Thinking of the zombie king.

Chen Fan couldn't help but become cautious.

First, he took out a few bottles of vitality potions and drank them.

He threw the two Tang knives in his hands on the ground and replaced them with two new Tang knives.

Having too many knives means being willful.

Then he slowly walked forward.

Before the end of the world, this building should also have been a hotel.

The place where Chen Fan just came in should be the front hall.

There was no movement in the front hall.

Chen Fan slowly came to the back hall.

At this time, the back hall was completely dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

It seemed that all the curtains in the hall were closed, and no light came through.

With Chen Fan's current eyesight, he could only see clearly things within one meter of himself.

Vision at such a small distance is too disadvantageous for Chen Fan.

Chen Fan hurriedly took out the remaining Song Mingzi, lit it and threw it out.

Suddenly, the hall became brighter.

At this time, Chen Fan discovered a giant crystal-like object standing in the center of the hall.

This crystal was obviously something Chen Fan had seen in the park.

A crystal that allows zombies to evolve.

Back then, such a small crystal in the park caused all the zombies to evolve.

The crystal in the center of the hall at the moment is really too big, with a diameter of at least about 5 meters.

It doesn't matter if it's big, the key is that the crystal is tall, and it passes directly through the building at this height.

I don’t know how many floors we have reached.

This is still the remaining crystal that created so many evolved zombies.

If those zombies haven't licked the crystal, they still don't know how big it is.

At this time, a dark shadow slowly walked out from behind the crystal.

When the black shadow completely appeared in front of Chen Fan.

Only then did Chen Fan realize that it was a zombie.

This zombie is very tall, but not huge.

It's just a little taller than a normal person, about two meters tall.

He has jet black skin, with a faint hint of gold in the black.

The weirdest thing is that the other zombies have tattered clothes hanging on their bodies.

But this zombie was wearing a very straight black suit with a tie on his chest.

Wearing a pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet and white gloves on his hands, he looked like a gentleman.

The zombie first smiled at Chen Fan and made a gesture of invitation.

Chen Fan was slightly startled at first, and then he bent down and made a request.

Just when Chen Fan bent down, the zombie king struck first.

He raised his foot and kicked towards Chen Fan.

As soon as Chen Fan lowered his head, he saw the zombie raising its feet and hurriedly used the Tang knife in his hand to push it forward.

"With a"ding" sound, the Tang Dao in Chen Fan's hand buzzed.

Chen Fan also felt the power coming from his hand and took a few steps back.

"Damn it, zombies can still sneak up on you, you idiot,"

Chen Fan waved his hand and said.

At this time, the zombie king no longer looked like the gentleman he was before.

He looked at Chen Fan with a ferocious face and kept roaring. What, he seemed to be yelling at Chen Fan.

Just by looking at his mouth, Chen Fan could tell how unpleasant the curse was.

Chen Fan raised his two swords and pointed at the zombie king:"Come on."

The Zombie King seemed to be able to understand Chen Fan's words. He stretched out his finger and pointed at Chen Fan, then hooked his finger and roared, as if to say:"Come here."

Chen Fan looked at the provocative look of the Zombie King and was no longer polite.

He raised his two swords and flew forward. The two swords opened the way and pointed directly at the Zombie King's neck.

The Zombie King also raised his fists and rushed towards Chen Fan, not to be outdone..

The fists and the two knives collided,"Ding.""There was a burst of sparks, and both sides took a step back.

Both sides had already understood the strength and power of the other, and they were almost equal.

After Chen Fan and the Zombie King looked at each other, they rushed towards each other again.

""Ding, ding, ding," sparks flew everywhere. The two sides went back and forth. After fighting for dozens of moves, they separated.

Chen Fan raised his hand and looked at the Tang Dao, which already had many cuts and curled blades. Secretly, the zombie's skin was really tough.

The Zombie King looked at the broken Tang Dao in Chen Fan's hand and roared loudly, as if to mock Chen Fan for his lack of weapons.

Chen Fan threw away the Tang Dao in his hand. He took out two Tang knives, raised his hand and pointed at the zombies and said:"We are fighting."

So, there was another burst of swords and fists.

Chen Fan found that the current Tang Dao had no effect on the Zombie King at all. When the knife struck the Zombie King's hand, it could only leave a faint white mark. , the white seal disappeared in a decisive moment, but the Tang Dao in his hand kept showing cuts and curls.

If he had been fighting with the zombie king for a long time, there would be no results at all. That would be great.

Better weapons, Chen Fan suddenly thought, isn't there a carousel and a treasure chest on the roof?

As long as he goes to the roof, he can definitely get better quality weapons.

Chen Fan and the Zombie King went on. After a fight, when the zombies rushed over again, he passed by and rushed towards the stairs.

Obviously, the zombie king did not expect that Chen Fan would pass by. Because he rushed too hard, he rushed towards the stairs with inertia. He ran forward for several meters before he managed to survive.

When he turned around, Chen Fan had disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

After seeing Chen Fan running away, the zombie king roared angrily and headed towards him. Chen Fan chased after him.

Chen Fan went straight to the roof of the building without looking back, paying no attention to the zombie king who was chasing him.

In terms of speed, although the zombie king was relatively powerful. The defense is unparalleled, but the speed is still quite different.

The distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, making the zombie king roar again and again, but there is nothing he can do.

Although this building is a little taller, it is almost 60 stories high, but with Chen Fan. At the current speed, he quickly reached the top and saw that the door to the rooftop was locked. Chen Fan broke the lock with a knife and kicked the big iron door through. Flying out.

Chen Fan quickly rushed to a treasure chest, opened it without hesitation, and quickly took out everything from the treasure chest.

"Obtain 1 first-grade gold zombie Yuan Dan, the quantity increases by 100 times, and obtain 100 first-grade gold zombie Yuan Dan."

"Obtain 1 bottle of first-grade gold antidote, the quantity increases by 600 times, and obtain 600 bottles of first-grade gold antidote."

"Obtain 1 bottle of first-grade gold body-building liquid, the quantity increases by 300 times, and obtain 300 bottles of first-grade gold body-building liquid."

No more.

Chen Fan was a little speechless. It was difficult to open the door.

The treasure box he opened at random turned out to be the lowest level gold treasure chest here.

And there was no weapon yet.


When Chen Fan heard the Zombie King's roar coming from the stairs, it was too late to think about it.

Just open the other treasure chest next to it.

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