Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 256: Challenge Luo Cheng? Don't Even Think About It

"How did you come?"

At the entrance of the Luo Cheng Combat Laboratory, Inuyasha, who had just returned from a patrol, was sitting bored on the steps in front of the building basking in the sun.

Since the last battle with Sesshomaru, the injured Inuyasha began to repair.

Under the conditioning of medicine and healing magic, he recovered quickly.

But after that battle, Inuyasha knew that the biggest reason why he became stronger was the unique magic that Luo Cheng taught him.

Sesshomaru didn't know how to deal with these magics, because it was a trick he had never seen before, so Inuyasha took the lead.

Inuyasha also understands that although he has practiced hard for a period of time, his mastery of these magics is still only superficial, and further improvement is still needed.

Therefore, except for necessary patrols, Inuyasha will return to the laboratory for one-person practice.

But after all, patrolling during the day has consumed a lot of energy for Inuyasha, so at this moment he is going to take a nap first.

Inuyasha, who was basking in the sun, felt a monster approaching, and opened his eyes subconsciously.

It was Sesshomaru who walked in front of him.

Seeing Sesshomaru appearing in front of him, Inuyasha Wei 04 was taken aback for a moment,

Here to find fault again, I am very busy and have no time, and I have to go on patrol!"

"Is it a surprise?"

After Sesshomaru was seriously injured and unconscious last time, Luo Cheng took it into the combat laboratory and took away its natural teeth for research.

Although Inuyasha hates Sesshomaru, he is also his brother after all, so he asks Luo Cheng to let him survive.

For Luo Cheng, Sesshomaru was an insignificant existence, so he was spared.

As for Sesshomaru, Luo Cheng let him live, which is not only his own shame, but also owes Inuyasha and Luo Cheng a favor.

In the end, he withdrew his gaze and cast it straight ahead, looking at Inuyasha crouching in front of Luo Cheng's mansion basking in the sun, Sesshomaru showed a faint smile,

He didn't care about Inuyasha's eyes, but sat down beside Taiyasha.

He took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Inuyasha, Sesshomaru said to himself,

"It's a cure for wounds."

"I came to Luo Cheng to get my natural teeth back."

"It's not poison, is it?"

Looking at the medicine box that Sesshomaru handed over, Inuyasha was slightly taken aback, but he still didn't hesitate to take the medicine box.

With his hands resting on the back of his head, Inuyasha looked up at the red sun in the sky, then sighed softly,

Lord Luo Cheng went to Penglai Island. "

"You should know how powerful he is. If you don't want to die, I advise you to go back to the West Country. Master Luo Cheng has already spared your life."

Inuyasha has always been a monster who speaks very directly, he directly expressed his opinion without any hesitation.

At this time, he never thought about getting back the game he lost from Luo Cheng.

But as time goes by, Inuyasha knows more and more about Luo Cheng, and realizes that Luo Cheng's power is beyond their imagination.

Especially after practicing magic, he knew how big the gap between himself and Luo Cheng was.

It took him such a long time, and he only mastered a few basic magic concepts, but his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Luo Cheng, on the other hand, is the existence who has mastered all magic.

So Inuyasha finally gave up the idea of ​​fighting Luo Cheng again.

Although he is also a very paranoid person, he is not interested in things that are impossible to shake.

"You mean, I have no chance of winning at all?"

Leaning on the stone lion in front of Luo Cheng's mansion, Sesshomaru stared at the towering building, feeling deeply moved.

Before coming to Luocheng Mansion, Sesshomaru had already made a big circle in Jiuxia.

Jiuxia's prosperity far exceeded Sesshomaru's expectations.

Originally, he came and entered Jiuxia's surroundings a few days ago, and it took him a lot of energy to avoid the defensive buildings around Jiuxia.

Afterwards, Sesshomaru fought against Inuyasha outside the city, and was then taken into the combat laboratory. Until now, he was able to see the whole picture of Jiuxia.

After finally seeing the prosperity of Jiuxia in the past few days, Sesshomaru couldn't help secretly admiring Luo Cheng who was a little contemptuous of him before.

Last time his natural tooth was taken away by Luo Cheng, although he didn't like that natural tooth at all, but being taken away from his weapon was undoubtedly a shame enough for him to remember for life.

This time he came here to regain his natural teeth and wash away the previous shame.

Hearing that Inuyashaguchi rejected his decision, Sesshomaru couldn't help being a little surprised. Naturally, Inuyasha was not optimistic about his fight with Luo Cheng at all.

Originally, Sesshomaru looked down on Inuyasha before, but after a fight with Inuyasha, seeing that Inuyasha's strength is almost the same as his own, Sesshoumaru completely put away his former arrogance.

Now he has looked at Inuyasha with admiration.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself."

Inuyasha opened the medicine box, took a medicine from it and threw it directly into his mouth.

Having played against Sesshomaru several times, he knows that Sesshoumaru is a monster. But there is never any intrigue or trickery.

This is why Inuyasha is willing to talk so much nonsense with Sesshomaru. 823

Seeing Sesshomaru's disbelieving expression, Inuyasha shook his head.

"Then try."

Standing up from the steps, Sesshomaru didn't stay any longer, he left a few words, and then prepared to leave.

After walking a few steps, Sesshomaru seemed to have thought of something, stopped and turned to look at his half-brother.

"People I didn't expect would succumb to someone else's hands."

"Because I'm convinced."

Inuyasha replied.

Sesshomaru was slightly taken aback when he heard Inuyasha's words.

Inuyasha used to be unconvinced in front of anyone.

Sesshomaru didn't say much, and continued to stride forward.

"Damn it, when will our strength be restored!?"

On a rocky mountain, a man with silver-haired dust ears and a white mark on his forehead was holding a cannon barrel in his hand.

Facing a big tree, the man fired the gun barrel instantly, and a burst of violent energy shot out, and the towering tree was instantly smashed to pieces.

"Okay Beast Luo, if you have that strength, you might as well save yourself and think about how to regain your strength."

A man with furrowed brows, a head of blue hair, and a blue forehead is also a man with divine eyes. When he saw Beast Luo's movements, he scolded him, and then gave him a dissatisfied look.

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