After Chen Fan washed up, he made breakfast for himself and Dahuang.

After eating, Chen Fan took Rhubarb to the cave again.

Chen Fan flew onto the shoulders of the statue and looked into the cave below, only to find that he couldn't see anything.

Then he lit another Song Mingzi and threw it down.

Only then did he see the situation below clearly. The spider silk below had basically been burned away.

As for the remaining bit, it's no longer in the way.

Chen Fan jumped down from the cave.

The cave had been burnt and dark, but there was a golden light in the innermost part of the cave.

It's just that these golden lights are now covered by a layer of black powder, and only a corner of the golden light is exposed.

Chen Fan used a Tang knife to peel away the layer of black powder.

Then I saw a gold treasure chest exposed.

"What an unexpected gain."

Chen Fan clicked his tongue twice.

Chen Fan walked over and opened the treasure box.

"Obtained 1 first-grade gold zombie Yuan Dan, the quantity increased by 700 times, and obtained 700 first-grade gold zombie Yuan Dan."

"Obtain 3 bottles of first-grade gold body-building liquid, the quantity increased by 300 times, and obtain 900 bottles of first-grade gold body-building liquid."

"Obtain 10 first-grade silver flying knives, the quantity increases by 400 times, and obtain 4,000 first-grade silver flying knives."

A total of 3 things appeared, which are pretty good, especially the body-building liquid, so Chen Fan can continue to upgrade.

Chen Fan returned to the cave first, called Dahuang who was sobbing again, and then returned to the small mountain village.

Chen Fan He planned to live in this small mountain village for a while and upgrade first.

In the next few days, Chen Fan stayed in this small mountain village and showed off almost all of the golden body-building liquid. But Chen Fan's realm has also reached the peak of the body training realm.

Continuing to drink the body training liquid will have no effect.

Chen Fan looked at his attributes:

Number: 6897

Race: Human Cultivation

: Ninth Level of Body Training (90,000). Strength of about kilograms)

Talent: Danger Sense (can sense danger within 900 meters in advance)

Skills: None

Life Skills: None

Chat Channel, Trading Hall

Number of Personnel Remaining: 5823/10000 We have reached the highest level of the body training realm.

As long as you break through to the next realm, you can open the door to immortality. After breaking through to the ninth level of the body forging realm, not only will your strength increase greatly, but the range of danger perception will also increase a lot.

What will the realm be like?

The attribute panel was opened.

Chen Fan simply checked the chat channel:

8972:"Have the zombies evolved now? It feels like the zombies are faster and stronger now."."

6868:"Yeah, zombies have become more powerful now, and it's a little difficult to kill a zombie now."

2468:"It’s not bad, it feels about the same."

1432:"The boss upstairs is not like us little Luoluo."

993:"Everyone, I came across a golden compass here. What is it used for? And this thing is electrical. This is the first time I have seen an electrical thing in this world."

9986:"We collect all kinds of zombie Yuandan. If there are any for sale, please tell me and I will collect them at a high price."

6688:"Wow, the boss is still collecting zombie Yuan Dan. He has been collecting it for several days."

2623:"I also have a compass here, but it's not gold, it's silver."

993:"Does anyone know what this compass is for? Please give me some advice."......

After checking the chat channel, Chen Fan roughly understood the current information.

The most important one is the compass. It seems that I already know the specific usage of this compass.

That is, compasses are also divided into levels. For example, the bronze compass lottery machine can only use bronze zombie Yuan Dan.

For the Silver Compass Lottery, you can only use the Silver Zombie Yuan Dan.

Then the rest can be deduced in this way.

Since it is divided into levels, it means that the higher the level of the compass, the higher the reward will be drawn.

There is also the Zombie Yuan Dan. The Zombie Yuan Dan will become the only currency in this world.

Moreover, this Zombie Yuan Dan is a limited resource. After all the zombies in this world are cleared up, there will no longer be zombie Yuan Dan.

So those who are foresight have a huge advantage.

Just like 9986, they have been collecting zombie Yuan Dan for a few days.

I guess I have saved quite a few zombie essence pills.

But no matter how I close it, the page is not as fast as killing a zombie by myself.

I just don’t know if the contents of this compass lottery machine are limited.

So I must find those compasses as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan felt it was necessary to contact the two people who had just met Luo Pan.

He first contacted 2623, the person who met Silver Compass.

6897:"Brother, where did you find the silver compass? Can you send me the location? I can give you a reward."

2623:"Brother, who is your brother? Where you found the compass is none of your business."

Chen Fan did not expect to get such a reply. This 2623 person seemed to have eaten gunpowder.

Chen Fan immediately blocked this person.

Then contact the next person who encounters the Golden Compass.

6897:"Brother, are you trading the Golden Compass? Take it at a high price."

993:"How to trade? Is this compass fixed there?"

This 993 did not quarrel with Chen Fan from the very beginning.

6897:"It's very simple. You provide the address, and I will confirm it and give you the transaction. What do you want?"

Chen Fan sent this message but did not receive a reply for a while.

I thought that was it.

993:"How could I ever trust you? What would I do if you came here to kill people and silence them?"

6897:"Then what are you going to do to trust me?"

993:"Unless you tell me first that this compass is something else. What's the use? Give me an item of at least one grade of silver in the trading room, and then I will tell you the location."

Chen Fan thought for a while, and even if he told him the function of the compass, he would not know the location.���You may not be able to get a first-grade gold zombie Yuan Dan.

It is a first-grade silver-level item, which may be a bit distressing to others.

But for Chen Fan, it was trivial.

6897:"The compass can be used to draw a lottery. Just put the Zombie Yuan Dan into the hole in the middle, and you can draw a lottery."

6897:"Of course, you need the corresponding Zombie Yuan Dan to win the lottery. Just like the golden compass you met. You have to use a first-grade gold-level Zombie Yuan Dan to win the lottery."

After a while, there was no reply from 993.

Chen Fan just let it go. Chen Fan didn't want to continue arguing with this person.

If you have this time, you might as well go out and look for it yourself.

When talking about the compass, Chen Fan believes that it won't be a secret in the future. When the time comes, wherever there is a compass, it will be exposed.

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