Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 157 Father's sperm and mother's blood! Can't be discarded!


With a crisp sound, Xiahou Dun, who had forcibly torn off his armor, stood in the water wearing his lining, looking up fiercely.

On the opposite side, as the skill was activated, Qin Ming, whose body had exploded to two meters away, also stretched his muscles and bones, and turned his head fiercely.

The two stood in the water and looked at each other silently, their eyes became more and more ferocious. After a few seconds, they suddenly roared at the same time and swam towards each other frantically. After getting close, they flew and fought directly in the water!

No one used skills! No one took weapons! The two guys just punched each other frantically! A most barbaric and primitive fight in the water!

Not using skills is not because the two of them are martial arts, but mainly because they can't use their skills in this water battle.

Qin Ming's unknown fire ability is needless to say. If you use fire in the water, it's a ghost!

And what about Xiahou Dun? The strongest ability of this general is actually fire! Similar to Qin Ming!

After falling into the water, not only will Qin Ming's combat power be greatly reduced, but his combat power will also be half destroyed!

Name: Xiahou Dun (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 Act 2)

Strength 50 (45)

Constitution 50 (45)

Agility 25 (20)

Spirit 40 (35)

Skills: Fire Breathing Technique (B-level) Thunder and Fire Four-in-a-row Explosion (B-level) Fiery Hammer Fall (B-level)

Introduction: Cao Cao's favorite general! He is also his best cousin! As the saying goes, Xiahou Dun! Xiahou Dun! Xiahou Dun will be defeated by Cao Cao! He has been losing battles all his life! But he has also been on the road to promotion!

In the water, two figures are entangled together. You pull your hair and punch wildly, and he pulls his collar and keeps swinging his elbow.

In just a blink of an eye, the two have been beaten to a bloody mess, and blood is splashing from their mouths and noses, and soon the surrounding river water is dyed red.

In terms of strength, even if 5 points of attributes have been deducted, Xiahou Dun's brute force is definitely better than Qin Ming's!

Therefore, in this close-range fight, it can be said that he has been suppressing Qin Ming.

But the problem is that Qin Ming may not be able to beat him, but he can definitely withstand more than him!

The fist that hit Qin Ming's face with great effort, the damage is -12-12-12 as soon as it meets, and it will continue to be deducted by the defense attribute after being deducted. In the end, it is already good to be able to hit half of the effect.

On the other hand, Qin Ming's strength is indeed not as good as Xiahou Dun's, but the problem is that Xiahou Dun is now without armor! It's just a real sandbag!

Every punch he makes can deal the purest damage! The kind without any deduction!

This caused the two guys in the water to fight evenly for a while, and no one could get the upper hand.

Until Xiahou Dun forcibly pinched Qin Ming's neck, lifted him up from the water savagely, and opened his mouth to spray hard.


Fire gushed out of his mouth! Instantly covered Qin Ming's entire upper body! Turned Qin Ming into a fireman on the spot!

B-level skill! Fire-breathing technique!

This spray was extremely lethal, and Qin Ming screamed miserably.

Then, before Xiahou Dun could show his joy, he saw the enemy in front of him screaming, suddenly opening his bloody mouth, and suddenly biting his neck...

A-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

The shrill cry sounded again, but this time it was no longer Qin Ming who was screaming, but Xiahou Dun.

Looking at the enemy who was madly absorbing his blood and recovering from the burns on his body while absorbing, Xiahou Dun struggled desperately with a sharp pain in his neck, stretched out his hand to pull Qin Ming's hair, and hammered his head like crazy.

But no matter how he hammered, Qin Ming was unwilling to let go, still biting him tightly, and continued to consume mental power to activate the skill.

Every second the essence absorption skill is activated! It consumes 1 point of mental power!

With Qin Ming's current spiritual attributes, if he wants, he can even activate it for a full 20 seconds!

During this period, if you can't pull him away and can't hit him, then you will find that he is simply unkillable!

The damage suffered in the previous second! Will be completely recovered by sucking your blood in the next second!

This is the situation at the moment. In just four seconds, Qin Ming's previous severe burns have been fully recovered, and he still has no intention of letting go.

Fortunately, his move can only suck blood, and the actual damage caused is not too high. If the damage of this move is a little higher, I am afraid that the enemy can be sucked to death.

Xiahou Dun pulled Qin Ming's head hard, but found that he couldn't pull him away. He finally pulled him away once, but as a result, a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off his neck, and this guy bit him again when he turned around.

Xiahou Dun, who was completely irritated by this dog-skin plaster, suddenly roared and stretched out his hand to dig Qin Ming's eyes, and used all his strength to stick his fingers into Qin Ming's left eye!

With a puff, blood flowed out of the eye socket.

The sudden pain in the eye made Qin Ming scream, and finally let go of his mouth.

Covering his left eye that was bleeding, Qin Ming quickly distanced himself from Xiahou Dun, his face was extremely hideous.

Xiahou Dun covered his bloody neck, and his expression was also extremely fierce at this moment.

The two guys were one meter apart and stared at each other again.

Putting down his hand, he looked at Qin Ming with blood on his hand, and suddenly lowered his head and sneered.

Then he stretched out his hand to grab the left eyeball that had been damaged and brought out, forcibly pulled it off, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Father's sperm and mother's blood! Can't be abandoned!"

Looking at Qin Ming who swallowed his eyes with a gulp, Xiahou Dun on the opposite side was stunned at first, then his one eye widened on the spot, his face full of shock.

"This is my line!"

With a roar, the two burly men collided in the water again, and Xiahou Dun, who rushed up, opened his mouth and sprayed a fire.

Without waiting for the flames in front to dissipate, a figure suddenly broke out of the fire.

Qin Ming, who was killing fiercely, raised his right hand high at this moment, and the fierce airflow above was spinning at high speed.

"Fuck! Take my eight-point light wheel!"

With a roar, Qin Ming used the charged sonic hand knife, but did not choose to shoot it out. He just held the sonic hand knife and gave Xiahou Dun a close-range cut!

The high-speed rotating airflow followed Qin Ming's arm and slashed Xiahou Dun's neck fiercely! In an instant, blood was rolled up!

And before the power of the first sonic hand knife was exhausted, Qin Ming, who had raised his other hand, had already chopped out the second knife!

The airflow on both hands condensed! Qin Ming, standing in the water, kept waving his hands! He madly chopped the hand knife on Xiahou Dun on the opposite side!

He didn't know whether the founder of the sonic hand knife, the broom-headed soldier Gu Lie, had developed a close combat sonic hand knife.

It is possible that he never had it, or it is possible that he had it, but found that it was too dangerous to use it in close combat, and it was too costly, so he gave up.

Anyway, after some research, Qin Ming developed a set of his own sonic hand knife usage!

No one has stipulated the long-range wave skill! It must be used for long-range shooting!

The pistol hits people hard from a distance! It can still kill people when it is close to the face! And the speed is even faster!

The same is true for the sonic hand knife!

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