Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 170 Final Hidden Mission

Qin Ming stared at the other party with wide eyes. Because the distance was too far, he could not use sunglasses to see the specific attributes of the other party. He was stunned at this moment.

After all, this was the first time he met the final big boss.

He had only seen the second-act boss at most!

Hearing Captain Hook's question, the Lost Boys who quickly raised their weapons and confronted this side quickly made way and exposed Qin Ming.

"Humph! Peter Pan is here! He is Peter Pan! The hero who once defeated you!"

After these words came out, Captain Hook, who had a calm expression on the ship, had his eyes widened on the spot.

He looked at Qin Ming in disbelief and looked him up and down carefully.

Captain Hook, who was more and more confused, finally couldn't help but ask out loud.

"Are you Peter Pan?"

Qin Ming's face fell and his face was expressionless.

"Yes, I am Peter Pan."

Captain Hook, who got a positive answer, threw away his weapon in a hurry, took out a photo from his arms, and compared it with Qin Ming's face.

Looking at the two guys who looked completely different, his expression was even more confused.

"Are you really Peter Pan?"

"Yes, I am really Peter Pan."

"Then why do you look completely different? Why don't I recognize you at all? Are you really the Peter Pan who defeated me? Can you fly?"

"I... I fucking said I'm not Peter Pan! Why does everyone who sees me ask me if I can fly first! Is flying really that important!"

Qin Ming, who couldn't change his title during the mission, couldn't fly now.

He grabbed the elf Tinker Bell who was trying to secretly cast a half-baked flying magic on him and forcibly interrupted her little action. Qin Ming's face was dark at the moment.

"I said I'm not Peter Pan! But they insisted that I was Peter Pan! That's not me at all! I never fought with you!"

Qin Ming didn't want to try to see if he could beat the final big boss, and he didn't want to make enemies with the other party for no reason.

He just wanted to find the three enemies who followed him in, and then get rid of them and put an end to it.

As for the identity of Peter Pan, and the grudge between Peter Pan and Captain Hook? Whoever wants to inherit it can inherit it!

Listening to Qin Ming's roar on the shore, Captain Hook, who was originally stunned, gradually frowned, and the surprised expression on his face gradually disappeared.

After taking a deep look at Qin Ming, he suddenly spoke again with a stern face.

"In other words, you are the new Peter Pan, right?"

Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he said this.

Others may not understand the meaning of the other party's words, but how could Qin Ming not understand it?

Looking up and staring at Captain Hook, his eyes gradually became hesitant.

The new Peter Pan? It seems that the other party knows that Peter Pan can be replaced...

One person stood on the boat, and the other stood on the shore. The two looked at each other silently and were silent for several seconds.

In the end, Captain Hook sneered first and threw away the photo in his hand.

"Peter Pan, I don't care which Peter Pan you are. Since your name is Peter Pan, then the grudge between us is settled! Wait! I will settle this grudge!"

Raising his hand and waving, he quickly commanded the warship to retreat.

Captain Hook, who had just led people to the real world to rob a bunch of things, had consumed too much ammunition. He did not choose to lead people to fight directly, but prepared to return to his port to rest first.

After everything is ready, it will not be too late to decide the outcome with the enemy.

As Captain Hook turned around with a stern face and walked into the captain's room, the robbers around him also scattered.


At the bow, with the sound of footsteps, three figures appeared there, looking down at Qin Ming at this moment.

And these three people are the adventurer Feng and his friends!

Staring at Qin Ming in the distance with a gloomy face, Adventurer Feng said nothing.

Standing next to him was the blindfolded female companion, and another male companion who had just become a companion not long ago and was sitting on the railing at this moment.

None of the three spoke, but their appearance immediately caught Qin Ming's attention.

Looking at the old acquaintance on the boat who was going away with the ship, Qin Ming was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help but sneered.

He thought someone was chasing him, and it turned out to be this old friend. He didn't die? Did he use some special props to save his life?

Looking up and looking at the three people, Qin Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and gently scratched his neck, grinning and showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Even a dying life can be saved! The team members are really rich!

But he wants to see! How many times can the opponent's props protect his life!

With the sound of the whistle, the huge pirate ship gradually went away, and Qin Ming, who had retracted his gaze, quickly turned his head and looked at the Lost Boys behind him.

"Get ready for battle! Don't give them time to rest! Go straight!"


Hearing that there was another fight to fight, the Lost Boys around them quickly became energetic, holding their weapons and cheering loudly.

Looking at them shouting and yelling, Qin Ming was more and more certain of one thing.

That is, this is not a bullshit fairy tale at all!

What Peter Pan and his brave companions! This is clearly a pirate leader and a group of little pirates!

This group of people slashing people with knives! The Lost Boys who get extremely excited when they hear about fighting! How can this be related to the word fairy tale!

Qin Ming would choose to confront Captain Hook for many reasons, one of which is that the three enemies are right next to him, and he has to find a way to lure them out and kill them.

As for the other reason...

Ding Dong! Warning! Because of your special identity! You have triggered the final hidden mission of this world: Captain Hook's grudge!

The final big boss will appear in advance! The world difficulty of this mission has been increased to: B level!

Final hidden mission: Captain Hook's grudge

Task requirements: Kill Captain Hook

Task completion reward: 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points, clearance treasure box X1

Task failure penalty: None

Leading people to another pirate camp, Qin Ming, who was walking in front, looked very strange at the moment.

The final big boss actually entered the scene in advance because of his identity! And also triggered the final hidden mission!

This situation was unexpected for him, and he had never encountered it before.

And this time the mission completion reward is very scary, and there is actually a clearance treasure box?

Qin Ming didn't know what would be in the box, but he knew that even if he only looked at the 10 free attribute points, he would definitely complete this task.

It's not like he had never been through a world with a mere B-level difficulty!

This final BOSS, Captain Hook, came in person, and the world difficulty rating was only B-level, so it seemed that his attributes were average.

Since he had met him, this time! He would kill both the person and the BOSS! Let's settle all the grudges together!

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