Chen Fan walked dozens of meters in the dense forest and found some gray-white mushrooms under a tree. Chen Fan quickly stepped forward to pick one.

"Obtain one gallinobacteria, the quantity increases 50 times, and obtain 50 gallinobacteria."

"Gallinum fungus can be eaten after being cooked."Chen Fan knows about the gallinopsis fungus and has eaten it before. It is quite delicious. Whether it is stir-fried or cooked in soup, it is extremely delicious. Seeing that there were a few on the ground, Chen Fan quickly picked them all.

"Obtain one Gallinobacteria, the quantity increases 10 times, get 10 Gallinobacteria"

"Obtain 1 Gallinobacteria, the quantity increases 30 times, obtain 30 Gallinobacteria"

"Obtain 2 Gallinobacteria, the quantity increases 60 times, and obtain 120 Gallinobacteria."

After increasing the amount, a total of 210 gallinobacteria were obtained. It can be said to be a bumper harvest. Chen Fan put all the gallinobacteria into his backpack, looked at the faintly visible sun in the sky, and estimated that now It was almost 12 o'clock. It was estimated that the wooden house was finished, so he was ready to go back.

Chen Fan returned to the workbench, looked at the workbench, and found that the wooden house had been completed, so he took out the finished wooden house. Then a model version of a cabin appeared in Chen Fan's hand

"A wooden house, a wooden house made entirely of wood, can be protected from wind, rain and ferocious beasts. You can choose a place to place it, and it cannot be moved after it is placed."

Chen Fan looked around and found that it was relatively flat just below the lightning-struck tree. It should be that the tree was relatively large. Before there was no lightning strike, there was no sunlight under the tree, so there was no sunlight under the tree. There were no other smaller trees growing, so it looked relatively flat.

Chen Fan took the wooden house to the bottom of the lightning strike wood and chose to place the wooden house. He saw a wooden house rising from the ground against the lightning strike wood. The overall wooden house looked like it. It was not very big, but it looked very sturdy, just like a matchbox.

Chen Fan opened the wooden door and walked in.

He found that the wooden house had a structure of one room and one living room, with an external bathroom.

It was not very big, and the room was just that.

There is enough room for a bed and a cabinet.

The hall is similar to a room, and the bathroom is even smaller.

The wooden house is now empty and there is nothing.

Chen Fan leaves the wooden house and moves the workbench into the hall of the wooden house.

Inside, half of the wood was also moved into the hall.

After all, if it is left outside at night, I don’t know if it will disappear.

At least it is safer to move it into the wooden house.

You ask why not move them all into the hall. Don’t Chen Fan want to. , It really can’t fit in the hall. Now that we have a wooden house, we don’t have to worry about sleeping in the wind at night. After all, no one knows what dangers we will encounter in the forest at night, although this wooden house cannot protect against ferocious beasts. , but at least it has some protective effect. At least it will not be eaten by wild beasts without any time to react when sleeping at night.

Thinking of ferocious wild beasts, Chen Fan remembered that he had obtained the blueprint for making bows and arrows. , I learned how to make the drawings by myself, but I haven’t looked at the materials needed for making them yet. Let’s take a look at what materials are needed first so that we can find them by ourselves.

Chen Fan came to the workbench, looked at the workbench, and found the drawings for making bows and arrows.

"Wooden bow and arrow, requires 1 wood and 10 spider silk"

"Iron arrows require 1 wooden stick, 2 feathers, and 1 iron block."

Looking at the materials needed, Chen Fan really had a headache. He only had wood and nothing else. It seemed that he had to go find it. Chen Fan calculated the time. It was about two or three o'clock now. The distance was It was almost two or three hours before dark, and he could still go out.

So Chen Fan was going to go out to see if he could find materials for making bows and arrows.

Chen Fan changed directions and headed into the dense forest again.

This time Chen Fan planned to explore around his wooden house first, to at least make sure there was no danger around him.

So Chen Fan randomly chose a direction and walked into the forest.

This time Chen Fan explored the surrounding area.

Once again, I didn't find anything.

I really didn't dare to go too far for fear that I wouldn't be able to return home when it got dark.

There were no ferocious beasts found around the cabin. Maybe it was because there had been lightning strikes here and the ferocious beasts had left here. , but Chen Fan did not dare to be careless, maybe a wild beast would come.

When Chen Fan returned to the wooden house, it started to get dark, and night came. Chen Fan locked the doors and windows of the wooden house and ate two pieces of bread. , drank half a bottle of water, and ate a first-grade bronze raspberry. He felt that his physical strength and agility had improved.

When night came, Chen Fan felt a little lonely and uneasy alone in this deserted forest. Open the chat channel.

8687:"It's so dark! It's so scary. Is there any kind person who can take me in? Woohoo."

