Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 224: It's Not A Monster, It's A Necromancer!

So after some thinking, Chun, who didn't look like Luo Cheng's teacher because of his face, finally decided to leave the demon village and worship Luo Cheng as his teacher.

She also wants to make a further breakthrough in her strength just like Kikyo

"You originally possessed outstanding talents and could become one of the best of us."

"What kind of magical power does Luo Cheng have that can make you make such a choice"

Seeing Tsubaki's back, the old witch who stood up from the ground couldn't help but mutter to herself.

There was no expression on the old witch's face, she sighed, shook her head and went back to the dark place again.

"Brother Luo Cheng, I'm back."

Luo Cheng was researching new projects in the combat laboratory, when he looked up, he saw Platycodon come in from the side.

During this period, Kikyo would go out every day to get rid of demons, and sometimes she would not come back for several days after going out.

Although Luo Cheng has been protecting the safety of the village here, Kikyo has never forgotten his mission as an exorcist, so he will often go out to perform tasks.

Looking at the slightly pale face of Kikyo, Luo Cheng couldn't help shaking his head slightly, pointing at the snacks on the table,

"Let's eat something."

Although Kikyo's strength has made a qualitative leap, in general, she is just a child after all, and she will feel a little tired after exorcising 413 every day.

Kikyo took off the quiver she was carrying, hung it on the weapon rack on the side, and sat down beside Luo Cheng.

The current girl, Wang Luo Cheng, is already very close.

She poured a cup of hot tea for Luo Cheng, looked at Luo Cheng, with a trace of worry in her eyes,

"There have been more and more monsters in the periphery recently, and some of them are very powerful.

"But the strange thing is... those powerful monsters never fight me head-on."

"Just a bunch of guys who think they're smart."

After receiving the hot tea from Jukyo, Luo Cheng blew on it a few times, took a sip slowly, and said in a flat tone,

"They probably want to fish in troubled waters. They want other monsters to be cannon fodder, and then look for opportunities by themselves."

As for the fact that there are many monsters coming from the periphery, Luo Cheng is naturally clear, the reason why he has not made a move is just to leave these monsters to Kikyo and others to practice

And for Luo Cheng, he also wants to gather more of these monsters.

In this way, Luo Cheng can wipe out all these monsters and wipe them out.

(aedg) So Luo Cheng even deliberately weakened the

"By the way, Lord Luo Cheng, what are you busy with now?"

Kikyo looked at what Luo Cheng was busy with and asked suspiciously.

"Get ready for some friends."

Luo Cheng said with a smile.

At this moment, a huge portal appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

In the portal, several figures slowly emerged.

Walking at the forefront is a skeleton wearing a gorgeous robe.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Kikyo was startled, retreated a few steps, and hastily picked up the bow and arrow he had just put down.

"Don't panic."

Luo Cheng said with a smile,

"They are not monsters, they are my friends, he is a necromancer."

It was Ainz and his floor guardians who came.


Kikyo was a little puzzled, but he didn't detect any evil or other evil aura from Ainz and the others, and with Luo Cheng's words, Kikyo didn't doubt the other party anymore.

"Master Luo Cheng."

After seeing Luo Cheng, Ainz immediately greeted Luo Cheng like a fan boy, and his class guardians also showed the highest etiquette to Luo Cheng.

"I'm exhausted!"

The dwarf, the old demon, held a ghost-headed crutch in his hand, standing on a huge stone and looking into the distance.

Originally, the distance from Xiguo to Musashiguo Luocheng was not too far, but because of his evil views, his attention was attracted by the prosperity of the human city, so he couldn't help fishing for a while, and went the wrong way several times. Relationship, originally a journey of about a week, but the wrong view has been rushed for several weeks.

Looking at the bustling human city in the basin in the distance, Xie Jian's disc-like eyes showed a hint of surprise:

"Is that the territory of the human named Luo Cheng?"

"How does it look different from other human cities?"

"Why is the evil spirit here so strong?"

"Could it be that the rumor that the Jade of the Four Souls is in Luo Cheng's hands is true?"

Sitting on the stone, took a sip of wine, and felt the evil spirit in the air clearly.

Although they are far away in the Western Kingdom, they have heard about Luo Cheng.

Defeating the god of death, just this one thing is enough to make him a sensation in the world.

At this time, Xie Jian rubbed his wrinkled chin, a ray of light appeared in his eyes, he seemed to have some idea in his heart, originally his mission was to find Inuyasha.

But after thinking about it from the wrong view, he didn't see any trace of Inuyasha all the way, so it's not a solution to just search for it. And if he can bring the jade of the four souls to Xiguo by the way, it can be regarded as a great achievement.

Anyway, now he is acting alone, and he decides how much time to spend.

Now several demon kingdoms are continuously attacking the western kingdom because of the death of the dog general. It is a very safe thing for him to stay in the human kingdom at this time.

So the wrong view does not want to go back.

"Let me see how divine Luo Cheng is.

After all, Xie Jian hummed a little song and stepped into the journey again.

Jiuxia Territory, inside a blacksmith shop.

The old and the young were lying on the chairs in a daze, bored.

They are Dao Dao Zhai and Hui Dao Fang. In order to better lurk in Jiuxia's territory, Ru Dao Zhai and his disciples opened a blacksmith shop on the outskirts of Luo Cheng Mansion to hide their eyes and ears.

And in the human kingdom, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible, so they can also take this opportunity to raise a sum of money.

But they didn't expect that their blacksmith shop had no business at all.

Because in the village, there is no need for iron products. Luo Cheng's production line can produce more and better equipment. No matter how superb the skills of Dao Dao Zhai, the things produced are already outdated.

Dao Dao Zhai never imagined that, as a majestic weapon master, there would be a day when no one cares about him.

However, he also had to admit that the tools and props produced by Luo Cheng were too amazing, which made Dao Dao Zhai even more curious about Luo Cheng's background. .

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