Now both of them have eaten three platinum longevity fruits, and both have increased their life span by about 17 years.

His body functions have also recovered a lot. Chen Fan believes that he can get better longevity fruit in the future and extend his parents' life.

Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei also felt the changes in their bodies, and they were both excited and happy.

Originally, they were very worried that their life span was short, and they were always on tenterhooks, fearing that one day they would suddenly die.

But now that I have added 17 years to my life span, I no longer have to worry about dying suddenly.

Chen Fan was filled with joy when he saw his parents happy and excited. Who wouldn't want his parents to live longer.

Chen Fan took out two more rings and said to Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei:"Mom and Dad, you should also take these rings.""

"Is this a space ring?"

Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei both held the rings and looked at them curiously. They were no longer as surprised as before by some of the things Chen Fan took out.

"Yes, this is Xuanbing’s best storage ring. The space inside is about 10 meters."

"It's actually Xuan Bing's best storage ring."Fang Bingwei made a sound of surprise.

Both of them put the rings on their hands and looked left and right curiously. From time to time, they put the things on the tea table into the rings and took them out again.

They were also surprised. The wonderful use of the storage ring. I used to be envious when I saw other people having storage items. Now that I have one, of course, I am also curious about the wonderful use of the storage ring.

Chen Fan saw his parents playing with the storage ring and took it out. 20 Platinum Longevity Fruits said:"Mom and Dad, you should keep these 20 Platinum Longevity Fruits for emergencies.""

"Xiaofan, you should exchange this longevity fruit for some cultivation resources. Your father and I have already......"

"Mom, this is for precaution, just in case I need to use it one day. Besides, this longevity fruit is not available, even if I don't use it, where will my younger brothers and sisters be?"

"Of course, I also hope that our family will never need it. That is the best, but we still have to prepare it. Maybe we will use it when."

"Nowadays, Shouyuan Fruit is expensive but not marketable outside. Then even if you have money, you won’t be able to buy it."

Chen Fan interrupted Fang Bingwei before she finished speaking, and then spoke a lot.

Chen Guotao also said:"Damn it, what Xiaofan said makes sense. Are you prepared for any danger? Keep it first."

"Okay, just keep it for now."

Fang Bingwei listened to the explanations of the two and felt that she should be prepared, so she collected all the 20 Platinum Longevity Fruits.

Then Chen Fan kept taking things out.

10 Platinum Mangoes for each grade. 5 bottles of platinum constitution enhancement potion,

30 first-grade silver black truffles ,

200 first-grade diamond snake skins

, 10 first-grade diamond snake tendons, 1,000 first - grade platinum blood coagulation fruits. 500 pieces of first-grade silver bamboo fungus,

200 first-grade gold bamboo fungus, and 500 first-grade diamond bamboo fungus.

Chen Fan kept them for his family. , I believe that with so many resources, the cultivation level of the family will improve. As for the rest, Chen Fan plans to sell some of it, and use the rest for his own cultivation. Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei were already numb from the initial shock. They really couldn't understand that Chen Fan could take out so many things once he entered the Infinity Tower. Was this his home in the Infinite Tower world?

"Small......Xiaofan, this......this......It's too much"

"That's it, this......this.......Too much"

"Is it much? It's not a lot. If it's not enough, I have some more. When you run out, let me know."Chen Fan said very much like Versailles.

"besides."Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei exclaimed in unison.

"Well, from now on, Mom, you can just use these to cook. Let's eat them every now and then, so that our younger brothers and sisters can improve their cultivation, and so can our parents."

"Isn’t it too luxurious to eat every meal?"

"It's okay, Mom, we can afford luxury, and the more we have, the more good things we have. Our lives will get better and better in the future."

"Mom, you and Dad put your things away first. We are still relatively weak now, and you know better than me how to keep your wealth secret. We should keep a low profile as much as possible."

"My younger brothers and sisters are still young, so it’s better not to tell them yet, lest you spill the beans and cause trouble."

Chen Fan told Fang Bingwei and Chen Guotao that he believed that his parents knew better than him about how to keep wealth secret, but he still had to remind them.

So, Fang Bingwei and Chen Guotao each collected some and put them into their rings. After seeing them put everything away, Chen Fan started to take out things again. This time, he brought out more than

1,000 pieces of bighead carp.

There are more than 5,000 diamonds

, more than

500 bamboo shoots, more than 5,000 bamboo shoots, and more than 200 black truffles.

"Parents, you should also put away these ingredients. Although they cannot improve your cultivation level, they are grown naturally in the wild and are much more delicious than the artificially cultivated ones sold outside."

Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei had no choice but to put them away numbly.

Then Chen Fan gave each of his parents ten rings and said,"You should also put these rings away. Your younger brothers and sisters are still young, so don't give them to them yet. Wait until they grow up. Give it to me if it's old enough.

Fang Bing nodded numbly and said:"I know, I know.""

"Oh, by the way, Mom, do we have any glass bottles for water at home? I also have some honey and royal jelly."

"We don’t have this at home. You can buy it outside. I’ll go out and buy it later."

"Forget it if you don’t have it, I’d better go out and buy it, and bring back some cultivation resources in return."

Chen Fan said casually

"It’s almost noon, let’s go after dinner."

"also."I just had a bowl of noodles, and I was really hungry.

After lunch, Chen Fan went out.

Chen Fan first came to the bustling city center and entered a magnificent building. This building is The Starlight Jewelry Store is famous throughout the universe. This Starlight Jewelry Store has branches in every city on every planet, and the most important thing is that they only sell jewelry-related items.


As soon as Chen Fan stepped into the door, he heard several pleasant sounds.

"Welcome to Starlight Jewelry Store."

Chen Fan heard the crowd and went out, and saw six young girls standing on both sides of the door, wearing red slit cheongsam. They were bending down and putting one hand on their chest and the other stretching out to invite them in.

Chen Fan felt a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and walked quickly inside.

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