Infinite weird games

Chapter 288 Colosseum (IV)

The bidding continued. After realizing that the person with the lowest score might lose the qualification to form a team, the remaining few newcomers with only 1,000 points became nervous and rushed to participate in the bidding.

Unfortunately, they could not compete with the old people with higher scores, and finally they could only be auctioned for others to choose.

The team formation results came out soon. Dong Xiwen and a white youth named Lennar formed a team. The two of them had a total of 1,100 points left.

A middle-aged man named Zhang Mo and a young girl named Qin Mu formed a team, and they also had 1,100 points left.

Lin Ye formed a team with a young man named Fan Zhanwei, and they had 1,200 points left.

Qi Si and Nian Fu had 1,100 points left, Green and Chu Xun had 1,700 points left, and Chang Xu and Liu Yuhan had 1,000 points left.

Chang Xu's team, as expected, had the lowest points and became the so-called "tail wolf".

The remaining middle-aged white man named "Cinderella" failed to successfully form a team.

He was eliminated only because he was unlucky and was the last one to go on stage.

He realized his fate the moment other players completed the team, and knelt down on the stage to Qi Si, his voice trembling: "Please, I really don't want to die... My research is only one step away, and there are still thousands of people waiting for my medicine..."

He began to talk about his contribution to society, using all kinds of incomprehensible professional terms, trying to tell everyone how his research will benefit mankind.

It is not known whether these words are true or not, but it is not important.

Using the value of reality is enough to prove that his value in the game is insignificant.

Otherwise, as a smart person, he can analyze the pros and cons and persuade another bidder to team up with him when the second to last player comes on stage, instead of making a meaningless bid.

At the moment, he said this, just hoping to persuade Qi Si to commit suicide immediately so that others can pass the level.

Unfortunately, for Qi Si, even if everyone in the world dies and he lives alone, it is no problem. At most, he will commit suicide in a few years because of boredom.

When he thought that if he died, it would make it easy for others to live, he felt uncomfortable all over, and then he became more determined to live a little longer.

The young man in red sighed: "What does this have to do with me? I don't want to die, no one wants to die, and you didn't have to die."

He stopped there, but his meaning couldn't be clearer.

If Chang Xu hadn't activated the identity card effect and added a new main task, the person who died in this round would be Nian Fu.

If Chang Xu hadn't lent points, then it would be Lin Ye who died, not those newcomers with a thousand points.

No one thought that there was anything wrong with not taking the proper route to pass the level, but thinking about killing someone to deal with the main task.

They hated Qi Si for being a human being, why didn't he consciously die with the overall view; they hated Chang Xu for not being able to kill Qi Si in the first place, why did he activate the identity card effect so hastily.

"I don't want to die... I'm sorry..." Cinderella muttered, and suddenly rushed towards Qi Si.

A sharp scalpel formed an outline in his right hand, and he raised it high and stabbed Qi Si in the heart.

However, at the moment of contact, his movement froze, as if there was an invisible transparent wall blocking him and Qi Si, so that the blade could not move forward any further.

His eyes were covered with a layer of grayish-white film in an instant, and his face was as pale as a zombie.

He seemed to have his soul and mind taken away, and he stepped back blankly, standing back in the center of the round table, like a dead object, and was strangely quiet.

The goat said before, 'The game has not officially started yet, and it is not allowed to hurt each other outside the game.'

Cinderella violated this point and was punished by the copy mechanism.

Amid the sighs of the animals, the goat counted down indifferently: "Ten, nine, eight, seven... three, two, one!"

The countdown sounded like cold and hard icicles hitting the ground, and there was silence besides that.

The players waited silently for the end of this session, and no one intended to speak for Cinderella.

The corners of the goat's lips slightly raised, revealing a strange smile: "Unfortunately, this new friend was eliminated on the first day because he couldn't find a team willing to accept him!

"This is not because of his lack of ability, but because he lost the favor of luck. It is undeniable that he is still a 'human hero'..."

The animals laughed, their voices were sharp and piercing, as if the expression "hero" was also a joke.

Chang Xu stared at the goat, estimating the distance and strength comparison.

The rules only said that players cannot be attacked, so... what about holding NPCs hostage?

