Chen Fan crossed the river and entered another forest. Chen Fan found that the trees in this forest were larger than the trees in the forest where he had just come to this world, but they were also sparser.

However, the leaves of these trees are not so dense, so walking in the forest is not so dark. There is a lot of sunlight shining down from the trees, but Chen Fan does not dare to be careless and walks forward cautiously.

Fortunately, he had the gift of danger perception, so at least he wouldn't run into any ferocious beasts. Chen Fan walked forward like this for more than half an hour.

Suddenly, Chen Fan felt that there was an extremely dangerous signal coming from the direction to his right front, and it was not one such message, but two such messages.

Chen Fan walked to the left without thinking. It's not that Chen Fan is timid. It's just that he should try to avoid this unknown danger if he can. After all, life is still important. If his life is lost, even if he has a big chance, It's of no use to you.

Chen Fan ran wildly to the left for more than half an hour. Just when he thought it was safe, a"Ouch" sound came from the place where he sensed danger......."The tiger's roar is loud and penetrating.

Then there came another very cold"Si Si Si Si Si Si" sound. Chen Fan couldn't really tell what the sound was, but it felt so cold that Chen Fan got goosebumps when he heard it.

Then"Ouch""Silk."The sound continued, followed by the sound of trees collapsing, as if these two guys were doing it.

Chen Fan had to stop at this time, ready to see what was going on. Chen Fan chose a tree that looked the tallest. He turned over and climbed to the top of the tree. In the past, Chen Fan wouldn't have been able to climb up even if he was knocked to death on the tree. After all, the tree was hundreds of meters high.

However, now Chen Fan could easily climb up. I climbed to the top of the tree and looked into the distance. I saw smoke and dust billowing everywhere in that place. From time to time, trees collapsed, accompanied by roars and rustling sounds. From time to time, a long tail would appear from the smoke and sweep down. Trees were seen breaking and falling, and dust was thrown up.

Sometimes, a strong white figure could be seen jumping around. Sometimes, with a flash of cold light, blood mist would disperse. It added a hint of red color to the smoke.

Chen Fan watched the two figures fighting back and forth for more than two minutes. Finally, the fighting over there gradually stopped and the smoke slowly dispersed. The surroundings slowly calmed down.

Chen Fan watched the smoke slowly dissipating over there.

He had an urge to go over and take a look, but his reason told him to leave quickly.

The sooner he left, the safer he would be.

After getting down, he ran away, but after running a hundred or two hundred meters, Chen Fan stopped again, looked back with unwilling eyes at the place where the smoke and dust had not dispersed, gritted his teeth and said to himself:" Stress the bold ones to death and starve the timid ones to death.

Let’s do it.


Chen Fan ran back again. He wanted to see what happened. How could he cause two big guys to fight so desperately? Something good must have appeared. Soon, Chen Fan came to this place. There is still some dust around, and the trees are swaying a bit.

In the center, it is even more messy, with mud flying everywhere, branches and trunks broken everywhere, and the middle is even more concave. There was a piece of it.

There was a huge creature lying on both sides, a white tiger with yellow stripes that was more than three meters long and two meters high, and a black python that was dozens of meters long and as thick as an iron barrel.

Now the black python is no longer there.

There was something moving.

There were claw marks all over the body.

The claw marks seemed to be cut with a knife, and the area near the head was even more bloody.

There were still blood dripping from a few holes.

It seemed that he had died.

The giant tiger was also bleeding from its seven orifices, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Only the tail that was still flicking slightly showed that it was still alive.

Chen Fan took out the poisonous bow and homemade iron arrows, put the arrow on the bow, and shot with one arrow. When it hit the giant python, the arrow hit the giant python and made a"ding" sound. However, the arrow did not hit the giant python's body. , I saw that the arrow shook a few times on the giant python's body, and then fell to the ground.

It didn't penetrate the giant python's scales. This shows how high the defense of the giant python's scales is. Chen Fan took it again. The extremely poisonous arrow from the Xuan Bing came out and shot out. A flash of green light flashed past, and with a"pop" sound, the poisonous arrow shot into the body of the giant python. There was only a little sword feather left exposed.

Chen Fan didn't expect that the poisonous arrow was so powerful, and it shot into the body of the giant python.

Chen Fan thought it was good if the arrow could go in, but he didn't expect that it would be so powerful.

It almost penetrated the body of the giant python, but the giant python didn't react at all.

It seemed that it was dead.

Chen Fan was relieved.

Chen Fan took out another poisonous arrow and bent it.

The bow was aimed at the big tiger, and he was ready to give the tiger one last blow, send it a ride, and save it pain.

Just when he was about to let go of the arrow in his hand, something suddenly occurred to him.

Chen Fan quickly put down the arrow and took it from the ring.

Come out with a scroll

"Why did I almost forget this thing? Isn’t this thing just right for use now? I almost lost a lot of money."What Chen Fan took out was the primary domestication scroll from the diamond treasure chest, which can tame second-level ferocious beasts, demonic beasts, and spiritual beasts.

In Chen Fan's opinion, there will never be a second-level domestication scroll in this star world. If you have ferocious beasts, demonic beasts, and spiritual beasts that are above grade, you can definitely try this scroll. Anyway, you have 10 of them. If you tame a ferocious beast, you won’t have to be so worried in this world. , at least it can help him attract firepower.

Moreover, this ferocious beast is quite powerful. I am afraid it is not a low level. Chen Fan used the scroll directly on the tiger. There was no reaction, but the scroll disappeared.

"What's going on? Why is there no response?"Chen Fan looked confused. Could it be that he failed?

Chen Fan took out a scroll again and fired another shot at the tiger, but there was still no reaction.

He took it again......

Take it again......

Take it again......

He contacted and used five domestication scrolls, but there was still no response at all. Chen Fan took out a scroll again with a dark face. He didn't believe it anymore. There was a 25% chance of these 10 scrolls, and he would never do it once. bingo.

Tried another one, still no response.

Take one out again. use......

Nothing happens.

Take it again. use......

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