After searching them all, there are about 80 types of snacks.

After the increase, each snack has several thousand packs.

This is enough for Chen Fan to eat for hundreds of years, and he probably won't be able to finish it all.

Chen Fan first took out a pack of spicy strips, tore open the package, and a spicy aroma came out.

Chen Fan took out a piece of spicy strips and stuffed it into his mouth. Well, it was really good, a bit like the taste of his childhood.

Chen Fan finished a pack of spicy strips in a few seconds.

Still hesitating, he opened another pack and finished it quickly.

Then he took out a pack of winter melon tea and drank it in a few gulps.

However, this snack is not enough, so you still have to find something to fill your stomach. In such a large commercial street, there should be no shortage of large shopping malls and supermarkets.

There should be no shortage of those items in the mall, but I don’t know if anyone has visited this mall.

By the way, I haven't met anyone yet, let alone people coming in from the outside. Is there no survivors in this world?

Or is it that everyone in this world has turned into zombies.

After Chen Fan rested for a while, he was ready to set off to look for the shopping mall.

Generally, such shopping malls will be located in the center of commercial streets.

Opening the glass door, several nearby zombies immediately surrounded Chen Fan.

Chen Fan went up and gave these zombies a few blows, just like chopping melons and vegetables, and they were eliminated effortlessly.

However, Chen Fan felt a little dizzy when he looked at the dense zombies in the distance.

Just rush forward and fight the zombies?

That's impossible, Chen Fan is not that stubborn.

It seems that we have to find a way.

Of course, instead of trying to kill all the zombies, Chen Fan didn't have that much energy to kill them all.

We have to find a way to lure these zombies to the street where Chen Fan just came out.

Zombies at this stage are most sensitive to smells and sounds.

Gotta make some sounds and some blood smell.

The sound is very easy to produce, but how to get the blood? It’s not like you have to put some blood yourself, that’s impossible.

But now that it's almost evening, it's better to find a place to stay for one night.

In this world, unlike the last world, you still need to build a wooden house to live in.

There are many houses in this world that are habitable.

It was still relatively dangerous at night. Chen Fan felt that for the sake of safety, it would be safer to go back to the street where he just came out and stay for one night.

Chen Fan quickly returned to the building he just came out of.

Chen Fan first closed the doors of the building and pulled a few tables and chairs from the adjacent room to block the doors.

Then he checked around the floor again, and after making sure nothing was missing, he returned to the room he came from in the first place.

Then, after locking the door, he was ready to rest.

However, he still had to fill his stomach before resting. Chen Fan took out various snacks and tried almost every kind.

Some of them still have the taste of childhood, but some have lost the taste of childhood.

After tasting everything, it was evening.

The roars became more frequent at night, and from time to time there was a roaring sound like some kind of wild beast.

Listening to the roar outside, Chen Fan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Click, click......"

Chen Fan, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes

"Click, click."

The sound became clearer. It seemed to be coming from outside the door.

It seemed like the sound of chewing wood.

Wait, isn't the door of the room where I am located a wooden door?

Is there something outside that is chewing on the wooden door where I am?"

Chen Fan He stood up quietly, reached for the watermelon knife, and stared at the wooden door.

It needs to be said that it is night and he can't see his fingers, but with Chen Fan's current cultivation level, he dare not say that he regards the night as day. It was still possible to vaguely see it.

Not long after, a piece of wood fell from the lower right corner, and a hole appeared.

A head came in through the hole, and the whole body also struggled to get in. It might be this. The hole made was a bit small, so it was a bit difficult to get through.

Only after the whole body got through, Chen Fan could see the whole thing.

Is this a mouse? It's as big as an adult Teddy. ?

Is this a mutation?

This mouse rushed towards Chen Fan's snacks, completely ignoring Chen Fan's existence.

Is this the reincarnation of a starving ghost?

Chen Fan was speechless. After knocking on the iron frame bed, the mouse turned to look at Chen Fan, but the mouse didn't seem to be afraid of Chen Fan at all.

It even let out two big fangs and"squeaked" twice, as if it was threatening. Like Chen Fan.

Chen Fan's scream was so funny that he immediately got out of bed and kicked it.

The mouse screamed and was kicked to the corner by Chen Fan. He stretched out his legs and kicked twice before disappearing. There was movement.

It turned out that this guy was a strong man, and he dared to threaten him. He was really ungrateful. Chen

Fan walked over, picked up the guy with a watermelon knife, came to the window, and was about to throw the mouse down.

Something came to mind. It seemed that this mouse had some magical effect.

Chen Fan closed the window and stared at the mouse corpse and thought about it.

By the way, the blood of this mouse could be used to attract zombies, so that the zombies might be killed. They all came to this street.

After thinking about it, Chen Fan found a bag and put the rat's body in it.

Then, Chen Fan went out to look for other rats. After searching the entire building, Chen Fan couldn't find the second mouse, so he had to give up.

After returning to the room, Chen Fan looked at the hole in the wooden door, sighed, and went to find another room. He used the table to block the opening of the wooden door, and then went to bed again.

The night passed quickly, and nothing happened in the morning. There were no toiletries or water, so Chen Fan simply didn't. After washing up, he took out some snacks that could fill his stomach, and after taking a few bites, he was ready to implement today's plan.

The first thing Chen Fan had to do was to figure out the terrain of this street and leave a way out for himself. , and it is best to lock the zombies in this street.

It is impractical to lock up the entire street. It is best to introduce the zombies into a building and then lock them all in. In this building, this may be okay.

Then Chen Fan first needs to find a building that can contain so many zombies. It is estimated that it will be difficult to contain them all. At least seven out of ten can be contained.

The rest will probably not be a problem.

After Chen Fan thought about it, he started to take action. First, he checked out the locations one by one, planned an escape route, and then found a floor that could contain so many zombies.

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