Infinite weird games

Chapter 299 Colosseum (XV)

Except for Qisi and Nianfu's team, the other player teams all consumed four game coins and completed four rounds of the game. Their points rankings were much the same as before.

The first place is still the "Tiger" team of Chu Xun and Green, with a total of 3,200 points.

The "Leopard" team of Dong Xiwen and Lenaian was second only to them, with a total of 3,100 points.

Then there are Qin Mu with 2,600 points and Chang Xu and Liu Yuhan with 2,500 points.

The "Lions" team of Lin Ye and Fan Zhanwei had 2,200 points, and the "Fox" team of Qisi and Nianfu was at the bottom with 2,110 points.

After running out of game coins, Lena'an replaced Dong Xiwen and stood on the chessboard. At this moment, he looked at the points ranking and smiled shyly: "Qi's plan to delay time failed. I should try my best to clear more levels later." Level right?

"Although I don't know what the point ranking is for, it is definitely not a good thing to be at the bottom. He has to accumulate points as soon as possible before there is still time to reverse the disadvantage."

"Not necessarily." Green crossed his arms and shook his head. "Surviving four hours on the chessboard is much more difficult than surviving one hour. If you clear the level immediately, he will probably die. If he spends a while in the tower, he will still be able to survive." There is a chance to live.”

Lin Ye sneered: "It's just a matter of survival. Even if he survives today's beast fighting game, what's the use? He's at the bottom of the points, and there are plenty of opportunities for him to die."

Chang Xu stood indifferently and looked at Nian Fu at the right time: "From what I know about Chiss, he never cares about the life and death of his companions. He can forcefully delay time for his own safety, causing your team's points to fall behind again and again, putting your safety at risk. Regardless, I don’t understand why you would rather risk failure to help him.”

Nian Fu glanced sideways, looked at him with a smile and said: "Chang Xu, I have watched your live broadcast. In the impression of most of us, you have always been good at force and have never disdained to use words. Now it seems that this is not the case." in this way."

She shrugged: "To be able to condescend and sow dissension among the newcomers, I feel more and more that my investment is not wrong, Qisi is a good guy."

Chang Xu's eyes dimmed and he said no more.

Except for Green who initially chose action points as a reward and Chu Xun who moved one space on the board, almost all players later chose to roll points for ranking.

The layout of the battle beast chessboard has not changed again. In addition to bickering, the players are eagerly watching the movements of the Glazed Tower. As a program, it is very ugly and boring.

The animals in the audience were already showing their dissatisfaction. The small animals sitting in the lower rows roared noisily. The elephants in the highest row waved their trunks angrily, and one even rolled up the lions in the lower row. It's about to be thrown into the field.

The goat who was standing next to the chessboard in charge wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and announced loudly: "Several players this time are taking a cautious route. It seems that I have to issue some rewards to stimulate their enthusiasm for the game.

"Next, I will set up a separate mini-game session for friends outside the tower: voluntarily sign up and play 1v1 with 'Rat'. The winner of each round will receive 500 points!"

At the edge of the field, below the auditorium, a short iron door was opened from the inside, and two masked goatmen dragged a monster with a rat head and a snake body out.

The monster looks like the same species as the rat-man that attacked the players last night, but it is more ferocious and terrifying. White teeth protrude from its broken mouth, and its scarlet eyes glare at the players fiercely, as if it will pounce at any time. Bite.

The goat pointed at the monster and smiled maliciously: "As long as you defeat him, you can get five hundred points immediately. Do any of you want to give it a try?"

The players gestured to each other with their eyes, and they were all somewhat moved.

They had tested it out last night. It was very easy to deal with the rat men. They just needed to let out some blood.

"I'll do it!" Lin Ye quickly raised his hand, fearing that someone would beat him to it.

But I heard the goat say the last words slowly: "Let me explain in advance that the outcome of this game is very strict. As long as it bleeds, it will be considered a failure..."

On the ninth floor of the tower, Qiss opened the third door after the fifteen-minute break.

The countdown of the battle beast game in the upper left corner of the sight is [04:00:00], the level countdown is [03:00:00], and the game currency balance is zero.

In other words, after he clears the game, he will have to leave the tower, and the remaining time will be completely exposed to the threat of Chang Xu.

How long it took Chang Xu to kill him is a question worth studying.

