Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 122 Tank's Confidence

Ding! Number 441985! The world experienced is: The first act of the Dragon King Warrior World!

Main mission: Participate in killing the orc chief (completed)

Reward 2000 points and 2 free attribute points.

Optional mission: Destroy Orc siege engines (Completed)

Reward 3,000 points and 3 free attribute points.

Completed title mission: Orc Nemesis (White) Fighting Violence with Violence (White)

As the scene in front of him was fixed on Qin Ming forcibly tearing Ranger Labelle apart, his fifth world mission finally officially came to an end.

But this time, as he went all out and tried every means to obtain benefits, Qin Ming gained a lot.

5 free attribute points is not too high, but not only got two titles, but the most important thing is that I also got 6 ordinary silver keys! This is a bit scary!

Risks indeed coexist with opportunities. Although the enemies in the Dragon King Warrior World are terrifying in strength and huge in number.

But this huge number also represents a massive number of keys.

If it were another world, Qin Ming would have defeated all enemies! Even the main character was killed! I can’t get so many treasures!

Sitting on the bed, looking at the six keys pieced together in front of him, Qin Ming touched his chin and fell into silence.

After struggling for a moment, he did not choose to continue the fusion and directly opened all six keys.

With the continuous flash of light, one prop after another appeared in front of Qin Ming.

Then looking at the large number of props in front of him, Qin Ming was dumbfounded for a moment.

The key to the protagonist, Ranger Labelle, gave him a bow, a dark silver story-quality longbow, a magic bow that can automatically condense energy arrows.

As for the big boss, the Orc Chief, he revealed a very familiar trophy to him, a meteor hammer...

Holding two almost identical meteor hammers, Qin Ming looked confused.

Coupled with the silver armor and helmet that burst out from other treasure chests, he can immediately become the orc chief if he puts them all on!

A bow, two hammers, an ordinary silver armor, a silver helmet, a B-level skill book and a silver orb.

This is all Qin Ming's gain this time.

Needless to say, bows and hammers, Qin Ming's fighting style is not good at using these weapons at all, so they are of no use to him.

To be precise, his fighting style and skills are not suitable for using melee weapons at all. Unarmed fighting is his specialty.

The attributes of armor and helmets are pretty good, but unfortunately, heavy armors and heavy helmets seriously affect your flexibility and vision, and also conflict with your own equipment.

The only things of real value to him were the skill book and the orb.

Name: rough skin and thick flesh

Category: Skill Book (Level B)

Learning requirements: Physical fitness 25

Effect: Immune to all damage no higher than one-tenth of one's own body.

Introduction: The defense is very strong, right? Trade it for IQ!

Name: Frog Orb

Category: Consumables (Dull Silver Quality)

Usage requirements: none

Effect: After activation, up to five enemies can be turned into frogs. As long as the target is not harmed, it can last for up to ten seconds.

Introduction: Kiss five people at once? oh! The princess is very busy now!

Qin Ming has already experienced the effects of the rough-skinned and thick-skinned skills and the Frog Orb, but only as an opponent.

The latter is undoubtedly a life-saving artifact, and can be used to save lives at critical moments.

As for the former………

Looking at the new skill book in his hand, Qin Ming's expression was extremely complicated for a moment.

He was hesitating about one thing, which one would be more effective, this new defensive skill or his original defensive skill, and which one he should use.

Should he replace the original steel frame?

In terms of bonus effects, there is no doubt that the increase in steel and iron bones is greater.

But the problem is that the former is to increase defense! The latter is directly injury-free!

The defense-increasing effect can be restrained by the armor-piercing effect, but the damage-free effect is real! You are the King of Heaven and I am here! How much damage should it offset! How much damage will it still offset!

The noble damage-free attribute is the same as the noble real damage, which is superior to all things.

Should I choose the reinforced iron frame that will be more effective at this stage?

Or should I choose the thick-skinned one that has greater uses and greater potential in the future?


With his eyes flickering, Qin Ming finally made a decision in his heart.

What he finally chose was! He wants both!

Skill book learning! Then the two sides merged! Use rough skin and thick flesh as the main body to strengthen!

With a flash of light! Qin Ming has obtained his second A-level skill!

Name: rough skin and thick flesh

Grade:A grade

Attributes: Immune to all damage no higher than one-fifth of one's own body.

Introduction: The orcs have always believed that muscles are more important than anything else, but this is probably the first time the orcs have seen a guy like this whose brain is also full of muscles.

Completed with skill replacement and enhancement! Qin Ming's defense seems to have changed! But it seems like nothing has changed!

The defense is still the same defense, the only difference is that this defense has become a noble injury-free!

For example, last time the adventurer Feng directly used special skills to ignore his defense and forcefully cause damage. It is no longer possible to happen again.

Either your attack is higher than his defense! Or I can’t help it!

55 points of constitution, in exchange for 11 points of damage immunity. Now, if Qin Ming hits himself, his attack power will be deducted by half on the spot. If he wants to kill himself, he may have to fight for half an hour.

And that's not counting other defenses!

Qin Ming, who has been strengthened, sat on the bed, looking at his new attributes, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

In fact, since he had a fight with the adventurer Feng last time and was forced into danger, he has been worrying about one thing, that is, how to make up for his weaknesses.

The main reason why he couldn't beat the opponent last time was that his speed was too slow.

But the problem is that if he wants to make up for the speed, the basic attribute points he needs to spend are really too many. Where can he get so many basic attribute points?

Moreover, even if he makes up for it, if he meets someone with strong mental power next time, will he also make up for his mental power?

He doesn't know how the adventurer Feng became a hexagonal warrior, and every attribute of his body is not bad.

His strength is not lower than mine, his agility is better than mine, and even his physique and mental strength are not weak, otherwise he would not have been injured like that after getting close to me.

Anyway, it is definitely not an easy thing for me to make up for my attribute shortcomings, and even if I make up for my agility, what about my strength? What about my spirit? These can also be considered shortcomings! Could it be that he made up for them all?

Being led by the nose by others will eventually lead to a dead end, after all, no one can guarantee what kind of enemy you will meet next time.

Therefore, after Qin Ming came back, he chose to strengthen his physique with all his strength, and he went all the way to the end, with only one purpose, that is, he wanted to become the person who led others by the nose in the opposite direction!

You have high agility? I have high attack, thick blood, strong defense!

You attack fiercely? I have high attack, thick blood, strong defense!

You have many skills? I have high attack, thick blood, strong defense!

As long as you can't hit me! Then you'd better not be caught by me! If you are caught once, you will die!

I can make countless mistakes, but you can only make one mistake, this! It is the confidence of being a tank!

He has a sonic knife for long-range attacks, and essence absorption for close-range attacks, and now he has super damage immunity.

Perhaps when facing people who are familiar with his situation, Qin Ming will be more frustrated and often be in a passive situation.

Because no one will choose to fight a monster like him in close combat, unless the other party does not want to live.

But once he faces someone who does not know his situation! Then his ability to kill at first sight! Will definitely make any enemy feel creepy!

At the same level! Being caught by him! It's death!

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