Infinite weird games

Chapter 268: Ghost (Twenty-three) The East-West Road

"You should have known that I am a ghost." Qiu Xin sat on the wooden bed, looked around at everyone, and said calmly.

The old man who was in charge of the residence went upstairs to take a look and then left. The scholar stood in the lobby downstairs, quietly guarding the food box and wine jar.

Qiu Xin waited for the old man to leave before entering the residence, and gathered with the players in the room of Luo Haihua and his wife on the second floor.

She closed the door, so that the discussion inside could not be heard from outside.

After a long separation, no one said much nonsense.

Tang Yu told Qiu Xin about the information about the scarecrow, the tiger demon and the fire, including some judgments on the world view and the next plan.

Qiu Xin listened quietly, and then said: "I have more information than you, and many of them are clues unique to the ghost camp.

"First of all, the relationship between the 'ghost', '魙' and '西伊' mentioned in the pre-prompt. I preliminarily determined that the players in the 'ghost' camp are '魙', and the players and townspeople in the 'human' camp are 'ghosts', and both can be transformed into 'shey' through some means.

"Among them, 'ghosts' are afraid of '魙', and '魙' are afraid of '西伊', just like 'humans' are afraid of 'ghosts', and the degree is more serious. If they are frightened, their souls will be directly scattered.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” Tang Yu interrupted, “We saw you and were not afraid at all. Teacher Luo and the others who turned into Xiyi were in this room, and you didn’t see any reaction.

“If the three spirits of ‘ghosts’, ‘魙’ and ‘hee’ restrain each other, wouldn’t it mean that you only need to walk on the street and all the townspeople will be wiped out?”

“It’s not that simple.” Qiu Xin shook his head and explained, “You and the townspeople don’t think you are ghosts, so naturally you are not afraid of me. Only when I pat your shoulders and frighten your souls, you will have similar thoughts for a moment.

"The reason why I can sit here peacefully is not because I am not afraid of Xiyi, but because I can't see them and feel their existence. When I can see and feel them, I will be afraid.

"According to what you said, Xiyi usually shows an image in the mirror. I heard a child in the town say that after the townspeople catch the ghost, they will let the scholar take it to look at the mirror until it is scared to death."

Tang Yu thought about it based on the known clues and nodded in approval: "It seems that the scholar is a special existence in this copy. He is responsible for guiding players and executing ghosts. He probably knows a lot."

This is the consensus of the players. After all, since entering the copy, many of the cognitions about Yanghua Town have been instilled by the scholar.

Lin Chen thought of something and responded hesitantly: "Knowing too much will be silenced... The ghosts corresponding to the identity are always changing, which should be to prevent the same ghost from knowing too much, right?"

"Wrong. "Qisi had been standing quietly by the door just now, and now he suddenly spoke, "The same scarecrow has all the memories of the corresponding identity. The circulation of ghosts alone cannot achieve the effect of keeping secrets.

"If it were me, if I wanted to curb the spread of information, I would only weld a certain ghost to that position as much as possible to ensure that he is the only one who knows the secret."

Lin Chen thought about it and asked again: "Is it because no one can control who is attached to which scarecrow, so they can only be matched randomly?"

"Random?" Qi Si smiled, and his smile was ambiguous. "The scholar spent a night and just turned into an old man who was destined to die at the hands of the ghost. That's really a coincidence."

Tang Yu heard his subtext and said twice: "This servant is disposable and will be killed after use."

Lin Chen was silent, and Qiu Xin raised his eyelids to look at Qi Si, and then lowered his eyes again.

The scholar's voice came from downstairs at the right time: "Dear righteous men, why don't you come down and sit down first, let's discuss how to deal with the tiger monster together, so that I can know your plans."

The information has been exchanged almost, and there is no new content on the pages of the bedside table. There is no use in dawdling upstairs except to delay time.

Everyone looked at Qiu Xin at the same time.

Some NPCs knew that she was a ghost. They would go to find the tiger monster with other players later. If they were seen on the way, it would be very troublesome.

Qiu Xin said lightly: "Just take care of yourself. I will go out from the window, follow you from a distance, and meet you in the bamboo forest. If the townspeople see it, I can also get away."

The ghost is at the top of the food chain in this copy. Even if it is really surrounded by the townspeople, it can get away with the identity effect that can easily kill the townspeople.

The players no longer hesitated, said goodbye to Qiu Xin, pushed the door out, and went downstairs in twos and threes.

The scholar was very talkative this time. Seeing the players coming down, he hurriedly filled several bowls with wine and said with a smile: "We have suffered from tiger monsters in Yanghua Town for a long time. If you can eliminate this great scourge, you will be great benefactors to our thousands of townspeople. Do you have any plans?"

