Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 68: What, They Can Make Teigu? !

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, turned off the information in front of him, and turned on the system radio instead.

"Adjutant, contact Tanya for me."

"I will give her orders myself."

Imperial Laboratories.

Various test vessels of different sizes are placed in a row, and various alien creatures are cultivated in them, and some even have only fragmentary organs.

At this time, a man with glasses was in front of the test bench, conducting various experiments, and his fingers were moving at a speed beyond the limit of the human body.

Beside him, there are all kinds of people with strange limbs—perhaps it is not appropriate to describe them as people.

They are all the products of this man.

And this man is Dr. Fashion, the chief scientist of the empire, and he can also be said to be the strongest brain in the empire.

He possesses a Teigu called God's Hand [Perfect One], which can trigger the precise movements of his fingers hundreds of times, making it easy to manufacture various fine weapons, making him more efficient than himself.

In the original book, he is not only proficient in body transformation, but also strengthened many soldiers of the empire, causing huge troubles for the revolutionary army, and even found the headquarters of the night raid, almost destroying the night raid group.

It can be said that Dr. Fashion is the IQ ceiling of this world.

At this time, Dr. Fashion has just completed an experiment and is appreciating his masterpiece with satisfaction.

But at this moment, 000, he felt a sudden chill coming from behind him.

A strange woman suddenly appeared behind Dr. Fashion.


At this time, Tanya was wearing a combat uniform, but there were two long knives hanging from her waist.

But Fashion has never met Tanya, and does not know her identity.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Fashion asked nervously, because his brain began to spin rapidly.

"How on earth did this woman get into my lab silently? There shouldn't be tight security here!"

"The revolutionary army has been wiped out, where is this guy?!"

Even the most intelligent fashion cannot find the answers to these questions in a short time.

Fashion did not know that the defense facilities of his laboratory had already been found out by spies, and the information was sent to Luo Cheng.

After knowing the structure of the facility, for Tan Ya, the hero of the Allied Forces, this defense seems to be in vain.

At this moment, the two reformers beside Fashion rushed towards Tanya.

They are the products of fashion transformation, with huge arms, and their strength is several times that of ordinary people.

But Tanya didn't rush, crossed her hands, and drew out her double knives.

The blade rubbed against the scabbard, making a chilling sound.

She wielded a pair of knives and easily resisted the attacks of the two remodelers, leaving wounds on each other's bodies.

Now Tanya has inherited Brand's genes, and her physique is close to the human ceiling in this world.

The two reformers staggered and fell to the ground, but their wounds were not fatal, so they immediately stood up and prepared to fight again.

But at this moment, black ones emerged around their wounds, and moved quickly like poisonous snakes, covering their whole bodies, taking their lives in an instant.

But the other reformers didn't dare to act rashly after seeing the scene in front of them.


Fashion was shocked by the scene in front of him, as a scientist of the empire, he naturally knew the reason for this phenomenon.

This is the scene that will appear only after being beheaded by Teigu Murura!

As long as it is a living thing, once it is cut by Murasame, it will be infected with curse poison from the wound and die quickly. There is no way to detoxify it.

A knife will kill, a scratch will kill, there is no medicine to save.

Shishang knew that Murasame belonged to Chi Tong, a member of Night Raider, and after Night Raider was destroyed by Jiu Xia, it was taken for granted by Jiu Xia. Ornest didn't dare to ask Luo Cheng for these Teigu.

This made Fashion guess that Tan Ya should be from Luo Cheng's subordinates.

But what shocked fashion the most was not the uninvited guests in front of it.

It's why Tanya actually has two village rains!

The two knives in Tanya's hands are exactly the same, and (aedc) has just punished the effect of the poison, which shows that both are genuine.

Teigu is unique, and the current technology cannot be copied, even he is powerless.

But why are there two identical Teigu in Tanya's hands?

Could it be that......

Jiuxia has the ability to copy Teigu?!

As fashion conjectures, these two Murasames were made by Luo Cheng using the system. After analyzing the Teigu held by Night Raider, Luo Cheng can mass-produce them, but because of the high cost, he only Choose the most important ones, and allocate your own capable men.

"Are you from the Nine Xia Kingdom?"

Fashion retreated nervously, the opponent's skills surpassed the most elite troops of the empire, he felt that he was doomed,

"Aren't our two countries a cooperative relationship? Why kill me!"

"Doctor Fashion, you misunderstood."

At this moment, Tanya showed a smile on her face,

"I'm not here to kill you, but to sincerely invite you to join our Building Kingdom.

Tan Ya was ordered by Luo Cheng to come to poach fashion corners.


Hearing Tanya's words, Fashion was a little surprised, his eyes almost slipped from his face.

And at this moment, Tanya took out a small box of medicine from her tactical pocket and threw it to Fashion,

"This is a little meeting gift from our Nine Xia Kingdom."

Fashion caught the pill box and opened it dubiously, the pills inside were almost exactly the same as the strengthening pills he had produced.

Shang Shang was startled, because it was a top-secret matter for him to produce strengthening drugs for the assassination troops, and he did not expect that Jiu Xia Guo would know such information.

He couldn't help swallowing, and fed the medicine to another reformed person beside him.

The reformed person immediately received the strengthening effect of the strengthening medicine, and his strength and speed were greatly improved. Compared with the strengthening medicine produced by himself, the effect is better and the duration is longer.

But fashion is most concerned about the side effects after the effect of the drug wears off.

The fortified medicine produced by himself will permanently damage the user's body and make him addicted to the medicine,

Since the strengthening medicine produced by Luo Cheng is more effective than his own, the side effects must be greater.

But after the time of the drug's effects, Fashion was surprised to find that his morphed human didn't have any side effects.

"There are no side effects?!"

Fashion is a little surprised, because no matter how much he tries, he can't see the side effects of the medicine, but Jiuxia Kingdom has done it.

Coupled with the two village rains in Tan Ya's hands, this makes Fashion even more curious about Luo Cheng's Nine Xia Kingdom. .

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