Chen Fan did a few stretching exercises on the shore of the lake, and then jumped into the lake with a plop. The water in the lake was still very clear. Even on the shore of the lake, you could clearly see the fish and aquatic plants at the bottom of the lake. , Chen Fan who jumped into the lake could see it more clearly.

With Chen Fan's current physical fitness, it is still very easy to catch some fish. Chen Fan quickly swam near a group of fish, and the group of fish scattered around. Chen Fan reached out to catch it, but he caught a lonely fish.

But Chen Fan also saw the fish clearly. The fish didn't look very big on the lake shore, but when Chen Fan got closer just now, he realized that the fish was still very big. A fish weighed at least about 10 kilograms. It's said to be a relatively big fish.

Chen Fan once again aimed at a group of swimming fish and swam over again, but the fish reacted quickly and fled away. Chen Fan spotted a fish and chased after it. The fish he chased and escaped soon, Chen Fan After losing track of the fish, the fish ran into the aquatic plants, and Chen Fan lost sight of the fish.

Chen Fan was very depressed and came up to the surface to take a breath. Originally, Chen Fan thought that with his current strength, it would be easy to catch a few fish. But when he got into the water, Chen Fan found that his speed in the water was really too slow.

Moreover, this fish is also very fierce, fast, and full of energy. It is not like the fish in other places. It seems that it is impossible to catch the fish with bare hands. We have to find a way. Chen Fan comes from the lake Come up here and prepare to chop down the trading floor to see if there are any fishing props.

Soon, Chen Fan found a drawing for making a fishing net in the trading hall. However, the drawing for making a fishing net was quite outrageous. It actually required a first-grade bronze-level ingredient or fruit, but to Chen Fan, it was nothing. After that, I just exchanged a first-grade bronze bamboo fungus for this fishing net.

A new item production icon has been added to the workbench:

Trapping Fishing Net: 10 spider silk and 5 straw rope are required.

Chen Fan had some spider silk, but it was first-grade bronze spider silk, and he didn't know if it could be used. As for straw ropes, Chen Fan found some in the trading hall, and exchanged 10 small buns for 5 straw ropes.

Although it was an ordinary production drawing, Chen Fan decided to try it with first-grade bronze spider silk to see what the finished product would look like. Chen Fan made a new workbench and began to make the trap. When the fishing net comes, the time to make the trap fishing net is much shorter, it only takes 20 minutes.

Chen Fan had to wait boredly for 20 minutes. The 20 minutes passed quickly. Chen Fan took out the fishing net. This fishing net was just a rope dragging a net bag. However, this net bag was relatively large and should have 1 Meters wide, two meters long, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom.

This trap fishing net is not like those cast nets. Those cast nets are cast directly down, but this trap fishing net is put directly into the water, so you don’t need to worry about it. You can just come back to collect the net at the time. Anyway, it is like a ground cage. The same, but this net is soft.

It will open on its own as soon as it is put into the water. If a fish gets in, the top will tighten and the bottom will open wider so that the fish cannot escape.

Chen Fan slaughtered a bamboo rat, put its internal organs into the fishing net, found a place to put the fishing net into the lake, tied the rope to the root of a bamboo, and then left him alone. Okay, just come over and collect the fishing nets after a while.

By the time Chen Fan finished processing these, almost 4 hours had passed. The low-grade Xuanbing Jade Gourd made on another workbench was also finished. Chen Fan took the low-grade Xuanbing Jade Gourd off the workbench..

What I saw was a green jade gourd no bigger than a palm, with a delicate emerald green fish carved on it. The overall look was very delicate.

Low-grade Xuanbing Jade Gourd: It has 1 cubic meter of space and can only store liquids.

A very simple introduction is that the jade gourd has its own space. One cubic meter of space can store 1 ton of liquid, which is already a large space.

Chen Fan took the jade gourd to the lakeside, opened the bottle mouth of the jade gourd, and put the jade gourd into the lake water. He saw that the mouth of the jade gourd began to"gurgling, gurgling" and began to fill it with water. It was also very big, and whirlpools began to appear on the water surface. After a while, the mouth of the jade gourd bottle stopped filling it with water.

Chen Fan picked up the jade gourd and took a look at it. He found that the jade gourd was still the same as before. Even the weight had not changed at all. It was still very light. Chen Fan immediately felt that this was a good thing. With this jade gourd, it was not a walk. No need to worry about running out of water anywhere.

Chen Fan quickly took out another 100 first-grade bronze bamboo fungus and put it into the trading hall. The exchange was for first-grade bronze jade. It didn't matter that he put in 100 bronze bamboo fungus, but the people in the trading hall and chat channel went crazy.

Chat channel:

8796:"Fuck, are first-grade bronze things so common now? 100 first-grade bronze bamboo fungi appeared in the trading hall."

6699:"What is bamboo fungus?"

8845:"What is bamboo fungus?"

3264:"Dictyophora is a kind of fungus that can be made into food and is very delicious."

8796:"Is your focus wrong? What you should be paying attention to is the sudden appearance of 100 first-grade bronze bamboo fungus. There are so many It's a first-grade bronze thing. Where did you pick it?"

3334:"Brother, please support me. I am proficient in various postures."

7658:"Maybe this boss met Zhusunwo."......

Chen Fange didn't know that the trading floor and chat channel were exploding. If Chen Fan knew what 7658 said, he could only say in Versailles, brother, you are right, I just met Zhusun's nest, and there are many more now. It's really annoying that the bamboo fungus didn't come and dig up.

Not far to the west of Chen Fan, a strange man with green skin and a big head, after reading the content of the chat channel, went to the trading hall to check, and punched the tree trunk next to him in anger. Said:"Who is this 1967? Why is he so lucky? These things should belong to me. If I meet you, you will definitely die in an ugly way. By then, your things will be mine, quack quack......"After saying that, he stuck out his green tongue and licked his lips.

"And that 3854, wait until I find you, hehe......"With that said, he started heading west again.

Chen Fan didn't know that he was already being noticed. He put the jade gourd into the ring and set out to dig for bamboo fungus again. Chen Fan decided to dig up all the bamboo fungus today to avoid being found by others. Poached away.

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