It turned out that a month ago, several formation masters suddenly came to Moyang City.

We have reached a consensus with the strongest group here, that is to break the formation together. The formation masters will account for 30% of the resources inside, and the rest will be divided among those who break the formation together. As for how to divide, those formations The master doesn't care.

After more than ten days of breaking the formation, a gap was finally cracked in the formation.

And the nightmare begins from the moment the formation is cracked.

As soon as the formation was cracked, before everyone could be happy, something rushed out from the gap in the formation.

These things are neither human nor ghosts. Although they walk on two feet and have arms, their skin is dark and their bodies are covered with white fluff, and these white fluff stand up like steel needles.

As soon as these figures covered with white fur rushed out, they began to kill the people around them. These things were extremely fast, and more than a dozen people were killed in the blink of an eye.

Everyone quickly reacted and began to attack these monsters, but everyone soon discovered that the monster's fur had extremely high defense, and ordinary spells did no harm to these monsters at all.

Some people use magic weapons to attack, but it is useless. They will only knock these monsters down or fly away. However, these monsters don't seem to be afraid of pain at all. Those who were knocked down will continue to stand up and rush towards people, and those who are blown away will continue to do so. Rush over.

Only some monks can cause some damage to these monsters, but it is a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, although this monster does not know magic, it is extremely powerful and very fast. It is difficult for the monks to resist the attacks of these monsters.

As more and more monsters rushed out, more and more monks died.

At this time, everyone no longer cared about the resources of the Holy Land and began to flee.

But these monsters are also extremely fast, and some slow runners are caught up by these monsters and killed one by one.

Those who ran fast were not spared by the monsters. These monsters seemed to be chasing them tirelessly. Some monks were unable to keep up with the replenishment due to the consumption of spiritual power, and were finally caught up and killed by the monsters.

Even some monks who are hiding will be found and killed by these monsters.

Later, everyone discovered that these monsters relied on smell to find the whereabouts of the monks. As long as they isolated the smell on their bodies, it would be difficult for these monsters to find them.

So some people hid with things that blocked the smell, while those that didn't block the smell could only keep running.

Now those monsters are chasing those who don't isolate the smell.

The young man in green just happened to get a concealment formation and a defensive formation, so he fled back here to set up these two formations.

He has also stayed in the formation for almost half a month, and he doesn't know what the situation is like outside now. According to his own words, he will stay until he leaves this world.

During this period of time, he will not take another half step out of this formation.

After listening to the young man in green, Chen Fan finally understood what the old monk said about the great terror of Moyang City.

According to what the young man in green said, these monsters that are neither human nor ghosts are powerful, fast, and extremely defensive. They are not afraid of pain and death. Most people cannot deal with them at all.

"Are there resources in the Holy Land?"Chen Fan asked casually again.

"I don't know this. At that time, it was too late for everyone to escape, so how could they dare to enter the formation to find resources."The young man in Tsing Yi said with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he teleported in the void and disappeared into the formation.

The young man in green looked at Chen Fan's disappearing back and was speechless for a long time.

Chen Fan teleported to the holy land in Moyang City again, trying to find something in this holy land. Clues.

But this place was in ruins, and it was difficult to find clues.

Chen Fan used his spiritual sense to explore it over and over again, but found no clues at all.

Chen Fan searched carefully again..

Still found nothing. Chen Fan was about to give up, but his consciousness caught something strange.

There was a hole under a collapsed palace. The hole was very deep and went all the way down. Chen Fan wanted to use it. His spiritual consciousness was used to detect the situation below, but the result was that when his spiritual consciousness was halfway through, a layer of energy blocked his spiritual consciousness from the outside, making it impossible for Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness to detect the situation below.

"There is weirdness."Chen Fan said to himself. Originally, Chen Fan wanted to go down to investigate, but combined with what the old monk said about the Holy Land of Moyang City, there is no chance, only terrible words. Chen Fan thought about it and decided to forget it. He would never be able to survive. He will leave here in a month.

Everything here will have nothing to do with him, so why bother asking for trouble? If there are better resources inside, the most important thing is that no one will go in. I don't know if there are more powerful beings inside.

Chen Fan looked at this place again and prepared to leave. As for where to go, Chen Fan didn't know. There are monsters everywhere outside now. It can be said that this world has become extremely extreme. It's not safe.

Those monsters look for monks based on smell, which means that if they stay in a place for a long time, there will definitely be a smell left behind, unless there are formations and treasures that can isolate the smell.

Chen Fan thought about it. , decided to go back to the holy land by the lake. It was the safest place in the world. He just had to stay there and wait to leave this world.

As for rescuing those people, Chen Fan had no time to spare. Life and death are determined by fate.

Chen Fan walked slowly towards the holy land by the lake. He did not encounter any monsters that the young man in green said. Could it be that the young man in blue was lying to him? In fact, there was no monster. What kind of monster exists? Otherwise, after wandering here for so long, I never see such a monster attacking me.

No, it's impossible. There is no need for the young man in green to lie to himself. There is no benefit in lying to himself. On the contrary. It would also cause death.

Since the monster did not attack him, it meant that these monsters had not discovered him yet.

Chen Fan continued to wander along. He was really curious about what the monster looked like. Judging from the description of the young man in green, he looked a bit like a monkey or a gorilla.

When Chen Fan was approaching the holy land by the lake, there was finally the sound of fighting in front of him, and Chen Fan's eyes suddenly lit up. Here it comes.

Chen Fan hurriedly walked in the direction of the fighting sound. He was really curious about the appearance of this monster.

When Chen Fan came to the place where the fighting sound came, Chen Fan was a little surprised. He was not surprised by the appearance of the monster. But I am surprised by the man who fights monsters

"How could it be her."

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