But I'm sure it won't take more than an hour.

Qisi touched his chin feeling troubled, raised his feet and took another step forward in the darkness behind the door.

In an instant, the world was spinning, and he lost his sense of direction in the lightless field of vision. He seemed to be falling and rising.

At a certain moment, he felt something touch his back, a hard and cold long board, mostly made of wood.

He stretched out his hand to touch around, but as soon as he moved an inch, he was blocked by the same wooden planks in all directions.

He seemed to be sealed in a wooden cuboid.

A nailed coffin, and he was the body buried alive in it.

Qisi lay flat in the coffin, breathing for the first time in a long time. He heard his long-lost heartbeat, which hit his back vividly and was transmitted to the soil through the wooden boards, stirring up the dull echo of the earth.

He seemed to have become a human again, or returned to his own body, as if he was still alive, not a ghost.

"Double Happiness Town", this level is "Double Happiness Town".

Qis covered his heart with his hand, feeling the heartbeat in his chest, and instantly knew how to pass the level.

He was not in a hurry to come out, but sank his consciousness into the palace of thought to touch the only scarlet leaves left in the deepest part.

"Lin Chen, I'm dying." He said this to the soul of his only believer.


"Damn it!" Outside the tower, Lin Ye was knocked to the ground by a punch from the rat man, and he felt that his internal organs were all smashed.

A red python as thick as a wrist bit his wrist, and he let out a pig-killing scream. The injured part decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, showing the texture of stone.

The animals in the audience cheered excitedly, and the elephant waved its trunk and shouted: "Tear him up, tear him up!"

"It's over! I want to end the game!" Lin Ye sensed the danger and shouted, "I give up!"

The goat seemed not to hear it, and watched the rat man's unilateral slaughter with relish.

The screams got louder and louder, and Lin Ye was flattened and rolled by the rat man like a rag.

Chang Xu stared at the battle situation intently, and suddenly took off his mask and threw it on the spot.

The black broken blade appeared in the void, he grabbed it, and appeared next to the rat man a second later, holding the sickle high and slashing it hard.

The expected prompt sound to stop the player from killing the god never appeared, and the sharp sickle actually cut off the rat man's head directly and embedded it deeply in the ground.

The splattered scarlet blood splashed on his face, and strands of it penetrated into the black clothes along the white cheeks, adding a bit of solemnity and weirdness.

Chang Xu maintained the posture of holding the knife, standing still, slightly stunned.

Why could he kill the rat man?

Is it because the rat man is not a god?

Yes, if the rat man himself is a god, how could he pray for the mercy of the god last night?

But why did almost all animals become gods, leaving them alone?

‘I heard that every wolf pack has a tail wolf, who is the last to eat and eats some leftovers. He is skinny and can be bullied by anyone.

‘If it dies, the wolf pack will choose a new tail wolf. It is only because there needs to be a wolf living a miserable life that other wolves realize that they are not the worst and most unfortunate ones, so that they can feel at ease. ’

Qi Si’s words echoed in his memory, and Chang Xu felt as if he had grasped the key, but he had no time to think about it.

The animals in the audience were shocked by the sudden change and fell silent for a moment, and then burst into more enthusiastic cheers two seconds later.

“Wolf! Invincible wolf!”

They shouted and applauded Chang Xu’s victory, even if the dead party was an animal closer to them and the winner was a human.

Maybe in their eyes, there is no difference between ratmen and humans, they are all low-level creatures abandoned by the gods.

Whoever can bring them drama and whoever can give them more fun, they will rush to pursue them.

Entertainment to death - so what?

After a brief moment of shock, the goat also clapped his hands, with an encouraging smile on his lips: "This friend from the Wolf Team showed us his bravery, but unfortunately, the dead rat man was the opponent chosen by the Lion Team.

"So in this game, the Lion Team will get 500 points!"

The total score of Lin Ye's team rose to 2,700 and ranked third, surpassing Chang Xu and Liu Yuhan's team.

There were dissatisfied boos from the audience, and no one was willing to accept the unfair drama of saving people and suffering from them.

The goat calmly made a downward gesture and changed the subject: "But don't be discouraged, there will be many more game opportunities in the future, and I believe this friend from the Wolf Team can win a lot of points.