The huge black sickle appeared behind him, and the slender golden chain was connected to the iron ring above, lingering around the dead The breath of death.

[Name: Life-Severing]

[Type: Item]

[Effect: Harvest life, can consume energy to teleport within a five-meter range]

[Note: The sickle commonly used by the Grim Reaper. Is it the Grim Reaper or the sickle that is elusive? This is a question. ]

Chang Xu raised his hand to hold the sickle, and concentrated his mind to teleport behind the goat, but felt that his body was fixed in place and could not move.

At the same time, all players heard the system broadcast:

[The power of God is inviolable, and God cannot be killed by humans. ]

This is a warning, and also a final conclusion.

In this copy, players seem to have no way to deal with those "gods" with animal heads and human bodies, and can only let them slaughter...

The goat didn't even look at Chang Xu. He turned his head and stared at Cinderella, whose eyes were dull, and continued: "Of course, we also want to congratulate this hero. Although he was abandoned by his human companions, he was honored to have the opportunity to become a god. Qualifications for sacrifice!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the round platform beneath the players suddenly shook.

Everyone subconsciously took two steps back, except for Cinderella, who still stood blankly, with a trickle of saliva dripping from her mouth.

It may be a blessing for him to die unconsciously.

I saw a large hole slowly opening in the center of the round platform, revealing the smelly blood water almost overflowing below. Several skeletons were looming under the water, their arms twisted into weird shapes, as if they were trying to climb onto the shore.

Cinderella fell into the bloody water without splashing a drop of blood. She seemed to be swallowed by an invisible giant and sank slowly, leaving only her head exposed.

His shell was being dyed pink at a speed visible to the naked eye. To be more precise, the outer layer of skin was silently disintegrated, exposing the bloody muscles underneath.

Soon, even the muscles melted, collapsing layer by layer like cooked clay, being patiently and meticulously absorbed by the blood, becoming part of the blood.

The bones covered with fascia were scattered weakly, and the head that was originally exposed on the water sank and was wrapped in thick blood.

Qisi looked up at the white temple suspended in the sky. The golden vines hung sacredly, calm, solemn and distant.

It seems like two different worlds from the chaotic and bloody Colosseum below, with no connection between the two.

He lowered his eyes and saw the cracked stone slabs of the circular platform slowly closing, leaving no gaps, and they were as flat and intact as ever.

——I don’t know what the principle of this sacrifice is, but there is no vision or movement.

However, the animals in the audience seemed to have seen some kind of miracle, cheering high and enthusiastically, making sounds that humans could not understand, and they were no different from the fanatical believers of a cult in reality.

The sound sounded like a death knell to the players' ears.

No matter how experienced they are in dealing with dungeons, people are still afraid of death, especially a painful death that leaves no body intact.

NPCs cannot be killed, the rules of the beast fighting game are not yet clear, and it is not known who will die next.

None of them wanted to die, no one wanted to die.

Several players who had been hesitant before were now more determined to kill Qiss.

After all, no matter how powerful Zes is, he is just a human being, who is much easier to deal with than NPCs and dungeon mechanisms.

They even complained about Green in their hearts.

If Green is willing to lend points to Lin Ye, let Lin Ye and Qis team up, and then Lin Ye seizes the opportunity to backstab a wave of teammates, wouldn't everyone be happy?

The screams of the animals gradually subsided, and the sky suddenly became gloomy, as if it was covered by a dark cloud.

The goat looked around the players and grinned: "Today is over. I believe you are all tired. Now you can go back to your respective rooms to rest.

"The animals corresponding to each of your teams, the location of the room...the gods should have told you already."

The system interface in the upper left corner of the line of sight refreshed with an icon.

Zeiss saw a furry, three-dimensional fox head inlaid on a gray ground, next to it was a compass, which moved slightly as the angle of view shifted.

When Zeiss cast his peripheral vision in one direction, the pointer pointed forward.

In that direction, a stone door with carved patterns was ajar, which should be his room.

The players all saw their corresponding animals and rooms, but no one moved.

In this kind of confrontational game between camps, the amount of information is very important. Everyone wants to know where others live, and they don't want their own location to be exposed.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the animals watching in a circle outside the Colosseum gradually dispersed.

