Infinite weird games

Chapter 258: The Ghost (Thirteen) The Traveler is Trapped in the Deep Forest

In the room on the second floor of Zhendong's residence, the conversation of questions and answers written in two kinds of handwriting on the page outlines a completely different development of the story from that of Zhenxi.

Luo Haihua and his wife witnessed the lantern overturning naturally at night, and planned to stop it, but they learned from a prop on their body that could analyze clues that being buried in a fire was not an accidental death point, but the key to clearing the level and deciphering the world view.

The props told them that Yanghua Town was burned down by fire many years ago and ceased to exist.

The Yanghua Town where they are now is a phantom of the past, a false existence in itself, and naturally there is no way to find a real exit.

Only by going through the burning of the fire can they enter the real Yanghua Town.

This statement is not groundless. The evidence is the letter hidden in their room:

[If this city falls, the family and country will be lost, and all your children and property will be slaves and money...]

[There are many diligent kings in the southeast. After the king’s master has passed, there may be a breath left. We must cut down fuel and collect firewood, burn down palaces and destroy palaces. Pearls, jade and golden cauldrons will turn into ashes and cannot be used by enemies. 】

It is said that Yanghua Town was about to be lost. In order to prevent the enemy from replenishing supplies after occupying the town, General Meng, who was defending the city, ordered his soldiers to start from the east of the town, drive away the townspeople, and set fire to the houses and materials.

The entire town was burned to the ground, with many tramples and accidental injuries during the process. The townspeople who died in the war were unwilling to accept it. Their obsessions condensed into the image of Yanghua Town before its destruction, and the ghosts of the innocent wandered in the town as they did in life.

It's a classic horror story routine, and the evidence is very conclusive. After some struggle, Luo Haihua and his wife chose to believe it.

Subsequent developments also proved that their choice was correct: when they woke up, the other players were gone, or in other words, they could no longer be seen.

All players who did not encounter the fire are trapped in another space and can only communicate with them through pen and paper.

"General Meng... could he be Mr. Meng himself? After burning down the town, he somehow became a ghost and continued to rule the townspeople after his death?"

Zeiss put the page back on the bedside table, raised his hand and touched his face: "And...why don't I remember that I was trapped?"

Luo Haihua's handwriting on the page is definitely the same as the handwriting written by Luo Haihua who was in the "Xi Yi" state at Zhenxi Dishe. It can be determined that it was written by the same person.

What made Qisi more concerned was that there was no handwriting on the paper. The person responsible for communicating with Luo Haihua and his wife through pen and paper called himself "Tang Yu" and was with Lin Chen. There was no mention of him or Qiu Xin in his words. The presence.

"Am I separated from them? Is this information false? Is there an NPC pretending to be a player? Or is this another timeline independent of everything I am experiencing now?"

Qisi shook his head, his eyes falling on the wooden bed.

Luo Jianhua and Luo Haihua were still lying motionless. There was no difference or flaw in their appearance. They should not be dummies forged in a weird game.

The strange thing is that their breathing was as even as a programmed process. Even if Zeiss made a slight noise when turning the pages, it did not cause the slightest fluctuation.

Qisi sat down on the wooden bed and said at a normal volume: "Teacher Luo, wake up."

When he sat down, the wooden bed vibrated, and the sound was distinct and harsh in the silence.

Most of the old players are wary. When encountering such a movement, unless the copy is intentional, it is impossible not to react.

However, the two people on the bed still closed their eyes tightly, not even their hair trembled, and had no intention of waking up.

Zeiss raised his voice a little and read it again word for word.

The two people on the bed were motionless, their breathing did not change at all, as if they had fallen asleep and were unable to sense any movement from the outside world.

Qisi thought for no reason that after midnight last night, he fell asleep uncontrollably, having a dreamless night, and it was dawn when he opened his eyes again.

There couldn't have been any movement outside the window at that time, but he was still in a deep sleep and had no memory of what happened during that period.

Is it the same situation now as last night? Is the player falling asleep an irresistible mechanism in the dungeon?

Is the timeline of Luo Haihua and his wife really during the day?

Qisi looked out the window. The sky was completely white, and it could be seen with the naked eye that it was not night.

He withdrew his gaze, controlled the cursed pendulum to fly towards Luo Haihua, and lightly poked her arm.

The pendulum didn't catch any of it, it sank into the skin easily, and fell in without any hindrance, as if it was passing through a void.

