Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 21: Life and Death Contest

Looking at the minions coming out of the bushes, Rambo's face was very gloomy at the moment, and his hands holding the rope creaked.

"It's you two guys who ruined my good thing?"

Hearing the low voice here, the two minions on the opposite side looked at each other, and the next second they chose to fire without hesitation.

After two shots, the two men raised their rifles and rushed up, swinging them like hammers.

Because the distance was too close, their two shots did not miss, but the bullets hit Rambo, but only made his body tremble, without even staggering.

Looking down at the bullet embedded in his flesh and blood, Rambo took a deep breath, and suddenly roared with a ferocious expression, and completely broke out.

Raising his hand, the meteor hammer flew, and the stone as big as a human head hit the chest of a minion rushing in front with a whoosh.

With a loud bang, the minion was hit and flew backwards on the spot. He flew several meters away before hitting a tree with a bang and died on the spot.

After killing one person with a hammer, seeing that another guy had already rushed in front of him, Rambo roared and punched.

His muscular arm hit the rifle that came at him, and with a crisp sound, the rifle broke.

Before the minion who saw this scene screamed, the fist that did not slow down had already hit his face, hitting the unlucky guy in the air and spinning around on the spot, and falling heavily to the ground.

Before the minion with a severely twisted jaw struggled to get up, a black shadow had already appeared in front of him.

Rambo, the bully in the army with a ferocious expression, stepped on the minion's chest, then raised his meteor hammer, held the stone tightly in both hands, and smashed it on the minion's head crazily, one after another.

"Fuck you!"


"Dare to ruin my good deeds!"


"I'll let you ruin my good deeds!"


"Bad! Bad! Bad!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of bone cracking rang out, and the minions' heads were completely smashed and turned into a ball of mud.

But even so, Rambo still had no intention of giving up. He was not a good person to begin with. After being injected with dinosaur genes, his personality became extremely violent.

Now that his plan was ruined by two stinky fish, how could he not be crazy.

Just when Rambo raised the meteor hammer and hit the enemy's body frantically, blood splattered.

In the bushes next to him, a man with a lot of weeds tied to his body as a disguise had quietly stood up at this moment.

With the help of the muffled sound as a cover, he approached Rambo's back, and the revolver in his hand, which had already been loaded, was directly against the back of Rambo's head...


With a loud bang, Rambo, who was screaming wildly, was blasted away.

Before he could struggle to get up from the twitching fall, Qin Ming had already raised his gun with a stern face, aimed at him and fired five more shots in a row!

Qin Ming stopped shooting only after he had used up all his bullets.

Looking at the enemy with a big hole in his head and blood all over his body, he fell in the bushes and completely lost his movement.

Qin Ming did not choose to approach immediately, but took a step back to distance himself, frowned and continued to reload his pistol, preparing to reload another round just in case.

But just when he had just finished reloading the bullets and had no time to raise his hand to reload the gun, a sharp wind sound suddenly sounded.

A meteor hammer came like lightning, hitting Qin Ming's chest and blasting him away!

Qin Ming, who was hit by a hammer and his eyes were black, couldn't help but groan, and at this moment, heavy footsteps came from the front, accompanied by crazy roars.

Rambo, whose half of his head was blasted through, was not dead yet! At this moment, blood was flowing on his face, and he was waving the meteor hammer recklessly! He stared at Qin Ming with his remaining eyes! He was rushing towards him desperately!

Qin Ming expected that six bullets might not kill the enemy. After all, the opponent was a boss, so it was normal that he could not be killed.

But in the case of taking the initiative to attack, six close-range shots could not make the opponent lose his combat effectiveness? This was completely beyond Qin Ming's expectations!

Looking at the rapidly rotating meteor hammer, aiming at the BOSS who shot again, Qin Ming, who felt that his chest bones were about to break after just being hit, rolled away in a hurry.

With a bang, the meteor hammer hit the big tree behind Qin Ming, and the terrifying brute force smashed more than half of the thick tree trunk!

Rambo, who missed the shot, roared wildly, swung the rope and swept the meteor hammer out directly.

However, one eye was blinded, and the severe pain in his body caused his attack to lose accuracy.

The meteor hammer that swept out didn't hit Qin Ming at all, but smashed directly into the stone beside him.

The huge stone was smashed with cracks on the spot, and the stone meteor hammer was completely embedded in it. No matter how hard Rambo pulled, he couldn't pull it out.

The most fatal thing was that when he tightened the rope and pulled it, Qin Ming had already struggled to get up from the ground. He grabbed the rope without thinking, pointed the muzzle at it and fired a shot.

With a bang, the special rope was broken by a shot, and the weapon of meteor hammer was completely useless.

Qin Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and quickly turned the muzzle of the gun to aim at Rambo and fired wildly.

Rambo, who lost his weapon, also threw away the rope in his hand and rushed towards him desperately.

The first shot! The bullet hit Rambo's shoulder! He staggered violently! But he didn't stop!

Second shot! The bullet hit Rambo's body! Directly penetrate the entire body! Bring up a bloody arrow!

And this third shot! But he hasn’t had time to ejaculate yet! He was forcibly interrupted!

Rambo strode closer and bumped into Qin Ming hard. He grabbed his gun-holding wrist and forced the muzzle of the gun down, causing the bullet to only hit his thigh.

Taking this opportunity, he also used brute force to throw Qin Ming to the ground on the spot.

Looking at Qin Ming struggling desperately below him, Rambo's face covered with blood was extremely ferocious. One hand tightly controlled Qin Ming's gun-holding palm, and the other hand directly pinched Qin Ming's neck. , opened his big mouth and roared wildly.

Qin Ming, who was pinched until his face turned pale, struggled hard, but the hand holding the gun was pinned to the ground and could not be pulled out at all.

The other hand can move, but no matter how hard he attacks and hammers Rambo, he can't get the boss to loosen his grip at all.

Qin Ming is just a novice. He is only strong in weapons, and his own attributes are actually at the level of a rookie.

Even if it is doubled, at most it can only compete with elite monsters such as Fat Man and Knife Thrower, and it may not be possible to win.

Now facing a hidden BOSS in the second act whose attributes are even scarier than the boss at the end of the first act. Qin Ming is completely close to him. If he can outdo him, there will be trouble!

Even if you use your younger brother as bait, you can sneak up on the opponent and give him a bunch of bullets first! Qin Ming is still no match for this disabled BOSS!

Qin Ming, whose face was turned pale by the pinch, stared at the ferocious-looking BOSS in front of him with wide eyes, and the gun-holding palm that was tightly suppressed suddenly released.

The next second, the gun in his hand disappeared strangely and was put directly into the inventory, and then he took it out with his other free hand!

Turn the gun around! Directly on Rambo's temple!

In Rambo's suddenly widened and horrified eyes! A gunshot echoed throughout the woods!


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