"We have wine, this really becomes a fight with tigers on Jingyang Ridge..." Tang Yu complained in a low voice and looked at the scholar, "I remember that your Master Meng didn't agree with us yesterday. He just said that we would stay for a few days with good food and drink, and send us out when the time comes."

The scholar paused and said hesitantly: "You don't know, the townspeople have been very happy since they knew that you could eliminate the tiger scourge, and they spontaneously made an appointment to come and practice with you.

"The word has been passed down. If you go back on your word, they don't know how sad they will be. I'm afraid it will not end well."

This is a subtle moral kidnapping, implying a threat.

Qisi didn't seem to hear the underlying message, and just looked at the scholar with a half-smile: "We have been here all the way and have lived here for these days. I just feel that you are living and working in peace and contentment. It doesn't look like you can't live without the tiger monster."

The scholar put down the wine jar and sighed: "Having said that, if you can live freely and as you please, who would want to live in a forbidden area of ​​fear and despair?"

Qisi looked into the scholar's eyes. After two seconds, he smiled brightly: "I understand. Today we will go see the tiger demon."

The scholar nodded, with a bright red smile on his pale face, and the straw underneath was looming: "Then come with me, don't let them wait too long."

The players had discussed it last night. No matter what, they had to go to the bamboo forest, take a look at the tiger demon, and then make subsequent plans.

The quarrel with the scholar was just a small episode. It would be great to gain more benefits through bargaining, and there would be no harm in failing.

Several people followed the scholar out of the residence, and the misty light shone down from their heads, as if the sun suddenly appeared on a cloudy day.

Townsfolk wearing various clothes appeared from every corner, poking their heads at the players and casting grateful and eager glances.

The crowd is constantly being joined by new townspeople, and the crowds are crowded together and form a vast ocean. The players are surrounded by cheers and cheers. The level of enthusiasm is suddenly comparable to the army of players watching Fu Jue in the Ruins of the Sunset in Zeiss Vision.

"Thank God, someone finally got rid of the tiger problem."

"That's great, no one will have to die again."

"You guys are really righteous people..."

The townspeople talked a lot and expressed their praises.

The scholar turned to look at Qisi and asked, "Are you guys going to go directly to the bamboo forest to find the tiger demon's lair, or are you going to walk around the town again?"

His voice was gloomy, as if he was asking the players to take one last good look at the world while they were still alive.

Qisi smiled nonchalantly and said, "Let me walk around first."

He walked straight towards the direction in his memory, and the surrounding townspeople made a way for themselves, like water broken by a ship.

Lin Chen didn't know why, but he still followed Qisi obediently. Tang Yu also followed suit.

The three of them walked through the streets that stretched from east to west, around the dark alleys at the corners, and stopped in a corner that was covered in shadows and completely unlit.

A body in black clothes curled up quietly. The exposed skin under the clothes was pale and blue, with the color of moldy straw. It looked like it had been silent for a long time.

Tang Yu stepped forward and laid the body flat, revealing a familiar face. It was the scholar from the first day and the old man from last night.

Last night, neither Qi Si nor Qiu Xin made a move against him, but he still died, as if that was a predetermined ending that was not dependent on anyone's will.

Today's scholar led a large number of townspeople to follow the player's footsteps, and also saw the corpse on the ground.

He stood next to the corpse, bowed slightly, and said in a compassionate tone: "He died at midnight last night at the hands of a demon. Logically, he was going to be sacrificed for the tiger demon. But I believe there are a few righteous men here, no matter what." That rule will change in the future.”

Chiss turned to look at him, smiled and asked, "Was he really killed by a demon?"

The scholar was visibly stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "It could only have been a ghost who killed him. No matter who it is, it's a ghost."

The two sentences mean something, and seem to be hinting at something.

Qisi nodded seriously and said word by word: "I understand."

"The mourners are here, please give way -"

The shouts resounded from afar, and were gradually transmitted through the echoes of the townspeople. The funeral paper figures rode paper donkeys and floated over.

They swayed to the ground in the same posture as yesterday. After lifting the corpse on the ground, they sat on the paper donkey again and drove away from the town, singing solemn words in a high-pitched tone.

The crowd moved to both sides, stood in the aisles, and shouted in response:

"Everyone dies and is buried in peace——"

"To clear the way for the dead——"

In the solemn atmosphere, Lin Chen's voice sounded softly through the soul blade: "Brother Qi, is the scholar really destined to die because he knows too much?"

"Who knows?" Qisi's eyes wandered among the crowd and fell on an old man also dressed in black - his old face was clearly visible, and he was very similar to the scholar yesterday.

He said with a hint of humor: "Now it seems that all scholars are disposable NPCs. They work as guides during the day and become watchmen the next day. They are killed by the demon according to the rules. The remaining value is completely squeezed out."