"Of course, the rules still need to be emphasized again. Next, neither side is allowed to bring weapons to the field!"

A new rat-headed monster was dragged out from behind the iron gate, looking more aggressive and stronger than the previous one.

The goat's horizontal pupils stared at Chang Xu jokingly: "I wonder if this friend dares to accept the challenge?"


"I will be killed by Chang Xu." On the ninth floor of the tower, Qi Si was lying in a dark coffin and said to Lin Chen calmly.

"During the eight hours of the beast fighting game, players can hurt each other. I have three hours left before I have to leave the tower, and the remaining hour is enough for Chang Xu to kill me.

"Even if he can't kill me with one blow, he can leave wounds on my body, and as a ghost 'undead', I can't heal myself and will eventually die of blood loss."

Lin Chen asked in a hoarse voice: "Brother Qi, what can I do for you? Weird games don't set up a situation where death is inevitable, there must be a way..."

"What if the weird game wants to kill me too?" Qi Si emptied his pupils and let his eyes scatter into fragments.

A faint smile spread across the corners of his lips, and his voice was like a dream: "I remember I once told you about the existence of the gambling game of the gods. In a game that gambles on the past, present and future, sunk costs are no longer important.

"Unfortunately, in this game, Chang Xu and I are both chess pieces on the gambling table, or candidates. If one party has been selected, then I think the existence of the other party is no longer necessary.

"Destroy it at the same time, or give a high-sounding reason for failure and then destroy it. For those high gods, it is a casual thing.

"Lin Chen, can you understand?"

"But why?" Lin Chen's speech speed unconsciously accelerated, "Is it because of the ranking of the newcomer list? But that only looks at military strength and does not take wisdom into account..."

"Because of desire." Qi Si said with his eyes wide open, "I have no desire, but Chang Xu has desire. People without desire are not allowed to live. Because only with desire will they be willing to be chess pieces on the chessboard and be played and applauded by the gods.

"People like me have no value to the gods, but may create internal friction and are destined to be destroyed.

"After I die, you will help the Jiuzhou Guild clarify as the president of the Unnamed Guild, saying that I died from the game mechanism and had nothing to do with Chang Xu. I believe they will remember your favor and allow you to gain a foothold in the Sunset Ruins.

"If you think you can't do it well, you can also disband the guild immediately, just as if nothing happened. They don't know what you look like, and you can easily hide in the crowd with a human skin mask..."

"Brother Qi, I found it." Lin Chen called out in a cold voice, interrupting the words that were almost like a last word.

He spoke word by word, and his pronunciation was clear: "I found the live broadcast of a player named 'Lin Ye' and saw Chang Xu on the screen.

"Chang Xu is fighting a monster with a rat head and a snake body. Both sides are evenly matched and the battle will probably last for a long time.

"That monster was released from behind the iron gate under the audience seats... Brother Qi, if you leave the tower now, can you take advantage of Chang Xu being tripped by the monster, enter the iron gate, and then use those monsters to deal with Chang Xu?

"The straw tiger should be able to hold on for some time. Chang Xu doesn't seem to have a more effective way to deal with monsters... Brother Qi, can you survive as long as you kill Chang Xu?"

"Maybe. Thank you." Qi Si chuckled, pulled out a blade from the special bracelet, and cut his neck.

The moment his carotid artery broke, he felt that he had lost most of his weight, and he floated up from his body, and gradually there was light in front of his eyes.

The solution to this level is completely copied from "Double Happiness Town", that is, to survive in the face of death.

The heartbeat and breathing sounds of the body in the coffin can be judged that this body does not belong to the player. After all, Qi Si has long been a ghost who can't breathe and has no heartbeat.

The reason why he was trapped in the coffin was that he was imprisoned by his heavy body and could not leave.

The body was a cage, and he broke the cage and was able to break out of the ground.

When his vision settled again, Qi Si found himself sitting on the coffin board, and a statue of a god in black clothes and golden eyes stood in the shrine in front of him.

Three incense sticks stood upright, neither too many nor too few, neither too long nor too short, sacred and weird.

The face of the statue was blurred, as if it was a replica of the statue of the Funeral Temple, but most of the details were hidden by cutting corners.

Qi Si stood up, walked to the bottom of the statue, looked up for a while, and laughed: "Li, long time no see, are you interested in a deal?" (End of this chapter)

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