughts and said without looking back.

Is it mind reading, or something else?

Lin Chen couldn't make up his mind, but listening to the other party's intention, it seemed that he wanted to keep him as a puppet and reuse him...

If you are going to be controlled by a puppet master and harm people in the future, would it be better to die immediately?

Lin Chen thought sadly, and then realized that he couldn't even commit suicide now...

The long queue in front of me finally came to an end, and the number [S1000] was clearly written on the wrist of the last female corpse.

The female teacher followed leisurely, and Lin Chen followed closely with a look of sadness and indignation.

The two of them walked all the way through the door on the flat floor, went down the escalator, turned around the stairwells, and finally exited the hospital.

Under the cold moonlight, the female corpses walked towards the pond uniformly, and jumped into the water one after another, making a "plop" sound and splashing white water.

Large green frogs floated to the ground, covering the body, and soon there was only a pool of blood and floating debris left.

The frogs croaked loudly and loudly, and amid the constant noise, the baby stone statue lay quietly in the center of the stone platform, looking up at the moon above its head.

A whirlpool appeared in the pond, spinning rapidly around the sudden hole, but the water in the pond never became less.

The female teacher looked sideways at Lin Chen and said calmly: "You only need to go through this passage with the statue of the Holy Child, and you can pass the level."

No, you can't clear the level now... If you clear the level now, the puppet ribbon will be taken out of the instance, and you can no longer get rid of it...

As long as you are still in this copy, there is hope...

Lin Chen screamed crazily in his heart, unable to utter a single word.

He fell into despair, but a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the bottom of his mind: "Lin Chen, if you see the passage, don't bring the statue of the Holy Son over here yet."

It's Zeiss! Zeiss is not dead!

The sense of loss and recovery brought about ecstatic emotions. Lin Chen spent a lot of effort to suppress it without showing too much abnormality.

Qisi's voice continued: "The dean used a thousand corpses to hold a ceremony to summon the evil god, during which a lot of evil would inevitably occur. If he didn't want to bear so many evils, he would have to find a way to blame others. "

"I guess the key step in completing the ceremony is to merge the statues of the Son and the Madonna. Whoever completes this step will bear the greatest responsibility and become the target of revenge by the ghosts."

"Although no substantial damage can be received in the three minutes after clearing the level, bringing too many sins to other copies may cause unknown troubles. Give me half a day and I will think of a solution." (End of this chapter. )

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