Chen Fan didn't know what this milky white light beam represented, but he could still understand the height of the light beam.

The higher the height, the stronger the innate spiritual root must be. As far as the height of Chen Fan's current light beam, there are only about 10 people who are higher than Chen Fan.

There are more than 10 people who are about the same height as Chen Fan, and most of them are lower than Chen Fan and others.

The person in charge of Daoyi Sect said at this time:"Those whose light beams are lower than 1 foot can exit."

The people in the center of the square below suddenly became noisy after hearing these words. Some were disappointed, some were angry, and some were unconvinced. of.

As for the beams of light that were over a foot high, some were secretly relieved, while others were gloating about their misfortune.

And those who were eliminated looked at the gloating smiles of those who were more than a foot tall, and immediately said unconvinced:"Why, isn't it said that the talent and spiritual roots cannot determine the level of a person's achievements? Why are we kicked? out"

"That's it, that's it"

"That is, we are not convinced"

"We are not convinced, we are not convinced."

After someone took the lead, some people started to tinker with it, and finally more than a third of the people started to shout.

The face of the person in charge of each door on the high platform suddenly darkened, and he shouted angrily:"Er Zao!"

Those who were shouting As if they were under great pressure, they were all bleeding from their orifices, and some even fainted and fell to the ground. But those who were still standing and bleeding from their orifices were now silent and shivering.

The people who came down did not dare to speak now, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Exit the crowd now, otherwise they will be killed here."

The person in charge of Daoyi Sect shouted

"Taoist friends from the Taoist sect are kind. If we were to kill them all, we would drain their souls and refine their souls."

On the high platform, the people from Jiuyou Sect said strangely.

After hearing this, the people in the audience were even more frightened to the extreme. They rushed out one after another, fearing that it would be too late.

As for those who fell to the ground and were unconscious, they were dragged directly by the guards. After clearing out the crowd

, the remaining one-third of the people stood in the center of the square, which seemed a bit empty.

At this time, the person in charge of Daoyi Sect continued to say:"Okay, the rest. There is no need to be too happy for those of you, you have only passed the first level, and the rest have to pass the second level before you are qualified to follow us back to the mountain gate."

"As for the second level, it will be checked by fellow Taoists from Jiuyoumen."

After the person in charge of Daoyi Sect finished speaking, he returned to his seat and sat down.

The person in charge of Jiuyoumen came forward, laughed a few times and said,"Everyone, you'd better be obedient. I won't be like Daoyi Sect. People are so kind, but the road to immortality is already cruel."

"If you can't hold on later, it's best to quit immediately. If not, hey, you know"

"Okay, let's get started."

As soon as the person in charge of Jiuyoumen finished speaking, everyone felt like there was something heavy in the air, pressing down on them.

And the pressure became stronger and stronger. Soon, some people's faces turned red and their legs began to tremble..

Then he fell to the ground with a plop, and this person fell, as if there was a trigger, and began to fall in large pieces.

Some of the smart people who fell on the ground hurriedly crawled outside. Climbing outside will reduce the pressure on the body.

But those who thought they could still bear it still chose to continue to persevere even if they fell to the ground.

As you can imagine, they all vomited blood and passed out. , Not knowing whether to live or die.

When some people saw this, they didn't dare to delay any longer, and began to crawl outside, fearing that if they stayed, they would not just fall into coma, but they might actually lose their lives. It was still within the range that he could bear.

His face was slightly red, but he didn't know how long the pressure would last. After a while, the pressure increased again, and even

Chen Fan felt his legs shaking slightly.

The situation in the crowd was even more miserable. Many people were vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

The pressure came and went quickly, and everyone who was still standing breathed a sigh of relief. I wiped my cold sweat secretly. If this pressure lasted longer, I would probably be in trouble. There were not many people left standing in the square. A rough estimate was that there were less than 20 people from the five major sects on the high platform.

, then they all came forward one after another, looked at the people still standing below, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, 21 people"

"That's alright. Next, we will each show our special abilities. How many disciples we can receive depends on our abilities."

All five people nodded.

"If you are willing to join our Taoist sect, please come to me. Our Taoist sect has rich resources. As long as you join the Taoist sect, your cultivation will be faster than ever."

"If you are willing to join our Lingyun Sect, please come to my side. Our Lingyun Sect is definitely a blessed place for sword cultivators. After all, who doesn’t want to travel to the ends of the world with a sword? Our sword cultivators’ claim to have the best attack power is not a boast."

"If you are willing to join my Sancai Sect, please come here.

Our Sancai Sect doesn’t have much else but is capable of managing elixirs, magic weapons, and we are proficient in alchemy and weapon refining formations.

As long as you practice any of these, you will be able to practice spiritual stones and other things in the future.

There is no shortage of resources at all, especially the fire attribute spiritual roots.

Joining our sect can be said to get twice the result with half the effort during cultivation.

"After the person in charge of the Sancai Sect finished speaking, he looked specifically at the people with the red beams of light above their heads.

"Anyone who is willing to join our Soul Refining Sect, please come to me. What our Soul Refining Sect is best at is fighting in groups. Do you see this? This is the puppet of my Soul Refining Sect. It is as strong as my realm. A puppet like this, I There are still more than 10 that have not been taken out."After the leader of the Soul Refining Sect finished speaking, he patted the puppet behind him proudly.

"Anyone who is willing to join my Nine Nether Sect, please stand in front of me. The attacks of my Nine Nether Sect are weird and changeable, which can make people hard to guard against. When you practice to a high level, you can even extract their souls and train them, so that their souls can fight for you. Quack, quack, quack."The person in charge of Jiuyou Sect laughed strangely after saying this.

When people from other sects heard this strange laughter, they all frowned and looked at the people from Jiuyou Sect with disdain on their faces.

People from the five sects had already introduced It depends on how you choose. First of all, there are two people with red beams on their heads who choose Sancaimen. It seems that the two people have a choice from the beginning.

When the person came to him, he said with great satisfaction:"Not bad, not bad, you will be proud of your choice."

The person in charge of Sancai Gate had just finished speaking when another man with a red beam of light came to Sancai Gate and stood still.

"Hahaha, that’s great. Anyone else wants to join the Sancaimen? If you join the Sancaimen package, you won’t lack cultivation resources."

The people from Sancaimen began to agitate again.

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