Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 137 Zhao Shen is a difficult person to deal with

On the other side of the long bridge, near Bowangpo, there is a huge camp stationed here.

There are a large number of soldiers inside, more than 20,000, and their equipment is also extremely sophisticated.

The most important thing is that there are actually 3,000 elite cavalry in this army.

When the two sides fought before, Xiahou Dun led this cavalry unit and forcibly penetrated the defense line of the Shu army, and then completely defeated them.

At the entrance of the camp, two teams of soldiers were patrolling.

And they had just walked over, accompanied by the swaying of figures, and two more soldiers actually emerged from the bushes on the side. They were Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo.

At this moment, the two were wearing standard Wei army armor, and it was obvious that they wanted to sneak into the military camp.

In fact, it is not difficult to sneak into the camp. After all, with tens of thousands of people gathered together, there will inevitably be loopholes in the defense line.

With the skills of the two, they can easily get into the camp.

But the problem is that it is easy to get in, but it is not easy for two people with no identity and status to get close to Xiahou Dun and his confidants without being discovered by the other party.

They sneaked into the camp and even lined up to receive a meal.

Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo ran to the side with food and sat down, constantly looking up and scanning the surroundings secretly.

Just as the two looked around, footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance.

A moment later, a group of people came from the side.

This is a standard elite army, with dozens of people, and the leader is so tall and strong! Burly!

He was only wearing simple armor and almost completely naked on his upper body. He was probably two meters tall.

After leading people to the food collection point, he first checked the quality of the food, and then looked at the amount of food each soldier received.

Only after confirming that everything was correct, he nodded and turned away.

The leader of the firemen, who had been tense all the time, finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

After all, it was no wonder that he was so nervous. The last fireman who secretly cut corners and tried to withhold food to make extra money was picked up and beaten to death with three punches by the big man in front of him!

If it is found that there is something wrong, he will probably be the next one to be beaten to death!

On the side, watching the big man and his men walk past him, Qin Ming slightly adjusted the sunglasses on his face, and after quickly seeing the other party's specific data, his pupils shrank.

His target! Found it!

Name: Zhao Shen (Act 2 of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Strength: 35

Constitution: 35

Agility: 10

Spirit: 10

Skills: Zhao's Body Refining Method (B-level) Savage Charge (C-level) Zhao-style Capture and Killing Technique (C-level)

Introduction: One of the five heroes of the Zhao family! Xiahou Dun's trusted general! Responsible for logistics management!

Seeing the target appear, Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo looked at each other, stood up quickly and prepared to follow.

However, they had just taken two steps closer when a Leihuo soldier following Zhao Shen suddenly raised his hammer and pointed it at this side.

"You two are not eating well! Why are you getting up!"

Hearing this scolding, Qin Ming's expression froze, and he hurriedly explained.

"I'm going to the toilet."

"What about him?"

"Go to the toilet with me."

"Huh? You two have to find a companion to go to the toilet?"

Looking at the two of them with strange eyes, Leihuo soldier grinned and quickly put down the hammer, and at the same time took a step back to distance himself from this side.

Zhao Shen, who heard the voice here, stopped and suddenly turned his head to look over here.

After looking up and down, he suddenly said with a stern face.

"Which battalion are you two from?"

Hearing this question, Qin Ming was stunned, and before he could answer, Shuangqiangpo beside him had already raised his hand and clasped his fist with a smile.

"From the Vanguard Battalion, General Zhao."

"What do you do in there?"

"Auxiliary soldiers."

"Do you have an official position? Who is the captain of the team?"

"No official position. The captain of the team is called Li Yi, a centurion under Deputy General Sun. He was ambushed by the enemy while on patrol and has been killed. The two of us are waiting to regroup."

Seeing that the double-gun woman answered fluently without any pause, Zhao Shen nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad, you are quite smart, much smarter than the silly friend next to you. It's a pity to be a soldier. Perform well and strive for promotion."


After speaking, Zhao Shen turned around and left, while Qin Ming, who watched them leave, stood where he was, took a bite of the steamed bun in his hand, and gradually frowned.

What a strong vigilance. He was so probing in front of a soldier. It's not easy for him.

Speaking of which...

Qin Ming, who was chewing a steamed bun vigorously, suddenly looked down at the food in his hand, then turned to look at his companions and asked in confusion.

"Hey, where did the steamed buns come from in the early period of the Three Kingdoms? Didn't this thing appear in the late Han Dynasty? Ancient armies could already afford steamed buns?"

The double-gun woman, who was also chewing a steamed bun and drinking rice porridge, twitched her mouth when she heard this.

"Why are there so many whys? Why are you so serious about a game? Wei Yan is one of the Five Tiger Generals in this broken game! Ma Chao didn't say anything, why do you care so much? Eat your steamed bun!"

Sitting back on the ground, looking at Zhao Shen who had already walked away, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"It's not easy to deal with. Zhao Shen is too cautious. It's hard to catch him alone and take action."

The woman sitting next to him nodded and frowned. It was obvious that she was also very troubled by Zhao Shen's cautious character.

"But there is no need to be so entangled. There are five heroes in the Zhao family. I don't believe that they are all so cautious. There will always be a good way to deal with them."

"Well, that's true... Hey, do you think that in the fourth act of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, those three female assassins are BOSS? Will they let us fight three at a time? Are they pretty?"

Hearing the voice from the side, the woman with two guns gradually stopped chewing the steamed buns.

She looked up stiffly at Qin Ming, and her eyes gradually widened.

"I say, with the enemy at hand, you don't think about how to break the situation, and you still have the time to think about whether the three female assassins are pretty or not?"

"Do these two things conflict?"

"No conflict! The three of them are very beautiful! Very beautiful! Get along well! Try to survive until you see them! Then you can stab them in bed! They can also take the opportunity to stab you with a knife! No one will suffer!"

He stood up suddenly, snatched the steamed bun from Qin Ming's hand, turned around and walked away with a sound of "Pooh" at the double-gun woman next to him.

The only one left was Qin Ming with wide eyes, pinching the only small piece of steamed bun in his hand, and subconsciously stuffed it into his mouth.

"I just ate, and I'm not allowed to think about it? Just tell me what plan you have! I didn't say I won't work! You even snatched a steamed bun! What kind of person are you!"

He finished the porridge in the bowl in one gulp, looked at the empty bowl with an indignant look on his face, and after a second of silence, he suddenly looked up and waved the bowl at the fireman in the distance.

"Hey! Big brother! I'm not full! Can I have another bowl?"

"Get lost!"

"Fuck you! Get lost if you want! You dare to bully me? Just wait, I'll kill you tonight!"

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