Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 147 A big gamble!

"General Guan! Look who I brought back!"

In the temporary secret camp of the Shu Army, Huang Zhong's bold voice rang out, and Huang Zhong took the lead in pushing open the curtain of the camp tent and walked in.

Upon hearing this noise, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan, who were gathering in front of the map to study how to break the situation, turned their heads to look at the entrance at the same time.

The next second, with the sound of footsteps, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po followed closely into the camp.

The moment he saw the two of them, Guan Yu was obviously stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but Wei Yan on the side was also stunned, and when he realized what he was doing, he immediately became furious.

"It's you, kid! How dare you appear in front of this general! You're seeking death!"

Wei Yan was deeply impressed by the leader of the Wei army in front of him who killed his own guard with one shot and chased him alone to try to hit him.

Now, after seeing him appear again, his face turned livid on the spot, and he drew out his straight sword and struck head-on!

But as soon as the broadsword on his side was cut down, a broad-bladed plain knife was already holding it sideways.

Huang Zhong, who helped Qin Ming block the blow, had a serious expression on his face, shook his weapon forcefully, and forced Wei Yan back.

"General Wei Yan! These are the people I brought! It's not good for you to attack directly like this!"


Hearing Huang Zhong's question, Wei Yan's face darkened, and just as he was about to speak, Guan Yu, who was standing next to him, also holding a broadsword, reached out and stroked his beard and spoke coldly.

"These two warriors belong to Guan, General Wei Yan. Guan doesn't know how they offended you, but I wonder if it's for Guan's sake that you don't pursue the issue with them."

Seeing that not only Huang Zhong stood up to help them speak, but also Guan Yu, who had a very high status in the Shu army, stood up to speak out for them.

Wei Yan couldn't say anything more at this moment. He could only raise his hand and hold the weapon and nodded heavily, then gave way with a cold snort.

Guan Yu quickly looked away, squinted his eyes and looked at Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po at the door, and suddenly opened his mouth to ask with an extremely calm expression.

"Two heroes, why are you back? I wonder how the plan has been completed?"

Huang Zhong stood up for Qin Ming and the others because Huang Zhong loved talents and admired their abilities and feats. Moreover, they were brought back by him. He could not let anything happen to them under his nose, either emotionally or rationally. .

As for why Guan Yu helped the two of them stand out? This is not to say that Guan Yu was very optimistic about Qin Ming and the others, so he chose to help.

The relationship between them is not that good yet. The reason why Guan Yu stepped forward to help is mainly because they are Guan Yu's people!

Since they are his people, no one is allowed to move without his permission, even if they do something wrong. Otherwise, wouldn't this be looking down on him, Guan?

To put it bluntly, this guy is defensive and arrogant! If others don't give him face! Then he will naturally not give face to others!

However, if the younger brother really does something wrong, he will definitely punish him.

Isn't that right? The front foot was still helping Qin Ming and the others to clear the siege. After turning around and waiting for the rescue to be completed, Guan Yu asked mercilessly about the military order.

Upon hearing Guan Yu's question, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po looked at each other, and finally Shuangqiang Po took a step forward and opened his mouth to give the answer.

"Return to the customs general! It's half done!"

"Half? Completed means completed, unfinished means not completed. How do you calculate half?"

"That's half! It's just the last step to make it happen!"

"Oh! Just one step away?"

Hearing this, everyone in the room suddenly became interested. Seeing this, Huang Zhong hurriedly stepped forward and took the initiative to tell Qin Ming and others how he met them, and how fiercely Qin Ming and others fought with the Wei cavalry at that time. , described in detail.

After learning that Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po had actually killed two of the difficult guys from the Five Heroes of the Zhao family, even Guan Yu couldn't help but stare slightly and looked at the two of them carefully, with a very expression on his face. Accident.

And when they heard the plan made by Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po, they were going to disguise themselves as members of the Wei army and use the heads of the Zhao brothers to lure Li Dian out of the camp to rescue them, so as to kill and eat them, they kept nodding. , with a look of approval on his face.

