Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 203: Why Is This Maid So Powerful


At this moment, Tsubaki's face was covered with dust, his lips were already chapped, and before he finished speaking, he passed out completely.

She followed Luo Cheng all the way to the village, and Teng Snake didn't want to move on halfway because she was exhausted.

After that, Tsubaki chose to run there by himself, but he didn't bring food and water with him, and his physical strength was too great, so he passed out as soon as he reached the gate of the village.

"Go get some water!"

Kikyo and Maple rushed into the kitchen in a hurry, prepared water, and slowly poured it into the speaker's mouth.

Although the relationship between Kikyo and Tsubaki is not considered close, she still helps each other without hesitation.

After several minutes, Tsubaki slowly opened his eyes.


"where am I?"

Chun said weakly, still a little dazed.

"You're in my house!"

Kikyo looked at Tsubaki with some concern.

"Your home..."

It was at this moment that Tsubaki's gaze focused on Kikyo:

"It's you!"

Chun suddenly became excited,

"Where's Luo Cheng? Where's Luo Cheng?"

"Is Luo Cheng next to you?"

"Cough cough cough!"

Because she was too excited, she choked on her saliva and coughed hastily, while Kikyo quickly patted the back of the other party.

"Mr. Luo Cheng is right behind you."

Kikyo said with some helplessness.

"Luo Cheng..."

Chun turned to look at Luo Cheng behind him, with a satisfied smile on his face,

"I finally caught up with you."

"How did you get here?"

"Run here."

"Good for you."

Luo Cheng shook his head and sighed, the girl in front of him was so paranoid that she was like a piece of brown candy.

"Did you come here for something?"

"Come and compete with me!"

Chun said excitedly, his eyes were full of light,

"I'm going to beat you!"

As soon as these words came out, Kikyo and Feng beside them were stunned for a moment.

"I knew it was the end."

Luo Cheng shrugged,

"For the sake of your hard work all the way here, I will reluctantly agree to you."

"But there is a condition, you must first defeat my maid (aebf)."

"The time and place are up to you.

While Luo Cheng was speaking, he turned his head to look at Ram beside him.

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, Chun's eyes lit up.

She wanted to take this opportunity to show off her strength in front of Luo Cheng, so that the other party would look at her with admiration.

When following Luo Cheng, Chun felt that she was underestimated by the other party, not to mention that Luo Cheng even asked her maid to challenge herself first. For her with strong self-esteem, Chun naturally did not want to accept such a thing.

So Tsubaki wanted to prove her own strength more and more strongly in her heart.

Moreover, she also wanted to take this opportunity to understand what the power Luo Cheng possessed.

The power beyond the scope of spells, the power that Tsubaki has never seen before.

"Then now!"

Tsubaki said with a smile, already thinking about the countermeasures for the next battle.

As long as he can beat the opponent's maid, he can challenge Luo Cheng.

After defeating the opponent, she still has to mock the opponent.

"Use this spell first... and then this...."

Tsubaki had already thought about the way to launch the attack in his heart,

"As for the location, you can choose whatever you want!"

Chun's mouth is slightly raised, looking full of confidence.


Luo Cheng always had a relaxed smile on his face, Buddha didn't care about Chun's challenge,

"Let's just stay in the room. It's almost time for dinner. Make a quick decision and don't waste time."

"right here?"

This surprised Tsubaki too,

"Don't you know the consequences of using spells in such a small confined space?!"


Luo Cheng smiled slightly, clapped his hands, and the surrounding walls immediately receded to the rear, and the space became more than ten times its original size.

It has already been transformed by Luo Cheng into his own combat laboratory.

Tsubaki had already passed out when she was in the periphery, and later she was taken directly to her home by Kikyo, and when she regained consciousness, she was already in the room.

So Tsubaki didn't realize that earth-shaking changes had taken place in this village.

Chun was a little puzzled, shocked by the scene in front of him, and even thought for a while that he was under the illusion.

But she didn't think much about it.

"Luo Cheng, I know you know you are very good, so I won't hold back!"

"At that time, you have to let your maid recover from her injuries!"

Tsubaki said seriously, turning her eyes to Ram in front of her,

"Whoever falls to the ground first loses!"

"are you ready?"

Luo Cheng didn't pay attention to the other party, but said to Ram lightly,

"Rahm, pay attention to your sense of proportion."


Ram turned to look at Tsubaki with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Get ready, let's get started."

Chun smiled slightly, ready to put the plan he had just made into action.

And at the moment she spoke, Ram raised his hand slightly, and a gust of bitter wind appeared in front of Tsubaki.

The lingering wind hit Chun's face, making his good face undulate like waves.

And Chun's petite figure was also swept up by the strong wind, and then slowly dropped.

She had fallen to her knees on the ground.

"I won."

Ram looked at Tsubaki, who was still in shock on the ground, and said lightly, without any expression change on his face, as if the round just now was no different from a gentle breath.


Tsubaki looked up at Ram in disbelief, and then looked around only to realize that she was already kneeling on the ground.

At this moment, the little witch's body was still trembling uncontrollably, and she couldn't control it at all.

It was every cell in her body that felt fear because of the other's existence.

"What the hell just happened?"

Tsubaki looked down at her hands, which were still trembling.

"What exactly did you do?"

Tsubaki's eyes were filled with disbelief.

What Ram had just demonstrated wasn't magic at all.

Simple and pure movements, without the slightest breath of aura.

Why does a tiny maid in Luo Cheng have such terrifying power?!

This reminded her involuntarily of the scene of Esdeth killing the mist demon in seconds.

Chun is not even qualified to see Luo Cheng doing it himself

"What did you just do?"

"You are not using magic!"

"You cheated, you sneaked up on me!"

"Sneak attack?"

Ram shook his head,

"I waited until you finished speaking and was ready before attacking.

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