This area is the rice noodle area.

Chen Fan randomly packed five or six packs of rice. Don't underestimate these five or six packs. The system will increase to dozens or hundreds of packs at a time. The main reason is that he can't finish it if he packs too much.

Chen Fan also packed some pasta.

Next came the barbecue area. Chen Fan picked some sausages and bacon, but with the system's increase, there were a lot more.

Chen Fan scanned goods in various areas of the supermarket.

Soon, Chen Fan found that his bag could no longer hold it.

I have to find a place to sell bags again to increase my sales, and then do a sweep here again.

After thinking about it, Chen Fan decided to go upstairs to take a look. The shopping mall seemed to have seven or eight floors, and there should be office buildings above it.

The fourth floor is still a supermarket.

The fifth floor sells electrical appliances, but in this world now, electrical appliances have become scraps, so just skip it.

The sixth floor was actually selling cosmetics, and Chen Fan was even less interested in it.

The seventh floor sells bags, hats, and scarves.

Chen Fan casually walked into a shop selling bags and started to increase his business.

In the first store, there was no Xuanbing-level person coming out with any increase.

Moving on, the second store, no.

The third one, no.

The fourth one, no. fifth house

"Obtain 1 women's wallet, the quality increased by 70 times, and obtain 1 Xuanbing medium-grade women's wallet"......

Chen Fan was speechless. This was another pink wallet.

Could it be that I am inseparable from pink?

Chen Fan refused to give up and moved on to the next restaurant.

The sixth house.

The seventh house.

The eighth store sells outdoor products.

The backpacks sold here are generally larger.

After increasing seven or eight backpacks in a row, another backpack finally came out.

"Obtain an outdoor backpack, the quality is increased by 100 times, and obtain a Xuanbing high-grade outdoor backpack."

Finally, another increase was added.

After that, Chen Fan no longer had any increase.

Chen Fan looked at the increased wallet and backpack.

The space of the wallet is the same as the space of the lady's backpack. It's 5*5*5.

The backpack is different, it's 10*10*10.

And this backpack is also better looking. This backpack is probably the smallest backpack in this outdoor product spot.

It's larger than the ordinary backpack. A little bit, all in military green.

Chen Fan liked it very much. He put the women's backpack and pink wallet into the backpack.

Chen Fan felt relieved, and he no longer had to worry about being misunderstood. What a pervert.

After adding two new space equipments, Chen Fan ran back to the supermarket and started sweeping them.

Now there was no need to worry about not being able to load them. He had packed some of the various kinds of food, rice, oil, salt, condiments, hot pot bases, etc. It is also indispensable.

Of course, water is also indispensable. In this zombie world, who knows whether the water outside can be used.

Come to the frozen food area, steaks, dumplings, chicken wings, various skewered barbecue ingredients, and more. Pack up all the meatballs and take them away.

After cleaning up the things in the supermarket, Chen Fan found the warehouse area and did another raid.

It can be said that Chen Fan has lived here for three years without any problems. , let alone 3 months.

With these supplies, Chen Fan no longer has to worry about living supplies. After scanning the supermarket, Chen Fan decided to go here.

Let’s take a look at the surroundings on the top of the building.

This building is quite high around here.

You should be able to see the surrounding environment and some basic information about the zombies when you reach the top.

So, Chen Fan started climbing the stairs. Of course

, the process of climbing the stairs was not smooth, because from time to time, one or two zombies would appear to block Chen Fan's progress, but they were all chopped down one by one.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the building. If he didn't have to stop to chop zombies from time to time, Chen Fan estimated that he could reach the top of the building in half an hour.

Chen Fan counted the floors. There were about fifty or sixty floors. If an average person could climb that. On the 50th or 60th floor, he probably fell down from exhaustion.

Not to mention facing the zombie attack. However

, it was still a small problem for Chen Fan. He could climb to the top floor without breathing. , looked down

, and saw that the zombies downstairs were like ants, moving slowly.

Looking to the west, there were residential buildings on the other side, and there didn't seem to be many zombies there.

When we got to the north, we looked towards the north. The sky and the earth were relatively gray, probably in the factory area. There were the most zombies there, and they looked like dense swarms of zombies, for people with trypophobia. It probably gave me goosebumps when I saw it.

Chen Fan then turned to the east, which seemed to be the city center, and there were more zombies there.

Then he turned to the west, which was close to the stairwell where Chen Fan came up. , Chen Fan had to go around the stairwell to see the situation to the west.

Chen Fan went around the stairwell and looked to the west. The area to the west seemed to be a tourist area, and Chen Fan also found an interesting place.

There are very few zombies in other places in the west. There is only one place that looks like a park, but there are piles of zombies. The zombies are all crowding into the park.

And the other zombies over there seemed to be moving towards the park consciously.

Could it be that there are survivors over there, or adventurers like myself, or something else that can attract zombies.

No matter what it was, Chen Fan decided to go over there and take a look.

When he was done observing, Chen Fan turned around and prepared to go downstairs.

But something against the wall in the stairwell caught Chen Fan's eyes.

The treasure chest is actually a treasure chest.

This is so lucky.

I just wanted to come up and observe the surrounding situation, but I didn't expect to get a treasure chest.

And this is a silver-level treasure chest.

Chen Fan rubbed his hands, came to the treasure box, and opened the treasure box

"Obtained 1 Tang Dao, the quantity increased by 30 times, the quality increased by 40 times, and obtained 30 Xuanbing low-grade Tang Dao."

"Obtain 1 bottle of first-grade silver body forging liquid, the quantity increases by 60 times, and obtain 60 bottles of first-grade silver body forging liquid."

"Obtain 1 first-grade bronze zombie Yuan Dan, the quantity increases by 20 times, and obtain 20 first-grade bronze zombie Yuan Dan."

There are three items received in total.

The style of the Tang Dao is very simple, just like a sword, but much harder than a sword.

And there are 30 mysterious weapons at once, which is very cool.

Then there is the body-building liquid, as the name suggests , it is a medicinal liquid used for physical training.

As for the last zombie Yuan Dan, Chen Fan really doesn't understand what it is used for, but it is still a first-grade bronze-level thing, so Chen Fan will save it first.

I put everything in my backpack and took out a bottle of body-building liquid. I uncorked it, put it to my nose and smelled it. I took a careful sip, and it had a slightly bitter and herbal smell.

He drank the entire bottle directly.

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