Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Two Hundred And Nineteenth: This Is Jiuxia, My Territory!

"How can you misunderstand my kindness?"

Reverse Hair Knot smiled,

"I heard that the Jade of the Four Souls has appeared."

In the original book, the reverse hair knot is transformed from a comb that combs the hair of the dead and absorbs resentment. It controls the hair to defeat the enemy. It wants to get the jade of the four souls to make itself stronger. In the end, it is Inuyasha and Kagome is defeated and turns back into a comb.

"A lot of monsters have already set off to fight, and I happened to pass by you, so I came to see you.".

"You would be so kind?"

Hearing the news of the appearance of the Jade of the Four Souls, the originally pitch-black pupils of the Centipede Mistress suddenly turned scarlet, as if stained with a layer of blood.

Because the centipede woman has not practiced for a long time, she has always been in such a state of neither human nor demon, and she is also troubled by her slow rest speed.

After hearing the appearance of the jade of the four souls, although the centipede witch still had a suspicious expression on her face, her trembling centipede feet revealed the excitement in her heart at the moment

The jade of the four souls can greatly strengthen her strength, and no practice is needed anymore.

"That village in the distance seems to be called Jiuxia now, believe it or not."


"You should have heard of Luo Cheng's name."

Luo Cheng's reputation has spread in the world of monsters, and everyone knows that the territory is not something that ordinary monsters have the ability to set foot in.

And Luo Cheng also renamed the originally unknown village to Jiuxia.

Nifa Jieluo didn't stay for a second longer, her frown showed her disgust for this cave, she left the last sentence and then turned and left the Nanzu temptress' lair.

Seeing Nifa Jieluo leave without explanation, the centipede temptress frowned.

The other party had no reason to tell him this information, but it was not out of goodwill.

There was a tangled look on her face, but it was quickly replaced by the desire and madness in her eyes.

Nothing can surpass her desire for the jade of the four souls.

"Jiu Xia........."

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the centipede temptress.

Beyond the cave, in the valley.

Nifa Jieluo was running fast, she easily jumped onto a big tree, looked at the horizon in the distance, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised,

"Let those guys go to die first, and I'll have a chance when it gets lively."

"No matter how powerful that guy is, he can't stop thousands of monsters!"

For the Jade of the Four Souls, Nifa Jieluo certainly wants to get it. As a beauty-loving comb demon who likes to collect all kinds of hair, the Jade of the Four Souls can keep youth forever and strengthen her own strength, which makes her fascinated.

No matter what, she will get the Jade of Four Souls in her hand!

"When I get the Jade of the Four Souls, I'm sure I can grow the most beautiful hair in the world!"

Thinking of this, Nifa Jieluo jumped off the big tree, landed on the ground without making a sound, as if without weight, and then disappeared into the night "She is very aware of Luo Cheng's current strength.

That is the existence that can kill the god of death, and it is not something she can provoke.

So Nifa Jieluo thought of a way.

That is to completely muddy the water this time, and launch as many monsters as possible to attack the opponent.

In this way, she can fish in troubled waters and have the opportunity to win the jade of the four souls.

Nifa Jieluo naturally knows the name of the god of death.

Immortal gods.

She had already heard that Luo Cheng had obtained the Jade of Four Souls, so she came to the vicinity of Luo Cheng's territory very early.

Even outside the village, Nifa Jieluo can feel the difference of this land.

Originally, like Inuyasha, she sneaked into Luo Cheng's territory when the other defensive buildings were on fire, but after seeing Luo Cheng's strength with her own eyes, she turned her head and left without hesitation.

Any one of Luo Cheng's subordinates can easily bring down the god of death, let alone himself as a little demon.

Knowing that she was not as strong as Luo Cheng, she thought of a way to spread the news, let other monsters be the bait, and she took the opportunity to steal the jade of four souls.

In fact, not only her, but many monsters also chose to do the same thing as her.

Every monster thinks that the snipe and the clam will fight for the fisherman's profit.

Before they knew it, a mighty army of monsters had gathered.

"Mibao, Mengxin, thank Master Luo Cheng here."

In Luo Cheng's mansion, Master Mi Bao and Monk Meng Xin were kneeling in front of Luo Cheng.

0…ask for flowers……

"No, get up."

Luo Cheng said lightly, and Master Mibao and Monk Mengxin also stood up and sat in front of the dining table.

"Today is your first day here, you must have never been a doorman before, how do you feel?"

Luo Cheng asked with a smile, observing them carefully.

"Legs are a little numb."

Master Mibao truthfully replied that leg numbness is a normal phenomenon whether sitting or standing for a long time.

"I am not tired!"

Monk Mengxin shook his head at Master Mibao's answer, then looked at Luo Cheng with a smile, and replied immediately.

"I didn't ask you that."

Luo Cheng continued,

"How many monsters in total came around our mansion today?"

Luo Cheng naturally knew that when the god of death forced his way into his defensive line, there would definitely be monsters sneaking in by sneaking in.

However, Luo Cheng did not choose to take the initiative to find them, but waited quietly.

These monsters are not a threat to Luo Cheng, and their possible use can only be used as experimental materials. …

Or become Luo Cheng's eyeliner.

Luo Cheng can use some little monsters as his eyeliner, so as to know the movements of other monsters.


Monk Mengxin fell into deep thought, suddenly speaking incoherently.

Although he knew that the smell of monsters had appeared several times nearby, he didn't write down the number.

Monk Mengxin can only keep recalling,

"One, two..."


Just when Monk Mengxin was puzzled, Master Mibao immediately gave his answer without any hesitation.


Monk Mengxin was taken aback, never expecting the other party to answer so quickly.

And when he looked at Master Mi Bao, the other's chin was raised, his expression was full of confidence, it was not just a random answer

"I've always kept it in my heart!"

Master Mibao said with a smile, and patted his chest confidently

When guarding the gate, he already guessed that Luo Cheng would test himself in some way, so he made preparations in advance and memorized the number and location of each monster.

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