Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 195 Corporal Shuke (All the best)


A huge explosion sounded, and the bunker was shattered on the spot, and several soldiers were lifted into the sky.

A regular army captain, whose helmet was constantly hit by rubble, was holding a submachine gun and firing continuously outside, trying to suppress the enemy rushing from the front.

When he ran out of bullets and hid behind the bunker to change bullets, he did not forget to reach out and wipe the dust off his face, and shouted to the side.

"Communicator! Where are the reinforcements! When will the reinforcements arrive! We can't hold on any longer!"

Hearing the shouting here, the communicator, who was hiding nearby with a telegraph on his back and a headset on his ear, hurriedly raised his head and gave a loud reply while pressing the headset.

"Captain! Come on, let us hold on! There's only one soldier left!"

"Fuck him! Why doesn't he die first! Where's the commander? Where's the commander! Give me some instructions!"

"Captain! The commander has already run away with his men!"

Hearing the soldier's words, the captain, whose face was covered with dirt, felt hopeless for a moment, not knowing that his support troops had been completely abandoned.

Looking at the brothers hiding behind the bunkers on both sides, still desperately firing at each other, and struggling to hold on, he looked up at the enemy troops on the opposite side who were almost approaching and completely pressing on.

He suddenly roared, picked up a submachine gun and stood up from behind the bunker, and started to shoot wildly regardless of anything.

The rebel soldiers on the opposite side did not expect him to be so crazy, and several people were swept down on the spot without warning.

However, they reacted immediately and quickly launched concentrated fire on this side.

In the flickering fire, the captain, who was shot in the chest on the spot, fell straight down with a blood arrow behind his back.

This frightened the messenger and other soldiers, and they hurriedly crawled over here.

"Captain! Captain, how are you! Captain! Medical soldier! Where is the medical soldier! Come here quickly!"

"The medical soldier was taken away by the officer!"

"What about the supplies?!"

"He was also taken away!"


With the roar, the last officer fell down, and the front line was completely in chaos.

At this time, the rebels who had found the opportunity on the opposite side finally rushed up at this moment.

With rifles in their hands and bayonets hanging above them, they roared and launched a collective charge, trying to force the enemy into hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing this scene, the remaining regular army soldiers turned pale, and they also drew out the bayonets at their waists, roared and rushed out of the bunker, ready to make a last-ditch effort.

But before they rushed out, a harsh roar suddenly rang out from the woods next to them.

Several flames connected together, and they madly swept through the rebel army, knocking them to the ground.

As the grass and trees fell, a regular army light tank was the first to rush out of the woods. The guy sitting in the shooting position was holding a machine gun and firing wildly at the front.

Behind him, a large number of regular army soldiers raised their weapons and followed the tanks to rush out.

Holding rifles and submachine guns, they ran desperately, firing as they ran.

When they were strafed by the rebel machine guns, a lot of sparks actually shot out of their bodies! Although they were constantly staggering! But they had no intention of stopping!

The whoosh of the flames lit up, and rocket launchers began to fire one after another.

These were just used to deal with light tanks, and even light rocket launchers used to deal with personnel carriers. They kept bombarding the rebel positions, and they actually blew trees and boulders to pieces! They even forcibly destroyed several heavy tanks!

Looking at the H-type heavy tank of the rebel army, the upper half of it was blown up by a cannon. The team that had just been suppressing their side was defeated in an instant.

The regular army troops hiding behind the bunker were stunned for a moment.

Before they could react from the shock, the support troops had already rushed into their trenches.

A small team leader who rushed over with a rocket launcher on his shoulder shouted as soon as he jumped in.

"Who is the leader! Come out and speak!"

Hearing this roar, the remaining regular army soldiers finally woke up from their dreams. One of them quickly raised his hand and immediately attracted the attention of the captain.

"Are you the leader of this unit?"

