Infinite weird games

Chapter 233 Frog Hospital (Thirty-two) Scam

After seeing someone eating tadpoles, the blue frog will continue to mobilize the frog group to attack as long as its vision is not blocked.

A short period of darkness can certainly blind it, but once light appears and it regains its vision, the attack will continue.

Qi Si held the flashlight left by Lu Zimo, his thumb on the switch, and said in a gentle voice: "In fact, there is no life-and-death hatred between us. On the contrary, I am very interested in the hospital you set up, and I also know your difficulties and concerns."

"You should have heard that gentleman mention the name [Scarlet Priest]. If you haven't heard of it, it doesn't matter. I just want to tell you that our goal is the same, which is to extradite the evil god to the world. We may be able to reach a cooperation and get what we need."

"By then, you will use the power of the evil god to resurrect your wife and children, and obtain enough shelter for your family to live a stable life, and I will inherit those difficult sins on your behalf and help you continue to run this hospital."

Qisi had been thinking about the frog hospital as early as when he realized that the weird game had little control over this copy.

The mechanism is interesting enough, it is not under the jurisdiction of the game, the food and accommodation are all included, and the security is impressive. It is really a good place.

Before the start of the dungeon, Qi Si wanted to enter "Rose Manor" to slack off, but was told that the territory had been occupied. Qi Si felt that he needed to buy a place to rest in the weird game.

Being thrown into the hospital as a consumable to explore the way, he was still a little unhappy when he thought about it carefully. He had to replace the dean and become a thorny existence, making the weird game more unhappy.

As for whether the weird game would object - what does his negotiation with the dean have to do with the weird game?

"Cheng Ping, it can be seen that you are a person who cares about family affection. Cheng Xiaoyu is such a cute child. You don't want him to be torn apart by frogs, right?"

Qi Si sighed compassionately and quickly pressed the flashlight switch twice in one second.

A flash of white light passed by, and the frog sounds suddenly became noisy and silent, but the overwhelming power was enough to make anyone tremble.

The ghosts of babies are ignorant of the ways of the world, and do not know how to weigh the pros and cons. They only know to follow the simplest rules to vent their resentment and malice, to retaliate against those who killed them directly, and to hurt innocent people who have no grudges or hatred.

They are like natural disasters, bringing indiscriminate disasters to any existence fairly and impartially, whether the other party is a ghost or a human.

There are not many frogs left on Cheng Xiaoyu's body, but the frog group on the flat floor is still huge. In the dark, he wanted to rush to Qi Si, but was blocked by the frogs and could only yell angrily.

Qi Si's mind emerged with the image he saw in the dream, a man in a white coat carrying a corpse into the pond, and was bitten by frogs transformed by ghosts in the pond.

He listened to Cheng Xiaoyu's curses silently, holding the flashlight steadily in his right hand, and waited for the dean's response leisurely.

Two seconds later, the dean sneered: "It's not the final moment yet. The casualties in the process are not to be feared. As long as that gentleman comes to the world, even if they are only left with residual souls, they can be reborn."

The choice has been made, and Qi Si smiled sarcastically: "It seems that you don't love your wife and children as much as you describe."

He raised his wrist and pressed down his thumb. The flashlight suddenly lit up, and the light circle was cast directly in the direction of the dean's voice, like a guiding light.

The means of holding hostages are not sure, and egoists may abandon others at any time.

——Qisi's target has always been the dean himself.

The "quack" frog sound sounded again, and the dean in the light circle finally realized that something was wrong, and dodged to merge into the shadow.

Qisi took off his white coat, swept it to the ground, rubbed a few strands of blood from the injured frog, and threw it in his face together with the whole coat.

This time, the accuracy he had developed from practicing the curse pendulum was used. In addition, the dean was eager to avoid the light circle, and he bumped into one in a hurry. The loose white coat covered the upper half of the dean's body.

Qi Si took a few steps back and grinned in the direction of Cheng Xiaoyu: "Cheng Xiaoyu, you are so miserable. Your father doesn't love you at all. For the sake of the hospital's foundation, he is willing to let you be bitten to death by frogs..."

Cheng Xiaoyu shouted, and his broken words were not clear. It was not good to think with his feet.

The frogs could not see Cheng Xiaoyu in the dark, and they were also stubborn and did not know how to identify the position by sound. The dean stained with frog blood under the exposure naturally attracted their attention.

