Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 228: The Girl Who Breaks Into Other People's House At Night

For Luo Cheng, these volunteers are equivalent to free labor.

However, Luo Cheng does not accept all of them, but first screens out those who can help him.

Those who want to join Luo Cheng's sect now have to pay a large membership fee. As long as they have gold and jewelry, these can be used as system resources by Luo Cheng for development.

This wiped out a lot of people at once.

The rest of them had to go through Luo Cheng's personal screening, and they could pass through very strict assessment and training.

For Luo Cheng, the manpower he needs is not the quantity, but the quality.

"Those guys are really not used to it after they leave."

"That's because you're too boring."

At this time, Inuyasha was squatting on the roof of a hut in front of the Luo Cheng residence of Master Mibao.

At the beginning, Inuyasha could watch those people kneeling in front of Luo Cheng's mansion to worship their masters every day, bet with Mibu and Mengxin to see who can persevere to the end and have some fun.

Of course, the stakes are not too high, it's mostly just who will pay for the wine for dinner

However, with the spread of the strict standards of the Luocheng government, there are very few people who still have firm willpower to participate in the practice every day, so they don't even have this little fun.

"I said, are you half-demons as boring as you?"

Monk Mengxin sat in the wooden house opposite Mibao, watching him take a sip of wine, and then threw it to Inuyasha who was squatting on the small wooden roof of Mibao.

After becoming Luo Cheng's doormen, they built a log cabin nearby and lived there.

After getting along for such a period of time, the three have become very good friends.

But it is essential to spit each other out every day.

Seeing that Inuyasha was either sleeping or in a daze every day, he looked at Inuyasha with some doubts.

Now Inuyasha doesn't care at all when others say the word half-demon.

"I won't die prematurely as easily as you."

Inuyasha drank a few sips of wine, and since he met the two, he has slowly learned to drink.

He replied to Monk Mengxin, and there was no malice in his words.

"What a vicious word!"

Monk Mengxin complained.

Inuyasha drank a few more sips of wine, and then wanted to throw the wine gourd back.

But at this moment, his movements stopped,

"Hey, is that guy jumping over the wall?"

Seeing Inuyasha stopping in mid-air, Monk Mengxin looked in the direction Taiyasha was looking at.

Master Mibao on the side also stood up curiously, they hadn't seen anyone who dared to climb the wall of Luo Cheng's mansion for a long time. "Should we leave it alone?"

Looking at the brown-haired girl who had climbed onto the wall under the moonlight in the distance, Inuyasha looked at Mibu and Yumexin Erren suspiciously.

Unknowingly, he has slowly accepted his identity as a doorman.

"Don't worry about it."

Monk Mengxin shook his head,

"Master Luo Fan didn't expect us to be able to guard the gate at all."

"With Master Luo Cheng's strength, he can sense even a bug flying in."

"Then let's take a gamble, how long it will take for this monster to be dealt with by Lord Luo Cheng.

"I bet about ten minutes."

"five minutes!"

"The bet is a supper tonight, don't be fooled."

"Brother Luo Cheng, I have my own god!"

Luo Cheng was sitting in front of the window reading a book when Ji Jiao's cheerful voice came in from outside the door.

In her white palms, two shikigami girls the size of thumbs stood on top.

It looks somewhat similar to Kikyo.

"It's butterflies and birds!"

Kikyo leaned against Luo Cheng and happily introduced it to Luo Cheng.

Her voice was full of joy, but her movements were very gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting the two shikigami.

Luo Cheng slightly looked at the shikigami in Kikyo's hand, nodded slightly, and said (aecd):

"It looks fine."

"By the way, when you wake up for training tomorrow, call Tsubaki."

Luo Cheng is very satisfied with Chun, his apprentice. Although he is a little too active at times, his temperament is not bad.

At least Luo Cheng recognized Chun as an apprentice after such a long investigation.

After all, in a sense, Chun gave up the Jade of the Four Souls for Luo Cheng.

"Tsubaki has officially become brother Luo Cheng's disciple?"

Kikyo's face was a little surprised,

"Then I'll go back first, I'll be great tomorrow."

Kikyo stayed in Luo Cheng's room for a while, and after hearing Luo Cheng's order, the smile on her originally happy face faded a little.

After accepting what Luo Cheng asked her to do, she slowly exited the room.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, as if he could already see a little idea of ​​Kikyo.

At this moment, Kikyo seemed to have thought of something, and she poked her head out after she had already left the room.

"Brother Luo Cheng, I have recently researched some new moves, can you guide me?"

"Of course, I will personally guide you tomorrow."

Luo Cheng said with a smile.

Kikyo's face was filled with an excited smile again.

"By the way, Kikyo, I'm getting ready for battle soon."


Kikyo nodded resolutely.

At this moment, Luo Cheng felt a faint evil spirit rushing into the edge of his combat laboratory.

"Is there another guy who is overwhelmed and overwhelmed here?"

"And it's still so close?"

"Is there nothing hidden at all?"

"It's so easy!"

A girl with brown hair and a pair of emerald green gemstone eyes stood on the wall of Luo Cheng's combat laboratory, looking around vigilantly. Seeing soldiers without any guards, she immediately jumped onto a platform, her face full of excitement. happy smile.


She fooled away her demon servant and sneaked to the official of Luo Cheng's mansion.

Calamus didn't expect that there was not even a guard in Luo Cheng's mansion, and she didn't think about the reason, only thinking that Luo Cheng was negligent and she found an opportunity by herself.

She originally wanted to sneak into the mansion secretly, but after leaving her residence, Calamus was attracted by Jiuxia's high-rise buildings.

Calamus had never seen such a bustling and technologically-sounding building, which aroused her playfulness and curiosity, so she wasted a lot of time.

In her heart, the curiosity towards Luo Cheng also became stronger and stronger.

“What an amazing building!”

"Are humans capable of doing this?"

"Or, only the one named Luo Cheng can do it?".

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