Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 56: Who Is The Hunter? Who Is The Prey?

At this time, all the members of the night raid were looking at the magnificent buildings in the Luo Cheng stronghold with a surprised look.

In front of them is a row of towering walls, and two towers with unique shapes stand on both sides. No one knows what these two towers are for.

The interior of the stronghold was pitch black and very quiet, like a tomb.

It was only over a week since Luo Cheng came to this land, but now it has turned into such a shocking scene.

During Najieta's absence, some members of the night raid also came near the Luo Cheng stronghold, but did not approach.

They couldn't feel the shock of these projects until they got close to the stronghold.

"Is this really an embassy..."

"What is the background of Huaxia Kingdom?"

Even Lubbock had to sigh at this time.

Just one embassy has reached this standard, so what kind of horror will the city where the territory of China is located...

"Lubbock and I entered the opponent's stronghold, and you, Brande, activated the invisibility ability haunted by evil spirits and lurked beside us."

Najieta's words pulled the others back from their thoughts,

"Main 04 is in charge of guarding the sentry, and the others are standing by on the spot to play by ear."

"As ordered."

The other members of Night Raid nodded.

Najieta also has her own reasons for this arrangement.

Lubbock's Teigu is very versatile and can be adapted to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations, while Brand can be invisible and can hide in the Chinese embassy first.

If the negotiation fails, Brand, who is invisible, can launch a surprise attack, making Luo Cheng hard to guard against.

People in Huaxia will definitely not be able to detect the existence of Brand,

Lubbock was elated, which gave him more opportunities to get along with Najta closely, and even imagined in his mind the scene of a hero saving the beauty in front of Najta, with a wretched smile on his face.

And Brand immediately picked up the dagger on his back, pressed the switch, and the chains wrapped around his body like a python, and the white armor instantly covered him.

This is the true form of haunted by evil spirits.

Immediately, Brand disappeared, as if he had completely disappeared. This is one of the abilities haunted by evil spirits.

Seeing that everyone else was ready, Najieta led Lubbock and the invisible Brand to the gate of the Luo Cheng embassy.

At the same time, the Huaxia embassy suddenly radiated light, and the gate of the wall opened slowly.

Surrounded by several soldiers, Luo Cheng appeared in front of Najieta and the others.

Although Najieta had heard information about Luo Cheng from other members of Night Attack, she had never seen Luo Cheng with her own eyes.

Now when she was face to face with Luo Cheng, Najieta realized that Luo Cheng was much younger than she imagined.

And Lubbock felt a huge sense of oppression from Luo Cheng.

"Nice meeting, Your Excellency Luo Cheng, I am..."

Najieta was about to speak her opening words, but was interrupted by Luo Cheng.

"Of course I know who you are, Najta."

At this time, Luo Cheng glanced at the two people in front of him with a smile on his face. Of course he knew the identity of the other party, and now he confirmed his guess in his heart that the person who came was indeed a night raider.

But Luo Cheng discovered something more interesting through the telepathy tower.

Outside his own stronghold, there are six thought signals, which must be the remaining night raiders, and if all the members are dispatched, the comers must be bad.

And there were clearly only two people in front of him, but the telepathy tower showed a signal.

This also let Luo Cheng clearly know that there is an invisible person following Najieta and Lubbock.

It could only be Brand who is haunted by evil spirits.

But Luo Cheng did not expose it, but looked at Najieta meaningfully, already guessing the other party's intentions in his heart.

Najieta came to the embassy so openly, she must have wanted to contact herself as the representative of the Huaxia Kingdom, and wanted to negotiate.

If the condition offered by the other party is very considerable, of course Chuancheng will consider it.

And the opponent also brought other troops, and let Brand follow him invisibly, which is definitely a counter move.

Once the negotiation breaks down, I am afraid that he will assassinate himself.

This made the night raid negotiations less sincere.

However, Luo Cheng looked forward to the opponent's actions, because the night attack on all members was also the prey in his eyes.

All of them are Tegushi.

Lubbock's Crossed Tail and Hill's Ecstasy are very hard in Teigu, and perhaps you can collect Teigu to strengthen the armor of your soldiers and chariots.

Maine's Tegu Romance Fortress pumpkin has very fierce firepower. If you can get it, you can further increase the destructive power of infantry firearms.

Leonai's Lion King can improve the physique, perception and resilience of his subordinates.

Susanoo is a rare biological type of Teigu, and he must have genes that are still active. Luo Cheng can extract the genes to strengthen his troops and so on.

But what Luo Cheng cares about the most is Brand, who is haunted by evil spirits.

Not only does he have a very powerful body, but at the same time, the dangerous Tyrande is still alive in his Tegu evil spirit haunt, and he can evolve according to different environments.

The previous experience of analyzing Bafang made Luo Cheng clearly realize that even if it is not a biological Teigu, as long as there are living dangerous species in it, it will definitely be able to carry out gene extraction.

Luo Cheng is going to take the ghost haunting as his own, extract Tyrande's gene, and use it to strengthen the army.

It can even be used to strengthen Luo Cheng himself.

With Tyrande's genes, Luo Cheng's body will also become very powerful, and may even reach the level of immortality.

This is also the reason why Luo Cheng saw through the opponent's plan, but did not expose it.

At this time, Najieta was not very surprised when she heard the other party say her name. After all, she was also a notorious wanted criminal in the empire.

However, seeing that Luo Cheng did not show hostility, Najieta was also relieved, at least it showed that the negotiation had the possibility of success.

Moreover, the other party did not seem to be aware of Brand's existence, which made Najieta think that she had the initiative.

It is best to be able to negotiate successfully. If not, Brand can find a chance to kill Luo Cheng.

"Since His Excellency Luo Cheng knows my identity, he must also know my reason for coming."

Najta said.

"Are you here to negotiate with China on behalf of the Revolutionary Army?"

Luo Cheng asked knowingly, then waved his hand casually to signal the other party to follow him in,

"Welcome to our Chinese embassy."

The smile on Luo Cheng's face didn't dissipate, instead it became more meaningful, like a hunter watching his prey fall into a trap. .

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