Lin Chen was silent for a long time and murmured: "I have heard that during the great purges in the early days of the Federation, black crosses would be painted on the doors of those who were sentenced to death, and when they went out, machine guns would be fired at them.

"The human-shaped scarecrow in this dungeon should be like a black cross, marking the dying. Players in the 'ghost' camp are driven by camp missions and can easily become executioners without knowing it, killing those possessed. Townspeople on human scarecrows.”

He made a judgment and sighed with compassion: "The people behind the scenes who can control the dungeon mechanism use the hands of players to eliminate dissidents. This is not a conspiracy in a sense..."

After listening to Lin Chen's speech, Qisi narrowed his eyes and smiled: "So now I am very curious, if we really kill the tiger demon, then that dear friend will have no place to blame, and how it will end."

"Kill...kill the tiger demon?" Lin Chen's eyes widened. He really didn't expect that the goal could rise from "taking a look at the tiger demon" to such an exaggerated level.

Qi Si's smile did not diminish, as if it was just a normal joke: "Maybe we will succeed? After all, your luck has always been good, right?"

While the two chatted, the figure of the undertaker had disappeared at the farthest point in their field of vision, and the shouting was drifting in the wind, and it was difficult to hear the specific words.

The scholar walked up to the players and said, "It's getting late. I'll take you to find the tiger demon's lair."

After watching the excitement and going through the practice process, the townspeople gradually dispersed, and the streets that were originally crowded with people returned to a width that could accommodate people.

The group did not stop, turned back to the direction of the mansion, went directly through the lobby on the first floor, and went into the secret door on the back wall.

The large flat land behind the secret door was piled with corpses like a mountain. Looking down from the second floor, the endless mountain of corpses was even more shocking when looking up from the foot of the mountain.

The scholar seemed to not see the corpses, and walked through the pile of corpses with a normal expression.

The players could no longer take a detour like yesterday, and could only suppress the discomfort in their hearts and walk through the aisle between the two piles of corpses.

The half-rotten bones on both sides were like the scenery of hell, lining the aisle to welcome the players who came from afar to enter the realm of death.

Qi Si slowed down his pace, walked at the end of the team, and picked two relatively intact corpses for a rough inspection.

One died of a knife wound, and the other died of a fire. Both died unexpectedly, but they were not buried in the mouth of a tiger.

"It's in front." The scholar stopped at the edge of the corpse pile and pointed to the bamboo forest shrouded in mist.

The white stones extended from the forest path, dragging a small section outside the scope of the bamboo forest, as if inviting people to enter.

The scholar stood still, refusing to take another step forward.

Having come this far, there is no reason to go back home. The players simply bypassed him and walked into the bamboo forest in a line along the winding path.

After the players entered, the already thick fog in the forest became even thicker. The three of them walked forward a few steps and looked back to see that the white fog blocked the way they came.

The hazy milky white color was sometimes thick and sometimes thin, giving the whole picture a sense of illusion of a dream.

The dense bamboos crossed and blocked the road in a confusing way. Looking around, you can only see a large group of dark green, and you don’t know what is hidden.

"I'm here." Qiu Xin's voice sounded far ahead.

The players, led by Tang Yu, followed the guidance of the voice, stepped on a ground of fine white stones, and continued to go deeper into the forest.

"Tick, tick..."

The sound of water drops was dripping, and the sticky smell of blood came to the face, mixed with the stench of fermented animal saliva.

The players looked up and saw a half-bitten corpse hanging from the bamboo shoot, like bacon, flowing down with dark red mucus.

Qiu Xin, dressed in purple, stood beside the corpse and turned around to wave at the few people: "Come over here, the tiger demon's lair is over there."

Tang Yu did not doubt him, walked a few steps to Qiu Xin's side, and looked in the direction Qiu Xin was facing.

Human bones with meat residues were scattered, some half buried in the ground, and some hanging high on the bamboo.

Pale skeletons were scattered here and there, covering a long path, leading to the depths of the bamboo forest where the mist was steaming.

The cold and biting demon wind blew the sound in the deep forest, echoing above the rare small open space.

Crunch... Crunch...

The sound of chewing human bones was clear and vivid, and it was creepy.


The tiger's roar caused the earth to tremble, and the eardrums of people swelled.

In just a few seconds, the sound approached the players rapidly, accompanied by the "rustling" sound of heavy objects crushing bamboo leaves.

The players each took out their life-saving props, ready to launch at any time.

Lin Chen opened the black umbrella in front of him, staring at the trembling forest.

Rustling, rustling...

The white mist was dispersed by the turbulent airflow, and a huge head poked out from the mist, baring sharp bloody teeth.

It belongs to a tiger. (End of this chapter)

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