Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 145 The Flesh and Blood Beast

As one of the children of the Zhao family, whenever Zhao Chui goes to the battlefield, he will definitely take the lead and be the first to reach the battlefield.

Relying on his steel and iron bones, he can always lead the team to break out of tight encirclement.

It can be said that in Zhao Chui's eyes, head-on fighting is the Zhao family's home field. No one can beat them in this aspect, not even the legendary Five Tiger Generals.

This was also the main reason why he dared to lead a group of people to hunt him down alone this time, trying to avenge his second brother.

However, after this fight in the fire, Zhao Chui was obviously stunned when faced with Qin Ming, who had gone berserk and was even more powerful than himself in close combat.

Looking at the big man who was not much taller than himself at this moment and running towards him in a menacing manner, Zhao Chui's expression became extremely stiff for a moment.

He had fought head-on with others all his life and never backed down, but now he actually chose to run away!

Covering his ears that were still bleeding, Zhao Chui screamed and ran down the mountain desperately. In a panic, seeing two of his soldiers in front of him, he punched them and forcibly killed them. It flew out!

This Zhao Chui runs with great momentum, like a humanoid tank, and can indeed be called unstoppable.

If he had chosen to run away when they first met, Qin Ming might not be able to catch up with him. After all, Qin Ming's agility wasn't much higher.

However, as Qin Ming bit the opponent, Zhao Chui now had all attributes -5, and Qin Ming had all attributes +5. The attributes between the two had been completely reversed.

At this time, if Zhao Chui wants to run away again, it will not be that easy!

Because in terms of agility alone! He is no longer Qin Ming's opponent!

Amidst the sound of running, Zhao Chui, who was rushing forward desperately, suddenly heard the sound of wind behind him.

Hearing the noise, he hurriedly turned his head, only to see a fierce-looking man chasing him from behind. When he got closer, he walked side by side with him. He raised his hand and slapped him hard!

Zhao Chui's eyes were wide open after being beaten, with a look of disbelief on his face. Before he could recover from the shock, Qin Ming's second slap had already fallen.

While chasing him, Qin Ming hit him hard. He chased Zhao Chui and hit him seven or eight times in a row!

Zhao Chui, who was beaten, quickly recovered and hurriedly waved his hands to try to block and counterattack.

Then the two guys running forward side by side kept fighting and running through the sea of ​​fire, until Qin Ming, who was slapped twice on the face by Zhao Chui, was completely shocked and knocked the opponent to the ground with a flying dive. , and then this farce-like fight stopped.

"How dare you hit me in the face!"

Sitting on Zhao Chui's body, looking at the panic-stricken big man, Qin Ming aimed at his face and launched a series of uppercuts, never leaving the opponent's face.

The flaming fist hit Zhao Chui's face, causing sparks to fly and even completely igniting the opponent's eyebrows and hair.

Just when Qin Ming was pressing Zhao Chui and waving his arms, the soldiers who had been thrown off their horses in the sea of ​​​​fire and were relatively close to here had already hurried over to try to reinforce.

Holding spears, they roared and inserted their spears into Qin Ming's waist and back, trying to penetrate the body of the enemy riding on the general.

However, when the spears were inserted into Qin Ming's body, most of them could not pierce the skin at all. Even if some of them could barely pierce the skin, they could not tear open the flesh and blood underneath.

Instead, it was their sneak attack that caused Qin Ming, who had already gone berserk, to become completely ferocious. He first turned around and grabbed a spear, then dragged him over and stabbed forward with all his strength, instantly piercing the body of an unlucky cavalryman with the handle of the spear. .

After throwing the soldier away with his spear, he grabbed another guy who was chopping off his head with a sword, and pointed it at the face of Zhao Chui underneath him, and started to bump into him.

The sound of banging and banging was endless, and the soldier's helmet kept hitting Zhao Hammer's head. After a few hits, it was severely distorted. Even the soldier's head inside gradually became bloody and mangled.

Zhao Chui, who was hit, also felt uncomfortable. He was already seriously injured, but now he was held down and beaten by Qin Ming. He couldn't bear it. His head was bleeding and he was already bleeding.

Several of Zhao Chui's close associates nearby saw their general in trouble and tried to help him.

One held Qin Ming's chest with a spear, and the other strangled Qin Ming's neck from behind. They worked together and desperately tried to pull Qin Ming away.

It's a pity that what greeted them was not their own general's escape from the predicament, but Qin Ming's ferocious mouth!

He grabbed the soldier next to him by his hair, opened his mouth and bit his throat directly, and with a sudden force, he tore out the guy's throat and tore off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Qin Ming threw away the twitching corpse in his hands, and then swung his fists randomly to fly away the two soldiers on the left and right. Then he reached up with his palms and pinched the neck of the confidant hanging on his back, inserting all five fingers into it. Into the flesh.

Qin Ming grabbed the broken neck bone with force, raised his hand and threw the dead soldier away. Qin Ming immediately dealt with these cronies. He grabbed a stone on the side and pointed it downwards to struggle and resist. Zhao Chui kept attacking his head and started. Another hammer blow.

And listening to the very rhythmic muffled sound, he looked at the general whose struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and the corpses of his companions who fell beside the general and died tragically.

The other soldiers around who were still preparing to rush to save people were so frightened that they stopped in a hurry.

They turned their heads to look at each other with horrified expressions, then looked up at the surrounding woods that had been set on fire, and at the lunatic who looked like a mad dog. After breaking the stone, he began to punch his general in the face with all his strength.

The soldiers who swallowed nervously suddenly turned their heads at the same time and ran down the mountain desperately.

General Zhao Chui is not dead yet, and the remaining cavalry troops under his command have been completely destroyed...

In the woods, the fire is still burning, and the fire is still growing.

Seeing that all the enemies had fled, Talma and Shuangqiang, who finally stopped firing machine guns, quickly ran towards Qin Ming.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was still riding on the enemy, beating the enemy's face with all his strength, and Zhao Chui, whose limbs were limp and drooping, motionless and beyond recognition.

The double-gun woman who came over from the side hugged her machine gun and suddenly spoke cautiously.

"That, hyena."

Hearing the sound, Qin Ming, with red eyes, suddenly turned his head and looked over, his face looking extremely ferocious at this moment.

The double-gun woman was startled by his expression and instinctively took a step back. The scene in the previous world where she was being chased and beaten by this guy seemed to appear before her eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey! One of our own! One of our own, brother! Look clearly! Since you have beaten him to death! Then you can't beat me!"

Hearing Shuangqiangma's nervous tone, Qin Ming, who finally dropped the body and stood up, rolled his eyes at her angrily.

"Why are you talking so nonsense? Why should I hit you when I have nothing to do?"

Seeing that Qin Ming didn't seem to be carried away by anger, the originally nervous Shuangqiangma suddenly relaxed and stretched out her hand to pat her chest.

"Nothing, nothing. Since the enemy has been beaten away, let's quickly pick up the loot and retreat, so as not to have a long night."

After hearing the words of Shuangqiang Po, Qin Ming did not immediately give an answer. Instead, he looked into the distance with his eyebrows furrowed and murmured to himself.

"I'm afraid, it's a bit late..."


The Shuangqiang woman, who didn't quite understand what Qin Ming's words meant, turned and looked into the distance along her line of sight. As a result, her face couldn't help but darken in the next second.

Because in the distance, the violent sound of horse hooves and thick smoke had appeared. The Wei cavalry troops who had originally dispersed to search other places on this road, after noticing the fire and movement here, began to gather here.

The enemy's army! Already coming!

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