Qisi took back the pendulum, and the piece of skin was intact. He reached out to touch it, and his fingertips missed the phantom, but still failed to touch the real thing.

Luo Haihua seemed to be on a different layer from him. They could only see each other but could not interact with each other.

"Is it a protection mechanism for sleeping people like in "Double Happiness Town"? this time, I am in a 'Xi Yi' state to the people in Zhendong?"

"Are the Luo Haihua couple who appear here really the two people I met at the beginning?"

Chiss stood up and stared at the paper on the bedside table, lost in thought.

Two seconds later, he picked up the pen and wrote paragraphs of words in ugly handwriting on the paper:

[I am Lin Wen. It is the second day after the dungeon started. In our world line, you have disappeared and turned into Xiyi. 】

[Tang Yu, Lin Ya and I followed the mourners to the east of the town and saw you lying in the mansion, asleep. I would like to know:】

[1. What day is it when the dungeon starts? 】

[2. How is the progress of your main mission? What about side missions? 】

[3. When did you enter the dungeon? ]

Qis actually had a lot of information he wanted to tell Luo Haihua and his wife, some of which was related to the faction's mission and future layout, but there was no rush for more in-depth communication.

He needed to confirm three points: First, the Luo Haihua couple in the east of the town were the real Luo Haihua couple; second, whether the Luo Haihua couple could receive his information; third, whether the information he transmitted would be known to other NPCs and cause an impact.

"Brother Qi, we are out of town, but it seems that we are not completely out..."

In the mind hall, the blood-colored soul leaves trembled slightly, and Lin Chen's voice sounded mournfully: "There is indeed a large bamboo forest behind the mansion, which is a bit like the bamboo forest we were in before entering the town, but not quite. There are many scarecrows in it, and the corpses have become scarecrows..."

Qis touched the blood-colored leaves in his consciousness and saw a scene from Lin Chen's perspective.

The pile of corpses behind the bamboo forest bordering the mansion rose from the ground, and the bamboo leaves intertwined, forming a large cloud-like shadow. The damp and cold mist lingered in the forest, involving dozens of human-shaped shadows.

Those people were not real people, but scarecrows with faces painted white, lipstick and blush, wearing human clothes, mostly black, but also white and red.

Its hands were stiffly raised horizontally, and its body was upright. From a distance, it looked like a cross, as if it was nailed.

A gust of wind blew, and it trembled and trembled, slowly turning over one side.

There was also a face painted on the back, with three horizontal and one vertical lines drawn with ink, which were counted as facial features. Unlike the smiling face on the front, this face was quite serious and looked unapproachable.

The faces of two scholars, an old man and an old woman flashed before Qi Si's eyes for a moment.

The scarecrow's serious and playful expressions seemed familiar, as if they could summarize the images of all the NPCs he had seen since entering Yanghua Town. The one with a stern face was the first scholar, and the other NPCs were smiling...

Qis had some guesses, which needed to be tested, but it was not troublesome.

"Lin Chen, you and Tang Yu stand there and don't move, wait for me to find you." After he finished speaking, he left the room and closed the door.


In the bamboo forest, Lin Chen and Tang Yu saw the paper man dispersed, waited for a while and found nothing unusual, then walked forward carefully.

The old man's body in black stood upright, as stiff as a wooden board, even if only his ankles were buried in the soil, he never staggered.

He stared with his eyes open, motionless, standing at the outermost edge of the bamboo forest like a signpost.

As the players approached, a strong smell of blood and rottenness hit them in the face. The wrinkled skin of the old man was like fresh paint that was splashed with water, dissolving rapidly, revealing the withered straw under the skin and flesh, as if his entire body was made of a scarecrow with a layer of human skin on the outside.

The skin dissolved in a few seconds, without a drop of blood or any trace left, as if it was evaporated by the sun and turned into a bubble. In front of the players, there was only a scarecrow in black clothes, standing upright.

Not only that, after approaching, the players found that the bamboo forest, which they thought was densely packed with bamboo poles, was not actually full of bamboo. Every few steps, there was a scarecrow similar to the remnants of the old man, thin and straight, like a stick, and difficult to distinguish from bamboo from a distance.

The breeze rustled between the bamboo poles, and the scarecrows turned with the wind. Soon, they all faced Lin Chen and Tang Yu who were standing in the forest, as if they were looking at the strangers who had strayed into their home.