Today's performance is over, and they have seen enough excitement. What the players do next is none of their business.

The goat actively stood at the exit of the Colosseum to maintain order.

After all the animals left, he returned to the round platform and said to the players: "Since one person was eliminated today, all of you have received a piece of food, which has been placed in your respective rooms. I hope you enjoy your meal!" "

The goat turned towards the exit and never looked back.

Dong Xiwen stretched his neck and looked at it for a while, then took a tentative step towards the exit.

The next second, the new rules are triggered on the system interface of all players:

[During the fighting game, humans cannot leave the Colosseum. 】

...That's okay.

Fan Zhanwei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Qisi, I want to say a few words to you."

He had half-long hair and bangs covering his eyes. He looked lifeless: "Based on your choices since entering the dungeon, I initially judge that Chang Xu's accusation against you is true. But this does not constitute a prerequisite for the game. condition.

“I have no idea of ​​justice, and my hostile intention towards you is based on the fact that the main task of killing you is relatively low-difficulty and in line with economic principles; once the equilibrium point changes, I will adopt a different strategy.

"My main request is to pass the customs. Personal emotions, public order and good customs, and the causes and consequences have zero influence on me. I hope you can also view this game rationally."

Before Qisi could speak, Lin Ye asked with a cold face: "Fan Zhanwei, what do you mean by this? I spent my points to take a photo of you, and now you react?"

Fan Zhanwei said: "Even if you don't bid, as the fourth person to go on stage, there will be people who are eager to complete the team formation, such as Cinderella who is the last to go on stage.

"On the contrary, I think you are irrational and will not be my most suitable teammate."

He walked straight to a stone door and pushed it open.

"Are you sick..." Lin Ye cursed in a low voice. It was not easy to separate from the teammates who had more points, so he had to follow.

With someone taking the lead, the others were not so obsessed with entering the room later, and walked to their respective rooms in a scattered manner.

The game has not started yet, and there is no point in staying outside if they can't kill each other.

As for making harsh words...

Most players are past the age of suffering from the second-year syndrome, and they also know that the more they say, the more mistakes they make.

Qisi is obviously a person who will not be kidnapped by morality. He has his own logic of doing things. No matter how much you say to him, it will not change anything.

Lin Ye's previous experience is right in front of him. If Chang Xu hadn't lent him points, he would have been killed by Qisi and Dong Xiwen...

In this case, Let's eat and sleep first.

Qi Si waited until most of the players had dispersed before he walked to the door pointed by the pointer and pushed it.

The door looked like it was carved from marble, but it was very light to push, like an ordinary hinged door that opened with a push.

Qi Si walked into the room and saw a 30-square-meter stone room with two piles of straw on the ground, which looked like beds.

Next to the straw bed was a bowl filled with bloody meat. I don't know what the raw materials were.

Combined with Cinderella's death and the pool of blood under the round table, it is inevitable to give birth to bad associations.

Nian Fu walked into the room slowly, and the door closed automatically behind her.

She squatted beside the thatched bed and made a joke pretending to be relaxed: "Qisi, are we considered a single man and a single woman in the same room?"

Qi Si had no intention of responding. He preferred hell jokes to cold jokes.

He moved his eyes away from the blood and meat in the bowl and fell on Nian Fu: "I'm curious why you chose to bid.

"Just because they are worried that someone will break their promise and eliminate you with the lowest score, it doesn't seem to be very convincing.

"There is no need for them to give up the easy clearance and harm you who are insignificant. Or is there any information that I don't know?"

Nian Fu did not answer immediately, but raised his head and asked with a smile: "Can I ask, if I don't bid, will you die?"

"No." Qi Si said, "I came with my teammates."

"He doesn't seem to have a good relationship with you, and he didn't bid at the first time."

"Dividing into different teams will help to get more information, right?"

"I understand." Nian Fu stood up and looked directly into Qi Si's eyes, "I teamed up with you because I was unwilling to clear the level as a NE.

"The final dungeon is about to open, and I need an identity card, and this is the first worldview that clearly involves gods since I entered the game.

"Yang Shan repeatedly emphasized that you are the only player who has qualified by wisdom. I think you will be the key to TE clearance." (End of this chapter)

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