Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 164: Big Drunkard, Kasamoto Eri

Name: Kasamoto Miles (Metal Slug World)

Strength 20

Physique 20

Agility 40

Spirit 20

Skills: Bomb Girl of Memphis (level A, you can get explosive supplies after activation, choose one among C4 bombs, incendiary bombs, and tracking explosive bombs, cooling time is 24 hours) Firearms Mastery (level B) Combat Mastery (B class)


H-type light machine gun (normal silver quality, 1000 rounds of ammunition)

Miles Kasamoto's reinforced grenade bag (bright silver quality, 48 rounds)

Large caliber revolver (dull silver quality, 1000 rounds of ammunition)

Tactical Hand Ax (Dull Silver Quality)

Vodka Satchel (Blue Quality)

Introduction: The Bomb Girl of Memphis, as her name suggests, is an expert in explosive technology, almost razing everything in her path.

With the sound of gunshots, a tall girl wearing a military uniform quickly appeared in front of Qin Ming.

With an ammunition bag on her back, a wooden-handled grenade hanging around her waist, and a light machine gun in her hand, she bowed as soon as she appeared.

"Second Sergeant of the Sparrow Squad! Miles Kasamoto! I've seen the general! What do you need me to blow up?"

Looking at the heroic woman who was nearly 1.7 meters tall in front of him, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction.

He had to admit that as a big man, it felt much better to have a beautiful woman by his side than to have a big man.

Especially when he almost lost his life in the last world and was poked by a humanoid brown bear!

Speaking of which, does she have a favorable opinion of this summoned object?

Qin Ming, who walked around and looked at Kasamoto Miles, found that she was very obedient to his command, and his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch.

First, he took a wary look at the large number of grenades on the opponent's waist. Qin Ming, who had been exposed by Xiahou Dun's self-destruction, was troubled for a long time.

In the end, he felt that he still couldn't live up to the good intentions of his good friends, so he chose to commit the crime and turned off the lights... Since the arrests have been strict recently, I have omitted 10,000 words from this number. Please make up your mind... …

A month passed in the blink of an eye. As early morning came, the alarm rang. Qin Ming, who was lying on the bed, reached out and grabbed the alarm and threw it away with force.

He looked up at his watch and found that the time was up. He couldn't help but rub his forehead with a headache.

He lived a very comfortable life during this period, and drank almost every day. This was not because he wanted to drink, but mainly because he had to drink.

He just couldn't understand why a soldier, an agent, an elite who was good at investigation and espionage breakthrough operations, had drinking as his hobby? And it’s still highly vodka!

The newly acquired summon, Miles Kasamoto, has to drink before doing almost anything.

He drinks when he is relaxed, he drinks when he is nervous, and he drinks when he is working to have fun. He is absolutely a big drinker.

As a result, there are wine bottles everywhere on the floor in the room now, and there is almost nowhere to stay.

Seeing that the time was almost up and a new mission was about to begin, Qin Ming reached out and patted Kasamoto Miles on his body.

And Miles Kasamoto sat up rubbing his face. He didn't care that he was not wearing anything. The first thing he did in his daze was to grab the wine bottle next to him and take a swig of wine.

Then, while drinking, she turned her head and glanced at Qin Ming underneath her. Her eyes suddenly widened, and the wine in her mouth spurted out again on the spot, directly hitting Qin Ming's face.

"Fuck you! Who are you! Why are you on my bed now!"

Qin Ming, who had closed his eyes in advance, frowned and slowly opened his eyes when he heard this, and at the same time reached out and wiped his face.

"Sister! It's been a month! Haven't you adapted yet? Can you stop spraying me every day when you wake up!"

"Huh? Hahahahaha, sorry, I still don't feel comfortable with a man appearing in my bed."

Kasamoto Miles, who had woken up at this moment, smiled awkwardly when he heard this, and after a second of silence, he suddenly raised his head and said.

"Actually, I have restrained myself very much! At least I didn't pull out a gun!"

"That's because I took the gun away in advance!"

"Oh, it's okay! I will get used to it one day! By the way, what did you just say?"

"Get up and work! Time's up! Let's... I'm not talking about this job!"

"Tsk! If you don't explain it clearly, you're wasting my feelings."

Miles Kasamoto, who had already reached out to tuck his hair and adjust his sitting posture, rolled his eyes when he heard this, stood up and got out of bed, and began to put on his equipment.

Machine guns are OK, grenades are OK, military axes are OK, and the most important thing is! My favorite Ford backpack is also OK!

Miles Kasamoto, who quickly put on his equipment, transformed from a lazy drunkard into a warrior in the army, and even raised his hand to Qin Ming to salute a military salute.

"Second Sergeant Miles Kasamoto! Always at your service, General. Also, General, your red bellyband is as sexy as ever."

On the side, Qin Ming, who had also put on his equipment and was putting on his coat, his face fell instantly when he heard this.

"When I find suitable new equipment, this bellyband will be yours."

"Huh? I can't get used to wearing this! I think it's fine for you to wear..."

"This is an order!"


Looking at Miles Kasamoto who raised her hand to salute again, Qin Ming looked at her, and for a moment it was hard to tell which one of them was the stinker.

This woman is acting like a hooligan! How can you play more skillfully than him?

With everything ready, Qin Ming, who had nearly 10,000 points just in case, stood silently in the room with a lot of consumable props and began to wait.

As the pointer reached twelve o'clock, with a ding, he and Kasamoto Eri disappeared in the room in an instant.

At the same time, in another room, the adventurer Feng, who was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Now! Eye! Chase!"

Hearing the captain's words, the blindfolded girl named Eye pulled the corner of her mouth, muttering to herself while activating the props in her hand.

"Chase, chase, chase, chase, all day long, you only know how to chase, you are not afraid of giving away heads if you chase in, you don't have any idea in your heart..."

Behind the blindfolded girl who was muttering, in another corner of the room, a man was standing against the wall with his hands folded on his chest.

He was the adventurer Feng's brother, a new teammate he found for his younger brother, a master among low-level adventurers, codenamed Anger.

Originally, he disagreed with using props to hunt down others. After all, he had no grudge against them. What if he was affected by his growth when he hunted down others?

But the adventurer Feng didn't have much else but a lot of money.

He instantly convinced Nu with 20,000 points.

Gently moving his shoulders and looking at the props that were gradually opening in front of him, Nu suddenly turned his head and glanced at Feng next to him.

"Remember, you promised to kill the target! I'll give you another 20,000!"

Feng nodded slightly with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, the money won't hurt you. I just want him to die. By the way, he helped people through the promotion task in the last world. It's very likely that he already has teammates. Maybe he has made some friends recently. Remember to be careful when you do it."

"Ah? Teammates? Didn't you mention this before? Actually, I don't care if you kill one or two, as long as you pay me, so you have to pay more! Give me another 20,000! I'll help you chop off his teammates too!"

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