Chen Fan put his hand into the treasure box and took out something

"Obtain 1 Xuanbing top-grade storage ring, the quantity increases by 90 times, and obtain 90 Xuanbing top-grade storage rings."

" Obtain 1 first-grade platinum longevity fruit, the quantity increases by 50 times, and obtain 50 first-grade platinum longevity fruits."

" Obtained a set of Xuanbing's top-grade poisonous bows and arrows. The quality increased by 100 times. The quality increase has reached the limit and cannot continue to increase. Obtained a set of Xuanbing's top-grade poisonous bows and arrows."

"Obtain primary talent perception. The quantity cannot be increased. The quality increase is 20 times. The quality increase has reached the limit and cannot continue to increase. Gain primary talent perception."

"Obtain a primary domestication scroll, the quantity increases by 10 times, and obtain 10 primary domestication scrolls."

"Obtain a first-grade gold physique strengthening potion, the quantity increases by 10 times, the quality increases by 30 times, and obtain 10 first-grade platinum physical strengthening potions."

There were a total of six items, each of which was the best of the best.

After Chen Fan took out all the items, the treasure box turned into dots of starlight and disappeared.

Chen Fan hurriedly put all the items into his backpack.

Without stopping, he swam towards the lake.

When he raised his head, he took a deep breath and looked around.

He found that the monkeys were still there.

Chen Fan once again raised his middle finger towards the monkeys and then bowed to them.

, and swam to the other side of the lake.

When Chen Fan looked across the lake, he saw the monkeys still dancing and squeaking there. Chen Fan gave the monkeys another middle finger, which Chen Fan didn't expect. Surprisingly, a monkey on the opposite side actually imitated Chen Fan and raised his middle finger and squeaked. Then the monkeys also raised their middle fingers to Chen Fan.

At this time, Chen Fan was dumbfounded and didn't expect it. This monkey learns very quickly. Did I teach the bad monkeys? There are so many monkeys out there, I can’t afford to offend you. I can just hide. Chen Fan pulled the backpack behind him and left quickly. Not yet. When the monkeys came to trouble him,

Chen Fan jogged like this for more than 30 minutes, and looked back from time to time, fearing that the monkeys would catch up.

Fortunately, they didn't come.

After almost climbing over a hill, Chen Fan stopped to rest.

He took out a bottle of water from his backpack and finished the bottle.

Then he stuffed the bottle back into his backpack.

At this time, Chen Fan was ready to see what he had gained.

Although it was a bit dangerous this time, the gain was huge.

Yes, Chen Fan took out the mango and looked at it first.

"First-grade silver mango, edible, can increase cultivation after consumption, each person can eat up to 3, eating more is useless"

"First-grade golden mangoes are edible. After eating, they can increase their cultivation. Each person can eat up to 3. Eating more is useless."

This mango increases strength, but each person can eat up to 3. If you eat too much, it will be ineffective. Currently, he has 1 gold-level and 20 silver-level mangoes.

Chen Fan did not hesitate and ate them directly. A first-grade golden mango. Suddenly, Chen Fan felt a warm current in his stomach. Then the warm current flowed all over his body, and then his whole body was filled with strength. Chen Fan couldn't help but moan all over. It felt so good. It felt better than being a horse killing a chicken. It was still comfortable.

Chen Fan then picked up another silver mango and ate it. Then the warm feeling just now appeared again, but it was not as strong as the golden mango, but the feeling of increasing strength was really good. Chen Fan ate two more in succession. Now Chen Fan felt that his strength was overwhelming. There was a cowboy here, and Chen Fan was confident that he could knock the cow down with one punch.

Then, Chen Fan ate a silver mango again without believing in evil. The warm current did not appear again this time, and the strength did not increase again. It seems that 3 means 3, 3 for each level, 3 for the silver level, and 3 for the gold level. Taking more will have no effect.

Chen Fan put away the remaining 16 silver mangoes. To be honest, eating one more just now had no effect. After all, fruits like this can be sold for a lot of money. , Can Chen Fan not feel bad? It's all because he is a little greedy.

Then Chen Fan took out all the things from the treasure box and looked at them one by one.

"Xuanbing's best storage ring has a storage space of 10 meters in length, width and height."

Chen Fan looked at this storage ring and was extremely happy. Now he doesn't have to worry about having nothing to store resources. You know, Chen Fan now has 90 such storage rings. Chen Fan put the ring on his On his finger, he then put the other 89 rings into the storage ring on his finger. Fortunately, it could be put in. Chen Fan was afraid that the storage ring would not be able to be put into the storage ring.

Then Chen Fan put 88 more rings. He put the ring containing 88 storage rings into another ring, and then put the ring containing 88 storage rings into the ring on his hand. It could still be put in. Chen Fan secretly thought it was amazing. The reason was not something that Chen Fan could understand now. , Chen Fan doesn’t need to know this anyway, just know that he can now install unlimited resources.

" The first-grade Platinum Longevity Fruit can extend your life by 10 years after consumption. You can eat up to 3 pieces, and the effect will be halved in turn."

The longevity fruit is a good thing. Just like the longevity fruit in Chen Fan's hand, the first time you take it, you can add 10 years to your life, the second time, you can add 5 years, and the third time, you can only add 2 and a half years. It seems that this adds up to a life span of almost 17 years.

Chen Fan's parents still have more than 10 years of life left. If they take 3 of these longevity fruits, they can live for about 30 years. Chen Fan also believes that. I can get better longevity fruits in the future, so that my parents can live longer.

Even if they are sold, they are worth a lot of spiritual stones. Now this longevity fruit is priceless, and once it appears, it will be worth a lot. They would all be snapped up, so there was no need to worry about selling them. Chen Fan put all the longevity fruits into the ring, and then looked at the set of bows and arrows.

This set of bows and arrows is a set of bows and arrows. The whole body is green, the arrow is dark black, and the arrowhead also has a faint green light.

"Xuan Bing's ultimate poisonous bow. When shooting arrows, it will condense a little poisonous gas converted from wood elements. The effect is better when used with poisonous arrows."

"Xuan Bing has 10 top-quality poisonous arrows. When the arrows are shot, they will absorb the surrounding poisonous substances to form poisonous gas. The effect is better when used with the poisonous bow."

Good thing, the arrows shot can poison the target. If the poison is deep, you can probably say goodbye to the target after shooting one arrow. Chen Fan also put the set of bows and arrows into the ring and hung it on his body. I'm afraid of losing it. I feel bad for myself.

"The primary domestication scroll is a scroll that can tame ferocious beasts, demonic beasts, and spiritual beasts below the second level. The success rate is 25%."

This is still possible. Let's see if we can find a ferocious beast to tame. By then we will also have pets," Chen Fan thought happily.

"The first-grade platinum physique strengthening potion can greatly improve the physique and can only be taken once per person."

Chen Fan thought for a while and decided to find a place to settle down and take the medicine. It's not early now. Chen Fan estimated that it will be dark in two hours at most. It is impossible to go back now. It seems that it is still possible. Gotta find a place.

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