Even Wei Yan, who had a grudge against him and had always looked bad, now has a much softened look, and the favorability of Qin Ming and the others towards Qin Ming and the others has increased steadily, and finally reached around 200 points.

"In other words, you plan to go deep into the tiger's den and use human heads to lure Li Dian out of the camp?"

"That's right!"

"This plan is a bit risky."

"Seeking wealth amidst danger! Risks always coexist with opportunities!"

"Well! As expected of Guan's soldier! He indeed has a lot of arrogance! Very good!"

Nodding vigorously, Guan Yu looked at the two of them with more and more satisfaction.

After turning around to discuss with the other people for a moment, he raised his head and spoke solemnly.

"Very good! Hyena! Two-gun woman! You two are brave and resourceful! And you have made great achievements! Now I will appoint you as captains! After the mission is completed! Guan will also report your achievements to your brother! There will also be a heavy reward !”

"Thank you General!"

"Hey, don't thank me in a hurry. Guan hasn't finished speaking yet. Since you two are willing to risk your lives, we are naturally willing to cooperate. However, it is inappropriate for you two to go to Li Dian's camp alone. You are always cautious in everything you do. If you see him too easily, it will arouse his suspicion. Since you want to lure the snake out of the hole, let us help you put on a big show!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Guan Yu suddenly turned his head and looked at the deputy general outside the door.

"Zhou Cang!"


"Call two hundred... No! Call all the troops! You will lead the team to hunt down the two of them later! Remember! The acting must be real! But be sure not to hurt the two heroes! Guan allows you to lead Fight with Li Dian's men! It's okay to lose some troops! Wait until the opponent's army is dispatched before retreating!"

"As you command!"

After receiving the order, Zhou Cang clasped his fists and nodded. Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, rolled his eyes and suddenly took a step forward.

"General Guan."

"Huh? What else do you want, warrior?"

"The general feels that there is something wrong with your plan!"


Upon hearing these two words, Guan Yu's eyes instantly narrowed, and his expression became very serious for a moment.

Dare to question his decision so directly to his face, which is really rare among the Shu army.

Even the other Five Tiger Generals would not dare to veto his plan so easily, at least not so straightforwardly.

He reached out to stroke his beard and stared at Qin Ming silently. Guan Yu's voice was very calm, and there was no hint of happiness or anger.

"Then tell me, what's wrong? I agreed that I will reward you, general."

At this point, Guan Yu's voice suddenly stopped.

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was expressed very clearly.

There will be a reward if the deal is agreed, which means that if the deal is not done well, or if Guan Yu is dissatisfied, there will be a penalty!

Qin Ming, who also heard the meaning of this sentence, raised his head and gently clasped his fists.

"General, the show is fake after all, and those who are interested can always see the flaws, so I would like to ask General Huang Zhong to personally hunt me down!"


Huang Zhong looked stunned when he heard this, and quickly pointed at his nose.

Qin Ming nodded vigorously when he saw this.

"That's right! General Huang! I want you to shoot me at the last moment! Shoot at my vitals! The kind that hurts me hard but doesn't take my life!"

"What?! This!"

"Only when the fake act is done can it be possible to deceive Li Dian, right?"

After the words fell, there was silence in the camp.

Huang Zhong, whose eyes were fixed on Qin Ming, was very sharp at this moment.

"Are you serious? Are you kidding?"

"A gentleman's word!"

"... If you do this, if your plan goes slightly wrong, or if my arrow misses the mark, you will really be dead!"

"Oh, if the plan we proposed fails, we can't blame others. As for whether the old general's arrow will miss this point? In this era of heroes, I only admire two people who are masters of archery. One is the Galaxy Archer Cao Sex! You are the only one! If even your arrows can miss, then I can only blame the general for this calamity, and God will kill me."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, the corners of Huang Zhong's mouth on the opposite side gradually turned up, and a bright smile quickly appeared on his face.

Raising the bow in his hand, Huang Zhong nodded vigorously towards Qin Ming.

"Okay! Little brother, since you trust me so much! Then I will perform a show with you! If this arrow misses by an inch! I will give you my life back!"

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