"Ding, welcome to the infinite world. The world you have come to is a zombie world. You can turn on your attributes silently."

Chen Fan's body slowly appeared in a dilapidated room.

"Zombie World, Chen Fan had read such novels in his previous life, but he just didn't know if this world was any different from the novels he had read before.

Chen Fan first came to the door and checked to see if it was locked.

Then he went to the only window in the room and looked out.

I found that I should be in a rental house. According to the building outside, my floor should be around the 6th floor.

There is a street outside, and it is very quiet now, with no pedestrians at all.

But there are still some roars coming from a distance from time to time.

Chen Fan first opened his attribute panel and took a look:

Number: 6897

Race: Human

Cultivation: Peak Mortal (with a strength of about 3,000 kilograms)

Talent: Danger Sense (can sense danger within 100 meters in advance)

Skill: No

Life Skills: None

Chat channel, trading floor

Number of personnel remaining: 10,000/10,000

Compared with the previous world, only the number has changed, and nothing else has changed.

Chen Fan looked at himself again, and sure enough, except for his clothes, there was nothing on him.

However, Chen Fan is not worried that those things will disappear. As long as he leaves the Infinity Tower when the time comes, those things will be returned to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's first task now is to find some supplies.

Chen Fan first searched this small shabby room, but found nothing.

We still don't understand the situation. If we go out rashly, many dangers and changes may occur. Chen Fan feels that it is inevitable to collect some information.

The best place to collect information is the chat channel.

Chen Fan immediately entered the chat channel:

8975:"Is there anyone? There are all zombies outside. Can anyone help me? I'm so scared."

2354:"Same here. There are all zombies outside. I'm scared now." I don’t dare to go out, but luckily I have enough supplies here."

1212:"I didn’t even see any zombie fur here, let alone zombies." 9986

:"As someone who has been here, I advise you to look for supplies as soon as possible, otherwise the zombies will evolve. , it will be even harder to find supplies."

8866:"Boss, will this zombie evolve?"

7722:"That's right, boss, how far will this zombie evolve?"

9986:"The first time a zombie evolves. In about a week, it is best to find sufficient supplies as soon as possible during this week. If you do not have a mortal cultivation level above mid-term, find a safe place to hide, otherwise you will die without knowing how. Also, it is best to pay attention to mutant beasts. , more terrifying than zombies"

8866:"Thank you, boss."......

Chen Fan looked at the chat history and roughly understood the rules and dangers of this zombie world.

With his peak mortal strength, he could probably walk in this world.

However, to be on the safe side, one still has to break through to the body-forging realm as soon as possible.

Chen Fan went to the window and looked at the sky outside. It was probably around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He should take this time to go out and look for some supplies. Otherwise, it might be more dangerous if he waited until night.

Chen Fan searched around the small shabby house again. He originally wanted to find a self-defense weapon, but found nothing.

In the end, I only found a nearly broken broom in the corner of the door.

Chen Fan took off the broken broom head and turned it into a small wooden stick.

Although it is a small wooden stick, at least it does not require physical combat.

Chen Fan took the small wooden heel to the door and listened to the sounds outside. It seemed that there was no movement.

In addition, my own danger perception did not sense any danger.

Chen Fan opened the door gently and looked outside. Outside was a long corridor with many doors like Chen Fan's on both sides of the corridor.

It was quiet all around, except for the occasional distant roar.

Chen Fan came out of the room quietly. He first walked to the next room and pushed the door, only to find that the door was locked.

Chen Fan pushed slightly and the door opened.

Walking into the room, I found that the layout of this room was similar to the room I just came out of, except that this room seemed to be a place where girls lived.

Why do you know this is a place where girls live? Because there are a lot of girls' clothes and even a few bras.

Chen Fan didn't find any supplies in this room. It was similar to the room he came out of, with just a few extra pieces of clothing.

Then, Chen Fan opened the doors of several rooms in this row of corridors. They were basically all of the same layout. It seemed that this building was all for rent.

And they may all be temporary houses with cheap rent. They are probably rented to people who have financial difficulties. Such people usually rent for a short period of time, usually for about a week.

Therefore, this type of tenant rarely puts any supplies in the rental house.

After searching several rooms again, but finding nothing, Chen Fan decided to leave the building first and see if there were any supplies on other floors.

Chen Fan slowly groped his way downstairs. For some reason, there was not a single zombie on this floor.

Soon, Chen Fan went down to the first floor and looked out. There was not a single zombie in the entire street, and there was not a single living person.

Soon, Chen Fan found a canteen at the corner of the street.

At this time, the canteen was already in a mess. Someone had obviously been here, and the ground was covered with various trampled bags.

Chen Fan searched the canteen again and again, but couldn't find anything to eat. Instead, he found a watermelon knife.

"Obtained a watermelon knife, the quality increased by 30 times, and obtained a Xuanbing low-grade watermelon knife."

Chen Fan picked up the watermelon knife in his hand and chopped it a few times. It felt quite smooth, and it was better than the small wooden root.

Chen Fan walked out of the canteen with the watermelon knife in hand and looked at the street. Judging from the appearance of the canteen, Look, it's probably impossible to find supplies on this street.

From the current point of view, this street is relatively safe. Chen

Fan can only go to other places to find supplies now.

The street kept going forward, and there was no zombie or human being seen along the way.

As for looking for supplies on this street, Chen Fan looked at a few houses and found that people had already visited them, so Chen Fan didn't. I went to search.

Soon, Chen Fan walked out of this street.

After leaving this street, his eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw a large commercial street and a wide road. On the road, zombies have begun to roam sparsely again.


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