"There's something strange about this place. Let's go back first." Tang Yu said, and slowly stepped back a few steps.

His back bumped into something soft. He turned back suddenly and saw that behind him, which was supposed to be a flat road, there was a scarecrow with a bloody smile on his face. His arms were stuck between two bamboo poles, just blocking his way back.

Not only that, all directions around him were blocked by scarecrows.

Each scarecrow opened his arms and connected with the bamboo poles to form an artificial fence, enclosing the players in it.

To leave the town, you must walk out of the bamboo forest; to get out of the bamboo forest, you have to get past the scarecrows.

Either cut off these scarecrows, or bend over and pass under their armpits, but even a fool can see that they are not good people. Who knows if rash action will trigger the death point?

At this point, Tang Yu finally understood why the scholar dared to let them follow the funeral procession out of the town to see it. This clearly confirmed that they could not leave!

"Lin Ya, do you have props that focus on force? Prepare them first." Tang Yu maintained his calmness, drew out his saber and pointed it at the nearest scarecrow, and reminded him, "Don't act rashly, be prepared for battle."

"Yeah! I have three force-type props, two of which have summoning effects, and one of which has an unknown effect."

As early as when Lin Chen entered the bamboo forest, he took out the black umbrella from the prop column in case of emergency.

At this moment, he and Tang Yu stood back to back, communicating with Qi Si while opening the black umbrella to protect him.

The black umbrella was originally a shield made of good material. If he really encountered a life-and-death crisis, he could also activate the prop effect and let the black shadow ghost lead him and Tang Yu out of the bamboo forest...

"Lin Chen, don't use the props yet, especially the [Umbrella Full of Pain]." Qi Si's voice sounded in Lin Chen's mind, as if he saw his thoughts, and explained indifferently, "I have some guesses about some of the mechanisms of this copy. I may need to use its effects tonight to verify it. If it goes into cooldown during the day, it will be very troublesome."

Lin Chen can understand what Qi Si means.

The effect of summoning the shadow ghost has a 24-hour cooldown period. If you use it now, you have to wait until tomorrow to use it again.

If Qi Si wants to verify some clues at night, he may have to wait for another whole day, and I don't know how many variables will appear during this period.

If you don't need the [Umbrella Full of Pain], maybe you can use the [Psychiatrist's Medical Record Book]. Anyway, they are all summoning props, so they shouldn't be too different... I think...

But can the ghosts of mental patients really deal with the current weird situation?

Lin Chen looked at the groups of scarecrows with a full sense of oppression, and was a little skeptical.

"Lin Ya, let's choose a direction and rush out." Beside him, Tang Yu's voice was cold.

In his mind, Qi Si's voice was calm as usual: "Lin Chen, just wait for me there, I'll be there soon."

The way to come was gone, and all he could see were bamboo forests and scarecrows.

"Hehehe..." The sharp laughter seeped out from the scarecrow's abdomen, and combined with the bright red smiling face, it was particularly creepy.

Lin Chen shuddered, holding an umbrella in one hand and a medical record in the other, and looked sideways at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu had already taken a step in one direction, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead, drying with the wind.

He was gambling, and he didn't know whether the direction he chose was correct, but he knew that he shouldn't stay here any longer.

Should he leave or stay?

"Lin Chen, you are my president and the only person I trust."

Qisi's words drifted in the wind, distorted like ghost talk.

"I am afraid of trouble and stingy. I don't want to train another teammate and pay another 5,000 points.

"So, no matter what, I hope you can survive, and I will do my best to let you survive to the end."

Survive to the end?

Lin Chen felt that the expression of this sentence was a bit strange.

He put the umbrella into the prop column, holding only a medical record book, ready to turn one of the pages at any time.

"Lin Ya, what are you still dawdling about? Go!" Tang Yu looked back and saw that Lin Chen was still standing there, and couldn't help urging.

At the same time, Qi Si's voice sounded again: "Lin Chen, I'm here, I see you."

This time the voice was much clearer than the previous times. It was no longer a whisper in the mind, but it was really heard through the air.

Lin Chen looked in the direction where the voice came from.

The road that was originally blocked by the bamboo forest and the scarecrow appeared again, and a figure in red stood at the end, embedded in the scene from a distance, shining like a signpost. (End of this chapter)

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