220:"I’m so hungry. I haven’t eaten for a day. I’ll ask a kindhearted person to give me something to eat. I’ll be rewarded generously.""

1760:"Fortunately, I found a tree hole. I don't have to worry about being picked up by wild animals when I sleep at night."

45:"What’s so good about a tree hole? I already have a wooden house, it’s comfortable.""

1666:"Big brother, we have all the wooden houses, please take them in.""

8888:"Acquisition of workbench drawings, private chat with workbench drawings."

4321:"Bring out wood and exchange it for various kinds of food."

8721:"Help, I seem to be targeted by a wild beast, please help me.""

45:"You will be targeted by wild beasts on the first day, and you will die without a hiding place."

8888:"That's right. At least it's best to find a safe hiding place before dark, otherwise it won't make any difference to you just looking for death at night."

Chen Fan looked at the chat channel and thought to himself:"Fortunately, I have a wooden house, otherwise it would be very unlucky to be outside at night. Seeing someone talking about purchasing something on the chat channel, Chen Fan then opened the trading hall.

10 pieces of wood are exchanged for 1 piece of food (any food will do.)

2 pieces of iron are exchanged for food and water.

5 stones for 1 piece of food.

10 pieces of wood for 1 part of water......

Chen Fan looked at the transaction information in the trading hall. Now most of them are for food and water, which means that food and water are still relatively scarce. Chen Fan looked at the price information in the hall and roughly knew how to price it. own belongings.

After thinking about the fact that he still had more than 390 panels in his backpack, Chen Fan decided to take out 200 bread to exchange for some resources. Chen Fan put the bread on the shelf and set it up to exchange 1 bread for 2 pieces of iron and 1 piece of bread for spiders. 5 pieces of silk, 1 piece of bread for 10 feathers. These are the materials you need, so replace them first. Then he marked it at the back (if you have any rare resources and drawings, you can chat privately.)

Then Chen Fan remembered that he still had 9 workbench drawings and 9 wooden bow drawings. Then Chen Fan put these drawings on the shelf and marked (change Any blueprints and rare resources.)

After putting them on the shelves, Chen Fan closed the trading hall and went to sleep. To be honest, it was a bit cold at night. He didn’t have a fire yet, so he had to build one tomorrow, otherwise he would not have a fire at night. You may catch a cold even while sleeping. Although Chen Fan's physique has strengthened now and he may not catch a cold, who doesn't want to live a more comfortable life.

Chen Fan went to bed, but the trading hall and chat room were extremely busy at this time, all because Chen Fan put 200 pieces of bread on the shelves at once.

Chat channel:

8967:"Damn, look at the trading floor. This big guy in 1967 put 200 loaves of bread on the shelves at once. He is really rich."

4321:"Is it true? Damn it, 200 loaves of bread. Real or fake."

45:"Fuck. It's true. Not only is there bread, but there are also blueprints."

8888:"It's true, boss, I want the workbench blueprints. Trade with me."

220:"Big boss, Please give me some food. I've been hungry all day. You have so much food. Please give me some."

45:"This 220 is so shameless. You want to have sex for nothing. You must be overthinking it."

6666:"That's right, I want to." It’s free, there’s no way. Boss, I don’t do it for free. I’m a girl. Give me something to eat and I’ll do whatever you want. I’ve unlocked all kinds of positions."

1987:"Upstairs is Da Diao Meng. Sister, the identification is complete."

4321:"Go on, I'm going to exchange some food with the boss, don't wait any longer."......

Chen Fan didn't know that he caused a sensation by putting so many breads on the shelves. At this time, he had already slept until dawn. When he got up, he felt a little sore all over his body. It was probably because of sleeping on the ground, although it was not the case. Sleeping directly on the ground, there is a wooden floor, but it is only separated by a layer of wooden boards, but it is still a bit cold at night.

Chen Fan got up, picked up the remaining half bottle of water from yesterday, rinsed his mouth, and ate two more breads, two raspberries, and a first-grade bronze raspberry. Only then did he remember what he had hung up on the trading floor yesterday. Know if anyone is trading.

Before Chen Fan opened the trading hall, he saw a lot of private messages in the chat channel. Chen Fan had to open the private messages one by one.

Private chat from 8888:"Boss, what resources do you want? I want your workbench drawings."

Private chat from 220:"Boss, give me some food. You have so much food, give me some." Right."

Private chat from 5321:"Brother, I want the wooden bow blueprint. What do you want?" Private chat from 7777:"Brother, I have a mithril, can I exchange it for 2 pieces of bread?"

5666’s private chat:"Brother, I’m a girl. Please give me something to eat. I haven’t eaten for a whole day. I’m starving. 嘤嘤嘤......"......

Chen Fan read all the private chats and blacklisted those who wanted to have sex for free. No matter if you are a cute girl or a royal sister, if you want to have sex for free, I, Chen Fan, think too much.

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