Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 143: Pursuit and Counterattack

"Drive! Drive!"

Accompanied by the sound of whips, a group of cavalry was galloping along the official road.

And the person leading the team was none other than Lao Wu, one of the five heroes of the Zhao family! Zhao Chui!

As the youngest of the five brothers, Zhao Chui himself is not very smart, but he is definitely the one who cares about relationships the most among the five brothers.

Although my second brother is indeed a bit of a jerk on weekdays, and his hobbies are also a bit special.

But he was beaten to death and his head was cut off, which still made Zhao Chui furious.

Constantly urging the soldiers to speed up, he separated from his three other brothers and pursued the enemy in all four directions.

After rushing out for a certain distance, he grabbed the riding crop and waved his hand vigorously.

"Everyone spread out! Search them inch by inch! I don't believe how far they can run in such a short time!"

The cavalry captain next to him was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but change his expression slightly after he realized what he said.

"But General Zhao, General Zhao Ming gave an order when he set out, saying that the army was not allowed to disperse..."


"Just leave when I tell you! Where did all this nonsense come from! Leave!"


The cavalry captain, who was whipped before he finished speaking, hurriedly led his men to both sides.

Zhao Chui, who was also accompanied by about a hundred people, turned his head and looked around, then reached out and pointed in the direction of the official road.

"Chase in that direction! They can't run far! Chase!"


The violent sound of horse hooves sounded again. Hundreds of cavalrymen were divided into five small teams and began to search in all directions, constantly exploring every official road or path, really not even missing a corner.

Just as the cavalry was chasing, two figures were running at full speed in front of the road Zhao Chui was searching for.

Qin Ming and Shuangqiang, who killed someone and took advantage of the chaos to run out of the Wei camp, did not stupidly run towards the bridge. After all, that direction was definitely the main enemy's search force.

They chose to go in the opposite direction and retreat in the opposite direction, trying to escape the enemy's pursuit.

It's just that the enemy's reaction was really fast, and they immediately divided their troops into four teams to search in four directions, not sparing any side.

On the road, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po ran as fast as they could, with a bloody package hanging on Qin Ming's waist.

Seeing that running like this was not an option, a two-legged man would never be able to outrun a four-legged war horse, the double gun woman looked gloomy and suddenly stopped.

"You can't run away like this! You will be caught up sooner or later!"

Following Qin Ming, who stopped, he quickly turned back to look at her.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Find a perfect location to hide! It's best if you're not discovered! If you are discovered, take the opportunity to fight back!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two-gun woman was already running along the hills ahead.

Seeing this, Qin Ming hurriedly followed, and on the way up the mountain, he fired a gun to summon Talma, the protagonist of the plot.

When dealing with cavalry charges, Talma occupies a favorable terrain. To be precise, the silver light machine gun in Talma's hand is definitely a killer weapon.

Originally, this gun was not of silver quality, but who asked some guy to continuously upgrade the head!

Facing the continuous fire from silver machine guns, as long as the cavalry dares to charge from the front, they will definitely die!

When I came to the top of the mountain, I quickly found a stone and hid behind it.

Talma, a big man in sunglasses, checked the ammunition with a serious expression. After some inspection, he suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Boss! There are only 163 rounds of machine gun bullets left! 7 grenades! It is no longer enough to fight a blocking battle!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming's face darkened. Just as he was about to speak, the double-gun woman who was hiding next to him and checking the weapons already threw a backpack in this direction without raising his head.

"Supplement it with this!"

Qin Ming, who caught the backpack, raised his hand to open it and found that it was actually a prop, a consumable prop with a very special effect.

Name: Ammunition Supply Pack (Metal Slug World)

Category: Consumables (green quality)

Effect: Can replenish 500 rounds of any type of ordinary ammunition. Ammunition with special effects cannot be replenished.

Introduction: As agents of the government army, they all have a special ability, that is, when captured, they can take out various supplies from their pants, and ammunition supply bags are one of them.

Seeing this familiar supply bag, Talma's eyes lit up and she quickly started picking up bullets from it.

Qin Ming on the side couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

"You are a woman like a treasure chest. There are so many good things."

At this moment, an H-type light machine gun was also taken out from the inventory, but it was just a green-quality double gun. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes, and suddenly took out the flamethrower that he had used to deal with Qin Ming before, and fired it. Throw it to Qin Ming.

"No matter how awesome I am, I can't call the protagonist for help! Take it and prepare to lead the battle! There might be a tough battle to be fought soon!"

Qin Ming quickly raised his hand to take the flamethrower, lowered his head to inspect the silver plot equipment, and grinned after hearing this.

"You can't say that, maybe they won't find us."

"Huh? Do you believe this?"

"To be honest, I don't believe it either."

Qin Ming, who placed the flamethrower on the stone and hid behind, looking at the official road in the distance, had a serious expression at this moment.

The large-scale pursuit by the Wei army is definitely not easy to avoid.

Anyway, Qin Ming didn't believe that he could just find a bush and squat in the grass to get rid of the enemy.

In the real world, this kind of thing may happen, but in an arcade game! This is absolutely impossible! After all, the characters here have skills!

And as a cavalry unit! They don't have any reconnaissance ability! Qin Ming would not believe it even if he was beaten to death!

This is also the main reason why he chose to quickly agree with the decision of the double-gun woman to fight back.

You can't run away, you can't hide, then you can only fight!

As the three hid on the top of the mountain, the surroundings quickly fell into silence.

It was originally a forest at night, and it seemed even more gloomy at this moment.

A moment later, with the sound of fierce horse hooves, hundreds of cavalrymen came whistling from a distance, with a fierce momentum, and the leader was a strong man who was more than two meters tall!

Just running and running, a cavalryman who rushed to the front with a flag behind him suddenly pulled the reins and stopped.

Frowning and looking around, he held a small flag and waved it hard.

"There are no insects and birds! General! The situation here is not... ..."


Before the words were finished, a gunshot was heard.

The scout cavalryman with a blood arrow shot out of his head fell straight off his horse.

The cavalrymen who saw this scene changed their faces, and they all turned their heads to look at the hilltop with flames in the distance.

And there, the double-gun woman who had shot the enemy with her gun also pulled the bolt hard.

"Fuck! You are just a mouthful! There are only more than a hundred of them! Not many! Hyena! Kill them!"

If there were too many cavalry chasing after her, the double-gun woman would never dare to take the initiative to shoot. Instead, she would immediately retreat along the hilltop towards the woods, trying to get rid of the enemy by relying on the woods.

As for whether she would get lost in the woods or something like that? That's something to consider later!

But this time there were only a hundred people chasing after them! That's easy!

The last cavalry team of a hundred people who dared to chase them! I'm afraid their bodies are still soaking in the river!

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