They remembered that this was the executor of the policy, the demon who killed them; caused their souls to turn into frogs and trapped in the cold pond; and also snatched their tadpoles and sent them to others to eat.

The cognition blinded by the rules penetrated the barrier of deception, and the new and old hatreds were added together, and the flat layer shook violently, and the high-pitched frog sounds were as shrill as the cry of a baby.

The white light from the flashlight always followed the dean's footsteps. The angry frogs jumped out from every gap and surrounded the dean.

The dean stopped, not dodging or avoiding, and stood upright in the sea of ​​frogs, like a Dingshui bridge pillar that cuts off the rapids.

He suddenly snapped his fingers, and new footsteps sounded in a chaotic and staggered manner, approaching at a completely different frequency from the frogs, unique and out of place.

The shadow above his head retreated like the tide, and the milky white light sprinkled softly and evenly, illuminating the frogs, ghosts and people in the flat.

Qi Si turned his head and looked back, and saw the source of the footsteps clearly.

In the corridor connecting the flat, patients who were thinner than zombies lined up in a queue, holding jars of tadpoles in their hands, and walked into the flat stiffly.

Their state was obviously abnormal. Their eyes were staring blankly ahead, they mechanically opened the jars, fished out the tadpoles and stuffed them into their mouths.

"Can you control those patients?" Zeiss asked.

He somewhat understood why the director knew everything that happened in the hospital.

It turns out that not only the ghosts, but also the patients who seem to hate the medical staff are his eyes and ears.

He could have mobilized the entire hospital to pursue and intercept the players, but in the past few days, he had only used the team of pregnant ghosts. It was clear that he deliberately hid his hand and set up obstacles.

"Yes, I can control them." The dean answered bluntly, "You don't know, right? All the existence of Frog Hospital is under my control, except for those damn frogs and outsiders like you."

"Thank you for informing me." Qisi said politely, "But I don't quite believe what you said. I'm sorry."

The patients were as silent as a rock, stuffing tadpoles into their mouths one after another.

The blue frog held in Qisi's hand witnessed everything and croaked again to give orders.

The frogs moved slowly and seemed hesitant.

They are struggling with whether to continue to deal with the dean who has a deep hatred, or to deal with the patients who dare to eat tadpoles in front of them according to the rules of this world.

The queue of patients was endless as far as the eye could see, and they were still pouring into the flat floor. The number of frogs was temporarily dwarfed by comparison.

They ate the tadpoles without hesitation, chewing and swallowing them loudly, as if they were defying the authority of the rules by relying on the crowd.

The frogs were thoroughly enraged.

They made a decision in a second, turned around and rushed towards the patients, jumping on their backs, necks, and heads, firmly grabbing any place they could grab, biting fiercely, and vowing to give them... Take a look at some color.

Large chunks of flesh and blood were separated from the patients' bodies in pieces, and a heavy snow fell. The turbulent smell of blood and the foul smell of decay surged among the floors and hovered for a long time.

Qisi covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and said clearly: "I said why you obviously only need female corpses who died of pregnancy, but you still go to the trouble of providing male patients with so-called tadpoles that can prevent pregnancy. It turns out that you want them to help you." To attract hatred."

He paused and showed an attitude of asking for advice humbly: "As far as I know, for some reason, you don't dare to let too many people die needlessly. I'm curious, if you let these patients take the blame for you, are you not afraid that they will be killed? Frog killing, ruining your 'rigorous and precise plan'?"

The dean said coldly: "They are dead people, they cannot die any more."

Qisi rubbed his chin, thoughtfully.

After a moment, he raised his eyes and smiled brightly: "Since Cheng Xiaoyu's safety cannot threaten you, how about I change the condition?"

"I hold the lives of two teammates in my hands. If you are willing to sit down and have a good talk with me, I will let them continue to live so as not to affect your arrangement. How about that?"

The dean was silent.

He shook off the white coat he was wearing and held it in his arms. His face was covered with shadows and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

Amidst the noisy sound of frogs and the soft sound of flesh and blood falling to the ground, he asked word by word: "Why do you think you can own this hospital by trading with me?"

Zeiss took out a towel and covered the blue frog's eyes, then stuffed it back into his backpack.

The frogs that were raging on the ground floor and corridors fell silent at the same moment, falling off the patients like mud and scattering in all directions.

