After accumulating a lot of resources, Chen Fan felt that he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

But he couldn't make a breakthrough no matter what. It seemed that there was an invisible force blocking his chance to break through.

After trying several times, Chen Fan had to give up.

The only thing Chen Fan could think of was that maybe this world was suppressing him from breaking through. If that was the case, you would have to go out and break through later.

Now I can only wait in boredom for a few days to go out.

In that small mountain village, Jingli was holding Dahuang's head and said to Dahuang very sadly:"Dahuang, why don't you think uncle has come back yet?"

Dahuang just said"wuyan" a few times to express his gratitude. answer.

Jingli didn't care whether Dahuang understood or not, and continued:"Do you think uncle won't come back?""

"I'll probably come back again"......

Time passed by in a hurry, and soon it was time to leave this world. In the past few days, Chen Fan had lived an extremely comfortable life.

I just eat and drink every day, sleep, and when I’m bored, I take out the books I borrowed from the library and read them.

It was still very comfortable and comfortable.

Today is the time to leave this world. Chen Fan packed his things.

Waiting to leave.

The picture in front of him went dark. When Chen Fan saw clearly again, he was already in the Infinity Tower. At this time, the Infinity Tower was very lively, with many people coming in and out.

Some people have smiles on their faces, some have sad faces, and some have calm faces.

You can tell from the expressions of these people what they have gained.

When Chen Fan walked out of the Infinity Tower, he saw his family already waiting for Chen Fan at the entrance of the Infinity Tower.

As soon as Chen Fan came out, he happily greeted him.

The fifth sister, Chen Ru, ran the fastest, jumping and jumping all the way.

Chen Fan was afraid that Chen Ru would fall, so he hurriedly rushed forward and said:"Run slowly, don't fall."

Chen Ru smiled and stretched out her hands and said with a sweet voice:"Brother, hug me."

Chen Fan hugged Chen Ru He hugged her and kissed Chen Ru on the face.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ru wiped her face with her sleeve with a look of disgust and said,"Hey, saliva."

Chen Fan looked at Chen Ru with a smile, and kissed her pink face a few times..

Frightened, Chen Ru desperately broke away from Chen Fan's clutches, hid behind Fang Bingwei, and wiped the saliva from her face very hard.

Seeing her like this made Chen Fan and his family burst into laughter.

After laughing for a while, Chen Ping took the lead and looked at Chen Fan and asked,"Brother, how are you? You didn't encounter any danger this time."

After hearing Chen Ping's question, the whole family looked at Chen Fan with concern.

Chen Fan touched Chen Ping's head and said,"No problem, let's go and talk about it when we get back."

Chen Guotao also said,"Well, we'll talk about it when we get back. It's not convenient to talk here."

After that, he took Chen Fan to an extended version of the Bicycle. Yati luxury car, this car is very suitable for people with large family members, and it can seat 8 people including the driver.

The appearance of the car is also domineering, and the space inside is large enough for eight people to sit without being crowded.

It seems that Chen Guotao and his wife will still enjoy it, and they will not say that they will not enjoy it even if they have money, and they will just save money.

The reason why Chen Fan entered the infinite world was so that his family could just enjoy life and not have to work hard for a little money.

Moreover, Chen Guotao and his wife have also improved in their cultivation. They have both reached the first level of physical training, and they look much younger.

And Chen Bing has also reached the intermediate level of mortals. The third and fourth brothers are both the basic level of mortals. As for the fifth sister Chen Ru, she is still the same as before, with no cultivation.

Chen Fan looked at his family with satisfaction. It seemed that the resources he brought back had been harvested, and he was still in a good mood.

Chen Guotao drove smoothly back to the villa. As soon as Chen Fan entered the house, he said,"I'm going to take a shower first."

After that, he ran upstairs to his room to take a shower.

Fang Bingwei and Chen Bing also went into the kitchen one after another to prepare a feast for Chen Fan.

Although there is an aunt who cooks at home, Fang Bingwei still often goes to the kitchen to help.

Not to mention that today, when the eldest son comes back, Fang Bingwei has to take matters into her own hands and cook a meal for Chen Fan.

By the time Chen Fan came down from the shower, the food was basically ready.

Chen Guotao and his siblings were already sitting at the dinner table, while Fang Bingwei and Chen Bing started serving the dishes.

Soon, the table was filled with dishes, all of which were Chen Fan's favorite dishes.

After Fang Bingwei and Chen Bing sat down, Chen Guotao, the head of the family, took the lead and said,"Come on, let's touch one to celebrate Xiaofan's safe return."

Everyone raised their glasses to celebrate Chen Fan.

Then they started to feast and finished the reunion dinner amidst laughter and laughter.

After the meal, the younger brothers and sisters began to pester Chen Fan, asking him to start talking about his wonderful journey into the infinite world.

Chen Fan was helpless and had no choice but to talk about some of them. Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei also listened to Chen Fan's story attentively.

Although Chen Fan talked about relatively relaxed experiences, both Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei knew that the infinite world was still full of dangers.

If you are not careful, you may die on the spot, so every time you can come back safely, you are extremely lucky.

By the time Chen Fan had finished speaking, it was already 10 p.m., and Chen Bing and the others were driven to bed by Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei.

After Chen Bing and the others went back to their rooms to rest, Chen Fan started chatting with his parents again.

"Dad, Mom, how about we also open a business firm?"

"Open a business?"Chen Guotao and Fang Bingwei asked questions at the same time.

"Yes, because I get more things in the infinite tower. If I keep going out to exchange resources, I will soon attract the attention of others."

"It's different if we open our own business. We can collect and exchange various resources, which will be more convenient."

"But opening a business requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Xiaofan, I think we still need to do it step by step, starting with a store first."Chen Guotao said

"It is said that opening a commercial bank at once is too big a step and too risky. We can start with a store first, then open a chain store, and finally move up to a commercial bank. In this way, we can slowly cultivate trustworthy personnel. It won’t attract anyone’s attention right away."

"Yes, Xiaofan, it is too easy to attract others' attention by opening a business at once. Our foundation is too weak, or there is no foundation at all. It is better to listen to your father and open a shop first and build it slowly."

Fang Bingwei also persuaded Chen Fan in a timely manner.

Chen Fan couldn't help but nodded after listening to his parents' words.

Opening a trading company is what Chen Fan wanted to do in the last few days in the zombie world, mainly because he has gained There are so many resources, some of which I simply cannot use.

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