"No! He is! Our captain is dying! He!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Let him eat this thing! The other wounded soldiers too! Then inform him! This unit has been temporarily incorporated by us! Let him gather everyone immediately! Go to see our commander!"

Without giving the soldiers a chance to finish their words, the captain threw the backpack on his back to the ground, then rushed out again with a rocket launcher.

Not only him, but also the ten soldiers he brought with him.

In the blink of an eye, the team disappeared in the trench, leaving only the remaining soldiers staring at the backpack on the ground and the large amount of green supplies scattered from the backpack...

The raid ended quickly, and the rebel troops that were quickly defeated fled the battlefield.

As the smoke stopped, the captain of the remnant who was forcibly rescued by supplies immediately assembled with the remaining brothers and walked over with weapons.

Looking at the elite troops cleaning up the battlefield all around, and then looking at the regular army soldiers in front who were either loading the spoils onto trucks, or holding cigarettes and carrying guns on guard around, they couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

On the opposite side, looking at the hundreds of soldiers approaching, a man wearing an officer's helmet and an officer's uniform suddenly spoke with an expressionless face while carrying a light machine gun.

"Are you all the soldiers who survived? Just a few of them?"

The captain tensed up after hearing this, and quickly led the soldiers to raise their hands in a military salute.

"Corporal Shuke! I've seen you, sir! Me!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not the commander, the boss is at the back!"

As he spoke, Deputy Commander Beta had already moved aside, exposing Qin Ming behind him.

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the tank, wearing an officer's helmet crookedly, his military uniform wide open, and a cigarette in his mouth, was frowning and looking at the military map in his hand.

After some progress, the good news is that after more than ten consecutive fierce battles with the enemy, he successfully gathered several remnants of his troops. Now his number has expanded from fifty to more than three hundred!

But then he also encountered bad news, that is, he was lost.

He was not very good at understanding military maps and couldn't find his location at all.

Hearing the sound of footsteps ahead, Qin Ming quickly put down the map with a cigarette in his mouth, raised his hand to press the sunglasses on his face, frowned and looked at the soldiers approaching in front of him.

"Huh? You are the remaining soldiers of this army? What's your name, leader?"

Looking at Qin Ming, his helmet was crooked and his military uniform was open, he was sitting in the most conspicuous position, looking like an unserious soldier.

Corporal Shuke came over and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

Unexpectedly, for such an elite unit, the commander was actually an ignorant person. He quickly raised his hand and saluted with a straight face.

"Corporal Shuke! I've seen you, sir!"

"Shuke? What? You can fly a plane?"

"Well, I've learned it before, but I'm not very proficient."

"Oh, if you have time, then study hard. I am optimistic about you. From now on, your troops will be officially merged under my command. You will continue to be your team commander, Beta! Give them a new military uniform. with weapons!"


"By the way, boy, can you read a map? Where are we now?"

As he spoke, Qin Ming raised his hand and handed over the map in his hand.

Seeing that Qin Ming couldn't even read a map, Shuke's expression became even more bitter.

After taking the map, he was about to describe his current location, but he never thought that the adjutant Beta, who had just led people out to get weapons and uniforms, suddenly came back.

Approaching Qin Ming, he lowered his voice and spoke in a low voice.

"Commander, several people ran out of the woods, claiming to be the commander of this unit. The leader is a second lieutenant and asked to see you."

Hearing this, Qin Ming, who was holding a cigarette, couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Corporal Shuke below.

And after hearing these words, Shuke, who looked not very good at the moment, gritted his teeth and nodded immediately.

"Yes, he is indeed our commander, and the people he brings should be adjutants and medical soldiers, but he..."

"Tsk, okay, I get it. Who he is has nothing to do with me. Beta, follow the old rules and the medic will stay."


Adjutant Beta, who raised his hand in salute, turned and left on the spot.

A moment later, when Corporal Shuke, who was holding the map, turned his head in shock, several gunshots were suddenly heard in the distance...

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