The patients' bodies lost the support of the frogs and fell one after another like dominoes, scattering into pieces of flesh and bones on the ground.

Qisi looked at the white coat in the dean's arms and said with a smile: "Because since you Cheng Ping can control this hospital, then I, Cheng An, can also do it."

The air felt stagnant, the temperature dropped rapidly, and for a few seconds it was as cold as winter. Invisible pressure acted on the body, as if being surrounded by hostile monsters and monsters.

"There are too many doubts."

Qisi, who was already in a ghost state, was not affected at all. He just looked at the dean with a half-smile and continued: "First of all, from the very beginning, let me decide my own name in this world. The nurse didn't notice it at all. I accept my self-naming. That is to say, the name is not important in this world.”

"Then there is the written information in this copy. Basically 90% of the content is blurred, and only the key information exists in the form of fragments. This basically shows that this world is unreal."

"There are a lot of bits and pieces. For example, Cheng An can apply for entry and exit permits many times, but you turn a blind eye to it; Cheng An has the ability to enter my dreams, and has the authority to help me establish a relationship between two places. Conscious connection; in dreams and hallucinations, Cheng An’s and your identity experiences overlap..."

"There is no doubt that the essence of this ghost realm is a false consciousness space, and 'Cheng An' is one of your personalities."

"Maybe I can make a bolder guess. You and 'Cheng An' are both the personalities of a person called 'Cheng Ping'an'."

Because it is an individual consciousness space, it has a certain degree of privacy and is not controlled by weird games.

Because they are different personalities in the same consciousness space, they can all control the player's dreams and have higher operating authority.

Cheng An is not a kind person. He leaves the hospital at night time and time again. He is probably colluding with Cheng Ping and photographing pregnant women from the outside world.

But whether it was for profit or something else, Cheng An had other ideas, made a deal with Weird Games, and summoned the players.

"You guessed it right," said the dean.

The voice was not directly in front of him, but sounded sinisterly in Qisi's ears.

Qisi's face changed slightly, and he turned sideways to hide, but the sneak attack was faster than his skill.

There was a sharp pain in his left shoulder, a sharp scalpel penetrated his shoulder blade, and the huge force dragged his whole body backwards.

The next second, the other shoulder felt the same pain.

Two scalpels, one on the left and one on the right, nailed Qiss to the cold cement wall. Scarlet smoke spurted out from the wound, lingering intermittently.

Qisi raised his eyes to look at the dean who had stood at his feet at some point, and asked nonchalantly: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill them immediately and interfere with your plan?"

When the dean heard this, he laughed wildly: "You were fooled by me, hahahahaha! A few more people dying will not have any impact on me. I have kept you until today for another purpose..."

Green Frog Hospital.

Lin Chen held the baby stone sculpture in his arms and wandered around the corridors like a headless fly.

Not long ago, two caregivers stopped him and forced him to go to the pond to catch tadpoles.

In his haste, he jumped into the pond, bypassed the whirlpool, hugged the statue of the Holy Son on the stone platform, and ran away.

As soon as the caregiver approached, he held the statue high and threatened to smash it.

The two caregivers had no choice but to let him go.

Along the way, Lin Chen followed the same pattern and held the statue of the Holy Son hostage, and dealt with the NPCs, hoping to get out of trouble.

He kept Qis's instructions in mind, always changing places every five minutes, and wandered around the hospital building.

The stone statue in his hand became heavier and heavier, and Lin Chen's arms were so tired that they almost lost consciousness, as if they no longer belonged to him.

He knew that when he could no longer hold the stone statue, the eager NPCs would swarm him, so he did not dare to show any signs of fatigue, gritting his teeth and holding on without even slowing down his pace.

But the human body has its limits. He is just an ordinary college student and is not very good at sports. Although he has been exercising regularly in the past month, the results are not that fast.

He can't hold on for long. In another half hour, maybe less than ten minutes, he will collapse...

No, he had to fight hard to hold on for a while. Zeiss was working around for him. He couldn't just hold back. It was not helpful at all...

But what happened to Qisi? Did something happen? Why haven't you contacted him yet?

While he was thinking about it, Lin Chen heard Qisi's voice: "Lin Chen, you can return to the pond now. When will you enter the passage? Follow my instructions."

He was as calm as ever, as if he had the situation under control. (End of chapter)

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